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The moon is a ball of flat Earths in a spherical mirror. Also, reptoids.
I'm not sure how much more clear I can make that title. Flat earth. Mirror moon. If you like my videos, please consider supporting me on Patreon: ...
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|| Video ID:sTBg_n0-5aI

WHO: A global response to a global pandemic
WHO is uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests, treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19, while continuing our work to promote health and ...
World Health Organization (WHO)
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The Simpsons - Thank God, It's Doomsday (S16E19) |FULL VERSION|
Bru Ko
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Is the moon a reflection of a gigantic earth ?
This is a creative attempt to combine flat earth and the spherical concept.
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Antartica Reflection
Looking at the possibility of the moon being the reflection of a bigger earth. Check it out then please check out this video is the link....
Red Bricks
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|| Video ID:3MXE3_gKVy4

The Moon, our greater earth.
Ok this is Flat Earth next level, we are living in a small crater on the moon inside the sun. Here is the link to the video of Godgevlamste Willem from Belgium ...
Fatima Ezhar
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Title: Is the moon a reflection of a gigantic earth ?
Comments: 901
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Displaying 20 Results For

Demon Slayer
Excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor ,you just may be on to something hhmmm....
Show Comment | Likes: 83 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Nov 28 2018, 06:41:21

Dehavene Lanez
exactly ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIND BLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 03:18:21

Beautiful WarGoddess
This would explain why they keep talking about a new Earth
Show Comment | Likes: 75 | View Replies: 9 | Sat Jun 13 2020, 03:05:41
Rue Porter
@J P <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 16:52:56

Rue Porter
@J P here I give you the playlist. It’s confusing at first but like I said it gets easier with the consecutive videos.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 16:49:03

@Rue Porter what is the first episode?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 16:34:29

Rue Porter
@J P did it blow your mind? It did me p. I experienced such cognitive dissonance that I began shaking like tremors. Had to go outside and walk in woods to ground myself again. Please though watch the whole playlist even if you need to take breaks. It will rip your perception down to its foundations so you can rebuild it yourself. We have been so programmed, I’d argue brainwashed p, thtat most of us don’t even know we are. Stay free and healthy friend. If I can help you on this I will. I have referenced this to other works and it seems legit. The sun portal to parasite video and the other videos he does make the first ones more credible and add credence.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 16:25:07

Beautiful WarGoddess
@Trevor <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Dec 09 2020, 00:36:40

Rue Porter
Yeah they have been. I used to watch a ton of cosmos type stuff....till I learned the truth. 🙏🏻😇
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Wed Nov 25 2020, 19:30:48

Mukunda Ananda
Man! This is creepy. This is what I have been thinking all along and I just can´t express it because it sounds very crazy. The earth is both a ball and flat, that the world map is only a very small part of a gigantic world.
Show Comment | Likes: 27 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 07:51:38
even if its gigantic why does it need to be a ball? If we assume we dont know the real shape of the whole earth?
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 07:36:31

Anthony Soto
This is one of the best suggestions I have heard in a long time
Show Comment | Likes: 86 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Oct 28 2018, 15:00:25
Redundant Design
@godgevlamste Check out the Vedas. one of many old flat earth texts such as the bible except the Vedas is way way more detailed.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 14:31:28

thanks , in part three i explain the mechanics
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | Sun Oct 28 2018, 19:46:11

Deborah Holycross
Jon Levi sent me. I really love this theory! When I was a little girl I thought that the moon was a reflection of our earth. Little children know so much more before they have to go to school. As adults we have been taught to not question history books or our authority leaders, we are to obey. I'm so happy that this system has been cracking and splintering right in front of us. Now we finally have the freedom to search for some truth of this world. Thank you so much for your theory!
Show Comment | Likes: 132 | View Replies: 9 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 17:26:17
Rebecca Ringler
Children have imaginations, know the sun is close and subconsciously know the globe is Cgi. Education presents theory. Mainstream narrative as fact.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Nov 24 2020, 04:01:55

Harden Patch
Something that I don't understand about these "theories" is that they're called that. They can't even be called hypotheses. Theories are the best scientific explanations for the phenomena we observe, conspiracy theories like these ones are the complete opposite. They start by proposing we're being lied to by everybody, about something that has been rigorously tested to be disproven and passed every test, then try to make an explanation which fits into that assumption. Am I the only person that sees a problem here?<br /><br />You should definitely question everything you see and if found something that disproves what we were and still are taught at school, you've just won the Nobel prize because you've improved our understanding of reality! The round Earth theory has been tested rigorously and is beyond a reasonable doubt accurate, if you want to disprove it, don't do so with an idea based on presuppositions instead of an idea based on testable evidence.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:10:08

Dee Gee
Dont waste any time its being censeored daily,literally book burning in an attempt to change history and even the way the human body works is being lied about,hence cov1d i9
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 22:06:12

Valley Bear
So interesting, my first son used to point to the moon and say it's the earth and that's where we live. I tried telling him we call that the moon but he would still tell me "no that's the earth". He is 6 now and still believes the moon is the earth
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 06:20:37

Chris Miller
@Healthy Human I was the same. I found teachers don't like you questioning anything. Which left me thinking if they can't see the flaws but 13 year old me can, then they can't be that smart and I shouldn't trust them. Glad that stuck with me as I question everything now and it's served me well.
Show Comment | Likes: 14 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 11:52:26

dave piecknik
Jon Levi sent me ; Sven from belgian or Eric Von Daniken ?
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 04:48:28

Healthy Human
All my ideas now are based on the thoughts I had as a kid. I used to get into trouble in grade school cause I kept asking questions. I’d go back and forth with my teachers and they didn’t like it.
Show Comment | Likes: 12 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 08:16:56

trappedinroom 101
I’m here courtesy of Jon Levi too. This entire series of videos is a real eye opener. I’ve also been watching the FPV Angel channel and he shows how the sun we see (within our little biodome) and the seasons, are all created by a huge underground machine....and the Nasca lines/glyphs, when looked at in 3G, are actually the schematics and blueprint of the huge construct. I think if you combine this bigger picture shown here on this channel, with FPV’s construct within our small section of the’s getting awesomely creditable and likely. Now the biggest question is how do we get rid of the parasitic infection???<br /><br />I have a horrible suspicion that these Atlantans (as this channel quoted The emerald tablets of Thoth that they required payment in human blood) are about to be paid!!! Tom Hanks cryptically called these “The times of great sacrifice”...but I’m guessing that it doesn’t include his families blood! <br /><br />I keep thinking of the song lyrics “Wake me up when September ends!” We can all feel them orchestrating and manipulating us...I suspect it’s to conceal the upcoming mass blood sacrifice under natural causes!!!<br />Stay safe and take care hon.<br />🙂💕👍🏻🤗
Show Comment | Likes: 14 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 13:42:41

Read amadeo giannini's "worlds beyond the poles"
Show Comment | Likes: 26 | View Replies: 4 | Fri Nov 02 2018, 19:31:45
Here's the link to a kind person who has posted a video series of the book <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 09:13:14

Fernando Partridge
Cotton Wood Thanks for this! Awesome. 😁
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:07:10

Cotton Wood
<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 01:49:00

DMTrip Report
This idea has just made a big comeback, I think you deserve a little credit for that.
Show Comment | Likes: 13 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 14:57:57
come back? I've been pondering this for years. And so glad I found this channel. Come back, you mean that's been around for.... how long?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 11:20:11

johan bach
You have a very courageous, creative mind, which is exactly what we need. I'm going to watch more of your videos for sure.
Show Comment | Likes: 26 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 21:52:35

sly dankass
its much easier to fictionalize the truth than to outright censor it. imagine that the bigger earth did have dragons and difderent creatures and everything that is foction was actually reality and history goes back much much farther they just made these fairy tales to subvertthw truth, not remove it
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 02:33:34
Maria Juana
It would explain how massive dragons and other beasts as shown by Roger at mudfossil university could exist.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 08:24:14

Joseph Medearis
And what if we know more about “space” than the ocean because the ocean has caves that lead to the other ecosystems and that’s why you always hear about ufos being in the ocean and shit.🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 18 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Mar 22 2018, 00:09:25

More like the other eco systems are protected from us XD
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 18:34:14

Clayton Matt
Can't a person get in a boat or plane and travel east/west until said person returns to their starting point? Haven't many people done this? That is the first thought that comes to my mind upon seeing this theory. Alternatively, I never understood how I can sometimes see the sun + the moon at the same time and not always on opposite horizons but sometimes a good 30 degrees or more from the horizon. Wouldn't that suggest that the opposite side can see neither? I don't know I guess I'm skeptical of all the theories
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 02:01:35

I think it’s a very good theory, it could explain a lot.i like your way of thinking
Show Comment | Likes: 12 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 13:07:05

Lucas Pickford
I think it’s absolutely brilliant personally. Fascinating.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jun 13 2020, 22:56:58

Southern Ontario Sasquatch
Absolutely mind-blowing concept! THANK YOU for sharing this incredible concept with us, and doing all the work you are doing. I heard about you from Jon Levi and I am grateful for his recent video. I look forward to watching all of your videos!! Cheers, LeeAnn :)
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 01:19:57

Barristan Selmy
There's some pretty stupid videos on You Tube, then there's this.
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 09:38:20

havingnever considered any of this , it came to me in a dream , over the course of a few days (multiple visions) almost exactly how you describe it. I looked through my telescope , to discount the ridiculous notion i had put together in my head but as soon as I got focused on the "moon" I knew implicitly I was on to something. Now , to see there are others being enlightened , so to speak, I
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 17 2019, 03:10:02

Jack Raves
I watched with a big smile on my face. By the way: there are many theories about a hollow planet earth, with a different “race “, which might even explain the many UFO’ that do not come from OUTER space but from inside...🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 29 2020, 20:40:58

Boris Kelman
Not criticizing... Just questioning. If the moon is a reflection of the earth, how is earth just a crater of it? Put differently, if the whole moon is meant to represent the whole earth... how then, on the moon, if the moon is the earth, is earth represented by just one crater? And what do you make of Polaris now that you think earth is Sirius? And if earth is sirius, that would make the moon sirius. No?
Show Comment | Likes: 13 | View Replies: 3 | Mon May 21 2018, 03:03:11
Very excited about this channel, because I have been thinking about this same theory for about 5 years now. In my theory I speculate that it's flat, planar, but when we look up, since the waters and whatever is going on above is curved, we got that type of "round" looking spotlight of a view. To me the moon is in deed a reflection, but a spotlight reflection of where the apparent sun is shining. And why does it look round up there? The curved reflection. Why is it in a black sky? Look up this on Gaggle, "panoramic photos 360 degrees aerial view drone photos". Here I did it for you: <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 11:24:32

Chi Funk
The Dogon people say they came from Sirius or something!? The plot thickens.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 21 2020, 23:18:24

Speak Life
Bcuz earth is bigger than we are told our little tiny bit we are made to think is the entire earth is merely a speck on earth a crateof earth therefor or tiny earth willonly be a tiny speck of the grand schem of earththey are hiding the rest of earth
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 05:34:52

Here today on Jon Levi's recommendation. Great introduction. Looking forward to much more. Keep on rockin'.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 21:27:20

Were you referred by someone on MrMbb333's channel? I was.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 22:51:54

Richard Simonton
I think your totally crazy and that's a wonderful thought and I love all your work and ties as you expose the lies and uncle Walt 😂🤣 and the yellow brick road, flipping the continents Genius!! Your Brilliant. the theory the absolutely terrifying. I'm so grateful John Levi suggested your channel. I'm excited for your next piece!
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 17:14:25
Kimberly Billington
Dude me to too! I was skeptical- then I came here and my mind has been blown every single video!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Nov 05 2020, 00:32:41

George Acu
Since the Sun, as local Luminary, does illuminate only less than half of the surface of flat Earth at once, that dark portion, which always exists, but moves according to the position of the Sun, should also be present reflected on the Moon. No such dark area is seen on the Moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 05:52:06
George Acu
@Иван К Local - the one you can see on the local sky. I don't know if there is a moon of the gigantic Earth. There might be; if and when it eclipses the big sun, that would explain local moon eclipses when the local sun has not set yet - selenelions.<br />We'll figure them out, I'm sure.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 18:12:16

Иван К
@George Acu you mean there is a local moon and more distant?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 17:59:12

George Acu
@Иван К Actually, today I figured out that the local moon reflects the position of the big sun, which has a cycle of about 28 crater days (1 day on the big Earth).
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 17:47:18

Иван К
That is if you belive there is only one sun or one moon...
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 17:37:02

fethi boukhari
The moon is a close-up still image of the"inside the liquid ceiling above"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Nov 22 2020, 10:56:30

Mik C
Just introduced to you by Jon levi. Always game on new cogent perspectives. Your is akin to Sturgeous Studio 10. Look forward to your presentation.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 20:28:41

Wow incredible and i believe it! Great work, just came over from JonLevi channel. Thank you so much keep up the good work.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 22:29:58

Have you ever heard of the Sag Nac effect?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Dec 19 2020, 14:47:30

Truth Detective
This might just mean that the moon missions weren't hoaxes after all !
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Feb 15 2019, 20:31:11
Rebecca Ringler
This sounds like Martin Kenny stuff too, but it means going outward through the firmament and they are not going to explain it if this is what they are doing.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Jul 04 2020, 23:32:45

Fantastic awesome research. Thank you godgevlamste. Was watching JonLevi channel when he gave you a shout out. Keep up the great work.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 23:57:08

Satisfied Drifter
Your cool bro ,i love your imagination .lets make this the new world order .peace out
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 10:11:34

Chris Miller
Interesting. Makes me think of the transparent moon we see often. Or it not always being where it's supposed to be in the sky.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 11:48:36

Do you have any idea what you could see from the inside of a sphere coated with a reflective layer? Obviously not. Look it up, you'd be surprised.
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 11:41:04
Frank Kleij
certainly you will NOT see a global reflection when shining on a reflective ball surface. from a certain point of view you will just see one spot. but never a complete ball. Use your eyes as they are intended when looking at the moon. When it is halfway you see just half a moon, while if it is sphere you should see a shaded part and an enlighted part.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 19:43:46

Dev B
So, you have access to arguably the best beer in the world (Westvleteren 12)... any chance that played a part in this video?
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 15:34:19

Happy Corona-Virus
Amazing videos. One question, maybe you answered it: If the Moon is a reflection of us, how come when you zoom in on that crater, you don't see the water and continents? Of course, i am just beginning to watch your stuff, )made aware of by...Jon Levi), maybe by watching further i will get my answer. Thanks brother.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 4 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 00:54:09

Right To Censor
idiot... look up a solar eclipse.... wanna explain how a reflection blocks out the SUN?
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 19:40:20

Saul Goodman
He said if the moon is 5 billion years old and we are seeing the reflection of when it was 170 million years old?
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Sep 21 2020, 00:51:04

Juneight Dincer
I totally agree with you. I have been pondering this earth creater idea after seeing the videos; and then boom I thought that we should see this creater zooming in with all the water and the continents. real stuff is different but we are almost there to figure it out.....
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 02:00:04

Sharron Leigh
Years back watch this dudes video on his astro traveling experiences, he said that the earth is both round and flat depending on how you look at it, I never quite new what he meant by that until now.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Dec 11 2020, 02:31:56

CoMiX oF 2mOrRoW
I can definitely agree you're on to something. What the government and NASA says are lies ,we know this already
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Jan 24 2018, 00:27:33

Daniel Tucker
I was thinking the same thing. That's why I looked up this subject/ video... Maybe the sun is a reflection of earth also. One with our burning atmosphere that we are unable to fly through and the other a reflection of a reflection which is the moon
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jan 30 2018, 12:28:12

Christopher Weakley
I recently heard a similar suggestion about the moon is a reflection of earth which consists of realms on a flat plain.This Realms layout is the Brochere map at Disneyworld or Disneyland.The maps Main gate exit is the way out of our realm. Keepn it REAL! :-)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 03 2020, 05:06:34

"creative" seems right since that's what we call shit that's been made up.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 02:15:16

Super Digital Tv
I came to this rationalization a few months ago observing the moon in Hawaii
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 10 2020, 02:27:40

Chet Brown
Some one on mind unveiled recommended your channel. Liking it so far!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 04 2020, 05:51:01

Jan Niejadlik
I swear, it's the best concept ever. This should be instructed to kids in the schools. Very nice. Thank you...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Dec 16 2020, 16:48:00

Tim Elliott
I love it, but how do we account for the moon phases we see
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 17 2020, 10:37:11

Kimi Thomas
This makes more sense than anything else I've heard I appreciate all the time and effort you put into researching to get this information as Love and Truth are the only things that matter. Though them anything is possible.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 18:01:39

Im from belgium too, vlaanderen, i just watched couple of your videos very interesting.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 01:52:49

Leita Jones
I have heard a few speak about the moon is a reflection of the Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Nov 26 2020, 05:33:50

Mark P
Amazing how you put this truth up over 3 years ago. The elites have other reasons for not telling people. Their narcissism for a start.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 13:02:50

I love your theory, It makes perfect sense both flat and round! As in Tolkien's Silmarillion the undying land of the first age Aman vanished, maybe we were once connected to the "outside world" but then it became invisible or inaccessible. Maybe what awaits us is beautiful and not scary at all. Well done Holmes! I look forward to more of your incredible insights as I go through your videos.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 14 2020, 00:58:13

Kenny Freeman
It's not a theory, it's a hypothesis. A theory is tested and the product of what was observed. You are a simple minded moron. Get help.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:50:25

This is a very interesting point of view. Question. What about eclipses?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 01:47:23

Jon Levi recommended your excellent channel. To both of you. THANK YOU!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 07:28:00

G North
I just got put onto your site. I’m intrigued! Watching more, I’m fascinated by your video about the moon vs the stars. Keep up your work!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 27 2020, 06:07:39

The Soul Garden
This is fucking awesome mate! Well done! I'm hooked on it vids from this one.. I had this kinda thought that the earth is bigger than we are told.. kinda makes ALOT of sense.. but you've now just push my brain to a new level. ;) still wish someone could prove it, but hey till then keep this theary live man! Good work..p.s liked, comment, subscribed 😎
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 02 2019, 23:13:06

Sam Rowbotham
Jonesseno has been making vids with models expostulating the same idea.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 09:09:01

christopher vitan
I think it's really a flat moon, The Government is hiding 🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 12:58:58

Omar Padilla
Wow!! Very very very interesting!!! I'm intrigued. Very refreshing!.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 06:10:51

Ben Porter
Man you been getting subs like crazy! Keep crushing brother!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 04:21:59

Suzana Radu
I think you're not that far from the truth.Thank you and I mean it.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 22 2020, 07:46:51

Angel Vianne DeWolfe
Its as good a theory as any. Anything is possible✌💕
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 03 2020, 10:57:30

Witam :-) Zaczynam przygodę z kraterem. Dziękuję <3 i pozdrawiam.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 02 2020, 06:09:11

Much respect to the dopest dude in Belgium!! & of course The JonLevi The Great. It’s truly uplifting to find the rare warriors with the courage to share the treasures discovered on their paths, but after reading a bit comments, truly inspiring to find much words of a humanity I’m proud to stand with!! Let’s keep seeking truth WHEREVER it leads
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 07:08:20

Milan W
Mate u made my day since i found your profile and videos ! Thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 12:40:28

Jose Bonilla
Last episode of the anime Hunter Hunter or Hunter X has this exact map. You have to see it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 16:28:04

Mongo Slade
Glad I REFOUND this B4 it was taken down AGAIN.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 01:59:25

@Constantine Soldatos i hope you don't have children , because i would pitie them with a father like you
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sun Mar 03 2019, 16:19:38

Vincenzo Baiano
L'ho sempre pensato che la luna riflettesse come uno specchi ..tutto quello che c'è intorno a noi
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 28 2019, 10:44:40

Constantine Soldatos
@godgevlamste The full moon cycle alone (besides the fact that you're a complete moron) debunks your ''theory''. You can clearly SEE the full moon cycle with your naked eyes, how do you explain the fact that we don't get several days of constant daylight and several days of constant nightime each month? Please don't procreate.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 16:22:37

This dude's comments make this comment that much better xD wah! You're all brainwashed!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 12 2018, 22:39:41

it means i'm 99,99 percent sure i'm right , and you're all brainwashed !!
Show Comment | Likes: 12 | Fri May 25 2018, 19:53:01

M o
You answered yes in response to "no", so you agree
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Fri May 25 2018, 16:52:09

yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!
Show Comment | Likes: 9 | Fri May 25 2018, 15:27:01

M o
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 06:03:10

David Murphy
I, pondering on the conceptualisation hereby submitted and needlessly employing a resplendent and verbacious abundance of lexicon, would respond in the n-n-n-negatory.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 23:56:06

stephanie colbert
so glad i heard abt ur channel from anotger channel....... i love it didnt it say in the bible abt the firmament and the plains?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 20:40:21

Blue pillin N chillin !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 19:37:55

ody oden
I know that what people are Seeing in the Sky seem to be some kind of Projection and those same "things are All Over the Moon and Earth!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Feb 07 2020, 03:28:12

Robed Rebel
This is truly a gift! If you have an open mind and a shut mouth, you can then and only then use your own dissernment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 20 2020, 11:19:53

Scotty Barker
Jon Levi sent me, now going through all your videos :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 07:10:59

Hu Arwe
Question.. if the moon is a reflection of of the earth why is it's light frequency different to the Sun.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 20 2020, 11:21:29

Joy Taylor
yes, and it shows us way more land in the reflection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 06 2018, 07:46:59

David Grainger
Except a sun that distant on an earth so big we wouldn't have seasons, the sun is local.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 18 2020, 10:06:04

Chris W
This is in line with my collection information. It makes sense. I remember as a child in the 60’s, one teacher showed us the map with Antarctica around the outer edge like we were in a crater, then the teacher had us cut and fold it to become round. I think she knew something. It wasn’t from our book. It was one of our Friday fun day projects. You took me back decades, and this makes sense. It also makes sense why if we are ascending to 5D, and if we weren’t ready, they had a plan—the plan to eliminate us would be easy. I hope this is close to reality. We need the freedom of leaving/entering and advanced technologies the rest of the planted likely has. Thank you!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 02:35:10
Chris W
..the rest of the PLANET likely has, is what I meant in my previous comment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 02:37:12

Pit Ambara
ı am back... your video is short and sweet.... and compromises experience and observation... there is much ignorance in the flat earth community... and much lying being done by Nasa... ............. there seems to be no explanation of eclıpses and moon phases by flat earth... but the idea that we are a rock flying around a flying sun seems off... when we have the experience of time and order.... there is order and chaos... order is not lucky... so we have theısm which makes sense... and many can feel that reality... those that cant.. it feels very strange the whole God story.... we have a lot to discover and ı do not know what people know... people who are not going to tell you straight.. people who would probably cover it up... like they cover up terrorist attacks... the conspiracy theorists are not quacks... and you know it.... you lie to yourself when you mock using those two words......... who am ı talking to anyway... maybe ı smoked something our dear director of this wonderful creative video did... haha.... and maybe thats not such a bad thing.. is it
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 17:03:09

What if we live on Humpty Dumpty, but we are too small to realize it. What if he fell off the wall and all the alien knights came. What if water is not water, but rock and rock is Vodka? The elite call it Vodka on the rocks, so that is certainly a fact now...
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Aug 31 2018, 15:22:33

Amy Elizabeth
Have you heard of The Urantia Book? When explaining our Solar System, this sounds a little familiar to this Theory that you are expressing. I think at this point anything is plausible, being that we have not been told the truth about anything. I too would rather be told the truth than the lies! 🌱
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 20 2020, 16:38:19

Yoel Fingerer
Watching from Israel 🇮🇱❤ Gitmo channel sent me
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 05:14:12

Gavin da jya jya
7:03 in the below link looks like the plasma belt.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 29 2020, 15:52:15

Sorry I don't get it, we are a pimple on the moons face? I'll keep looking thank you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 14 2020, 10:20:56

becky doesit
How do you explain shadows from the craters on the Moon. They're always cast away from the direction of the Sun, as if it's the Sun's light that is casting them. And are you suggesting that Earth is but one world within the firmament and that Earth shares the same exact Sun as every other world?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 07:33:42

there is nothing to see there , watch my third video <br /><a href=""></a><br />because of time - diletion you see the earth of the past : before life occured
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Mar 23 2018, 12:16:09

Remon Noway
I agree! The idea the earth is bigger then we know always resonated with me! Like living in a petrydish and every spot is a microcivilisation! Gods own little experiment! ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 02:40:16

Ilkka Friman
Where does this gigantic earth is. Is it in the space? I like your idea. Something new. Great.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 12:32:28

Rhonda Johnson
Ok, i've been binge watching and WOW.....Someone told me about this channel and Jon Levi, whom I value his work has recommended your channel. Wow, Wow, Wow
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 17:46:41

Emz 3103
Makes sense when you think about the twenty ft giants and they used the stem cells to create Adam and Adams DNA to create eve. To till the earth in the garden of Eden (beyond) which was interestingly to the east. The clouds and weather are created under the force field, the moon is a reflection and the only thing outside is the sun. If earth is enormous, which I think you are 💯 correct then it makes sense that the people were too. I think another craters got flooded and everyone came to earth hence the David n Goliath in the Bible. It would also account for the different languages and colours? I think they're planning to leave this part of earth and go to the other bit. Something strange is definitely going on, maybe it's going to flood again? Thousands of children are being stolen without a trace. Maybe they're using them for a working class society they can leave and leave the rest of us here with a new virus or disaster. Maybe it's time for another reset? One thing for sure something big is about to go down
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 16 2020, 09:15:43

jon moore
love the comments n this makes more sense than nasa n explains why they were praising the black sun
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 09:33:04

Fisty McBeefPunch
Keep these videos coming! You are exposing the truth with your truth bombs. I work with this guy who knows a guy who is in the Illuminati, and he said they are pissed that you are putting out the truth!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 04 2018, 16:08:51

Tanya Carbajal
So when the astronauts were flying around the moon and they heard the moon ringing like a bell, they were hearing the echo of the earth's sound bouncing off the biosphere.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 01 2020, 11:08:22

Eve Again
Just when I thought I'd heard the most stupid ideas possible from flat earthers, you present this, beyond stupid.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 08:27:51

First things first as I watch on. Plasma Belt? Same as firmament? Still much more to your theory and thought to understand. I must default to the Book of Enoch and the many references in the Bible for comparisons. Your theory and those two references which represents truth must line up for me to believe this. Fascinating though and worth a little time to understand.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 20:14:46

Joshua Loveless
If anything out of all the surrounding "bio craters" (I came up with that term) What if we are at the bottom being kept in the dark, enslaved. Only a select few get to travel to other Bio craters. Such as anyone that has joined the 27 club ie: John Lennon, 2 Pac, Elvis, Kurt Cobain. Just a thought.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 22:27:11

Ooch Pinnock
I've seen a similar theory but the shadowy patches on the moon are reflections of the true land masses on earth. The video I saw managed to overlay the continents very well onto the shadows with some anomolies which could be hidden land masses that we are not allowed to be aware of.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 10 2020, 15:13:21

Brian's Logic
Often throughout spirituality in ancient times the moon 🌙 is referred to as a mirror, but your taking this piece of knowledge ( which has relevance ) and turning it into a new sci-fi series.... How could The Moon 🌙 reflect something so much bigger than it, even the size of the globe model ? Your not showing any proof to back up your claim, your just using a piece of Spiritual knowledge, and mixing it into your story....
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jan 07 2019, 15:05:06
He didn't say that the moon was reflecting the earth's image. The moon IS earth's reflection off of the Firmament...see, making sense now
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 15:48:41

alberto reverberi
Fascinating and plausible theory. But how is the movement of wandering stars or planets justified (if they are all craters)?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 25 2020, 20:27:35

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:44:07

Doc Holliday
You forgot the next sphere that is protecting us from the sea of fire. There is actually no sun, it's just light leaking through the hole in the next sphere from the sea of fire.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 06:30:41

This seems to be a piece of the plasmabelt. I think, it's less a plasmabelt and more a mirror on the dome. A piece of the dome fell off; someone holds it in his hand. People once saw the moon through this piece of mirror.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 13 2019, 22:24:59

tip number two , be polite !! well i'm always nice ..........? euhhhh ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 16:40:17

P Rob
Anyone have a suggestion as to what order I should watch his videos ? Thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 12:05:48

Scott Johnson
Congratulations. You have finally done something I've been wait decades for. You came up with an idea that makes all the flat earths look intelligent by comparison. Well done.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 4 | Sat Jun 02 2018, 21:31:58
@godgevlamste well you are the type of person to vote for trump so innhis place i would take it as a copliment
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 19:50:27

I thank you for being an even bigger asshole than Trump !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jul 12 2018, 07:50:30

Scott Johnson
You thank me for saying you are dumber then flat earthers? Whatever floats your ark.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Jul 11 2018, 23:14:42

J.M. K.
Je hebt een rijke fantasie, je zou kinder-, fantasieboeken moeten gaan schrijven. Dit is echt puur onzin.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 18 2018, 10:17:02

Mr D
Very creative.. I like it.  I'd love to see a good picture of a crater that fits better into the theory... Look forward to that. Thank you.Incectoid, Reptiloid, Dynoid, Nordic,  and so on.... Well, I'd love to see the movie.  Game of biospheres.  : )
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 18:26:46
if truth came out , it would be game of biospheres ;-)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 20:05:19

Bobbie Cruz
WOOPS! What a gigantic new rabbit hole did I find here? Makes me wonder how far away the reflection is, how far would we be looking into the past? Can we actualy get clear images somehow?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 11:59:49

Chris Bond
Is there anyway that you could do an explanation of what the heavens would look like to another biosphere. Would that biosphere have a 'polaris' that it's 'heavens' would revolve around? I can't picture it in my mind and am still bat-sh*t crazy amazed that you could picture this theory enough to put it into an understandable model.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 06:14:53

La Negra Montoro
Have you ever observed the moon through a telescope? 😒
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 04 2019, 20:51:29
i have , here is the visual report of it <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Mar 05 2019, 07:53:00

English Vietnamese With Mimi
Great upload i agree with you based on all the research I've done. And the moon only appears to be a circle because we live under a curved dome. The curve of the gigantic dome makes the reflection appear like a circle. So the gigantic Ice earth we live on might not even be round. I can't even imagine the size of the actual thing, it would have to be large enough to separate all the different suns. Based on the image of the moon? It looks bigger than I can fathom. On a less serious note maybe there is some truth to the story of Lokie Laufeyson which is sounds very familiar to Lucifer. Maybe the story of Odin really isn't that far off. Maybe heaven really is called Asgard and we really do live on Jotun. What makes me believe the reflection of the moon being the earth the most is for like 60 years we have seen images of the earth presented to us by NASA and it's like every 5 years they come out with a different image that looked nothing like the last image. Making me believe that they're indeed all faked. However the moon? NEVER moves, and never changes. Leading me to believe yes indeed. It's probably a reflection of Jotun(lol) on the dome. Anyway thanks to anyone who read my comment.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Mar 20 2019, 05:07:37

Fading Roses Blues Tristeza
STERGIOS STUDIO 10 Do you know him? You blew my mind when I first saw your videos and I'm still learning. Keep weeeeell
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 10 | Tue Mar 24 2020, 20:02:03
@godgevlamsteCalling someone a troll for making the simple observation that some dude is claiming the earth is a crater on the moon must be on some sort of recreational drugs is amusing. I'm sorry your theory is whack and denies all observational reality, that doesn't make me a troll.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 17:01:46

@DrunkAtheist no problem , go troll yourself in the mirror
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 16:52:09

@DrunkAtheist sure , you are a very nice person !!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 16:38:35

@godgevlamste If you feel humiliation from my comment, then perhaps its just the insanity from your theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 15:36:11

@DrunkAtheist No , you are a troll because you enjoy to humiliate other human beings .
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 15:27:28

@godgevlamste Uh huh I'm a troll because you think earth is a crater on the moon. Perfectly legit
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 15:03:05

@DrunkAtheist no , learning that alcohol makes you a troll
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 14:56:46

Learning what, that drugs severely inhibit coherent thought?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 11 2020, 11:31:38

thanks !! , i looked at sergios , but in my opinion he is on the wrong track .Greets
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 25 2020, 08:09:44

thanks Jake , here is one American not infected by the Parasite .<br /> , all the info i'm getting is coming from the states , you might be stronger than you think !! Keep it going<br />You are right about the size of the crater . I think the whole starmap will fit on the moon . Just find the right place , the right size to put the first dot .Better photo of " the moon " , better photo of Polaris would be helpfull , maybe i should mail Nasa ? <br />i think they have already all the answers .
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 18:33:47

Jake Letzler
godgevlamste, YouTube never gave me a notification of this last message you sent..but since I subscribed I have watched your part 2 already. Found this message when I came back to this video to make sure to give it a 👍. Tell me, if you can get a better pic of Polaris one day, do you think you could super impose it onto different spots on the moon? Aside from getting a much better pic, the most difficult part of doing this would be figuring out what size to make the pic of Polaris when you're trying to find its matching shapes on the moon "reflection of our planet". Also, to keep in mind, if it truly is a reflection then the shapes may be turned around, like when we look into a mirror..but then the pic you have (or find) may already be the same way too, so you wouldn't have to flip anything.<br /><br />I envy you bro. With all the GMOs, tainted water and cell phone activity going on in the U.S. for so long..most of us here have lost the drive and compasity to think outside our programing the way you have.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 18:00:35

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:43:44

Ok Jake <br />I misunderstood you concerning the moon being a rock , sorry about that .<br />I see on your comments that you are digging in the same direction as me and many others ,<br />Let”s join forces ! The truth will prevail !!! Maybe we can use this “ theory “ to knock out the “elites “<br />And take back our reality .<br />Interesting what you said about things that are far away look like they are up in the sky , then the perception of earth might be curving up instead of down and then every star might be another caldera ( the water reflecting ) .What would mean the earth is even more gigantic !!<br />Than the polar star would be our opposite caldera on the globe ? <br />I think we are getting close !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 07:34:23

Jake Letzler
godgevlamste, No bro. I didn't say anything about the moon being a rock. I said that I think the parts of this planet in-between these calderas probably look as lifeless as we see the moon looking..which would actually go well with what you've said about the moon being Earth's reflection. As far as what you just said about Mars..I pretty much agree with that too. I once watched a vid that stated that something far enough away will actually appear to look like it's up in the distant sky. I don't think I'd want to walk though. Maybe a Zeppelin? There have also been stories about visitors from other "districts" of this planet. The one thing they have in common is tattoos hat look like star charts. If we are in a caldera then we can only see the stars above it. And the proof of this would be the FACT that this hole we are in is highly associated with the Big Dipper constillation. So for one to know they are going in the correct direction they would follow their known "map" of the associated constillations in relevance to where they intended to go, then follow in reverse to get back. Plus you can't loose a map if it's tattooed to your person.<br /><br />Like I said in my previous comment, I agree with your theory and as of yet have not heard you theorize anything I would want to contest. Please re-read my last comment now that you've read this one to fully understand this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 00:20:44

Ok Jake , thanks for the reply<br />I think we agree on the fact that we live on a greater ball than we are told .<br />Probably , as i may have understood ,you think that the moon is a rock , pretty much the same shape of earth wirh several calderas .I think personnaly that the moon might be a lightreflection of earth .<br />I agree that we are kept here like slaves and that the “elites ‘ already know what is out there .Probably they will have already established colonies out there .if you know the story of Andrew D Basiago , he thinks he has been on Mars .He says Mars has oxygen and there are several species there , like a sort of small dinosaurs and a sort of humanoid .Nobody believes him of course ! But what if he was told he was on Mars , but in fact he was on another biosphere on earth , that might be indicating that they have colonies on the bigger earth .And you don’t need some extravagant spaceships or space-gates to get there .Just go on foot and you might get there eventually.<br />So they will try to make us believe they will go to Mars , when instead they will be 20000 miles further on planet earth .What a scam : NASA = NAZI !!<br />Let”s keep on looking for truth !! greets
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Sep 14 2017, 09:06:33

Jake Letzler
godgevlamste, this has been my favorite theory lately as well. Goes well with the saying, "put 2 & 2 together. Also goes well with "size proportion" and a story in "The Book of Enki". As well as a vid called "There are no Forests on Earth". Huge trees that once existed who's stumps are now petrified and called mountains. Trees would only get that big in the first place (as well as other living creatures) if and only if the planet was size proportionate to them. In The Book of Enki there is a story that says this planet was once huge before another planet slammed into it long ago. If the planet was huge and the trees were huge then how bout' them volcanoes? The story says this planets water fell into space after the collision. That not only explains the astroid belt but also explains where all the comets came from and why they have always been stuck in our system going around our sun like a planet.<br /><br />But say some of the massive amounts of water was trapped in the calderas of these huge volcanoes. It'd be like an ant living in a caldera as we know them today. Being told this is the world and if you try to look beyond what we say then we will kill you. Not much different than what's happening to us right now. So the water in this caldera creates the properties of what flat Earthers have been saying yet it is part of what was once a round planet. Like a bowl of cereal embedded into a large exercise ball. Except the ball was torn up quite a bit in the past. Now with the water stuck inside this huge caldera it forces lava to find new and smaller routes to the surface, creating the "size proportionate" volcanos as we see them today. Also with a smaller living quarters for life to fluirish, like trees, they too are forced to become more "size proportionate" to their surroundings.<br /><br />Now let's talk about NASA. Of course they can get just high enough to give us an image of us in this hole and call us a round ball but they know and use the law of point of prospective. Which means we can only see so far. Then knowing they're the king's of lies, they say to look "out there" deep into space for life when they know it's just around the corner in another water filled caldera. Just keeping us looking in the wrong direction. Put all this together and that wall around us wouldn't be to protect us from outsiders. It would be to keep us penned up like animals..or slaves. I'm thinking that the lands between these water filled, life flourishing calderas looks a lot like the moon. I'm also thinking that this planet could have started out as big as Jupiter before it was partially destroyed by a massive collision. Giving any of this could be fact, I think we could have originally came to this caldera from a nother caldera long ago. Then of course had all memories of this wiped away from our history as so to feel insignificant and succumb to the slavery system we find ourselves in to this day.<br /><br />But this is just what I think. I like your vid. Please consider what I've said here as you further your research on this matter.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 14 2017, 06:55:23

thanks ! it has some crazy consequences if you think about it !!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Sep 10 2017, 08:14:51

Bryan Mordt
Consider the synopsis of this movie and biospheres/controllers...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 21 2020, 17:42:11

Martin Valt
The moon as a reflection is very obvious when you consider that on many photos and videos sometimes stars, clouds and birds are visible behinde the moon. This is only possible when the moon is not a solid rock but rather a reflection/projection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 05:14:21

Keep ducking... you don't want all this bullshit to stick to you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 24 2019, 03:42:41

Brilliant theory, it resonates with me which scares the crap out of me but like you, I want the truth. Thank you for this amazing video.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 02:23:52

Muzaffar Krylov
Yeah, and if my grandmama had wheels, she'd be a wagon!
Show Comment | Likes: 19 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Mar 08 2018, 16:24:11

Maria Juana
Maybe the light is lost when viewed in our atmosphere from our plane.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 08:26:01

When you thought the Flat Earth was the dumbest concept for Earth...
Show Comment | Likes: 27 | View Replies: 7 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 15:58:43
Zaryal Ace
Easy to hold onto your beliefs if you are receiving trillions of dollars each year for an archaic experiment that has been going on since the 60s.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 20:29:48

The Searcher
@Barbro He's using the jackhammer to create a crater. Never knock the creative, ya cretin!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 14:19:50

@FUN GUY Something is clearly affecting you. Heavy doses of ambients are my best guess or alcohol. Or both at the same time. Or you are typing while using a jackhammer.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 02:15:21

Jeez i nevervtrolled people for it thrvanger hateful slitefullness that is chemically altering these people behavior to be this effected bysomeghing that effects them in nowaybis truly dumbfounding
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed May 06 2020, 14:07:06

What if the stars are just other enclosed systems reflecting of the waters above
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 10 | Mon Jan 15 2018, 21:38:45

The very begining you invalidate anything else you say by essentially saying "two opposite hypothesis's are both right". Thats quite literally impossible. You may want to take your tin foil hat off and seek mental help.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 14:37:49
@Mary Smith two opposite hypothesis cant be right sorry that you have been failed by the american education system
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 19:51:44

Mary Smith
Again with the literally. If you can't use that word correctly, you are not smart. All you have is your ability to attack someone and call them crazy. Some of the most brilliant minds in history were a little off (according to society standards.) Obviously, you're not one of them, trapped inside your little box.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Aug 16 2018, 22:44:44

r m
Where are you getting the reflection of the greater earth. How is there a reflection and who made the reflection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 24 2020, 04:53:25

Vividness/Vivi’s mess
@godgevlamste Your thesis rings so true with me. Been pondering for a while. You know, the correct definition of the word extraterrestrial actually says it all. Logically there must be a lot more ‘Extra Terra’ out there. It does also fit with Antarctica, and with the ‘moon worshiping’ of certain groups. And actually, come to think about it, I suspect that both the moon controlling our oceans, and the hormonal cycle of women, will turn out to fit in nicely with your reflection thesis as well.. Thank you so much for everything you do. Found you via Jon Levi. Thank you, @Jon Levi Greetings from Denmark
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 09:49:56

theContainer &theContents
i think this is an excellent psyop, and would make an awesome movie. It's a cool sci fi idea. and it is a scary and cool idea, and it's kinda true to the degree that surely the world is much bigger than we've been told and our current maps. we will always be stuck in speculation until people just start going to argentina and try sailing for the exit. it amazes me there's not already tons of people regularly attempting it. what are you all waiting for? anyone close to there -- go. try it. there's nothing else to say. we can speculate forever, we'll never know until we try to go and see whatever we see.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 06:29:36

David Garcia
I like it I think you're all right I think we are a reflection of the Moon meaning Earth I like the way you think
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 12:27:05
thanks , there are 5 parts about the same theory ! greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 13:50:01

Ashoud Anobetah
man i need what you are having,,,,, i just jumped out my window and gravity was still there hahahahahahaahaha
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 6 | Sat Oct 28 2017, 18:49:32
ronnie .p
That's density . Also their was nothing holding you up so of course your going to fall down .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 06 2020, 02:34:34

zengerz, I have a few questions I would like you to answer. On a flat earth without gravity, what makes down down? So we know dense things fall down and less dense things rise up, but why do those objects behave in that way? What holds that flat disc that is the earth in place, and us in relation to it? Would love to hear your insights on this matter.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:01:29

Kenny Freeman
Richard Cramer, I don't typically condone making fun of people. However, I've tried having logical debates with these people, and it's a waste of time. The only way to set them straight is to remind them of their place in the world. The scientific community has a consensus which is something the supposed FE community can't even accomplish. Their mindset is detrimental to humanity, and I won't stand for the spread of this type of misinformation. To think they have some type of knowledge that most of the world doesn't posses, yet they don't even understand what they're arguing against is ridiculous. There are people much more intelligent than you, me, or any FE'er, and they except the globe model as is. It's fine to seek truth and doubt the government, but when it reaches the level were you ignore facts, it's dangerous.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 13:18:16

Richard Cramer
Kenny Freeman, I hate to admit I really enjoyed your responses to zengerz. I hate to admit it because I was taught you shouldn't make fun of the mentally challenged, so I guess that makes me a bad person or sadist. It was apparent to me that the fact that he did not finish school is a sore point and probably triggered his over the top come back in the first place. You only rubbed salt into the wound with your hilarious McDonalds remark, though I think he could also qualify as a manual laborer. It's one of my pet theories (colloquial definition, not scientific theory) that conspiracy theorists like zengerz become so as a self-esteem defense mechanism. They would rather believe that their general lack of success in life is the result of a worldwide Satanic Illuminati conspiracy than to attribute it to any mental deficiencies on their part.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 09:47:18

Kenny Freeman
Zengerz, Your level of intelligence is obvious. You didn't make one valid argument or any sense in what you said. The statements you have made show you lack of understanding. In space there is no up or down. Up and down is only relative to our position, what is above and below us. <br /><br />Measure the temp drop of the Sun behind a cloud and compare with the sunset? Yep, it's cooler when the source of heat is being blocked, congrats you have a 3rd grade education.<br /><br />You watch YouTube videos for research. That again shows how moronic you are. Yes, I learned what I have by getting an education. If you think there is an issue with that you are a lost cause.<br /><br />You have a great vocabulary...... Funny how you are only capable of taking what I said and repeating it. Parrot much? Once again, showing your lack of knowledge. Gravity has been proven.<br />Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.<br /><br />Yes, we have satellites. You can buy a telescope and see them. Let me guess telescopes are fake like everything else? This fight is easily won when the person I'm responding to has no clue how things actually work. You have obviously never looked into it. Your a biased idiot who's out of touch with reality. <br /><br />Well maybe you'll get a promotion at McDonalds one day. We both know you won't amount to much more.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 15:54:58

Kenny Freeman
zengerz, Just because you couldn't finish school people who did are the dumb ones? Wow, you are a delusional piece of shit.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:54:45

Robert Dorsey
I have been on this idea for a long time but it takes a long time to do the research... I am so glad you took the time to research for us... Thanks for being a blessing and sharing... and now the picture is complete...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:02:28

Stefan Hohnwald
Why do people think that antarctica is militarized? Military actions, including territorial protection, are banned in antarctica, any military personell can only be there for helping with research. And why do people think that there is a giant ice wall sorrounding our earth? Have you ever been there, seen any unfabricated pictures of it, or ever heard of any witnesses of it who had proof? You do realize that you can just visit antarctica with a charter plane and go there yourself, right? The same goes for the shape of the earth : If you think it's flat, just bond together with other flat earthers, buy a rocket with a camera and shoot it far into space and take pictures of earth. These are two very easy solutions of how flat earthers could finally proof their hypothesis right, yet no one does it. I wonder why...
Show Comment | Likes: 20 | View Replies: 36 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 11:03:48
Healthy Human
Robert X you don’t “know” anything except what you were told you know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 14:26:35

Healthy Human
Fridolin all that and still no picture of earth from space. You’d think somebody would post a pic on social media from their iPhone these days huh?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 14:25:57

Healthy Human
David H zoom in on that boat and watch it reappear....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 14:14:33

Robert X
@That Guy The only thing 'photoshopped ' is the FE model :p And yes, unless you can take a photo from Mars or something we have to do something to make the globe fit an image ...It's like standing 2 feet from a small buidling and trying to get a picture of that building
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jan 16 2019, 03:45:33

That Guy
Robert X .. lol what u think u know about a globe.. is photoshoped... cause it has to be...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 15 2019, 22:47:40

Robert X
@That Guy to be able to have a video flying to the moon, we first have to go there (again) as we didn't made films in the past (maybe we should have but nobody could predict there would be ppl who denied everyting) and Flat Earthers will call them fake no matter how many video's they make. Btw we do have pictures from outer space but as they are all fake what would be the use to make some more ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 15 2019, 09:03:32

That Guy
thats off topic. butt... wheres one nasa video flying to the moon alredy? or is there just a couple a nd a few that hit a dome and stop spinning? ...hmmm. im sure if something COULD fly that high wed all have proof....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 15 2019, 08:16:13

Robert X
@That Guy Show me a working Flat Earth model and I'll tell you why it is wrong!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 14 2019, 22:33:05

That Guy
this guy was born yesterday. and literly never knew these things have been tested.. and thats why its flat not round.... everything u said was proven. goof
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 14 2019, 21:32:43

LP de Jager
I reverced watched most of your carater earth videos and...welll...I really need a rocketship. I like your thinking and much of it ties into my ideas surrounding the south african stone circles - dielectric structures for terraforming. The truth will come out eventually. Keep at it its a great journey!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jul 31 2020, 21:35:37

Truth Seeker
Hmmm. It's definitely not a globe but I'm unsure
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Aug 31 2018, 00:42:21
maybe watch part three , where i give a theoretic model
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Aug 31 2018, 07:25:51

G'day mate...I seen your videos.. very it fits with alot of other things...if you are like me ....the arc of the covenant. ..the crystal that makes this make the doenut let's say...the duality ..the matrix...if we could undo this?..I have been around the world many times...and it took me a while to except the flat earth..but your theory is a lot more plausible.. keep up the good I think there is more evidence of this to find yet...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 07 2020, 11:01:24

theContainer &theContents
it's a fun idea, but doesn't add up right from the get go. The sun is SMALL, this is obvious common sense to our eyes, the sun is both small and close to us -- nothing like the giant distant sun science lies about existing. i think it's likely there are many little suns carefully placed the correct distance apart from each other, so that no one who can see one sun, can also see another sun at the same time -- and this distance between them creates the day-night schedule as the suns take their preprogrammed paths across the sky. Star wars gives clues about 2 suns -- Luke living on a 2 sun world in beginning. So suns are relatively little lamps they fly across the local skies and illuminate locally only -- so east asia uses a different sun than North america, who uses a different sun than africa -- etc -- how many suns there are? I dont know, whatever mathematically works for the georgraphy. So therefore how many little suns would it take to illuminate an absolutely massive massive massive earth (as postulated by this channel) brightly enough that it reflects the sun's light off the plasma layer? And a more obvious flaw with this idea -- why doesn't the sun/s themselves reflect off the plasma layer when they are far brighter for being the source of the light? Where's the sun's reflections off the plasma layer? Even if only 1 sun, where is it's reflection off the plasma layer - if earth reflects -- the sun would also -- and MORE dramatically? So this idea is bullshit. Are we on a flat plane, which is way bigger than we've been told -- yeah all evidence suggests that. But that's as much as we know. I think the suns are artificial constructs, programmed to fly on set paths, their warmth engendering seeds to green after sprouting from water, and I think clouds and rain and EVERYTHING else like plants, trees, etc were also all planned and made by design. We live in some kinda of artificial biodome -- and yeah we should try to get out and see what's out there. Or, if you wanna go a level deeper, all is just one consciousness, being, creating without cause the infinity it can imagine. But the one level less deep gnosis of reality is more fun to play with than the deepest levels.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 05:43:32
Frank Kleij
@cooperjason1315 A new perspective is enabeling a new search.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 19:39:05

I agree with most of what you suggest <br /> Although I have read a theory that the sun is in fact a reflection. To call this moon reflection theory total bullshit is a little premature . Some more research is in order .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 17:34:06

Damien Ainsworth
Absolutely Fascinating! I have been binge-watching & I really love the way you've been able to explain things quickly & concisely! Pure Genius - it answered many questions I had on flat Earth & very well done! Help us escape this luciferian latrine!! Beam me up Scotty, this "Crater" Sucks!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Oct 22 2020, 08:04:33

Make sense then the moon landing. Keep up the good work bro.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6 | Thu Oct 18 2018, 06:40:28
Arthur R
@godgevlamste gevalletje cognitieve dissonantie, veel mensen houden zich liever vast aan een goede geïndoctrineerde leugen dan uit de bubbel komen om de “gevaarlijke” waarheid te leren kennen
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Nov 05 2020, 03:48:59

@Biohazard BoB funny , i was thinking the same of you !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Dec 03 2018, 17:54:36

Biohazard BoB
This is embarrassing <br />Adults denying observable reality smh <br />Seek help
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Dec 03 2018, 17:51:49

@Biohazard BoB you must be hallucinating when you're watching through your telescope , you cannot land on something that is not there !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Dec 03 2018, 17:42:35

Biohazard BoB
You can see the moon landing sites with your own eyeballs and a telescope <br />Buy a telescope and stop spreading nonsense
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Dec 03 2018, 16:45:18

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:44:00

Joshua Loveless
I doubt the Wall was militarized to defend us from other Bio craters. I bet it was done to keep us trapped.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 22:20:38

I was thinking the same thing that explains why the earth is flat if you can only see one side of the moon
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jan 15 2018, 21:15:08

MiS shea
wow thank you for sharing!! this is amazing info
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Feb 19 2018, 19:11:37

Clench Eastwood
Ok, serious question: is this Creepy Pasta, but for conspiracy theories or do you genuinely think this explains something? Asking for a friend.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 16:51:56
Sure wish he would answer. I could probably decipher from what he said in reply whether or not he is joking. Well, if the reply was more than just a few words, anyway.<br />And the level of his seriousness does not make what he says true, nor does a fervent belief. . . just an FYI for some of the other commenters I see on this page.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 24 2019, 02:14:51

Rain Man
They are actually try to run from god & create their own world
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 00:46:24

Emanuele Emanuele
maybe the ufo don't come from other planets. maybe UFOs come from other lands beyond the ice belt
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 20 2020, 01:01:49

This makes literally no sense. Saying that the Earth is both round a flat is like saying a sphere and a circle are the same thing. Just one question: How high were you when you made this? Honestly, your theories are so dumb. Obviously the reaosn why the moon is covered in spots of Earth is because Moon-Chan and Earth-Chan got too intimate, and now Moon-Chan is sick.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 09:42:28
Mary Smith
How does something "literally" not make sense?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Aug 16 2018, 22:29:09

Well, I can deny that. Claims made without evidence can be denied without evidence. <br /><br />Besides, it's obvious that the earth is a pyramid floating on the backs of giant space ants.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 06:22:44

Steven Hunt
how does that not make sense? can you not draw a circular map on a sphere? perhaps what we know of as earth is just a group of large islands somewhere. you cannot deny that transcontinental flight plans make only make sense on the flat earth map. you also cannot deny that a flat earth makes no sense in this reality. so, take the flat earth map, lay it out on a globe so big that the whole thing is basically flat, and boom now it all makes sense.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 05:18:41

So we are like bacteria. Horton hears a who. We are the who's.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Oct 23 2017, 17:14:51

Robert X
drugs are baddd (Southpark reff) ..well, at least for ppl with access to Youtube, it is
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 22 | Wed Sep 05 2018, 14:18:30
Robert X
daarin geef ik jou gelijk ...ook nutteloos trouwens ...koop eens een spiegel ..doei !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 14:37:17

dit is al een tijdje een hopeloos gesprek ... doeiiiiiiii
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 14:14:15

Robert X
Dus jij wil niet dat mensen jouw video serieus nemen ? ..ok, daar ben je dan in geslaagd maar ga dan niet lopen 'janken' vanwege het commentaar dat je krijgt!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 13:07:46

waarom moet ik professioneel overkomen ? ik ben wie ik ben , ik ga mij niet anders voordoen ....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 12:22:42

Robert X
'tegenaanval' ? gewoon zeggen dat mensen hersendood zijn? en waar scheldt men jou in die post uit? ,..ik zie alleen HHHH staan (voor jij reageert ) en 1 keer 'wat een fantasie ' dus sorry als ik jou daarmee 'verrot scheld ' maar ik vind jouw reactie (in die post ) niets bijdragen ...negeer het gewoon (of verwijder het) maar zo komt het niet professioneel over ..en daar mag jij anders over denken maar dit is mijn mening !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 12:01:52

Ja zeg , ik ben al uitgescholden voor het vuil van de straat .Gewoon omdat ik het durf om video"s te maken waarin enkele ideeen zitten die afwijken van de publieke opinie .<br />De meeste gaan zelfs de discussie niet aan over het onderwerp ……..<br />Ofwel negeer je het , ofwel ga je in de tegenaanval .Ik heb besloten om in de tegenaanval te gaan en het uitschot van antwoord te dienen ; de meeste zijn zelfs te laf om te antwoorden op mijn tegenaanval . Handig ? voor mij wel
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 08 2018, 08:23:51

Robert X
Wanneer jij dat een reactie noemt wel ...het IS een reactie maar niet echt een handige (als beheerder)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 07 2018, 22:12:08

er staat wel een reactie bij als je goed kijkt
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 07 2018, 17:49:34

Robert X
Nee, maar nogmaals, zet het commentaar dan onder die post wanneer je geen verwarring wil veroorzaken <br />En ja misschien was die reactie wel wat lullig maar blijkbaar heb jij geen moeite met al die andere reacties, onder die andere post, wanneer jij na 4 maanden nog geen enkele reactie daarom hebt gegeven, en als je daar een andere reden voor hebt, dan blijft de vraag, waarom jij daar mij dan wel op meent te moeten aanspreken?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 06 2018, 23:35:24

Dus als jij je hahaha onderaan een lijst met assholes zet , moet ik maar weten <br />Dat je dat volledig anders bedoelt ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 06 2018, 20:40:02

The tunnels are for trafficking praise God it wasnt you
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 23 2020, 20:49:14

No evidences, no sources, no documentations, no mathematical calculation and you call this a theory?Tell me, what did you smoke?
Show Comment | Likes: 22 | View Replies: 4 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:32:34
Leo Roth
do you not understand the fact that if this was true everything you ever been told is a lie, so you cant use what we have been taught to evaluate anything. you need to start from fresh, see where it goes. also why would smoking anything make any difference? i bet half the so called scientists back in the day who gave us all our laws and rules of life were off there tits on opium so basically just be quiet plz yeah thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 17:18:04

If it's something he's smoked, then it's waaaaay more powerful than cannabis.<br />Salvia divinorum, maybe. That could send your mind to a place where one could believe this, but you'd forget it the second you come down... which is less than a minute or so later. And if you DID remember, you'd think more logically after descent. Something like, "Man, you won't believe what kind of weirdness went on in my head! A bigger Earth! Spherical reflection!" or whatever other nonsense a temporarily chemically-warped brain can come up with.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 24 2019, 02:21:51

Coretta Ha
DMKF Wolf the term is so frequently used to mean conjecture that really no one is confused by this in any way. I think even you secretly realize it and just needed something simple to troll about. Troll on big man. Troll on. 👍🏻
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Dec 24 2018, 03:11:05

He's from Belgium. Belgium neighbors the Netherlands. I think you can figure it out from this point on.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 11:43:36

Media Cave Blog
Nothing but a GRAND COSMIC PITRI DISH. Sounds Legit.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jan 26 2020, 04:14:27

Rebecca Ringler
I think the real reason Ice wall is militarized is we are supposed to think we live on a globe. Instead, it's ice wall, but this is interesting.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 24 2020, 03:58:27

dude what if we are still on Noah's arc and that the arctic walls are the arc itself
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jan 10 2019, 21:25:26
lol. That would mean the dimensions given in the bible are a tiny bit off. Also the way the horizon works wouldn't make sense on a relatively flat boat. The way the stars and planets move as observed on both the northern and southern hemisphere can only occur on a sphere.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 02 2019, 19:33:38

Robert Dorsey
the truth is accompanied by madness... but this is the best idea I have heard so far...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 23:13:16

Orange Tiger
You make one outrageous suggestion after another. You have no explanations for the holes in your theory and no evidence to suggest your theory explains anything. It is at best a great creative fiction. Why does sunlight penetrate the plasma belt (plasma sphere) in one direction, but reflect it in the other? Why is the curved reflection not distorted? Why haven’t any ship/ planes/ spacecraft traveled outside our biosphere into another? How do you know there would be any life outside our own biosphere? Zero explanatory power and an infinite number of holes. Great theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 23:17:34

@Steven Hunt what is the fucking plasmabelt??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 12 2019, 13:10:48

Steven Hunt
You ask how light could go through one side bit then reflect off the other side... Have yoy never been inside a house? Light comes in one window and bounces off the others, causing glare in the tv. Its what happens. Light comes in and then reflects
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Feb 05 2019, 21:47:06

jo Mac
It would explain why there are no scares on the moon just circular impacts. If the moon were a sphere then you would expect to see scaring from meteors that just glanced off it But I don't see any
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Jul 09 2020, 20:06:21

Chuck Ozonoff
Hi I’ve been a subscriber of yours since you first posted this video (pre Jon Levi) which got my attention in a big way! Have you noticed that the moon hasn’t been visible in the sky even on clear nights for 6-7 days?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Sep 16 2020, 16:31:13
Chuck Ozonoff
godgevlamste interesting! 👀 I noticed it missing then found other people saying the same thing on Twitter so I knew I wasn’t the only one not seeing it. It’s weird for sure! Thanks for the reply.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 16 2020, 17:31:00

Scott Wallace
You might want to consider starting a new religion based on this. Lecker. Groeten uit Wenen, Scott
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 09:23:15

Grant Warren
This is probably closer to the truth, than anything we were told in school.
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 18:56:46

Ra Fk
Maybe Earth is a ball of a combination of flat areas, overlapping each other, separated by a giant ice wall physcially, and by an electromagnetic shield spiritually, and sometimes these portals or shield, drop down, so a balance/interraction would occur between the different races. I don't know what is true anymore, am gonna keep an open mind though
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 09:23:54

Silas McClain
The so-called impact craters being actual reflection of a ice wall, like the one around the Earth, call the South Pole that would be incredible, the Stars are vast across the sky, but the stars are in the dome, but the Dome is over the Earth meaning the Stars show the vastness of the Earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Dec 08 2018, 03:33:59
in the first 2 min of my 6th video <br /><a href=""></a><br />i show the map of the icewall
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Dec 08 2018, 09:36:24

Kenny Freeman
Michael Thierry, How the hell is this something to consider?
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:21:40

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:43:30

Edgar Molina
Ok, i am lost how is it that the moon is a reflection of the earth but yet the earth resides within one of the craters of the moon. Explain that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Nov 14 2018, 20:28:36
if you want a shock-treatment , watch the first two minutes of video 6<br /><a href=""></a><br />if you want a theoretical explanation of the mechanics watch video 3<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 14 2018, 21:05:57

Rebecca Ringler
Aliens are dimensional, demons, not really from star systems. The name of Jesus Christ works to stop sleep paralysis, night terrors, and alien abduction, the demons are afraid of him, not the sun moving through the zodiac. But I agree we are still putting pieces together.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jul 05 2020, 03:04:51

PTC man
This is what i conjecture with flat earthers : but, if this flat earth are only a little portion of a giant globe ? (like a isolated island). Very creative concept :)....
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Feb 18 2018, 15:47:53
Steven Hunt
how can you be so sure? just because of what you were taught? have you done the experiments yourself?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 05:21:12

vittoria of sassari
Io essere umano sulla terra Misuro da 5 anni il movimento del sole e coincide con il sistema geocentrico, ci hanno ingannato, I massoni lo sanno benissimo,I luciferiani. Vedi santos bonacci. Buona vita a te
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 25 2020, 07:53:52

Open Minded
Very interesting suggestion. I think you could be on to something...who really knows?!
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 4 | Sat Mar 10 2018, 01:13:04
The Man From Krypton
Only thing the op is on is drugs to believe dumb theories with absolutely no evidence.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:10:47

Speeding Atheist
+Kenny I'm quite sure that an IQ > 0 is not sufficient. Room temperature, that's the threshold. Not in Celsius but Fahrenheit, of course... ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 06:29:04

Kenny Freeman
Just about everyone with a positive IQ knows this isn't remotely possible. Buy a damn telescope and look at the moon. Open minded my ass.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:32:17

Robert Clark
Or you can put the moon up against a Gleason's map, flip and rotate it and see very interesting similarities. My opinion? The whole moon is a reflection of the whole flat earth. An image reversed is always the result of a reflection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 18:09:38

Truth Detective
How about the time zones, southern hemisphere constellations, warmth at the equator and ice at the polar regions ? You now need to install a small, close and local sun along with small stars.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Feb 15 2019, 20:30:35
trappedinroom 101
I think the channel FPV Angel has cracked the small local sun explanation...a huge realm sized electromagnetic construct beneath the ground...and the schematics and blueprints were carved across thousands of miles of rock for us...the Nasca lines/glyphs, when looked at as 3D schematics and with an engineering head on, show a different purpose....they were never meant to be a secret (but greed and power hungry parasites took over and hid the truth!). If you watch FPV Angel channel, and then combine that research with the model shown in this channels videos...with the two theories together, it gets scarily and easily discernible as creditable and very very possible. 🙂💕👍🏻
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 14:02:14

I am love
Couldn't one just fly over the ice to prove this theory when he doesn't see another earth on the other side?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jun 05 2019, 18:23:27
You would need advanced tech to get over the ice. The militaries could do it, or a billionare, but they arent going to tell the truth. Also, there is a military blockade that will prevent people from going to far where they are not permitted to go.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 13 2020, 11:52:20

Miguel Mauri Llinares
Otra posibilidad es que el mapa de la tierra conocido sea una planicie en una esfera con otras planicies.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jun 14 2020, 08:21:00

a d am ka n e
Not madness at all. Sounds plausable. Maybe we write the narrative as we start to believe in a new paradigm.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 03:15:56

Not sure I buy this. I know the earth is flat, but this is a stretch.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 24 2017, 19:39:54

The Warrior 1978
Would explain a lot. Keeps both sides happy, globe super earth & flat earth!
Show Comment | Likes: 15 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Sep 12 2017, 19:00:41
David H
Keep both sides happy: the reality based rational people & the crazy pseudoscientific nutbar flat earthers!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 20:34:25

Kenny Freeman
Sheep, no this explains nothing. There is not a single plausible idea in this video.
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:22:56

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:43:38

Argy Pournaris
No man, your video is NO madness!!! I congratulate you that you suggest a way bigger Earth just like me!!!! But, I have a question: how could we explain Moon faces??? Thank you for your good job!!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Sat Sep 16 2017, 18:58:25
If my second video is right <br />Plasma ejection is the black sun shining on the plasmabelt and heating it up .<br />The illusion is than that the plasma shoots out of the sun .<br />But in fact it is coming out of the place on the plasmabelt where the sun is reflecting .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 08:32:26

Argy Pournaris
godgevlamste several suns!!! In fact, it could be an answer for a start. When I looked up a "solar eclipse" 11 years ago(it was during May) through the special glass, I didn't find NO loops and no plasma ejections!!! I thought that the sun ejects many of them and extremely huge!!!! Yes, I know that some of them are invisible to our eyes, because of their gamma ray nature. But some of them also are visible. So, yes, if this knowledge of our sun is fraud, then multisolar sky could be correct!! Why not???
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 07:56:22

David Poe
I have the answer to that I am going to make a vid to show how it actually works with a physical model
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 15:43:35

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:44:14

Hello Argy <br />Thanks for the compliments ! <br />How do we explain the moon phases ? <br />Probably something is turning : the sun ? several Suns ?a reflection of the sun ? the earth ? the plasmabelt ? or all at the same time .This will be difficult to understand <br />I think “the reflection” idea will grow in my head , i don’t have all the answers<br />I think a lot of people agree with that idea , i hope people start thinking with me .I was also inspired but other people : flat earth , fake moonlanding , fake photo’s of earth , the fake antartica .<br />Together we can find the solution ,and we will !!!<br /> if you have a new idea : feel free to contact me !<br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 16 2017, 19:36:33

Ok, now. Is there anyone who knows how to wake up all the people and start new free live? On the end, nothing is real, according to quantum physics. We live in a 3D total immersion movie! Please wake up brothers and sisters. It is not to late.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 22:36:14

Antarctica is not militarized... that's flat earthers excuse because they have no balls. Read the Atlantic treaty. Continue dreaming though this is cool :)
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 5 | Thu Feb 15 2018, 04:31:05
Kenny Freeman I think he just admitted that all of this isnot a real belief? "perhaps it would do you a world of good to dream a little." he told me.<br /><br />About the lying scientists, they will tell you every technologies we know were brought to us by superior beings from other dimensions, or people from the lands beyond Antarctica!<br /><br />Anyway, yes I can dream. But I don't need to tell the world that my dreams are a Divine Truth in order to be happy.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 04:10:14

Kenny Freeman
jj, So you watched a YouTube video saying it was guarded, so it must be true. You can do that with any statement. The difference is people actually go there, and we have proven the globe dozens of ways. It isn't a belief, it's fact. I'm sorry the education system failed you, but it's nice to see that you have no problem taking advantage of all the things the "lying scientists" have made possible for you to have.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:41:04

Who Why
Stumble.Stop.Repeat oh i "read the treaty" so it must be true. so, you're not a flat earther - you're just a globe earth believer. perhaps it would do you a world of good to dream a little.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 14:10:44

Nicholas Driver wtf? Continue with the bad faith, I'm not a flat earther, I don't need to prove anything lol
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Mar 05 2018, 18:02:51

Nicholas Driver
Try visiting it with your own vessel and report back
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Mar 05 2018, 17:53:43

We are not a globe rotating in space. Still no proof of a globe rotating in space. No proof curvature. We are being held as slaves in a small section of the plane. There's much more land beyond the Antarctic. Maybe rich elitists populate other areas of the globe and Wanna keep all these vast resources for themselves. It's a vast paradise. Our small section is slowly dying and are being quarantined.
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | View Replies: 27 | Sat Sep 16 2017, 03:14:46
Constantine Soldatos
@BUSTA MAL HEART The only thing you're a slave to is your limited IQ.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 16:24:19

Jake Letzler
@Dark figure, I think I can answer this properly so here I go. Have you learned about Earth's different chakra points? Those are the point on our size scale. But at just one of those points there would be many around it on an ants scale. So when you want to go up the scale you think of our powerful magnetic north pole. I could possibly be one of many bigger chakra points on a larger scale/map. A map we don't see.<br /><br />On this line of thinking, we would be in a small toroidal/magnetic field within a much larger field. Yet our field is larger enough to have a spark of energy/light going around it. That would "explain" the sun...and if the moon is a reflection of the entire plane we live on then we should be able to see that no matter what toroidal/magnetic field we happen to be looking out of.<br /><br />This all being said, it would be likely that life not limited by a ristricting field in areas where this "planet" properly provides, life would grow massive. So in a way, within our field/bubble we have dimension one which is needed to make dimension two which is needed to make our view of this dimension possible. Realize the added possibilities everytime the dimensions shift to the next. If we did make it out of this bubble we would be like ants to that fourth dimension. Therefore if something from there passes by I don't see why you couldn't be able to see a shadow of them or something similar.<br /><br />I know, all that for that?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 03:30:19

Dark figure
@Jake Letzler Hi there, on a much bigger earth would there be other reflections ie, suns and moons?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 22 2018, 22:35:44

sukhumskie The supposed curvature is 8 inches per mile squared yet you can see Chicago from Michigan. Toronto from Grimsby. From the shoreline!<br />The entire shoreline is visible from the shoreline. The observer is only 5ft Tall.<br />JENNA FREDO - ROGERS CENTRE FROM 6FT ABOVE LAKE ONTARIO 30.84 MILES AWAY FROM THE SHORELINE.<br />The distance, elevation and the supposed curvature of 8 inches per mile squared was all taken into account.<br />It's funny how a lot of you globers say you can see ships go over the horizon "curvature" but then you say the curvature is too big to observe. Lol 😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 31 2017, 21:06:44

sukhumskie The supposed curvature is 8 inches per mile squared yet you can see Chicago from Michigan. Toronto from Grimsby. From the shoreline!<br />The entire shoreline is visible from the shoreline. The observer is only 5ft Tall.<br />JENNA FREDO - ROGERS CENTRE FROM 6FT ABOVE LAKE ONTARIO 30.84 MILES AWAY FROM THE SHORELINE.<br />The distance, elevation and the supposed curvature of 8 inches per mile squared was all taken into account.<br />It's funny how a lot of you globers say you can see ships go over the horizon "curvature" but then you say the curvature is too big to observe. Lol 😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 31 2017, 21:06:41

how can you prove curviture on such a gigantic planet and actually thats the reason why we see half of chicago downtown explains why
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 31 2017, 14:46:29

Jake Letzler Oh come to odd reality flat earth live stream chat! You'll love it. We are all in there brainstorming together.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 23 2017, 18:18:56

Jake Letzler Yeah exactly, they tell us it's a ball rotating at 1700km an hour and hurling through space at 67,000 km an hour. But this is ridiculous. We live on a flat stationary plane with a firmament above. Water above the firmament. They've never been to space or moon. Nothing goes in or out the firmament. There could be other closed systems but I don't think we are a tiny pothole. I think an entire grey patch represents the continents. That's the direction leaning for now till I look into it some more. I wanna print out an image of the moon to take a closer look.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 23 2017, 18:18:11

Jake Letzler
CANNABIS 420 REVIEW, on that video you referred, at <a href="">2:40</a> he points to what he says could be China. I believe that's ALL of us in that "skull and crossbones" spot he puts his finger on because I believe the biggest secret to humanity is "size proportion". "They" make us feel sooo big then close up the world around us to make it seem so small. BUT, we were taught to think backwards, weren't we?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 23 2017, 17:47:10

Jake Letzler We can take an even closer look at the moon and trace out the continents mapped out on the moon surface like (Beyond the pole) did. Check out Beyond the pole - flat earth reflection on the moon. 😂 👍
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 23 2017, 17:13:19

JoneS SenoJ's channel has been talking about this for a little while now... The moon being a reflection of Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 8 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 11:19:58
+Jake Letzler I think it's healthy to explore other avenues from a perspective sake, but in this instance, I'll need some more explanation how our sun can reflect the entire (massive) earth if the sun is localized to our pond... His second video is interesting.<br /><br />It is a shame that James Senoj's channel was deleted... his content was talking about the same things.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 04:55:38

Jake Letzler
foolfuk, I can understand what you're saying and totally understand why. NEW theories take time to solidify. Plus require certain debunkings of old theories first. Sometimes one needs to just throw it all out there first, then pick certain parts out while creating spaces for new parts to enter later. I do believe this Channel is on the right track though. Please don't give up on him as he has a difficult road to travel down.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 04:53:13

+Jake Letzler sure anything is possible/plausible... Even I consider that to be the case, it kind of make sense, but on the other hand there are some things we need to ratify and that is to say that the moon is definitely a reflection of the earth which I find hard to believe (not impossible), just hard. I would expect that we could/should see more anomalies with the surface of the moon that would indicate some of the movement occurring on earth just as weather patters, possibly plans or other high altitude phenomena. It would be difficult to make out absolute detail, but we should see something, some kind of distortion. The other thing is too, if the earth is as massive as is claimed by this theory and the moon is our reflection, how is it that our sun or whatever is illuminating the earth, is able to cast a reflection of the entire earth (including the zones we are not in) when our sun is local to our zone/pond only.<br /><br />That doesn't make a lot of sense.<br /><br />I am more inclined to go with the biblical account that the moon is a luminary, as is the sun.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 04:36:57

Jake Letzler
foolfuk, this ain't concrete proof by any means, but the fact we're always told we need to look "out there" for extraterrestrial life has been waving a huge red flag over my head for some time now. You know we're all taught by bizarro world standerds now and days. What's up is down, what's left is right. When we say jump we really mean squat. Quite honestly, for me, other "districts" explains the most feasible way we humans could have gotten to this part of the Earth in the first place. Maybe we really are the aliens we've been looking for and the "district" our ansestors left long ago could be quite an amazing and ultra tech savvy place by now if they don't have "beings" running around erasing their history and dumbing them down there like we seem to have here.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 04:24:41

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:44:42

That’s true , i thought about it too , Are there multiple suns ? <br />The nazi’s were talking about the black sun ( ss = schwarze sonne ) <br />I think they knew more , <br />They are running Nasa now .<br />and the whole WW2 “antartica stories “ and the UFO ‘s are a diversion i think .<br />Admiral Bird probably was right about a continent waiting to be explored .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 13:45:43

Yeah that is quite strange... He has closed his YouTube account. That's a shame... Whether he did it or not remains unknown. I don't know how to contact him now.<br /><br />I'm not sure I agree about the other life forms, although anything is possible I guess until we have some concrete proofs that extend beyond our theories.<br /><br />The only issue with the multiple pond (crater) theory though is that you would have to think there would be multiple "Suns" in these other "ponds/craters" and not just in our own.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 12:46:11

I know , i sent him a mail , but if i understood him correctly : he thinks the moon has the same size as the earth, ; His reply to my theory was : one earth , one heart , one universe just many reflections of us ! i don’t know what he ment ? Some religious points here ?he probably didn't agree with the idea of other lifeforms on earth !<br />Anyway , i see his video’s are deleted now ? very recently - strange
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 11:49:01

Jimmy Z
Then why do i not correct for leveling when flying a plane from the us to Europe . I level out at 37,000 ft. for 6 hours and i am still at the same altitude. explanation please? This is a a very true theory great job explaining the truth just very hard to swallow after being fed so many brain programming lies I'd imagine if these people seen this for them self's they would probably still believe what NASA has fed them .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Aug 31 2019, 08:50:31

Two Stones
godgevlamste degenen die met rommel gooien houden niet van denken en hebben geen open mind. Ik ben zover dat ik voor mezelf weet dat de aarde plat is maar de maan was nog een mysterie. Ik begon ter denken dat het wellicht een reflectie was maar ik kon dat nog niet zo goed uitleggen als jij. Vandaar mijn compliment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 17 2018, 05:39:15

dit was eigenlijk de eerste video van de 5 , alleszins bedankt voor het compliment .het is eens iets anders dan de rommel die men naar mij gooit !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 15:52:00

Two Stones
godgevlamste je hsd eerder dit idee uitgewerkt. Toen vond ik het ook briljant.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 08:02:43

How would you propose that we look for experimental support of your theory?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 23:01:51
The Man From Krypton
godgevlamste you do know cruise ships and chartered planes go to Antarctica all the time right? NO one has reported an ice wall, taken any video or pictures for "evidence".
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:16:43

go to "Antartica " , cross the ice-mountains and start walking !The problem is that the controlsystem won't let you out of the prison ! Or else , remove the controlsystem , truth will reveal itself ! But how are we going to do that ?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Sep 18 2017, 08:06:46

Hey. Watch this video " flat earth crushed by discovery channel". The one with the laser on the lake. Seems hard to figure a flat earth after this. Id love to hear what you think.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 01:03:00
The Man From Krypton
Wow. Two or three people in that Reddit thread disagreed with the Discovery channel, that is proof positive of a flat Earth lol🙄😱😤
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:20:58

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 06:51:27

marcus Vass
Thumbs up. I think the moon is a shadow map of the earth but am inclined at the moment to think that the dark areas are our real land mass. The lighter areas are our seas & the white areas are caused by the aurora borealis above the poles. I think the shadow map could be caused by the bio luminescence & flourescence in the oceans creating a black light that projects upwards. As above so below.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Oct 03 2017, 13:01:50
Mary Smith
How can someone back something like this up? With what resources? That's a stupid thing to say. Why are you so hostile anyway? You didn't have to watch the video.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Aug 16 2018, 22:33:46

thanks Marcus , i'm ready to accept any theory , as long as it is the truth !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 03 2017, 16:18:55

marcus Vass
godgevlamste <br />Thank you for your reply. Our theories may be slightly different but we are both on the same page my friend. I applaud you for getting the subject out there.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 03 2017, 15:51:54

thanks ! Nice to see some people thinking for themselves , one day we'll find the truth , whatever it may be .i made a second video <br /><a href=""></a><br />and i'm working on a third <br />greets !!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Oct 03 2017, 13:15:21

The Solid-Rock
Make a lot of sence, this is the closest from the truth ever, I think annyway...Thank You
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Nov 25 2019, 22:11:43

This is a very good explanation of the moon being a reflection of earth. Other videos I've seen didn't explain as well as you did and showed. I think that'd be cool if this theory, turns out one day to be true.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 13:53:39
hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:44:28

Cool ! maybe ………but certainly not for “ the elites “<br />some heads will be chopped off for lying a few thousands of years !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 15 2017, 17:10:37

Brian's Logic
Your just taking the bigger Flat Earth theory of there being other places and people outside of us, and putting it all back on a globe ? ? ? ?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jan 07 2019, 15:09:12
I think, I can mend it back to flatearthism.<br />What if the mirror isn't a plasma belt, but a dome. If a plasmabelt provided the mirror image of bigger earth, we'd expect to find ourselves exactly in the middle of the circle. But we don't. With Sulpicius Gallus M we're off-center. We'd be Polaris, but it turns out, we're Sirius.<br />So the Moon is the circular area below the Dome. The Dome is set up upon a circular area, not a square one as I expected. There is no dark side of the moon.<br />With that model, it's harder to explain day and night and moon phases etc.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 07 2019, 21:34:37

hello War Thunder 3 inch gun carrier struggler !! how are you ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 01 2019, 19:00:24

if you had an enemy outside, why are we being flooded by marxists? An (the) enemy is within. It's a romantic notion to think they're protecting the speicies from anything.The 'elite' are faithless people who are complete control freaks. They care not. I don't think there's an enemy outside. I think it's here already and it is a reflection but it looks 'human'. It's a spiritual war. Jesus is king. We've seen a dress change colour and be perceived in different combinations - so people can perceive differently and they can even perceive the same thing differently if a new variable is introduced.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 13:50:21

Pit Ambara
flat earth theory obvious has flaws because of sun and moon... globe yes... what if it is bigger... and then anomalies flat earth people pick up on a true.... it is great critical thinking... and in a world where we are told that buildings fall in in themselves because of little fires at the top.. then you have a right to doubt the official version of everything
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 08:28:44

zeveroare R
And to say our educational system is good... Why did you drop out of preschool? You needed it :/
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 14 2018, 11:32:02
luckely i did , look what it has done to you !!! poor fellow !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon May 14 2018, 13:07:14

Mikael Lobban
You have to consider the rotation of the sun though right? It takes 24 hours for a circle the size of the "Earth". The sun fits that parameter, No? If the earth is rotating with its size being far larger then it takes alot longer for the sun to rotate. More area to cover. But it stays locked in the circle of the crater? An interesting theory I think though. If its true then the sun's reflection would have to be moving incredibly fast to cover distances so vast and then slow down for a 24 hour cycle for our special crater.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 15:18:10

@Braeden Orchard Never, ever doubt the depths of human depravity or the heights of human stupidity. No matter HOW messed up a scenario you can dream up, there is someone, somewhere out there, that has done it, believes in it, etc. I can promise you this. <br />What makes me say so? The story of the German man who wanted to be eaten.<br />Bernd Jürgen Armando Brandes eventually made a "date" with a cannibal, named Armin Meiwes, also of Germany, through an internet ad Armin had made, and they met at his house. The ad asked for a male, aged 18-30, that was willing to be killed and consumed!<br />Several answered the ad, but backed out at the last minute. Surprisingly, Meiwes never forced anyone into anything. That shows he was in full control of his faculties. He KNEW what he was doing. No insanity there, but rather a sick, twisted sexual desire.<br /><br /><br />Brendes then suggested Meiwes BITE his dick off, fry it up, then they'd share it as a meal before Brendes fully committed to his own death and consumption. Meiwes tried biting off the dick, but couldn't, so he cut it off. They tried to eat some of the dick raw, but it was too tough and chewy, according to Meiwes. He then figured he'd fry the dick so they could share it, but he burned it too badly to be eaten, and he gave it to his dog.<br />To shorten the story, Meiwes ended up killing Brendes after trying impatiently to let him bleed out from the loss of his prick, storing him in pieces in his fridge, then eating about 44 pounds of his meat over the next several months.<br />BOTH men in this story were willing participants! Both men are/were warped beyond comprehension, and it's hard to decide which of them is worse; the eatER or the eatEE.<br /><br />So yeah... as I said, NEVER doubt the depravity or stupidity of those around you. This is far from the strangest story out there, but it's my go-to for letting folks know just how fkd up the human mind can be.<br /><br />Oh, and by the way, they videotaped over 4 hours of dick biting/cutting, bleeding out, hanging up/dressing of the corpse (and I don't mean in clothing), and some consumption of the corpse. And since Meiwes' urge was a sexual one, I imagine he was doing a lot of masturbating as he was cutting up, cooking, and eating this other weirdo he met online. And even more while watching the video tape of it.<br />To help you sleep a wee bit better, Meiwes believes there are around 800 cannibals in Germany alone! So there's no telling how many there are around the globe. And this isn't some old story. Meiwes was convicted in 2004.<br />I still get creeped the hell out over this, and I've told the story a dozen times at least. <br />Hard as it is to believe, it's 100% true. Easily verifiable. And apologies if this alarms the Hades out of you, but hey, reality is what it is. I'm merely the messenger.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 24 2019, 03:40:47

maybe a shock is what you need , to wake up from the bad dream of science !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 06:25:26

Braeden Orchard
No, I'm just in absolute shock that anyone could think this is even a remotely possible solution
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue May 08 2018, 02:46:47

Man Wim. I should have watched in order. You think??? 😀
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Oct 29 2020, 14:07:12
@COTLG thanks , i won't .But stay with us for a while , because the battle might take some time
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 29 2020, 15:36:29

@godgevlamste Thanks - I feel better - still going to make a public apology! Really love what you've given us Wim - I can die in peace, never submit!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 29 2020, 15:27:20

doesn't matter , i think you got the crater idea
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 29 2020, 14:37:25

Peter Morrissey
The image of the moon reflected on an invisible barrier appear to be round. Supposing the moon was a mercury marble or bubble, would this mean it only reflects a tiny image of an gigantic earth?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Oct 06 2017, 22:49:09
good to see that people do some creative thinking , all options are open : hopefully to find the truth !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 09 2017, 16:44:31

Peter Morrissey
I just realised that either the reflection of earth is within the dome so it isn’t possible to have a larger image of gigantic Earth.<br />Or<br />There’s no moon but a round floodlight from the sun reflecting Earth on a barrier?<br />Or <br />The moon is a hollow metallic satellite hovering still above flat gigantic Earth and the sun rotates giving reflection of gigantic earth that way.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 09 2017, 09:16:59

i think the moon is not a rock , a bubble or whatever ! i think it"s a light reflection ... of earth
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 07 2017, 14:52:51

Pit Ambara
still with your theory in my head... you have a problem... from what we know as south.... polaris is north... magnetism shows it... stars show it... so to have that little flat earth map stuck on to a big ball doesnt make sense .. but i like the theory of the moon being a reflection and time being dilated... it works on the small globe.. what have you got against the small globe... apart from the fact that people think that antarctica is an encompassing bowl.... maybe its not
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Tue May 29 2018, 14:49:28
Pit Ambara
i dont think water is creating magnetic fields .. rather magnetic fields create.... there is something called Meru in Vedic theory.. it is centre of the Earth and Universe... the North Pole... so it could be North Pole as we know it or your North Pole... this Meru runs through the centre of the ball... now if it is a small ball we can understand because we see that .. and we see stars circling around that ball.. gigantic ball.. then we are on the equator somewhere and north would show .. not towards our north pole but straight up.. it doesn't ...that is not something that is bothering you come from free space... i cannot see how you can resolved this... flat earth sun and moon are stupid.. that is not very scientific.. flying around the planet.. this is why your idea is better because it shows better relationship.. but still... in every little crater you have central magnetism... that is your theory i guess.... did you see if Earth and Moon have exact same wobble.. that is a tangible query.... .. again .. thanks..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 15:40:37

because of the turning of the water in our crater you will create a magnetic field in that crater .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 15:33:32

Elvis Putns
THE REFLECTION WOULD NEVER BE AN EXACT SHAPE it would be oval or even more stretched this is doesn't seem right.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 12:28:08

not if it is an electrical reflection , like a sort of hologram
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 15:37:52

Mistie Richardson
And God made two great lights ; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. I suggest reading Genesis 1:1- 1:18
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 15:20:49

Mistie Richardson
@i Wake Up I can tell you right now Jesus is Our Savior. He is the only way a person can be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God. I've met Him, not physically but through Faith. How people who look at science yet ignore what's right in their face. A God who loves His creation enough to come to earth go through and feel all we do yet without sin and die in our place/take our punishment for sin to give us a way to be with Him. When we stand before God our Father we will answer for the sins we committed except for those saved by the blood of Jesus. When God sees a person who believes in Jesus God doesn't see their sin. Why? Those who believe in Jesus, their sins are covered by the blood shed by Jesus, on that cross. So when Yahweh (yes I knew that) looks at those who believe that Jesus is King then Yahweh sees the blood of Jesus not our sinful past.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 04 2020, 19:42:29

i Wake Up
@Mistie Richardson sorry if I'm intruding. <br />the god you speak of is called yahweh, go find who he really is (a preview, he was a warrior "god", in short, a soldier)! besides, Jesus was not his son! The Gospels have nothing to do with the Old Testament, it was the church that brought these books together, not god! ... and finally, Jesus and Christ are two totally different things! I suggest you do a little research before squandering the biblical word!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Dec 02 2020, 15:52:10

Mistie Richardson
@bliss I can only tell you what I know. <br />There is only One God, I AM!<br />You have free will to follow any faith you choose. God gave us free will to choose to love and worship Him or not. He gives us a choice to live for Him. He won't force Himself on anyone. He came as Jesus to give us eternal life because without Him, you will be eternally separated from Him. We are sinners who need salvation because God is without sin and cannot look upon sin. Jesus's blood on that cross covers our sin where God doesn't see our sin when we believe and trust in Jesus. We ask for His forgiveness and He forgives us. <br /><br />All the false prophets, false teachers and false faiths are evil and lead people away from the One True God! I AM the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Religion is man made, believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. You choose or don't choose. Yes I do pray you find Him and are saved because without Him you will be judged. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. God created us out of love. He loves us He wants us to love and worship Him as our Creator. Sin separates us from Him. That is why Jesus gave up His life as the payment for our sin. He was the final sacrifice. Without Him you have nothing but religion. You can disagree with me and I can't and wouldn't force anything on you. Many are deceived by these heretics false teachers and false religions. They are leading many straight to Hell. I hope you find Him, I sincerely do. You don't know my life or how I found Him but I can testify to the fact that Jesus saved me. I know His love, I've felt His presence and I've had prayers answered that only He knew. That's how I know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:19:14

@Mistie Richardson , why do people like you automatically think others that do not worship your addiction should join you! Or that we would want too, <br /><br />Try re searching other faiths read their stories, you might find they all tell the same tales with name changes!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:53:11

Mistie Richardson
@bliss I hope this helps you. No. The Bible is Truth! John 13:7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I do you do not realize now, but you will understand hereafter". <br />Matthew <a href="">22:29</a> Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Do you not understand that He is God? He is the Creator. God says, I Am! <br /><br />Not only is the universe stranger than we think; it is stranger than we can think.” Jon Bloom.<br />To fully know and understand God as we humanly can you must read His word and study His word through prayer. God will reveal Himself to you through His Word. <br />John 1: 1-51 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.<br />2 The same was in the beginning with God.<br />3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.<br />4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.<br />5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it no
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 15:37:12

But it never says how he made them, what they were made of or where and how he positioned them, just that he made them. And that's the problem with the bible, it's mainly a list of subheading that give you the gist of something but no actual information, <br /><br />I just brought a light from the range, I had to put some pieces together (so I technically made it) but now I've made it what am I going to do with it where and how am I going to position it, or is that it, I've made a light now I'm done!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 11:32:03

Himanshu Wilhelm
The crater with an ice wall and a glass dome over top is not to keep reptoids out, but to keep us in.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Feb 05 2019, 20:39:19

Dale Pack
Exactly 100% True.. The moon is a refraction light off the beautiful DOME GOD made, from the suns light reflecting earths body . People who dont see dont look up. It is all within the Dome but the stars... That's how we see stars through the moon. so many do not see except what the Government has told and shown us.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Nov 20 2018, 23:34:02
Simon Pobjoy
No one has seen stars through the moon, neither have you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Dec 05 2018, 09:42:59

Damn. That shit “IS” scary... That would be something I wouldn’t even consider learning because of the fact that it’s INSANEEEEE. Learning that; past the ice wall called Antarctica there are worlds of ruling insects, ruling reptilian people, ruling those we call the aliens 👽, probably even dinosaurs that are still alive.. and the only thing separating the human world is a military base on Antarctica. What if one of those craters is more developed than we are? It’s like some insane “Futurama” theory. There’s a slight chance it could be true by 15%.. now that the government hides so much shit and keeps great amounts of secrets from the people.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 13:02:42
The Man From Krypton
Em Chronicle yes, the government does keep some secrets, but come on, all of that sounds and looks like weapons grade BS.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:29:36

Max Maxwell
Yep, you crazy. Sorry. Hope you get better one day.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 12:09:17

erkan ender Soylu
But you never said why it should be a mirror?What made you think so?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 8 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 06:52:40
erkan ender Soylu
Languages don't change so quickly .When I was born the Moon was ay,still ay.Yes there are changes but the elites use the old terms.They prefer to use the old ones as in the example of Isis.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:36:06

erkan ender Soylu
The ancient people were way,way more advanced than <a href="">us.So</a> they had this knowledge encoded in their language whether knowingly or not.(I believe knowingly).That is why you have to know Turkish.Because things are coded and relayed to us in the Language. But that does not mean solving the riddle is easy.But it helps,shows the way as Ay is mirror,we have to find how,and why.<br />Start by Polat Kaya.I don't say everything he says is right but start.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:31:21

Are you talking about the Turkisch language as root of all languages ? When you talk about Mu : that is the Atlantis period …That would mean that the Turkisch Language is still the same as , maybe 100000 years ago ? And what exactly are the Turks ? Is that one old root-people coming from Mu ?<br />Interesting , where can i find some info about that ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:21:30

erkan ender Soylu
I liked you and I subscribed and waiting anxiously for your next project.God help you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:16:57

erkan ender Soylu
what is the oldest Language other than Turkish ? European Languages are not older than 1000-1500 years old.Arabic?The same.Turkish? 300 000 years <a href="">old.So</a> it must be the original language of the world.There is no other known Language comparable to it. Find the article "The Turkish era " by Polat Kaya on the internet.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:13:42

erkan ender Soylu
Isis is Ay(Moon) and süs(Zeus) and means star and crescent. Süs also means gore of bull in Turkish.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 18:03:38

erkan ender Soylu
Well, I know history! That is how I know that there were only Turks ,or should I say we were all Turkish only 1000 years ago.For example, did you know that China was ruled by Turks,by Chengiz khan 1000 years ago ? That Anatolia was Turkish 1000 years ago? That Hungary was Turkish,that Romans were Turkish only 1000 years <a href="">ago.How</a> do I know Romans were Turkish ? Because people were not speaking Latin.Their flag was red and star and crescent! Exactly like the Ottoman flag ,or Turkish flag. That there were Muslims (People from MU continent) in Spain.The Mete Turanian(Turkish) sea was called so because there were Turks all around it.<br />That Mayans were Mu ay (Muay is crescent )+ana that Aztecs were oguz+tek (oğuz means Turkish),tek is 1.That oğuz+Tur(Turk)+al(allah) ya(Place) was Turkish etc,etc.<br />Al (Also means golden red)+Mu ana+ya was never deutschland.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 17:55:13

Hello <br />Interesting what you say about the mirror in Turkish<br />When the British say i am : the” i “ is not the real ” i “but a projection , a mirror of the real self .A Virtual creation ;<br />In my next video (i’m working on ) i speak about the myth of Isis and Osiris .I think Isis stands for the earth and Osiris for the moon .When you switch 2 letters in Osiris you get Or-Isis .I looked for a root-word OR in Egyptian , but i did not find it .But than i noticed the word OR is in the word” mirror “ : coincidence ? <br />I did not know everybody spoke Turkish until 1000 years ago .Do you have some youtube links to the subject ?Always interested in some new information ! <br />The reason i think the moon is a reflection of earth ?<br />When i dived in alternative media ,i saw some video’s about : fake moonlandings , flat earth .<br />So i wondered why would anyone take such a risk of faking a moonlanding and what were they trying to hide ?So if you want to know what a liar is hiding tou have to invert what they are saying .<br />Invertion : the moon is not a rock , the photo of planet earth is not the right one .<br />So if the moon is not a rock , there is only one possibility left : it’s a lighteffect .Of what ?<br />Maybe earth , so i started pushing that idea .it might be a fantasy , but until now , i ‘m still convinced i’m right .If someone is giving me the evidence of the opposite , i will gladly change my opinion : it’s about the truth and not about the ego .<br />Thanks for the reaction <br />Greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jan 08 2018, 08:26:24

Gustavo Ruiz
jejej excelente crack , el video pega bien , se siente el estudio y mejor aun una clara percepción, digamos de manera integradora al estilo del sr G sobre el habito humano de pensar y como algunos de ellos, mas bien pocos, eran personas Notables dignos de escuchar detenida-mente ...buscadores de " la quinta pata del gato". gracias sencillo, concreto, nada iluso. personalmente en la búsqueda de salir de "acá" que se yo la carcel corporal, material... esta trampa, des-encarnar , pero en especial (ojala) no volver o por lo menos no perder el tiempo de vida presente he revisado de manera conciensuda Vedas muy antiguos de manera "practica" y sin animos de nada cuando escucho acerca de las biosferas o crateres rememoro unos textos del srimad Bhagavatam, texto de la antigua civilizacion pre-hindi y los sabios cuentan como "esta" creacion es como un reflejo del agua en la "huella"de un ternero en Brindavan, el terruño de la persona Suprema ... y en esas lecturas misticas era como ver el firmamento con luna llena que uno puede ver en una noche estrellada de un campo con ganado... comentarios de muy atras de eras pasadas. espero ser coherente y se entienda. por ahi Alpha mind de J tube deja unos videos apropiados a tu idea. saludos.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Dec 13 2020, 14:10:21

John Andersen
Interesting theory. Maybe that's why we can only see one side of the moon? Everything else in the solar system seems to have the illusion of spinning, why not the moon. Hmmm... What would be causing the reflection though and why would it be moving as if in an orbit? Ok on to watching part 2 :) Ok just saw part two and many things cleared up. Very interesting to think about. Once you imagine, hey this might be true.. then other pieces of the puzzle fit together. This would explain how easily alien craft can visit our little earth bio-dome, there coming from right next door, not the next galaxy over, or certain events in history, such as the 3 hours of complete darkness after Jesus's crucifixion. Maybe these bottomless pits that are popping up all over now are result of others trying to tunnel into our bio-dome. How about all the advanced civilizations that just disappeared. So if this being the case, then its more than were not alone in the galaxy, were just not alone at all. Were just blind to the other bio-domes. He he he, this has me intrigued now. Im not a fan of the flat earth theory, but your idea seems more plausible. This would also explain why with a strong enough telescope or binoculars, we can see other lands that should be hidden below the horizon because of the "curvature of the earth" after so many miles. As well as why airplanes don't have to make hardly any corrections in there altitude using the gyroscopes. Definitely much to think about here. Thanks for the great info and videos!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 04 2019, 04:29:21

Jayk Roach
godgevlamste I've seen them...I'm not going to judge.<br />I am pleased to see an open mind sharing.I just know what's relevant to my experience and cannot discount the properties.<br />However I am certain the moon is a map.<br />I think you are on to something g greater than you know now.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:56:21

i made a part 3 , 4 and 5 .For myself i'm 99,99 shure i'm right .Of course there is the 0,01 : maybe i'm in a delusional state , maybe my brain is playing tricks on me ? time will tell !!<br />greets and thanks for the reactions
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:51:19

Jayk Roach
godgevlamste I feel from anything of your finds it is the moon being a map of earth.I don't mind being wrong but unfortunately it seems any of this could not be proven to be right without divulgence of information by the powers that be.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:41:42

Jayk Roach
godgevlamste I'm not looking for causes.I am observing.I have lived by an ocean all of my life and witnessed many sunrises as well as full moon rises.Even based my life of fishing and surfing off the moon phases.<br />You must be careful with beliefs,especially with personal finds.<br />The moon clearly pulls and cools as the sun clearly pushes heat .Seems to be an example of thermodynamics to me.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:38:38

Thanks ,<br />You have to be carefull when you look for causes ; every time a bus is passing in my street i have an apetit for bananas !<br />There might be a cause why those two things are happening at the same time , but is one responsible for the other ?<br />The moon is like a clock : every time at 15u30 there is hightide , that does not mean your clock is responsible for hightide .<br />Every time at the first moonphase there is hightide , doesn’t mean the moon is responsible !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:19:38

Jayk Roach
godgevlamste I experience the tides being most drastically formed by the moon's phases.<br />By my observations I can see the moon clearly effecting the tide,leaving me to think that it must pull while the heat source(the sun) pushes as heat does.<br />That's why we experience higher tides with the full moon.<br />I truly appreciate your open mind ,but there are things to consider.<br />The sun and moon are equal and opposite energy to my observations.Peace
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 09:06:45

Kenny Freeman
Yeah, anything that isn't the globe is good thinking huh? Fucking brainwashed moron.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:48:15

Ms Mèmale
My 5th time watching this 29 Episode series which is just the best independent documentary about Life, ever. While I had to make a new account on Google, I wrote down your YT Handle in my journal, because your thought processes are so. Amazing. Wish I could send you some love vibes, completely platonic and genuinely grateful love vibes. Alex, CALIfornia, USA.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Oct 23 2020, 22:26:26

Pacific Siren
Interesting possibility. I like entertaining the cell egg theory, with a torroidial portal at the South Pole, which leads into the inner heaven we think of as God's sanctuary, or in scientific terms, the gamete. God is gestating and we are the reflective ideas of the DNA. Keep up the good work and know that I appreciate your complex mind. Blessings
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 03:13:30

I as Muslim Believe what Elohym God mentioned in Koran that He created Earth as Seven parts and Seven heavens Over Each others and Earths are like pieces that side by side and of course it is Flat Also there is channel that I sent you it link Telling that Moon is Reflection the Continents of our Flat Earth Not the Whole Supposed Giant Earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Nov 01 2020, 17:17:37

This "plasmabelt" is located approx where? The inner Van Allen Belt, the outer Van Allen belt, in between, further out, closer in? Earth....whichever model....through observation & measurements of celestial points & moving. Is such...or any...movement observable in the "reflection"?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 12:24:33

Chris Hartley
Reminds me of Jose Escamilla, who took high resoloution photo's of the moon and added colour to them, impact craters, what he thought in the end were actually domes. Go watch Moon Rising.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 16:16:50
Virginia Lopez
Just finished watching Moon rising and wow! I think that film makes a beautiful foundation for these videos. I'm ready to binge watch
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Nov 09 2020, 00:36:58

Peter Burgess
You have got to be joking! If you're in any doubt about the craters on the moon then just buy yourself a relatively low cost telescope or even a pair of binoculars for that matter. Can you explain the crater impacts that are not circular as well. Eliptical flat earths? If we are genuinely surrounded by the surface of the moon, how come the whole of the surface of the flat earth is not illuminated all at the same time. During many phases of the moon I am guessing that the whole surface of the flat earth would be illuminated. When is every point on Earth illuminated simultaneously? In dismissing your own fascinating rendition of reality you are just opening a whole can of worms for which you have at best one or two weak explanations and at worse fanciful and ridiculous personal ideas seemingly never contemplated by the rest of humanity in history. Get over it man, grow up and do something for the real benefit of your fellow species. The more I delve into this Flat Earth phenomena, the more I seem to find the insecurity of the individuals involvednor those seemingly making money from the weaker amongst the group. Tell me if I am wrong about this monetary gain? I get the part about finding acceptance amongst like-minded individuals, and my heart goes out to such people, but focus on yourself rather than trying to seek affirmation in some crazy group. All power to you in your own journeys to truly find reality.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Jul 02 2019, 19:53:24

George Mouse
I have one question, just one, why would this conspiracy about the shape of the earth exist? Military on Antartica, countless space agencies, every pilot ever, countless scientists throughout centuries, and many, many others, all in on it yet nobody does anything, why? And how for that matter? Even the ancient Greeks stated the earth was round, were they "in on it"? What is there to gain from this conspiracy? Because look at that list above, think of the inconceivable amount of resources used to cover it up, what is the gain from all that is spent?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 03:54:43
@D1 who told me ? the fairies <br />silenced ? too many spy-novels ?<br />sued ? for what ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 02 2019, 08:23:28

@godgevlamste OK, I'll hypothetically grant you everything you've said in that comment. <br /><br />Who told you and why haven't you been silenced already?!? <br /><br />Your story fails at even the hint of scrutiny. <br /><br />You should just write a science fiction novel with the crazy stuff in your videos and maybe a movie studio will pick it up for production, with a lot of names being changed of course, to prevent you from being sued so deep that your great, great grand children are born into debt.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 02 2019, 00:48:23

Thanks for your reaction <br />I made 5 videos , in part 3 i give a theoretical explanation of the bigger earth , you might be interested <br />Concerning : all the people that are in it? i don’t think many people are in it ! We live in a giant pyramid and only the top knows .<br />All the rest are following orders , a pilot is following the flying route he has been told .The general has been told to stay away from certain areas etc .<br />The cosmonauts are told they have to lie about he moonlandings to serve their country, to beat the Russians in the spacerace .So everybody gets another lie ,depending on their place in the pyramid .<br />Why ? let’s suggest people are living in a big house , and we are told this house is floating in space ! Noone will be looking for the frontdoor to get out , because there is no reason !<br />If the controllers can trick you in believing we live on a small ball ,noone will be looking for the way out and they have the rest of the planet for themselves !!<br />I think there must be other lifeforms on the bigger earth !! maybe they are the slavemasters ? <br />If people would know we’re on a bigger planet , first thing people would do ,is get out and explore the rest of the world , that way they would loose control …<br />The slavemasters are running this planet for thousands of years , so the Greeks would have been in the same position as us .<br />I think the controlpyramid is very old …
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 07:46:53

Leah Feiersinger
Yeah, this is a great theory, but the maths just doesn't add up. Great job thinking outside the box. I am sure the truth is out there somewhere 😏
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 11:59:57

what species are you talking about? The only species exists are all species known. There is no other morons except us and animals.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 06:46:57

David Savoie
Naaaa,,,,sun and moon are just above the earth,,,grrr,,,sun is intact reflect's on to the moon,,,fowlow the sun,,look at the moon,,the moon is always reflecting the sunlight from the direction it at,,and its season's... Just look up,,and watch for yourself.. Oh,,if the Sky's would only stay clear... With cheimtrais going on,,blocking our clear view.....Bible explains the creation any ways..don't mater what domination... the explanation for confusion...!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 21:44:06

Todd Koltes
We literally can look at the moon with a telescope! Are you really that dense? Also, we can accurately measure the size of the earth! What do you mean it's bigger than we think! Is this satire??
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 22:47:25

David Joseph
I think if you believe its a bunch of flat earths you should stop calling it the planet
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jul 14 2020, 20:52:22
why ? it is the planet filled with craters
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 14 2020, 21:05:03

Jeroen De Vleesschauwer
Ik raad je aan om eens naar een van onze volkssterrenwachten te gaan. Je kan je ook lid maken van de vereniging voor sterrenkunde.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 13 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 07:14:03

mooi , dan heb je nu bewezen dat de zeepbel niet luchtledig is !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 16:04:24

Jeroen De Vleesschauwer
godgevlamste sorry om je zeepbel te doorbreken, maar 'c' in het luchtledige is een constante...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 15:34:37

Tijddilatie ontstaat wanneer licht zich aan een bepaalde snelheid beweegt .Aangezien het reflecterend beeld zich op de plasmabol bevindt en aan een grote snelheid ronddraait ontstaat dillatie .Dit heeft niets te maken met de afstand van het beeld tov ons .<br />In tegenstelling tot de vastgeroeste wetenschappers die niet meer voor zichzelf kunnen nadenken en zich altijd moeten beroepen op anderen , bestaat er nog iets zoals creatief nadenken .Maar dat zul jij met al uw wetenschappelijke dogma’s al lang niet meer kunnen
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 15:12:17

Jeroen De Vleesschauwer
godgevlamste dus we kijken enkele miljarden jaren terug in de tijd als we naar de maan kijken. Waw... Hoe komt het dan dat de maan maar op een lichtseconde afstand staat?<br />Kan je je bronnen vermelden. Dit is echt Nobelprijs materiaal.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 14:27:14

niet 150 miljoen jaar geleden , je moet lezen wat er staat en niet wat je denkt dat er staat .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 13:19:43

Jeroen De Vleesschauwer
godgevlamste vertel eens meer over die tijdsdilatie... Ongetwijfeld is dit Nobelprijs-materiaal.<br />Ter info: 150 miljoen jaar geleden was er al leven, water, whatnot... Waar haal je je info dat er 150 milj. Jaar geleden dit niet aanwezig was?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 12:38:04

denk je nu echt dat er geen close-ups te vinden zijn van de maan op internet ? trouwens , als je mijn derde video had bekeken , dan had je gezien , dat je door tijddilatatie , naar een maan ( aarde ) zit te kijken , van 150 miljoen jaar oud , toen was er nog geen leven . Dus dan kan je ook nog geen water zien of continenten ; ik hoef dus echt niet bevreesd te zijn van wat ik ga zien , want er valt niets te zien .Alleen een prehistorische bol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:41:40

Jeroen De Vleesschauwer
godgevlamste, mocht de maan een grote reflectie zijn van een 'superaarde', waarom publiceerde je deze bevindingen dan niet? Waarom geef je dan geen wetenschappelijke lezingen? Ik heb de waarheid niet ten pacht, maar weet wel dat wat jij verkondigd flauwekul is. Als je vreest dat door een telescoop kijken je 'theorie' ontkracht, waarom doe je het dan niet?<br />Je kan zeker eens langs bij vsw beisbroek of vsw astrolab iris. Ik vermoed dat deze het dichtst bij je woonplaats zijn.<br />Mocht je hulp nodig hebben bij je waarnemingen kan ik je hierbij steeds raad geven: <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 10:42:57

ik dacht wel dat het zoiets ging zijn !! Sommige mensen denken dat ze alles weten !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:55:27

Phil Indeblanc
There is no evidence that suggests that the earth is 1000 times larger. There is no evidence that the earth is a dot reflection on the moon. There is no evidence of other life forms. There is heavy evidence that earth and nature are rather simple, yet people are whom who complicate it with not a full understanding of how it all works. Why do we have e to think we should all understand it ? Everything we hear on media is authorized I formation. Why would you think anything that is new or revealing would be common knowledge? If people created the idea of aliens and slowly developed it and you believe it, it doesn't make it real or true. Powerful people have powerful tools that can manipulate the simple system of where we live. This will be protected. This will allow them to manipulate people to do what they want and control the populations.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 16:47:06

Lucas Pickford
You know Wim, all the hostile comments here are really something. The brainwashing and indoctrination of people into the Freemasonic/Royal Society globe lie is extremely powerful and effective isn’t it? 500+ years of their lies is very hard to overcome. Your work is at the vanguard of exposing the true nature of the earth and I for one commend you. I’ve really learned a lot.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Thu Aug 27 2020, 18:04:49

Jennafir Joelli
Polaris is above us, a reflection of the sun. You can only see the reflection at night. The moon is a reflection of a reflection...a reflection of the sun reflecting Polaris onto the moon, which does indeed reflect our habitat. The sun doesn't just shine down on us, it shines outward in all directions, it shines up away from us as well. Put a light in a clear bowl and the light reflects onto the bowl above-polaris, and earth reflects all that sunlight onto the moon. We are in a crater,but in fifth grade advanced class testing they called the craters life ponds. ???? Like this????
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Aug 19 2019, 15:37:22
Jennafir Joelli
@godgevlamste<br /> the sun is a reflection of Polaris.<br />The moon is a reflection of Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 20 2019, 11:18:08

This theory evolved , polaris is not the reflection of crater earth , it’s Sulpicius Gallus M ....Or the star Sirius
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Aug 19 2019, 16:08:52

Eric Smith
What do I think? ...... I think that if you figured this out on your own... assuming you are a non military person. A civilian? You have got to be the smartest man alive! I have viewed your other videos on this topic. You are not crazy! You my friend are spot on! Congratulations! It’s Amazing to me how your body of work does not receive more attention from the flat earth community. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Well done sir,... well done.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 11:00:50
Eric Smith
godgevlamste I can’t wait for you to put out a new video! I watched everything you have on your channel one after the other. I had fantastic dreams that night. Thank you for all your hard work. I APPRECIATE IT!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 11:12:00

thanks for the compliments , appreciated !!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 11:02:12

John Smithe
I only see one blast impact bottom center quadrant at 90 degree angle, but if they all are craters why are the all at a 90degree angle with moons surface? Maybe it was molten glass bubbling that made the "craters" I love you theory I think you must be close to what's going on. I have a theory but it really out there, life feeding life, vibration frequency kinda thing.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jul 05 2018, 14:58:47
thanks , i think you're right about the bubbling , i explain it my third video <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jul 05 2018, 15:35:48

I think you could write the next Dune-esque series. What you just said is more creative than anything Hollywood has made in the last since it was created.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 02:22:22

Sugar Cain's Custom Harmonicas
I thought this myself, googled it to see if it was already out there and low behold ! Makes so much sense as it's always in 2 places at any one time meaning we all see the reflection point on our place stood at any given time =] and yes the bigger picture is just that BIGGER WORLDLY PLAIN !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Oct 02 2017, 19:58:54
Kenny Freeman
I can't believe how stupid you people are. This world is in some deep shit.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:42:32

hallo , i think that we are getting ready to enter a new world view , the old one is one of lies and deceit . i made a second video <br /><a href=""></a><br />and i'm going to make a third one ,because there are still some problems to be solved ! still searching , greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 02 2017, 20:29:41

Assuming this isn't just satire or trolling, among all the other silliness, let me just point one major flaw: If the Moon is just a reflection (it can't be, but let's just assume it is), that wouldn't explain how the Moon seems to be orbiting us, being at different positions in the sky during a month. Also, its details would change as it moves around, because that's how reflections work. Just take a mirror and look at yourself in it, and then move the mirror around, and see how the reflection of your face changes. (From the thousands of flaws in this video, I'm pointing this particular one out because I think it's the simplest one to understand.)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 07:54:28
I didn't ask any question whatsoever. Where do you see a question?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 09:31:46

sure , you ask a question and if someone wants to answer , you don't listen !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 09:20:31

Sorry, I'm not really that interested in your joke videos. I just wanted to point out the most easy-to-understand flaw in this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 08:52:41

look at part three to understand <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 08:34:41

Enrico Gura
you mean to say the moon is a reflection of a giant earth that is not completely lit up? if something is not lit how would it reflect? "the earth is a ball i see the curvature" - a micro camera centimeters above a 36in round pizza
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 19:28:45
Jimmy Z
Then why do i not correct for leveling when flying a plane from the us to Europe . I level out at 37,000 ft. for 6 hours and i am still at the same altitude. explanation please? This is a a very true theory great job explaining the truth just very hard to swallow after being fed so many brain programming lies I'd imagine if these people seen this for them self's they would probably still believe what NASA has fed them .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Aug 31 2019, 08:49:00

How can a greek scientist state , that the measurements of the pyramid coincide , with the measurements of earth , when you don’t even know the form or size of the earth .<br />That is like reversed science : start with the outcome and turn it back .<br />And than you make that reasoning the prove of the outcome .<br />That’s falsification <br />And indeed , the plasmaball is an assumption , as i stated in the beginning .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 16:59:55

Trey Riesen
Ok that makes more sense, well four thousand years give or take a few hundred years was the approximate when the bulk of the pyramids in Egypt were built the placement of the pyramids and the direction that they face are specifically done in correlation with astrology and the solar cyclical. A few hundred years later a Greek mathematicians used the pyramids to map out a lot of planetary movements, the path of the sun, and even a pretty close approximation of the size of the earth. <br /><br />"we have never observed a "plasma belt" with the property you describe.: we must be perfect !!! we never discovered creativity either , but it is there !"<br /><br />Your entire model needs this ex machina to work there is no scientific reason to jump your conclusion. Creativity on the other hand is simply the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work the effects of which can be observed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 16:34:49

We figured out math that disproved this idea four thousand years ago : we must be very old !!<br />we have never observed a "plasma belt" with the property you describe.: we must be perfect !!! we never discovered creativity either , but it is there !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 16:06:10

Trey Riesen
"we must be perfect !!! we never discovered creativity either , but it is there ! we must be very old !!" what are you even talking about.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 15:29:35

we must be perfect !!! we never discovered creativity either , but it is there !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 15:12:05

Trey Riesen
We figured out math that disproved this idea four thousand years ago
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 13:50:18

Trey Riesen
You still have a lot of massive problem there because of the location of the sun in relation to the moon, solar cyclical, Red and Blue star light and also we have never observed a "plasma belt" with the property you describe.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 13:46:32

look at part three , where i give a theoretical solution <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 08:02:40

Trey Riesen
godgevlamste This is a "creative attempt to combine flat earth and the spherical concept" but this is a mess of nonsense that fails to basic observation like how would a total solar eclipse even happen how does the lunar cyclical work?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 07:19:17

Ahnah Sophia
The stupidity of saying just let everyone have their own beliefs, is asinine. There is a COMPLETE TRUTH TO EVERYTHING. 👌👌👌✌✌✌
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 02 2020, 20:31:54

Henk Oosterink
Ik wist dat Belgen soms raar waren, maar jij bent echt de top.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Oct 16 2017, 07:42:49

Sgt D
Stop with the stupid theories. How about some proven facts.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 20:12:11

Nicolas Bishop - dj Old Nic
Excellent.....More land, other peoples....I personally dont think its a ball, but more a flat plane, surrounded by torus fields, giving it a sort of egg shape (oblate spheroid ;) )...More in line with Vedic Cosmology. The Moon being a reflection is definately possible...a map of here? I feel the Universe is down here..stretched out like a record...different areas within this realm....The Van Allen belt may just be the way the Elite describe the energy/ torus fields, that seperates "areas" from each other....Maybe the Elites have got through......Ufo's seem to get is an interesting vid ;)..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 05:15:59
Nicolas Bishop - dj Old Nic
That's all we organised trip across Antarctica, several video...etc, etc...but...we are stopped by the Treaty, and of course, not forgetting the Chilean Sea Bass, which need protecting ..;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 11:32:57

we would have to go look for ourselves to be absolutely sure !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 10:39:53

Nicolas Bishop - dj Old Nic
Maybe the Toroidal fields/ barriers will drop naturally anyway...and this is a cycle that the Elite know about and want to control before everyone wakes up...going forwards towards an age where all barriers on this flat earth relam drop and we are able to go wherever...except the Elites dont want that on their Farm, as you stated, from one prison to another...;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 10:05:07

hey Nicolas , i saw the movie and posted this comment<br /><br /><br />I get it .We break out of the prison ball earth and we are led into a new prison : the toroid protected flat earth .Somebody wants to hold us back from going out of our flat earth : “we can’t , we are held back by a thoroidal field !!!” Our adversaries are genius , highjack the flat earth and make a new diversion .Mix it with some new-age words of illumination , ascend , hexagram ,Christ , etc .<br />People that are waking up are led into a new dream <br />Watch out , the revolution is about to be highjacked !!!!!!<br /><br />that's my opinion <br />greetz
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 09:51:40

Let’s take our planet back , aim the satellites ( if they exist ) at the icewall and we will see with our own eyes , what’s the shape of the earth ! Good thing is that people stop believing the controlsystem and think for themselves . We will get there ! the collapse is near !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 06:40:43

Caroline Burns
Great idea and makes sense having watched a few video's about the reflection of the earth on the firmament
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Sep 16 2017, 14:50:27
Kenny Freeman
Really? This makes sense? I'm sorry the education system has failed you. Holy shit.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:33:37

hello <br />I think i cracked the code <br />I made part two <br /><a href=""></a><br />let me know what you think <br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 17 2017, 14:43:54

Preston Christine
It still flat... And we would be seeing a reflection..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 14 2017, 20:03:19

Laurie Henson
I'm late in the game of all of this, however, I will comment anyway. Admiral Bird said something to the effect of this after he went exploring. Also, I saw a YouTube video that was similar. Earth had several domes. We are just one civilization, among many, on a very large planet. Each sealed in by a dome covering. An ice layer holds in the water and also keeps each civilization separated. Maybe your idea is no Soo far fetched.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 03 2019, 19:53:33

I don't think this is possible simply because the sun gos around the earth and if the theory of their may be more land around us is true how is the sun even hitting it? If you follow the sun with a plane for example when does it ever get to shine in these other lands?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 19:38:17
i explain that in my third video<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 20:46:14

virus protoss
I like your idea completely support the idea for other ecosystems around us I also think in Antarctica they protect us from another species it’s a fully military zone I’ve done my homework research admiral Richard Byrd operation high jump , operation fishbowl real interviews with admiral Byrd can be found in YouTube .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 17:27:55

And this is why we don't like drug tourists in the Netherlands.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 11:50:26

Kevin Compton Reclaim your brain
I think that as long as we know what they’re telling us is a complete lie we are in good shape. No one will ever be able to figure out exactly what this is and how it all works. We keep coming up with theories that split the masses reality. We need to harp on the fact that it isn’t what they tell us. If we can get the majority of the worlds population to know that everything they’ve told us about this system is a lie then the reality paradigm will shift. We don’t need to come up with theories and ideas that cannot be proven. That’s what they’ve done! You’re doing the same thing. While I applaud you for your research and the general idea, i believe it does more harm than good. Once again the fingers need to be pointing out the things they say and how they tell us this world works. We need to point out their lies and disprove them. Not come up with more ideas that can’t be proven. I will watch some more of your videos. But I truly believe a lot of people are going about this in the wrong way.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 18:30:20

If we are on a great big super Earth, then the whole "you're just too small to see the curve" excuse would actually make sense to me. Thinking about it now Eric Dubay said the horizon remains at eye level as you go up, but the further you go up, the horizon actually drops a little. By this That could only mean the Earth IS a super Earth. Buuut idk. it still seems far-fetched. But an exciting idea nonetheless.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 14:15:43

Ive thought of this concept for quite a while now... Im glad to know that I'm not alone!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Feb 01 2018, 02:28:36
Max Maxwell
Yep, apparently you're not the only crazy around, that must be reassuring.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 12:07:21

Precisely. Any truth is better than alie!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 28 2020, 19:09:46

Angela Renee
packing spheres next to each other is a great way to maximize space
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 02:22:07

Preston Christine
SEE Matt Muckleroy's playlist on his website and my Facebook page for related subjects, as well as messages received telepathically, ie from Archangel Michael, who has confirmed we live on a platform. The source is Higher Dimensional, celestial (heaven). Christine Preston, Swansea (also Belgian)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Oct 16 2017, 09:08:09
The Man From Krypton
LMAO. How do people in 2018 believe in any of those things anymore? Doesn't anyone want evidence for any of it? Guess not as long as they agree with something, makes them feel better.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:13:55

Mr Levitate
Your “theory” shows no substantial evidence. So therefore it’s not even a theory. It’s just ramble from a low IQ man. If the moon was the reflection of the earth, it would be green and blue and our earth would be a lot more grey.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 23:12:26

Scott Wallace
All flat Earther models are crazy, but this takes the cake. Congratulations- you are the Pizzagate of flat Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 10 2020, 22:34:19

Betty Davis
I watched both of your videos. They were absolutely fascinating!😱 Antarctica is too protected to believe nothing is going on. And it could explain all the strange beings in ancient artifacts. Also the giant mud fossils. We are not alone. The government is trying to cover our sky because we are being discovered again.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 11 | Sat Jan 13 2018, 13:39:27
Betty Davis
Kenny and the man.....<br />You need to research and stop being Parrots. It's getting old.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 13:17:51

Betty Davis
I didn't see these comments till today.<br />Why do these jokers think they can do what they want in Antarctica!😂<br /> Look at the Antarctica World Cup Race,<br />That will give you a huge clue!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 13:12:07

Jonny Tonto
Frogthroat1 Why don't you book a flight from here going south, cross the south pole and come back up the other side right back here? Well? You can't stupid. Nobody can and has and nobody ever will.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 05:05:19

Jonny Tonto
John Wild If they were there could you prove it 100%? No you couldn't. Shut your mouth smart guy. Why do you eat poop?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 05:02:33

Jonny Tonto
betty davis Look how viscous these people are. And why are they even here? Seems to me that more ball believers watch flat earth videos than flat earthers. What does that tell you? It means they are either afraid, curious or both. Just ignore them. Don't feed the trolls.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 05:00:53

The Man From Krypton
betty davis OMG please don't breed, if you have, let them go to an actual school and actually learn something about reality.<br />No "ice wall", no flat Earth, reptoids, aliens or whatever else some of you believe.<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 09:31:22

Kenny Freeman
Betty Davis, So you watched a YouTube video saying that Antarctica was militarized and believed it? Antarctica isn't owned by anyone. You can take a cruise there. There Earth is a sphere, and your a quack. Get an education.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:30:42

Why don't you guys just book a trip to Antarctica? <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 13:59:13

John Wild
Where are the guards protecting Antarctica , the 60 thousand mile radius of it.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Mar 08 2018, 03:03:48

Rescued By Mary
Dude, Your universe described here is really Concave... RbM
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 15 2018, 00:51:28

Dennis Madigan
If the most brilliant mind of all time explained to you the shape of the earth would you believe Him? If He told you the reason for the sun, moon and stars would you believe Him? If He told you what the purpose of our earth was would you believe Him? Well this brilliant mind also created these things so I would say he knows a thing or two about it. He describes the earth as being flat and stationary. He describes the sun as the large light to rule the day. He describes the moon as the lesser light to rule the night. And he made the stars too. All these things were created for earth for signs and seasons. The earth and only the earth was created to be inhabited. Could He have created life else where?. He sure could have. But everything I have read by Him indicates He did not. People it's time to wake up. Read the bible. The end is upon us. Time to get ready to meet our Lord Jesus Christ.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Fri Dec 29 2017, 14:32:38
Kenny Freeman
Dennis Madigan, the bible isn't common knowledge. It's a story book. Why don't you read something factual. You realize God didn't write the bible right? Fucking brainwashed idiot.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 03:57:37

Dennis Madigan
Green Lightning Studios if your comment is directed at me?, everything I said is common knowledge. You need to educate yourself.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 01 2018, 19:54:41

Making jokes clearly isn’t your strongest point , but keep trying !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Feb 01 2018, 18:34:22

Who let you out of the mental institution
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Feb 01 2018, 17:59:09

Dennis Madigan
godgevlamste hope that works out for you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 29 2017, 15:11:01

In my world God is not speaking words ,creating worlds , writing books ,sending prophets ,judging good and bad .<br />He will not return because he never left us .The only form he has is eternal love and he is always present .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 29 2017, 15:04:22

Vincent Anderson
that would explain why we only see 1 side of the moon, no matter where we are on earth.. we would only be able to see our own reflection.. and the star's could be sun's of other bio's systems.. and how the hell does light travel 93 million miles,? but we can't get a laser to travel 500 miles.. either the earth is too big for them to tell us it's real shape, or they just don't know, and making shit up to make money off of us.. either way is Evil.. No More Evil.. Own it !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 14:57:43
you're right about 1 side of the moon , i explain it in my third video <br /><br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 15:43:20

Quantum of Conscience
No matter what, thinking big like this is always closer to the truth than most things. Nice work.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Apr 26 2020, 14:23:42
Krystal Nahnychuk
Quantum, I hope you continued to watch his entire series in order. The research builds upon one another and makes more sense as you make your way to his latest upload. Many paradigms shifted, realities shattered and new neural synapses created.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:56:47

well you mention nazi's believed in black sun if nazi's did they were up to something like vril geo evenregy <br />pretty interesting and i think you r right about black sun too<br />good job tnx
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Nov 20 2017, 17:14:14

i don't know , i haven't seen it elsewhere .But other people surely must have thought about this !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 31 2017, 15:48:42

Your theory unites flat earth and globe earth. But it doesn't include the alien skies our ancestors saw the Thunderbolts Project says they saw. It doesn't include but contradicts the thesese of Immanuel Velikovski and Halton Arp. And I was headed to square earth. (square earth society) I thought the bigger earth surrounding our circle is square. But your theory says we live in a circle on a globe. But your theory goes perfectly together with the no trees (forests) on flat earth saga.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 09:19:27
Firstly, flat earth is NOT a theory. Secondly, it does unite SHIT.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 12 2019, 13:09:49

Jay Kline
If you're serious, get psychological help. If not, well done.... very amusing.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 22:04:09

Marcelo Velarde
This theory is so cool i dont care what people think.. But if the moon is the reflection of earth what about the stars in the night?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 03:54:40

Only one problem with that...we have been to the moon already. It's a floating rock in space just like earth but has no life on it.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 5 | Wed Feb 14 2018, 17:57:11
The Man From Krypton
Nicholas Driver thousands of people associated with NASA, the people and companies that built everything like the CM, LM, rovers, laser experiments, spacesuits could not keep a secret from friends and family until their death and NO evidence of a faked lunar program has ever been found.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Apr 21 2018, 20:27:03

John Wild
Nicholas Driver that’s easy we left a huge refractor on it that we can shoot laser beams at
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 08 2018, 03:06:27

Nicholas Driver proof that we went on the moon?<br />Reflector beacons left there by Apollo missions letting us calculate the distance with a 7mm precision?<br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />I want my 5000€ now
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Mar 05 2018, 18:10:36

in my opinion the moonlanding happened in a filmstudio !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 14 2018, 18:43:44

El Èl
Yes. It's pure madness. No. There is not a single good nor coherent idea in this entire video. We're literally all dumber for having watched it. Please stop spewing your brain diarrhea on others.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Dec 16 2020, 04:55:01

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