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The moon is a ball of flat Earths in a spherical mirror. Also, reptoids.
I'm not sure how much more clear I can make that title. Flat earth. Mirror moon. If you like my videos, please consider supporting me on Patreon: ...
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The Simpsons - Thank God, It's Doomsday (S16E19) |FULL VERSION|
Bru Ko
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The moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth , final proof !!!
A final vision of a new planetary system ! Earth is enclosed in a plasmaball , the moon is a reflection and not a ball .We live on a gigantic planet !!!
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We live on a Bigger Earth , Atlantis revealed
We live on a Bigger Earth , Atlantis is Saturn Stonehenge is Sirius - Sulpicius Gallus M - Earth ...
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is the moon a reflection of a gigantic earth ? ( part two) - black sun , polaris
part three : final proof I think the moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth , polaris is the reflection of earth .
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Plasma TRUTH/The Phoenix Rises 🎇
1. You shall not take away the life of any creature for your pleasure, nor for your profit. nor torment it. 2. You shall not steal the goods of any, nor gather lands and ...
Suvi Bird
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Title: The moon is a reflection of a gigantic earth , final proof !!!
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monkey Boy
Wtf did you smoke. Thats some good shit. This makes total sence. This explains the moon illusion better than all the other models/theories. You really thought about this. Even if you are wrong great outside the box thinking. Thanks for sharing
Show Comment | Likes: 227 | View Replies: 7 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 11:00:43

Lucid Spore
Well if your mentality and or overall mental state changes , like the way you carry yourself throughout the rest of your life based on the information, and or thoughts you have now towards history and or the "past" , I suppose your physical life could change positively, negatively or even neutrally based on your choices from here on out until you're 6 feet under.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Dec 05 2020, 09:30:41

Power Rangers
If he is correct so now what? Nothing in your Physical Life will change, you will continue to function as normal until your 6 feet under.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 24 2020, 10:01:00

Timothy Triumph
The only reason why I am here is because I literally looked at the moon for 1 hour and kept saying to myself this moon looks like earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 50 | View Replies: 5 | Wed Nov 28 2018, 12:56:19
joseph bvr
@godgevlamste great channel reach out to Santos Bonacci
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 31 2020, 04:34:33

John Titor
@godgevlamste <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 27 2020, 20:49:01

@godgevlamste I love that you made it. You are a great mind.
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 07:10:19

that"s the same reason i made this video for
Show Comment | Likes: 28 | Wed Nov 28 2018, 14:20:47

Free Irish/Mexican American Girl
This is amazing information I'm not even sure if I'm smart enough to grasp it but it feels right. I'm in love with this theory 💯❤🔥 make more videos.
Show Comment | Likes: 30 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 14:45:06

Wow... a new theory; The Larger Earth Theory. Plasma ball- Van Allen belts!, this could explain the infinite plane theory, concave earth recent findings without any contradictions. I like it!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 69 | View Replies: 10 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 02:20:54

Marko B : wow, I haven’t heard from you in months. That’s the slowest comeback in history. Good job.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 14:48:56

Marko B
@jopalo31675 The only perspective here is you are brainwashed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 14:34:46

Mark P
@Marko B Seas occupy the lower parts of the crater and swill around a bit with movement of the greater earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 14:02:48

Michelle Zeh
@jopalo31675 hahaha, you nailed it!! 🤣
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 00:57:14

Marko B : The only perspective here is... your full of yourself. Have a nice day.
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | Mon Jul 20 2020, 01:11:11

Marko B
@jopalo31675 Perspective is difficult thing to learn. Its all about perspective
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 20 2020, 00:41:22

Marko B
Seas are not concave, and neither is the land.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sun Jul 19 2020, 21:43:10

Dan Theman
There is an ancient Japanese map that shows many more continents all around our seven or so... If you believe the earth is a ball, your world ends there. If you think it is flat and that there are many other suns out there spinning in circles melting an infinite frozen field of ice, then that could explain the colour of the moon if it is a shiny convex mirror or ball bearing reflecting a huge flat earth with many other Edens which have not fallen... I do believe this fallen earth is in quaranteen and flying ufos repelled Admiral Byrd and sent him back home from the edge of where our sun melts in its widest circle around the North Pole... There is no photo of the Earth from outer space. In part one, that picture of the earth that showed more land like Byrd said beyond the supposed south pole blew me away. IF the earth rotates once every twenty four hours, and once around the sun every 365 days, then at noon june solstice the sun would be due south, but six months later it should be due north at noon, and to the east or west in march and september... If man only drilled eight miles down, no one knows what is in the center of the earth, a molten ball or just solid ice or granite. The North Pole has video of the sun not setting in June, there is no video of the sun not setting in December at the so called south pole. It just doesnt exist. We live on a stereo loudspeaker magnet. Gravity is a joke. Density makes sense. Heavier things solids, liquids gases sink more than lighter ones... like oil on water, like helium balloons rise and propane lays along the floor... I find it sad that once people choose a favorite band, colour, car model, baseball or football team, political party or food... they will die defending their choice of that team or party whether it is phased out or wins or loses or production is stopped... Such is this globe indoctrination, to keep us humans confined and satisfied, distracted with games and sex and politics and wars, and threats of aliens, asteroids, chemicals, cancer terrorists and economic collapse... while we are forbidden to travel outwards beyond the ice wall where our sun is programmed to start returning and making smaller circles towards the North Pole... Many things fascinate me about our plane or planet, and I think we should all be open to new teams, ideas and truths as it says in Daniel, knowledge shall increase before the end... Is it so hard for you to admit you got lied to? Or will you keep that first cheating lying spouse because of fear of embarassment of family, work collegues, friends on social media... and sacrifice pride for the truth? The first part of this series had so many schills, paid people to attack truth, the second, many less, and the third part actually has people thinking and not rebuking new thoughts and ideas... I do believe we are getting smarter again, with telescopes and DNA and understanding magnetism and electricity, but many would rather stick with their black clothes and horse and buggies and reject pooling our resources and heads on the internet and social media for fear of change.... People fear change, but imagine a world without electricity and jet planes... just happy little communes of inbred hunters and food gatherers entertaining themselves with soccer balls and fermented juices and sex of course... Lol.
Show Comment | Likes: 137 | View Replies: 30 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 22:03:48
And let me give you some advice :-<br />1) run to the mountains .<br />2) grow your own food .<br /> and for the people of us especially:
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Nov 18 2020, 06:14:29

Debbie Turfitt
@Califragistico CGI composites are not real actual photos. Waking up happens in many steps and phases. First thing to accept is maybe just maybe they lied to u about EVERYTHING. Knowledge is power. They aren’t gonna give that shit to the wretched masses. They feed us a false narrative. Even our history is bullshit sprinkled with a few truths.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Nov 10 2020, 08:39:43

Brian Largo
@Glenn Holmes <a href=""></a> no. In 2015 they took another.-
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 30 2020, 07:08:02

Glenn Holmes
@Califragistico nope. Nasa admits it themselves. They are not photos. They are composites.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Tue Sep 29 2020, 16:28:51

I’ve looked on google to find pictures of the earth and all I see is cgi photos with the continents portrayed as different sizes or composite photos... can you send me a link to a real photo of the earth from space, please?
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Tue Sep 29 2020, 16:17:48

@Glenn Holmes There was one, but there are more now. You are talking old news.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 23:57:32

Glenn Holmes
@Califragistico there is only one photo of earth, and it was taken from inside the vehicle of the first alleged moon landing. The rest are composite images aĺlegedly made of out strips of information taken by satelites. That one photo could very well look like small round ball because of the round window. It could be a bigger ball or be flat, there is no way to tell by the picture.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 21:55:01

Britne S
This was brilliant and I have so much resolve in my life after watching this. This is the most accurate theory of what the moon is that I've ever heard. My mind can rest... thank you, it was done to perfection. Take care, best wishes and thank you again for enlightening us, you have enhanced my sense of peace and helped me find serenity 🧘‍♀️ I am forever grateful.
Show Comment | Likes: 42 | View Replies: 6 | Sun May 26 2019, 05:17:43
The Hyperborean
You know the peace symbol is an evil representation of death of the spirit? <br /><br />The circle/orb being the spirit and then combined with the rune for death.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 17 2020, 13:42:21

Bitcoin Bull
@Maxx Imm she's serious. This isn't light stuff. Getting your paradigm shifted is not an insignificant event. I've had a few of these experiences resulting from YouTube videos.
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 19:26:09

I love you 1
I know she looks better but I love you too!!! Genius
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Apr 04 2020, 10:01:55

Maxx Imm
So hard tell if you´re serious or trolling.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Jan 25 2020, 00:32:35

Chris Schott
The face of the moon has changed dramatically over the years , I've noticed ... Very intriguing
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Sep 03 2018, 00:30:51

Larry S. Feraca
12 years ago I found videos showing that you can see stars through the image of the moon. People speculated that the moon must be a hologram or projection. Perhaps it's really a reflection caused by the sunlight bouncing off our real home world.
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 01:41:02

Pacific Siren
When I look at the moon I know there is something I am missing. I've wondered if it's a reflection of earth. I've wondered if the military broke a hole in the bubble around earth with project fishbowl, and that NASA discovered there was no way to get to the moon, either because it isn't really there, or because it's in it's own bubble, (think Russian dolls). Why they went ahead and pretended to go to the moon? Money, power, control. The mental work that went into explaining this theory is so clear and organized. True genius.
Show Comment | Likes: 36 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 01:39:25
Free Irish/Mexican American Girl
@coltin engle if I might add also the fact that history repeats itself in a sense, possibly for millennial.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 19:07:59

coltin engle
@Free Irish/Mexican American Girl That means revelation has been going on for aloooooong time. The projection of the moon is our revelation. "hey look, it's you!" But only now have we put 2 and 2 together.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 16:51:38

Free Irish/Mexican American Girl
There is ancient Native American stories that talk of a time on earth before a moon was ever there.
Show Comment | Likes: 13 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 14:49:33

Robin Landry
It figures that I’d run into your videos in the year 2020
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 23:45:38

Eleições Fraudulentas
A concave mirror will always show a tiny reflection of you.
Show Comment | Likes: 30 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 22:59:40

Scott Patterson
i pondered this very idea in my mind when i was a kid. I remember telling my mother that the moon was the Earth only in a mirror. She laughed and said how cute and thought Jeez ya dumb little prick. Who’s laughing now Ma??
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Apr 11 2019, 18:34:52
Regina the seeder
dna haas information of your past life, that’s cool. I was insightful, as my child is at young age.⭐️
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 25 2020, 16:47:03

Ludwig Wittgenstein
So, they didn’t lie, the man really... went at the moon :)
Show Comment | Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 23:22:38

Geocentric Earth, inside a plasma "firmament" bubble, where the Sun casts a projection of the Earth on the other side that we call the Moon. Just as plausible as Big Science heliocentric theory that the spinning ball Earth is rocketing through space tethered to the Sun by gravity magic. Just as plausible as the stationary flat Earth theory, which cannot explain the seasons without a system of magical portals similar to what is described in the Book of Enoch 72. Bottom line is that we will most likely never know the truth until we die, and maybe not even then. The only thing I'm sure of is that this physical world is only temporary, and God's creation is much greater than this place we call Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 16:09:46
Mark P
FPV Angel channel explains the seasons via a control system based around the Nazca lines, and many other lines found elsewhere.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 17:47:57

Roy Wright
Exactly will we ever know, so many lies upon lies, if we were ever told the truth would we even believe it 🤔 you can be lied to and decieved in this realm why would it not be possible in the next, afterlife spirit realm etc, there's good and bad in both I believe.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 10:00:05

Mike Greene
When I look at the moon, something about it makes me want to see earth. I mean looking at the real live moon in my sky. I'm not zoomed enough to see craters but something inside me makes me think the moon is reflecting the earth. Of course I haven't considered we are in a crater but I'm glad I found your vids to think about and look into. It channel came to me by way of quite a few links from different topics in the span of some minutes hours ago. Amazing how this info reached me. Looking toward to more of your thoughts. I binged on all your vids already ha. Great work, man
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Nov 15 2019, 16:53:51
thanks Mike ,sometimes i wonder if my videos are blocked , but apparantly not ..that's good news !
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Nov 16 2019, 08:28:52

t brown
The articulation and tone quality is very pleasing and the footage is exceptional i am unqualified to address the concept but i enjoy the production values with glee
Show Comment | Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 13:05:25

Goodbye Blue Sky
You are a genius! This answers so MANY questions for me. It is written that all answers will be revealed....and it might take a few years But this is the biggest peice of the puzzle EVER!
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 17:20:33

I enjoy new ideas ,I have watched this 11 times ,and every time my life gets smaller and smaller, humble and thankful, truthfully I realize I am praying more ,enjoying the small things in life and appreciating everything, so thank you for the open minded thought sir
Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 4 | Sat Sep 15 2018, 23:05:54

Southern Belle
I was looking at the moon last night with binoculars and this theory popped into my head so I googled it and came across your videos. I love the theory. It makes sense and very well may be. Just because we are told different by others doesn't mean that its correct. Stay opened minded, keep being creative, and thinking out side the "box".
Show Comment | Likes: 72 | View Replies: 9 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 18:52:14

@Dan Theman Now that is a hoot!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 06:59:47

@Bea Waver Ha! I love what you just said! Now, more than ever people will define ill-informed ideas to the death! I am cracking up!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 06:59:29

Breseis Jones
@godgevlamste You are not the only one by a LONG SHOT ;)<br /><br /><br />Also thank you so much for posting and sharing your beautiful, creative and insightful mind with us! So thankful you are in my world, even if its just a small crater of the larger one! I for one am interested in exploration during this lifetime! Who knows :)
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Jul 24 2019, 02:29:14

Dan Theman
nineteen billion a year for nasa from taxpayer pockets... for what?@Eleições Fraudulentas
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 21:42:00

Bea Waver
@Eleições Fraudulentas Correct, but indeed they do, some have a hard time coming to terms with hard facts...
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Jan 13 2019, 07:03:35

Eleições Fraudulentas
I just find it amusing how people are fond of thinking that crooked politicians are professional liars living off the taxes paid by ignorant people and none ever thinks that crooked scientists could do the exact same while they belittle the opinion of those who spent the week watching football on TV.
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 23:19:30

Bea Waver
@godgevlamste Nope you are not. I keep being abused by anti flat earthers and flat earthers alike because I agree with no one. <br />But all I say the calculation of the curvature doesn't match the distance we see, but indeed the sun seems to disappear behind a horizon, a much bigger planet would be that answer to this paradox. <br />Truly the fact that it goes pitch dark at night bugles me. <br />but its like in politics if you try to compile a composite of two extremes to take things back into a balanced workable paradigm, you usually get trolls of both sides attacking you.
Show Comment | Likes: 11 | Tue Jan 01 2019, 18:22:07

so , i'm not the only one ! thanks , i will !
Show Comment | Likes: 15 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 19:42:53

Frank Spencer
Amazing video, totally makes sense. I’ve been into FET for years, but recently found out, that movement of earth, can be measured. This answers the problem, all can exist at the same time......flat, curved, concave, hollow, spinning etc etc etc.......
Show Comment | Likes: 9 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Apr 30 2019, 12:18:29
Gabriel Wimmershoff
Frank Spencer how can the movement of the earth be measured? Very interesting, hope is not NASA .<br />Thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 01:00:38

Kenneth Lapham
YouTube took 2 years to offer you mostly when they hide it is from ft ear of a truth
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 02:55:18

Vespasian Augustus
- Anyone out there with a kick asssssss telescope to do some footage/grabs of Sulpichius? - I'm downloading these clips in case aethernet blackouts soon - Is there a way to "correct" the filtered reflection/hologram of the moon? Would we see a ball of... blue ocean with domes and land masses on it (being the craters etc.)? - What if there are other domes/species out there in the same jam we're in? I'd want to go help them (After we help ourselves). - Schumann resonance is rising, is 'Mama Earth' reversing what the magick ritual tech these guys have done? Can we help her by raising ours and not being dickheads perhaps? Collective meditating (just vomited in my mouth but y'know what I mean?) Collective Ho'opono'pono - Shiiiieeeettt guys looks like we get to be Star Trek / Star Gate / Star Wars / Star-ship Troopers (they were always showing us in magick Hollywood) Final Fantasy / Lord of the Rings / Game of Thrones after all yessssssssss (without being like parasitic though lol) - Is the answer to synthesize i.e. what happens if you blend the Jehovah/Ra torus with Apep? Do we throw the baby out with the bathwater, or do we heal, learn and grow from the tragedy that has been this realm. Do we come out stronger? - Is this a quarantine for Ra and these cheeky cats? Are we here with them helping with rehabilitation? Man lots of thoughts, this dude is hilarious and clips are so fun to watch, easy to learn from (thanks for your work bro)
Show Comment | Likes: 16 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 10:09:19
Saul Goodman
one does not simply walk up mt meru and into the waters above crater earth
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 01:30:55

yeti dynamics
well this makes as much sense as any other flat earth theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 117 | View Replies: 40 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 00:28:12
​@E Kap I know I'm not yeti dynamics but I will attempt to prove earth's a globe gladly without using NASA. Everyone else, strap in because A- level physics lies ahead...<br /><br />In fairness, if you are an unstable muon particle entering earth's atmosphere at 98% the speed of light, earth would only appear about 2.492km thick (according to Lorentz contraction). But through a careful process of looking around and realizing we are not unstable muons entering earth's atmosphere at 98% the speed of light, here we go... <br /><br />First of all someone in Australia, South Africa and South America can all look south and find the southern cross in the night sky even though the flat earth model would have them all looking in different directions. <br /><br />Secondly, the kinetic energy required to accelerate a flat earth at 9.81ms^-2 would be 2.87x10^26 Joules. 506,000 times the world energy consumption for a year.And this is only for 1 second of acceleration. Any more than 1 second would require exponentially more energy. To have gravity for a year it would take 9.05x10^33 Joules of energy. For the 200,000 years humans have existed, it would take 1.81x10^39 Joules of energy. And this hilariously generous as if we are using rockets to do this we would have to add the weight of the rockets as well<br /><br /> We can tell this doesn't happen quite easily but 200,000 years of acceleration would mean the earth would be traveling at 0.65% the speed of light. Using lorentz contraction again, if this were true 1 meter would only be 0.9m which it isn't. This isn't needed for a rotating globe though because acceleration is a vector quantity, meaning it takes into account speed and direction. If you drive in circles around a roundabout at 50mph for example, your acceleration is changing even though your speed stays the same. the same applies to earth that is constantly spinning at 15 degrees per hour and consequently, so are you.<br /><br />here are the equasions and information I used:<br />- kinetic energy = 0.5 * mass * velocity ^ 2<br />- mass of the earth: <a href=""></a><br />- 1 year = 3.54 x 10^7 seconds<br />-Lorentz contraction where L = legnth, v= velocity and c = the speed of light <br />L = L0√1-(v^2 / c^2)<br /><br />Finally here is footage of Alexi Leonov performing the first spacewalk for the soviet union space program. A program from a country that directly competed against America in the space race, enjoy =D.<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:46:21

Mark P
@Dark figure Nasa<br /> are a bunch of left brain psychopathic parasites, thieving tax payers cash to drive the phoney point home that we live on a ball and the moon is real. Its about maintaining control in the slave colony that JFK tried to tell us about.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 17:03:44

Andrew Holdaway
@Humpty Dumpty <br />A year old.<br /><br />What you say is be true, we see flatturds doing it all the time - and then quickly cutting away as the ship starts to disappear bottom first beyond the horizon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 19:25:29

Humpty Dumpty
@Andrew Holdaway watch a ship sail beyond the limitations of your sight then put a telescope on it and you will see the ship again.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 18:29:47

Andrew Holdaway
@isabel Hughes <br />The only issues they raise are: their honesty and or competence; their audiences gullibility.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 02 2019, 04:35:08

isabel Hughes
@Andrew Holdaway you can find people that have taken infrared pictures of over 2000 miles away. Using trig you can calculate the angle and it never adds up. I'm not saying the Earth is flat but it does raise issue with the current model.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 22:00:32

Andrew Holdaway
@isabel Hughes <br />It's a hypothesis rather than a theory, and it's one that is not likely to gain any traction
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 12:29:21

Only Human
The Moon and stars could be mirror reflections of the Earth in the Firmanent. In Genesis, God's face is mirrored in the Deep as He separated the terrestrial and heavenly waters.
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Apr 08 2019, 00:58:30

Pit Ambara
fk it.. ım going with this.... its people like you who should get a nobel prize for inspiration
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 17:35:41

John Thomas
Interesting. Have to watch again. Even more interesting are the sheep bleating below because you threaten their belief system that mommy taught them.
Show Comment | Likes: 12 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 01:37:34
@godgevlamste Exactly! They always react like this to the silliest things. It is fear. It is so strange. Also very sad.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 07:12:19

Psycho Naut
This is actually kind of cool. I liked it. Huge trees, huge earth. Seems plausible.
Show Comment | Likes: 26 | View Replies: 6 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 16:15:41
I've been wanting a tattoo of the mushroom bee shaman petroglyph in your avatar for ever. One day
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Nov 28 2020, 22:27:05

Roy Wright
@Freemind This year is the end of an age into the next we go.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 09:52:19

Possibly when the portals/gates open up during a grand cycle change? <a href="">#Cosmic</a> Egg <a href="">#Book</a> Of Enoch..
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 03:52:43

Flat Earth Switzerland
Huge gardener coming to the rescue? They are burning our forests down.. Watch their stupid theology: <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 18:39:43

derek storey
You have something, subscribed after 3 mins you could be a genius,Mr x is a great example of moon phases, look forward to watching the rest of your content.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 02:45:32

Beth Long
"Flat earth" has led me to acknowledge things are not as we have been told. However, the flat earth model doesn't make sense either. I was literally JUST talking with friends about how perhaps the globe is just WAY bigger than we think!!! #mindblown! Thanks for this!!
Show Comment | Likes: 35 | View Replies: 34 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 11:13:43
david smiley
@Roni Yoni oh thanks for this like a letter to me
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 18 2020, 21:31:23

Saul Goodman
@Roni Yoni This guy says Christ is the parasite, the angels, all the "wings" are insect wings, we are battling a hive mind ai conciousness, trapped in the soul recycle trap of the archons, posing as gods and loved ones when entering the afterlife to trap your soul
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 01:37:50

Shutup Beavis
Brian Teskey no you can’t, link a real non edited full 24 day in the Southern Hemisphere that has a 24 hour sun. Can’t because it’s not possible.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 05:39:33

Flat Earth Switzerland
@jimmyfly Challenge for you! if you believe you live on a globe 🌍, watch this 10 videos with an open mind: <br /> <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br />3. <a href=""> </a><br />4. <a href=""> </a><br />5. <a href=""> </a><br />6. <a href=""> </a><br />7. <a href=""> </a><br />8. <a href=""> </a><br />9. <a href=""> </a><br />10. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />You are welcome to see more content on: <br />Youtube: Love Truth <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Facebook: Flat Earth Switzerland <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Featured Facebook: Flat Earth Germany <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 11:08:53

Nameless Chaos Alliance
@darnell pistachio <br /><br />Evidently you don't have a grasp in scale.. if you did there's no reason to ask that. God you people are so ridiculously dishonest.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 03 2019, 19:22:12

Brian Teskey
darnell pistachio I know about the midnight sun in Antarctic because u can travel to the southern most city in the world and see for yourself proof that the flat earth model is impossible
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 03 2019, 01:42:43

@jimmyfly science is a method of study.... idiot.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 21:46:16

Truth Seeker
Wow, everyone chill out. This shows how messed up we are. We all know we’ve been lied to and I’m not sure any of us can ever prove anything. It’s all about us letting go of our egos and truly loving one another. Being right or wrong in ones belief is all feeding the ego. Just listen to what everyone has to say and be kind to one another. It all could just be a simulation anyway because Quantum Mechanics shows that matter doesn’t exist at the smallest of levels. It’s all a test and love is the answer. ❤️
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 13:52:26

@jimmyfly the reason you're delusional mind cannot comprehend the model is BECAUSE you start off with the ASSUMPTION of the an eclipse being a blockage of physical bodies and a light source..having no proof.<br />You have that preconceived notion..<br /><br />As opposed to what is OBSERVABLE. <br /><br />What is observable is that a light source becomed dark in a slow manner then becomes light again.<br /><br />If the moon is.just a light<br /><br />And the sun is just a light<br /><br /><br />We dont need to explain an eclipse in that manner. And further research will reveal to you exactly what the eclipse is.<br /><br />A sign from God.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Wed Jan 23 2019, 13:15:23

While You Were Sheeping
I read about that a few years ago, the moon's a reflection or mirror of earth's concavity
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Jul 23 2019, 13:17:43

13:40 Could that help explain why on the Sumerian Kings list, most of them reigned for 10,000 years. Because they were living outside of the crater??
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 18 2020, 00:27:17

Klemen Bačak
Another thought that crossed my mind: Put the earth in the center and move everything elese around....
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 15 2020, 05:53:33

James van der Hoorn
Wow, of course the mathematical equations for time dilation need some tweaking!
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 09:33:34

Wilfried van Oosterhout
At 6:25 you mention an invisible heat source heating up a blister (sun) on the plasma ball. Do you think the invisible outside heat source relates to the "black sun" of old stories?
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 11:41:49

You and myperspective needs to have a discussion. At this moment, everything is plausible.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:53:42

Jonathan Noel
It’s important to question things that no one else questions to gain perspective. I value this for perspective. Thank you.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 07:24:32
People hate free thinkers because we live in a fear based society. I say f**k em.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 07:11:13

b duddy
wow! this seems like your kinda explaining the book "Worlds Beyond the Poles" that how I found your video by searching for the moon as a reflection of the earth! I think you are very bright and onto something here, because Truth is Always Stranger than FICTION!!! thank you for this wonderful explanation.. id say EURIKA!!
Show Comment | Likes: 28 | View Replies: 19 | Fri Jan 25 2019, 06:09:37
@Mark P you sure about those flights? Because I found plenty. Heres a direct flight from lax to Sydney<br />Australia to los Angeles. <a href=""></a><br />Planes do flight over the poles they just rather not because theirs to place for emergency landings. We have accurate maps. <br />How is any of that proof that the earth is flat and stationary? Do you have any measurements that prove the earth is flat and stationary?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 18:43:38

Mark P
@PENTALLICA I know you can't fly over the poles nor fly direct from Aus to S. America. Then we have very old maps that tell a different story.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 18:17:32

@Mark P those aren't "proof" you don't prove things by just making claims without backing them up. <br />Has anyone ever shown you measurements of flatness and zero rotation?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 17:56:03

Mark P
@PENTALLICA There is a video called '200 proofs the earth is flat'. Kind of compelling evidence.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 17:32:00

@Roy Wright can i have some of what youre smoking
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 13:49:02

Roy Wright
@Mark P pfft Tesla only rediscovered technology of what the Egyptians inherited by previous inhabitants, phoneciains and tartarians discovered free energy from our atmosphere and harnessing the free power from the earths grid system using geometrical structures inconjuction with sound and water tech among other things.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 09:49:15

Roy Wright
@PENTALLICA history is a lie run by charlatans, Einstein, Tesla, devinchi etc, u name it if they were famous and big back in the day, they were part and parcel of the lie!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 09:43:03

@Mark P nope. No measurents in any of those. i want to see actual measurents.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 17:23:28

Mark P
@PENTALLICA This video and many other flat earth videos does that already. Also, the main stream touts other tripe as real. eg covid.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 17:07:16

Caio C. Louback
Man, you're bold... I'll give you that. And you're funny. You're really good. There's still a lot to discover. Maybe because we never really knew anything.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 03:32:38

Goodbye Blue Sky
To all those with an open mind...I say... Good for You!! the answers are slowly unfolding!! To those who are afraid to accept different views or ideas a Quote from the movie the Matrix~ "You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 17:25:20

Lisa Anne
This is awesome. I love the great awakening and it all started with the BS virus. I keep digging. Oh the stuff I have learned. I am on a marathon watch of your videos! Thank you so much
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 02 2020, 00:40:58

Rick Ryker
Show Comment | Likes: 13 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 11:01:49

Ryan B
Wow dude! That is fascinating! Probably the craziest thing I've ever heard. Yet it makes so much sense.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 00:38:03
Bubble Gum
Can you explain how you understand it? Lost 😞
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 25 2020, 04:09:35

Rue Porter
Wow, I’m experiencing such a reality shift from this I am shaking. A nervous wreck, man. Intense stuff.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Nov 08 2020, 20:34:15

Watery Watery
I love the person hanging in the end LOL! That about sums it up
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 12 2019, 21:50:52

Doc Holliday
yeah because this a much simpler explanation, than wer just a planet in a large universe.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 06:22:27

Seeking Truth
Wow!!! That was absolute brilliance! You are incredibly smart and creative. Great job man! Namaste
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 22:06:27

xan Man
As above so below... "Man" on the moon... Holy smokes! Thank you sooo much for sharing!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 21:26:19

Loved your video, production and editing were bar none and your narration was fanominal! Great work...I might not totally agree but I watched till the hanging end!! Great job on theorizing🤙
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 04:02:44

Just Sum Guy
I always thought..(past few years) that the moon was a reflection due to the atmospheric gas-layers creating a lensing-effect..(bit like a magnifying glass)....The moon..when observed at 121,000ft..or..23 miles up..(as the camera rotates)..the moon is distant and small, yet before the camera reaches the edge of appears nearer in the sky...."Operation Fishbowl" is a good topic to research, when back in the 1940's just after WW2..Von Braun and early nasa-military were firing rockets at the enclosure that keeps us in and quite possibly cracked it..hence the damaged ozone that was preached about in the 80's....Even the stars may possibly be firmament damage....
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 14 2019, 22:51:05
Stars are luminaries, angels told to hold there position in the night sky until the end time where they all fall to Earth. Planets are wandering stars, that rebelled and didn't stay put. This comes from the Book of Enoch.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Jun 30 2020, 03:09:22

John Beer
is this ownage pranks doing one of his voices 😂 doing a prank call
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 08:11:30

Mike Caron
Ok this is the first time I hear about this one LMAO that’s a good one though very funny 😄
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 20:08:28

Serge Brocteur
Very nice other approach of this question ! I like your way of thinking even if I still don't know ;-)
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 21:19:35

Sandman Beaches
1935 The New York Times, Tesla was critical of Einstein stating that his theory of relativity was “a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king” and “a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense… the theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors…. its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.”
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 29 2020, 12:00:53

Donald White
That is some seriously factual backed shit right there! Especially the part where we assume what the fly sees spinning in the ball! Or bowl
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 14:18:42

This video always blows my mind, we live on a gigantic earth, makes sense, and the moon is a reflection of it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 07 2020, 21:18:53

If your right . it explains what we call gravity, obviously coming from somewhere. it took watching 2 times to get my head around it , we would feel no movement , being that much on a smaller scale , i totally enjoyed this thank you
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 15:16:37

I have to admit I wasnt really paying attention first time through but u got through 2nd time I watched. I'm thinking about a proof for you
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 26 2019, 22:04:10

Caleb Delatorre
pssh, just like the flat earth theory, the physics is the same. HAHAHAHA!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 23:49:37

Amazing. Great effort. Admirable presentation. God knows what is truth. But as u say...time will tell.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:31:27

I look at the moon with a telescope and it's a real rock. Duh
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 12:10:15

Rick Quest
I always thought that we could be living in a plasma bubble and that everything is like the fibonacci sequence but Ill have to give your idea some more consideration.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 11 2018, 17:44:17

Kirk S.
This ties up a lot of loose ends for me. I accept.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Dec 13 2020, 20:45:31

Stouthuyzen Bob
so he feels the suns rays aka heat also in the refection?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:55:38

Walk Wigglin
this works with the hollow ping and the see through parts. make more videos the presentation is captivating
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Aug 11 2018, 23:27:10

Toppy Games
i guees this explain why we dont see the other side of the moon
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 00:07:32

Aleksandra Mirjana Crossan
I really love this! So intriguing. I am wondering so you have a video that talks about why we are affected by the moon phases and what that actually comes from? Thanks for these great videos!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 23:44:38

Note to Mr X—staring at the sun is bad for your eyes
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 15 2020, 19:43:56

Bones McCoy
dreaming of space and the final frontier.. classic ending !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 16:17:58

Sarah Wills
I appreciate the time and effort you put into this video. Its definitely a very interesting theory!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Sun May 06 2018, 22:58:14

I wanna see a movie about this. Science Fiction and Fantasy .... love it!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 18 2018, 15:50:08

Allan Spence
"you know who I am, you stared at the sun, but l am the one, who loves turning from nothing to one." Leonard Cohen. This verse from his song has always haunted me.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 13 2020, 10:35:15

Jam 21
Love watching your videos! This is totally mind blowing and finding it so fascinating!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 02:05:40

Love your ending and definitely food for thought in this video!!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 22:19:31

Nellie M
Am still thinking whether to give you a compliment or not but I must say it is challenging video, mentally, since others have speculated that the continents may be a lot closer than we think and the moon shadows seem to get closer to that theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 02:05:32

So many boring replies.....I applaud your decision to make what started as a concept into a video demonstration. I disagree with your spherical assumptions, but that doesn’t mean we HAVE to hate each other....Keep questioning ! Keep pushing bruv👻
Show Comment | Likes: 55 | View Replies: 13 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 03:41:06

andreas skordalis
Boring com.ents bc people dont get mad unless they see flatearthers speaking facts and using logic
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 06 2019, 19:53:23

Carmen Micutta
@Jan Peisert we are all a scientist... <br />education has made you feel inferior and not a scientist ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 27 2018, 08:23:18

Jan Peisert<br />All your “prove” comes from someone else , and you “ believe “ them , and you accept it .<br />You have done no control whatsoever ! <br />My “prove” , i found for myself , by logic thinking !<br />The control system is very happy with non-critical thinking people like you : <br />You are being lied to, from dusk till dawn <br />there is no space , no ISS , no mars , no moon : that is science-fiction .
Show Comment | Likes: 20 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 16:44:05

- L
Jan Peisert Yeah I agree that he should not call it final proof but he just taking ownership of his concept like “ if it was an actual fact” I personally don’t believe it. I also believe that they are operating in space and more advanced technology with that than they telling us. Honestly I don’t believe anything that the government tell me it’s ironic because I work for the government. Anything that we learned growing up is mostly false an obvious example would be the pyramids where we literally thought it was a huge tomb but really it’s part of a collection of other pyramids from space.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 21 2018, 00:20:11

Jan Peisert
well i guess any experiment & result from scientists all over the world. i believe we are operating in space and there is plenty of proof for this aswell you can confirm yourself (see the iss pass by on the night sky for example)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 20 2018, 23:47:45

- L
Jan Peisert And what’s your evidence against his then. His theory is just as good as what you think
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Wed Jun 20 2018, 23:42:25

Jan Peisert
obvious nonsense shouldnt be supported, here is absolutly no evidence whatsoever. sure, you can work on your own ideas and theories, but dont call it "final proof" as a fact.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 12:46:03

John palmer
Agreed... question everything.. keep learning!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 06:51:20

I'm glad I am subscribing to your channel, I am liking it!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 22:11:11

andy olsen, sovereign being.
this is mad! and true.. only saw it was when i ate my mushrooms
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 23:12:23

14:00, for those who don’t believe.. just look at dat moon
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 02 2020, 00:55:46

I just loaded my 357 Magnum am ready too leave this Earth!.funny name for a planet sounds like a fur ball in my throat!.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 11:54:44

Aqua Hub - Mark Miller
u missed something the moon turns clockwise too...i tried imagining that the earth is spining clockwise and at the same time spinning like how you said it is crazy can you make a 3d animation of not sure if im imaggining the right thing
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 15 2020, 09:19:32

Phyllis Bodiford
I am just so happy to have found this channel Wilm Thank you for your thoughts.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Nov 18 2020, 13:59:36

very interesting. looking forward to watching your other videos in order oldest first.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Feb 19 2020, 03:14:36

Shaun Underwood
Theme + Rooted & Fruited + Matthew 21 vs 43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit." +Jesus ROOTED in His Father Holy Spirit FRUITED in Jesus+
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 16:48:56

tayler johnson
the moon is a reflection or old sun it steams /smoke puffs evrywhere
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Mar 29 2019, 01:33:35

Bitcoin Bull
Very interesting thank you for this presentation.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 19:20:23

Photo Finish
Great theory! Hopefully, we can get unedited images or better evidence to support the suggestion of reflection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:35:58

Mark P
How incredibly brilliant. What a straight forward explanation. Shame no 'experts' had any explanation apart from 33rd degree Freemason Copernicus's ideas.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 13:57:21

Jared Hanoi
And the LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" And Satan answered the LORD and said, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." IN”” def what you would say traveling inside a crater....not across a globe
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 09:36:53

Tiny Shamrocks
Strangely, I was thinking something similar just 2 nights ago
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 02:46:47
i had a few people sending me this message , you' re not alone ! i had the same and made a video about it !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 08:26:02

In the category of thinking going towards mildly disappointing result, despite the effort. Funny video tough, don't quit job any time soon. Mister X is a fantasy product without any purpose
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 16:48:58

Dan Theman
What if the earth is a huge flat plane, and the sun and moon rotate around the north pole... and the moon is a shiny ball bearing like a convex mirror in the corner of a store... Why does the moon twist in the sky every night, and the stars cross the sky with the so called planets? I have tried to wrap my brain around that moon twisting in the sky, and how could it be illuminated from the top when the sun was setting and both visible in the sky... You are onto something, but what if you theorized a flat earth, what does your mind ensue upon that conjecture?
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 21:39:39

Raúl Carbonell
The Moon is the reflection of the sun.I can see that.I was 9 years old when discovered it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 16:38:32

steve tarrant
"I came to this conclusion." The video should have ended there.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 16:04:17
maybe your reality , not necessary reality !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 17:23:30

steve tarrant
godgevlamste not so much as difficult, more I guess the bullshit meter was going off scale and I think I was losing some brain cells. Reality got an absolute flogging in this video.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 17:14:54

lol, I haven't watched the whole video yet, but this has to be trolling those who would believe in any crazy theory. Just out of curiosity, how would a reflection experience time dilation, are we seeing the reflection from a few billion years ago? Oh, I should've watched a few more seconds before commenting, so we are seeing the Earth from billions of years ago.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 09:03:03

as a flat earther,I learned alot from your videos,And now have a different view of the moon,But i believe the best explanation fo the sun,Or atleast what i know is that the sun is local,It is within the firmament and revolves around the earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 01 2020, 19:24:19

Mikael Lobban
Sometimes the moon appears to be much larger however. Huge!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 18:44:24

Marek Andrzejuk
Woow....what you smoking dude it's a good stuff..Eh!.... ;-)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 13:35:23

Glyn Lucas
Oh good grief - this is so completely silly, it's hard to know where to start!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 14:27:33

enjoyed the concept. as i would a globe earth video,
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 19:39:23

Lucien Lobban
Based on this information, how would you explain a Total Solar Eclipse if the Moon is actually a reflection of the Earth?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 02 2020, 09:06:46

I like your ideas ,I'm bored with the lies I've been taught
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 28 2018, 18:03:44

Geoff Speedie
interesting. still getting my brain arond the europa USA fly back of head thing. not sure why europe would see a differnt side of the moon tho
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 08 2020, 07:17:25

Andrew Hammonds
that is possible runs along a theory I was thinking of the earth has to be huge
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 17 2018, 18:30:32

Spocko Spockon
Cool , for years I have thought that the earth was a Jupiter sized or larger planet this may prove that out. We may just be an experiment.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 22 2018, 20:32:14

Palzy the Complanate
Definitely an interesting theory I can appreciate it a whole bunch but to me it’s super difficult but then again this is probably right the one theory that’s least likely
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 21:43:17

Mike Knight
Hyptnotising. My favourite is what the fly sees.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 10:09:37

D Naro
Idk what are you talking about but your voice is so soothing lmao makes me calm.... Mr X 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 03:30:32

I looked this up cause I had the same thought.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 02:35:23

Susan Jaeger
Whoa! I'm getting it... It's wild but I'm getting it. I gotta do some thinkin.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 04:07:29

Bro, the earth as you showed with the water vortex looks exactly like SATURN and its vortex. Saturn is Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Feb 13 2020, 00:24:54

Lesław Smagowicz
Could You explain also in Your model of the world the sunsets, sunrises, the same with the moon, and of course sun and moon elipses, please? Thank You
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 18:33:15

While you can see your own shadow behind you when looking in the mirror, on the flat earth model you would be in an enclosed dome with nothing behind you to explain the shadow of the earth in the reflection. You can see dark edges of the moon that aren't fully illuminated. The moon is quite obviously, even to the naked eye, it's own spherical body.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 13:54:33

Techno Smoking Vegan
Everything in all your videos resonate the true truth in the deepest part of my human heart and spirit...thank you for tying the broken pieces of my puzzle ...great work my friend great work...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 19:36:05

Quote Me Not
Wow! This was strangely amazing. I watched a video a couple years back that showed how the moon moved throughout the sky in time lapse and it made this strange wobble as it crossed. The video had no answer for the wobble. It simply showed the footage, nothing more. This theory wld explain that wobble perfectly. It wld also explain the strange giant tree fossils and the so-called “titan fossils” as well. I’ll have to watch again to see if it explains the closeness of the moon, a distance from us that Science clearly says should not exist. Does this also explain the perceived and accepted distances of the stars to us too? I have no idea right now, but I can tell you that this is one hell of an interesting theory. I’d love to hear more of the potential assumptions that cld come from this theory tho. I know that for sure lol 🧐🤓
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Feb 23 2020, 23:41:07
Quote Me Not
godgevlamste hey thanks! I will def watch it. I’m putting a link to this vid in the comment section of Deep Thoughts Radio. I hope Mark, from that channel, will watch it. He just uploaded an episode today regarding the fake space theory and he briefly spoke about plasma balls..... pretty cool! 😎
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Feb 24 2020, 21:57:54

maybe watch my video : Crater Earth and the Phantom Planets , where i explain the distance of the stars
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Feb 24 2020, 05:59:46

The Real Slim Brady
SUBBED great video , thank you so much for this presentation, Its helping me understand a lot more :) I have been trying to figure out the universal cosmologyon my channel for a very long time. but I think you beat me to it
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 04:20:34

Paulos Lymperidis
I be make sense my man..yooaoooh I can't find my words,I am thrilled from this theory 👍🏽👊
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 15:38:29

United Snakes Of America
Absolutely amazing I was just looking at the moon and I figured this out on my own that's why I looked it up amazing I understand everything now in just a moment
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 05:04:27
@United Snakes Of America thanks , nice to meet you too
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 19:56:30

United Snakes Of America
@godgevlamste well u are a genius and it is a pleasure to meet you
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 18:57:04

@United Snakes Of America Thanks , it was similar in my case  ; it was like i was  backstage and accidently opened a door. There<br />i had a view of the mechanics of our earth , so i just had to reverse engineer it !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 16:49:47

United Snakes Of America
@godgevlamste I dont know what made me go out and look and stair at the moon last night but I did I came but in told my wife it's a reflection then looked it up AMD u did a great job explaining what I needed to know
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 16:34:31

ktos tam
godgevlamste Amazing work!!! Hats off! Ive been researching this for years now, this makes a lot of sense! Thank you for your hard work :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri May 04 2018, 10:35:13

P Nelson
The duration of 1 second doesn’t change depending upon how fast a merry go round spins.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 28 2019, 21:36:23
where am i saying that ? the light is slowing down , not your second
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 29 2019, 07:24:25

Mar Son of Jo
Great idea. Another angle for reality.I can consider it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 04 2019, 01:04:30

Aaron J
1.5x speed. your welcome.. speed of sloth man come on with it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 04:32:54

Daniel Dow
I go into a new theory with an open mind and again come to my own truth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 02:34:21

F*** no! I had a dream about this few months back. I was standing on Flat earth, looking horizontal with Earth, down below, 90 degree into the moon and was seeing earth from top-down view.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 08:23:57

Patrick Michael
Interesting. Have you done this experiment with a stationary earth plane? Also. The creators are likely electric discharge-plasmas discharge
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 02 2020, 19:56:08

Looking for PIERLUIGI IGHINA italicus genius!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:37:56

I need to smoke a joint on behaff of Mr X....Lmao
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 07:32:34

Daniel Ramirez
And I was under the impression Yul Brynner passed away in 1984 or 85.. What do I know?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 15:05:25

I wish I was open to flat earth, hollow earth, banana earth, inside out earth, whatever earth theories, so much content!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 06:34:15

Adriel Rivera
Just when we think we know. We know nothing we are all Jon Snow.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 23:40:38

Just get on a plane travel from Germany 🇩🇪 and go to the states.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 17:37:23

I almost fell out of my chair laughing when the big fly on the bald head was presented.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 23:28:35

Barry Miller
LMAO! You guys are very funny! One of the best yet.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 22:01:49

arthur clark
I'm inclined to believe that the Moon is a reflection of Earth as well the energy or plasma surrounding it is a field of gravity created by motion cause of both reflections Earth and Sun,once again thanks for resolving this minor mystery..
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 19:33:28

Dj Eikoy
My conclusion after watching this is i didnt understand what he was explaining on his video..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 10:07:19

Beautiful WarGoddess
Why did I see the huge bigger Earth over my house and neighborhood 4-5 years ago? I am in California
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jun 13 2020, 02:31:34

Nick T
Highly creative interpretations of some eternally mysterious observations. There is no doubt the moon is visible simultaneously 12 timezones apart, inverted in a blue and a black sky. This fact implies the moon is a reflected projection. The video proof is on my channel. Cheers.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 15:02:26

Mark P
I think Wim must be from one of the other craters. Nice one Sir. Oh wait.. 'Sir' means you are European Nobility which would make you NWO. So just Nice One will do.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 14:10:25

lisa K
Look at the moon today, It's huge and you can see what appears to be continents reflecting on it
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 25 2018, 14:40:09
JJ Labajo
This is I've been expecting for the video. The black parts of the moon really looks like our continents depending on your location.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 04 2020, 05:54:38

K Homesteritus
Unless I missed something, how do you explain the wandering stars aka planets?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu May 03 2018, 01:39:00
it's in my next video<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 03 2018, 05:55:30

Not a theory. Theories are factual. This is a ridiculous hypothesis he couldn’t ever gather data for.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 22 2018, 00:40:14

First Last
If all of you pay attention... Lol up in broad daylight you see both of at the same time
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 15 2020, 01:14:41

Justin Bennett
This can be proven or disproven using mathematical equations and algorithms designed to do image tracking on mirrored spherical surface. Unfortunately I don't know that equation.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 07 2020, 14:24:48

William Matney II
The moon is the metaphysical retrospect of earth after the internet and A.I. lol.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 21:59:03

Neo Vega
Great theory, write a book and see where it goes. You never know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 28 2018, 21:27:05
thanks , i'll get more views with the internet than writing a book
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue May 29 2018, 06:13:30

Wing Man
@godgevlamst Great work and the closest I've seen yet of the most likely model. I'd like to run a few things by you though, based on some of my own observations. Any way I can get a hold of you?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 15:00:42
thanks <br />sure , mind you , i'm not a scientist , numbers man , i try to see the main lines <br />wimdegrotekunstenaar@<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 18:40:12

Angela Mantelli
i had to stop the video halfway through, I couldn't make any sense out of it! I'm a flat earther, but it doesn't even make sense on the earth! lol.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 04:18:33

Gahri Smee
I like to expand my imagination but for this one I may need drugs.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 02:35:42
drugs don't expand imagination , they destroy it !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:04:39

Mark P
@FishFire_2 He doesn't. You can't see that it was a compliment. ie he wanted to expand his mind in the same way.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 15:56:49

marcus Vass would you critizise a Flat Earther?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 20 2019, 21:53:56

@marcus Vass You are smart !!👍😏
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jan 19 2019, 02:39:44

Adrian Duggan
marcus Vass you have totally misunderstood and I am surprised. Using mushrooms to expand on the pineal gland and expand in concepts is part of the human experience with God. I assumed that you had already explored this journey and was commenting in a way I thought you understood. Enjoy your journey to finding your earh and your reality. It doesn't matter if it's, flat, hollow, hologram,'s all about gematria,the third eyeand interaction of energy..the rest is just a construct.
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sun May 13 2018, 10:23:53

marcus Vass
Adrian Duggan <br />The implication is dogmatic critisism. You are implying that if anyone thinks for themselves & doesnt believe the establishment then they must be taking drugs. The fact that I have had to explain your own comment to you speaks volumes. You are obviously an establishment lackey.<br />What is someone who is so narrow minded doing watching this kind of material in the first place. Stick to Hollyweird movies where you are encouraged to leave your brain outside of the cinema before going in.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | Sun May 13 2018, 08:35:36

Adrian Duggan
marcus Vass it was a question, it had a ? mark at the end..where is the criticism ?
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Thu May 03 2018, 13:43:00

marcus Vass
Adrian Duggan <br />Why do you criticise people for thinking?
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Mon Apr 23 2018, 05:20:44

The head statue looks like the one out of Art Attack
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 21:58:56

ROC City 585
“I came to this conclusion by assuming” lmfao get real man!
Show Comment | Likes: 37 | View Replies: 20 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 13:59:38
Felix Casper
marcus Vass such a great misconception affecting other areas of thinking downstream of that could really be holding back our cultural development. So this issue really needs to be resolved.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 01 2020, 15:14:12

Flat Earth Switzerland
@Bogga Challenge for you! if you believe you live on a globe 🌍, watch this 10 videos with an open mind: <br /> <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br />3. <a href=""> </a><br />4. <a href=""> </a><br />5. <a href=""> </a><br />6. <a href=""> </a><br />7. <a href=""> </a><br />8. <a href=""> </a><br />9. <a href=""> </a><br />10. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />You are welcome to see more content on: <br />Youtube: Love Truth <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Facebook: Flat Earth Switzerland <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Featured Facebook: Flat Earth Germany <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 18:51:12

marcus Vass
Erik Bakker <br />Within 1%. Wow! What were the chances of that happening. I pity your naivety. Actually, the ancient greeks had all kinds of theories about the shape of the earth, you have just been taught the one they want you to know about.<br />Why would ancient civilizations <b>TALK</b> about the earth being a globe back then when there is still absolutely no fucking visible proof of it anywhere today? Was there an ancient NASA with ancient fake CGI photographs?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 20:52:08

The Devil's Advocate
godgevlamste who can possibly know all the answers? But Occam's razor usually holds true
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 25 2018, 17:32:53

that's not what we learned at school in the 70 ies , Columbus had old maps and suspected the earth was round .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 17 2018, 12:21:28

but suddenly Columbus understands the earth is round and discovers Amerika
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 17 2018, 10:13:39

marcus Vass
Blue Bottoms <br />Please put your brain into gear before moving your finger. Thanks! <br />The same education system that on day one, your very first ever lesson tells you about where you live & its on a globe of course. You are then taught to laugh at people for once believing the earth was flat! That's your <del>education</del> indoctrination system for you. <b>SO PAINFULLY TRANSPARENT</b>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 08:05:14

marcus Vass
Erik Bakker <br />The globe lie has allegedly been around since the 16th century however i doubt this myself as modern mechanics magazine in the late 1920's offered a $5, 000 reward to anyone who could prove the world is round! Even if it was proven in the 16th century, how is that literally thousands of years? It is 500 years at best. It is the flat earth that was understood & believed by <b>ALL</b> ancient civilizations for thousands of years! Another case of the secret societies trying to rewrite our history & dumbasses believing their BS.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 08:02:36

marcus Vass
KevinGhin <br />Who says that they float? Oh, members of a secret kabal do. The same people who started the first banks & also ended up establishing & controlling both the media & our education system so, they control <b>EVERYTHING</b> you see & learn. <br />They are actually most likely either a projection or reflection from earth but some believe they are part of a dome firmament above us. Fake space does not exist! Thats why all astronauts are freemasons & have been caught lying & cheating with special effects time & time again.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun May 13 2018, 07:55:30

Mike Judd
Another wild theory could be that Mr. X is on a sphere along with the rest of us.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 17:31:57

Smart Halayla
And that's exactly the reason why wee see the same side of the moon facing us...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 23:31:25

pol romanowski
if the moon is our reflection why we have eclipses
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 02:17:58

hongry life
I agree on the moon showing that wobbly move when time lapsing. Unlike what Nasa shows. Their 'moon transits earth' animation is really very ridiculous and untrue.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Mar 19 2018, 18:48:49
hongry life
Look at real time lapses of the moon or make them yourself. The moon wobbles during some hours of filming, it doesn't stay fixed in one position like Nasa showed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 14:31:25

Grh Haddybow
Ha NASA Fan boy go rub one out to ya poster of Elon! lol just kidding it takes all types, thats what mum said anyway lol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:15:43

Golden Husky
you know that people could see the eclipses for thousand years right?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 08:49:48

Quaalude Charlie
Well ir is yet another Possibility , I think back to what Armstrong said about one of truths many layers , and wonder about that supper kool you smoked before creating the Vid just joking , Great Video , Worth Watching :) QC
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 23:10:26

H. Chappelle
Thanks for your post. The moon seems like a reflection, but I am unsure if it is of the Earth, it could be from another star/planet further away. I am not very good with astronomy and optical illusions, but it seems the moon's reflection is a lot closer to Earth than what round astronomers say of the moon. I believe that the Earth may be infinite, and your explaining it as much larger is interesting.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Jul 29 2020, 21:49:05

Wow, that'll need quite strong drugs to make it appear to make sense ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 09:14:43

Tony Gilbert
yeah we'll all I can see here is that you were on some real good LSD when you whipped this little vision together, be careful man, hang in there..... I mean not literally though like at the end of your video 17:58
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 03:12:47

Angel Gerovac
The time dilation could be the reason for the cold light! The eclipse reveals a projected image, and there's no doubt something radically more complex is at work here. Thank you for expanding the horizon of my mind. This is worth more than gold.
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 21:31:59
Grh Haddybow
No he bamboozled you "i think is the term!" he states we are just 1 small puddle of many on a absolutely massive earth! yet he keeps using the head model that from the beginning represent's the current size globe model!<br /> To even represent his own theory he'd have to have changed to a huge ball with heaps of faces on it to represent this theory when he alludes to it (of which we were just 1 of the faces) at which point his entire theory falls apart. <br />Just try picturing his theory with what he is saying not the head he continues to show and confuse the viewer with.<br /> He can't believe it and is either laughing at you right now or really stupid<br /><br />And his idiotic Dilation premise which dictates if you get in a jet plane and fly due west you are a time traveller along with anything that leaves the ground travelling east or west any amount as you have travelled further and faster than the ground! So if you were in a jet that refuled in the air and travelled 1000 mph would you never get any older?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:38:58

Chantel Love
What???? €urop is the fly side! Elitest!!!! 🤣
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:17:22

Love this video except for the end And this is the 4th day I have awakened knowing that the moon is a reflection of a gigantic universe. So cool!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 18:59:37
godgevlamste that really doesn't make sense.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 00:06:25

godgevlamste maybe pieces of firmament or ball?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 06:58:12

godgevlamste what about shooting stars?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 02:02:02

it will take time , the solar system is burned into our brains by " education " .If there was a way to take pictures .............
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:21:41

Yes now to convince the world that we are living in an enclosed area.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 20:50:01

enjoy , good you took your planet back !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 21:36:58

Simon Roberts
8:00 he would see the sun 2wice would he not ? The sun on the back of his head he see's the reflection when he turns around he'll be wishing he didn't go to specksavers when the real sun smashes his mince pies for the 2nd time : )
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 04 2019, 17:33:12

Pacific Northwest Native
Gotta get some LSD and watch this again to understand it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 11:00:33

Well done! So many truths being exposed. It is as though our collective consciousness is quickening. Thank you! Dan Theman. I love that you mentioned the book of Daniel. Knowledge is increasing daily for those who seek it. God Bless the seekers!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jul 18 2020, 06:57:28

Robert Gelinas
ya, uhmmm thats what I was thinking, but I'm gonna have to watch it again ( and again and again) just to make sure. Just fantastic. thanx for the provocation. -peace
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Mar 06 2018, 04:55:44
Iyasu Smith
godgevlamste <br />My God... This makes too much sense to be wrong. More please. More! More! More!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 14 2018, 14:02:44

Some spots on the plasmaball are heated due to the reflection of the light .( orange )<br />When the reflection of earth ( the moon ) is situated on the same exact spot as the slightly heated spot on the plasmaball , the reflection will glow up because of the light underneath it .<br />Nobel prizes are for people who continue the new world order lies ! Lying and cheating is rewarded by the slave-system <br />I think i’m closer to the firing squad than the Nobel prize
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 14 2018, 09:41:09

Iyasu Smith
godgevlamste <br />If you can explain blood moons you get the Nobel Prize
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 14 2018, 05:10:29

thanks , sometimes i can't believe it myself .The matrix is hard to resist !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 06 2018, 07:36:41

Cory Mck
Someone remind me to debunk this in a comment later when I have more time.
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 12 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 18:26:01

Cory Mck
1. Tidal Locking. <a href=""></a><br />2. In your theory, the only thing changing about the moon is the light on its surface. But we all see the moon change locations in the sky. And when the moon is visible in the Americas, it is not visible in Europe.<br />3. Time dilation only applies to particles moving near the speed of light. The more massive a particle is, the harder it is to get to the speed of light. This includes the sun.<br />4. A reflection is a virtual image and does not experience time dilation as photons always move at the speed of light. Hence the speed of light constant(in a vacuum) (I don't know how you read Einstein but misrepresented his theory of special relativity) <a href=""></a><br />5. You can't say that the shadow on the earth is moving at one speed and the shadow on the reflection of the moon are moving at another speed since a shadow is just the absence of light (which again, moves at a constant, the speed of causality, or the speed of light).<br />6. You make proofs based on the assumption that other things are already true, that is circular reasoning. You can't say that the earth is flat because Europe and America see the same face because it implies that there is only one possible cause for that.<br />7. Einstein (and most ancient civilizations) new that the earth was round, so if you are going to make the argument that it isn't, you can't use their scientific theories. You can't claim that they are correct about things that help your case and false about the fundamental forces that it is founded on. Space-time and general relativity predicts the space-time vortex around Earth based on gravity <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a><br />8. The end of your video about the NWO is an appeal to motive implying that the Earth must be round because there is a shadow organization that exists to control it. This isn't proof, it's "justification" for you to disbelieve actual science.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 19:43:52

Cory Mck
godgevlamste the solution to Einstein's general and special relativity are in your video? No they're not, you don't understand them at all. You explained time dilation incorrectly. Keep using whatever cognitive dissonance you need, but know, that you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 18:21:16

i don't have to answer them because the solutions are in the video , if you don't understand them it's your problem !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 10:54:15

Cory Mck
godgevlamste disproving your claim doesn't require each of my claims to be evidence, it requires any of them. The fact that you keep delaying an answer for the rest of the valid questions implies that you just can't answer them. Scientists don't go around learning new theories of the universe everyday, so excuse me if an 18 minute YouTube video doesn't disprove the globe clearly to me. And I never told you I was a scientist. Answer the questions.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 10:34:39

So you want me to have a discussion with you about a theory you don’t understand ?<br />And you call yourself a scientist ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 09:34:20

Cory Mck
How about I watch it again after you respond to my other 8 statements.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 08:14:35

and you still don't understand it !! watch again
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 07:19:22

Cory Mck
If half of our days were reflections of the sun, they would be dimmer every other day. The earth's rate of rotation is linear, in your animation you have times when the Earth is in complete darkness, but it is always day somewhere, hence the timezones. And that didn't stop you from responding to the other 8 arguments that I made. Even if this hypothetically made sense (which it doesn't) that wouldn't prove that this is how the Earth or physics actually works. Harry Potter's magic makes sense in his books, but that doesn't mean that his books are a reality. Anything can be argued for if you change the fundamental understanding of the real world.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 07:04:05

In number 2 you prove you didn’t understand the video .I clearly explained how this is possible .Give some remarks when you understand what i’m saying !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 06:44:21

That Man
yo! I'm a subscriber and I comment frequently on your brilliance. I have been spreading the word about your theories and in doing so I have started using the term "the crater/greater earth theory." 🌚🌍
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Nov 27 2019, 21:55:56

Jon McAlister
The Moon is a sphere lit by the Sun.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 00:11:51

DIY Chad 726
thats about the gayest comment i think i have ever
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 08:01:11

marcus Vass
OMG! Fantastic work! You have placed a box in a stadium & are thinking outside of both of them! This is critical free thinking at its best. You have taken the moon map theory (that I already subscribed to) & explained how this fits perfectly into the experience of our reality. This is a work of genius!
Show Comment | Likes: 58 | View Replies: 35 | Sat Mar 03 2018, 00:09:03
Flat Earth Switzerland
@terry hughes Challenge for you! if you believe you live on a globe 🌍, watch this 10 videos with an open mind: <br /> <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br />3. <a href=""> </a><br />4. <a href=""> </a><br />5. <a href=""> </a><br />6. <a href=""> </a><br />7. <a href=""> </a><br />8. <a href=""> </a><br />9. <a href=""> </a><br />10. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />You are welcome to see more content on: <br />Youtube: Love Truth <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Facebook: Flat Earth Switzerland <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Featured Facebook: Flat Earth Germany <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 18:49:26

TripleJay 444
jimmyfly fuck you. Like I’ve said before numerous times. NASA has never been to the moon. Don’t get mad because you have been indoctrinated into a huge lie. Everything you’ve ever been taught was a lie. That just shows how special you are. Do some more research than come back and talk to me. With their fake ass “Earth images”. Have a great day.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 11 2018, 01:50:45

marcus Vass
John Thomson <br />Yeah, let's just try to laugh off the proof & call them idiots that will work lol. How about providing some evidence for your funny as fuck balls theory?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:21:32

marcus Vass
Chettorcheez <br />You have shit for brains.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:18:16

marcus Vass
Jason FlameZz333 <br />Yes, the earth is flat. Agreed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:16:45

marcus Vass
RexNunc <br />Make that <b>INDOCTRINATION</b> system.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:14:45

marcus Vass
jimmyfly <br />That is your opinion. If you like balls so much that you cannot possibly imagine the earth & every other fake planet in fake space being any other shape than a ball that is your preogative. I won't criticise you or ridicule you for seeing curvature that nobody else sees.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:13:47

TripleJay 444
marcus Vass you all sound like little girls crying. GOD would never allow the fallen/scum of the earth to leave this place. Look up the word FIRMAMENT ! Why do think every time they do a rocket launch it slightly starts tilting to the left or right instead of going straight up ? Because they cannot leave and it’s just a way to give you false proof. Honestly they say that the bible has been altered with but I believe that the school systems have lied to us way more than the Bible has. So I’m going to stick with the Bible. And I’ll forget about the satanic school system that I was once apart of. They have a Globe model in every classroom. Indoctrinate to trap and regulate. The Earth is Flat
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:10:09

marcus Vass
Matthew Smith <br />We are still waiting for any proof of the globe earth theory after 500 years of belief.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 19:20:24

jose hernandez
I have thought this for a long time....great video brother👏👏👏👏👏👏
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 27 2018, 13:41:53

Bubble Gum
I could listen to your calming voice 24/7. I am trying to understand here. You are saying that Earth is smaller then the moon? I should watch it a few more times. I guess you lost me with the bust.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Nov 25 2020, 04:08:24

Imagine claiming to be able to prove something then in the next breath say "by assuming.."
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 01:18:18
science is full of axioma's ! When you fill in crosswords , you have to start with 1 word , and build from there
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 06:55:55

Mkultra Paperclip Reset
I knew someone would say that and didnt have to scroll far! Cheers
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 02:10:30

Tabor Johnson
I cannot understand your key points; perhaps I'm not smart enough. I love the idea that the moon is some sort of a reflection, but I see only theories here, certainly no proof.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 19:46:31

David H
What would happen when he went to work.  Would the ball poop, like a zit?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 06:18:04

One of the Hitman levels from the last game talks about the reflection theory I think. :D
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Oct 18 2018, 16:44:28
Truman Burbank
HAHA! Just played it and noticed the same... I didn't know how to react! Afterwards, I found it extremely funny of course... 😄
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 12:11:20

You've based your theory from false axioms... you actually didn't prove anything lol...
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Mar 22 2018, 17:21:45
Chris Bowman
Awareness maybe you're not smart enough to understand it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 03:38:50

Golden Husky
godgevlamste he says that he didn't prof anything......he just proof the possibility of this senario not the existence of it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 04:41:50

I know , it’s difficult for some people to let go their brainwash !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Mar 22 2018, 17:55:27

Nuffins McDindu
this explains why the nasa launches immediately go sideways, they arent leaving orbit in the way we think but are really flying to other ?planets? which crater is mars? I assume each crater links to a star/planet.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Jan 07 2020, 19:28:08

Adrian Messenger
Remember how the moon was shown with so much detail in ET, even though it is usually shown in films with no detail at all - just a white or yellow spot.? Now we know why. It was the truth hidden in plain sight. Kubrick was showing us that the moon landing was a lie and Spielberg was showing us where ET lived.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 07 2020, 20:04:41

la absenceofcol
Hmm yes the helical spiralling movement is important
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 08:39:04

TweedsleyX 48
I loved this video. I’m always up for thinking about things differently. New ideas are how things get discovered. I don’t know what the earth and moon are but I know the governments of the world are liars about all things, so any alternative concept is welcome IMO.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Nov 18 2019, 21:15:33

New subscriber. This is some incredible research. Very complex and alot to swallow at once. I'll be binge watching all your videos at this point. This is something iv never heard before. Iv seen some others speak of the moon being a reflection however,, idk this is sort of confusing but like I said I'll be binge watching all your videos until I understand where your coming from
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 19:33:12

Leesa Stevens
I have looked at the moon before and wondered if the "holes" were really a reflection of the continents. It could be. We've been lied to.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 19:51:34

that not how time dilation works... it would need to be a significant portion of the speed of light to speed up by 30 times...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 22:06:22

But it doesnt explain why you can see the moon and sun at the same time during the day...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 22:09:48

Great video! People dont understand reality... Too much information!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 28 | View Replies: 4 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:20:42
Mike Mower
@Jeremy Kirkpatrick Top scientists have always considered theories on worm holes, time travel, multiple universes, etc.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 07 2018, 08:49:26

you are a nazi if you don't respect other opinions !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 21 2018, 06:41:02

Shutup Beavis
I remember seeing videos with two suns in the sky and people calling it a “sun simulator” 🤔.... damn! this is so interesting
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 05:42:13
hongry life
@Majestic Pariah That is also interesting. I keep everything in mind until truth is found :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 18:15:02

hongry life
Maybe a sun dog is often confused with a second sun. On the other hand a sun dog is an electrical discharge on the cusp of a halo, sun-halo. Check FPV angel channel for a deeper theory about the technology that drives our earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 17:34:48

Trevor Matthews
I have my reservations about the globe earth theory but this ...this is absolute insanity.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 9 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:41:25
Douglas MacIlroy
+Marcus Vass --- No, anyone who has a theory is not a moron, but if the theory is moronic, it holds that its originator is probably a moron. Having a 'theory' doesn't confer any intrinsic intelligence on the 'theorist', it just means they have a theory. And that theory may be complete bollocks. Why do you assume that I think all of 'my' theories are correct and all others are rubbish? Why ask 'what logic?' when I've made no assertions. If I have an agenda it is to point out that clothing an idea in jargon and inane supposition in no way gives it legitimacy. Scientific testing will eventually decide which theories hold water and which do not. (That's why we'll never see a picture of the edge of the flat earth or find that the moon is a reflection of a giant earth.) Making junk for jerks videos on YouTube is a fine way to make money if you've got no other profession, but wash your hands afterwards. My problem? The thought that people of your ilk are reproducing.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 14 2018, 12:25:08

marcus Vass
Douglas MacIlroy <br />Yes, anyone who has a theory is a moron correct? Then why do you subscribe to modern established theoretical physics peddled by the pseudo scientists. Please explain why you think your theories are fact but all others are rubbish? What is your logic? What is your agenda? What is your reasoning? What is your problem?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 10:31:27

marcus Vass
jimmyfly <br />Condemnation without investigation is the height of all ignorance. Being a globetard, you should really understand how people will reject new ideas or schools of thought. How do you think the concept of the earth being a big ball with people hanging upside down underneath it first went down?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 08:47:40

"pay no attention to topneorej" Well, YOU did XD
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 10:31:43

Douglas MacIlroy
Jimmy fly - Tell it like it is. Godgevlamaste is a complete and total moron for trying to sell his 'theory' to knuckleheads. Pay no attention to topneorej.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 02:32:37

Even if it's all phantasy, it shows more intelligence than just shouting idiot every time you see something different than you learned in school or via mainstream media. Thát, my friend is mindless repeating what you were programmed to do.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 23:56:08

jimmyfly Even if this theory is wrong, this guy has used his brain 100 times more than you ever will.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 20:03:15

That’s because the consequences are earthshaking !! Some organisations will have a lot of explaining to do
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:59:19

doug ryniker
I'm glad to see someone take a serious look at Mert Berkman's Cup Earth Theory. This video takes Berkman's work to a new level. Good look.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 21:23:39

I got 20 seconds in...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😴😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 10:29:45

Plastic Life
At first I thought this was ridiculous, but the more that I think about it. It makes sense. If earth was in a giant moon crater and we are just seeing the reflection in the waters above from far away. That would explain why we only see one side and also why the dark side of the moon is always transparent.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 08:19:20

Thanks for this. It clear some things up but what about how the moon rocks back and forth a little bit I think they call it the liberation of the Moon. What causes that?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 13:17:34
in short , we are a flat biosphere situated on a big ball .The moon is a mirror-image of all the moves of the big ball ! So the wobbling of the moon is the reflection of the wobbling of the big ball
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 13:46:10

erkan ender Soylu
Very good! You are a genius man!The sun is two,utu,du duuos etc.and the moon is 3..Turay drie three etc üç 3 in Türkish..The moon has 3 movements.I have to watch 10 times again.And I will.
Show Comment | Likes: 17 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Mar 02 2018, 15:56:13

There is only one good thing about vids like this and the ensuing discussions: You can have a real good laugh!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 15:23:38

Kevin Tucker
So at some point in the future man will be watching his ancient ancestors play out the past on the surface of a green and blue moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:09:07

Esau Martinez
Excelent work, I like when we all combine knowledge and share it, even when we need to work in other theories, we show to the world our power, and intelligence, and also we show them that we don't need PHds to refute their false claims of heliocentric bs.
Show Comment | Likes: 14 | View Replies: 14 | Thu Mar 22 2018, 01:47:45

if one doesnt understand the implications of Sigma Octantis then they might not understand the earth has to be a globe.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 22:50:01

Gertrude Perkins
Flat Earth believing fucktards' ignorance and incredulity pales into utter insignificance when compared to the Russian Space Agency, the European Space Agency, the Chinese Space Agency, the Japanese Space Agency, the USA Space Agency (NASA), the India Space Agency, the US Air Force U2 spyplanes, world wide operators of commercial, military, intelligence and weather satellites (not least the Japanese Himawari 8 photographic satellite that takes a whole photo of Earth once every ten minutes), the Russian MIR space station (when it was operational), the International Space Station (crewed by people of several nations and visible from Earth), the fact that ALL observable planets and moons are globe shaped, the fact that the stars in the southern hemisphere are entirely different from the stars in the northern hemisphere, the fact our planet spins on an axis which explains the different seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres during the course of a calendar year (and the 24 hour day light in summer and the 24 hour darkness in winter in Antarctica), the 17 Apollo missions including six moon landings, amateur and professional astronomers across the globe, and the consensus of thr worldwide scientific community, etc.<br /><br />Flat Earth Believers, if you are still convinced of your argument and if you still have the courage of your convictions, then please put your evidence in writing, seek publication in an august scientific journal such as "NATURE", and also seek peer review from the worldwide scientific community.<br /><br />That is how science discoveries are publicised and validated.  And not through Youtube.<br /><br />However, none of them will ever bother seeking publication in NATURE because they are all intellectual cowards!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 14:10:49

Esau Martinez
I don't know if you are more stupid than me , because you believe in your globe , or I because i know the earth is flat static with the moon and sun inside. What i know about the moon is different of what godgevlamste explained, never the less his theory is better than Nasa.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 14:14:23

Esau Martinez
What? the dissonance cognitive is to much for you?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 06:43:34

marcus Vass
steven McMahon <br />We are uneducated & proud, it takes a lot of work to break the chains of the indoctrination system you call education. FYI Lemmings don't jump off of cliffs, its a myth just like earth being a big NASA space ball.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 05:29:00

marcus Vass
Jeremy Kirkpatrick <br />Are you a jtrig troll or a bot? All of your comments are the same. All globe earthers here are stuck on repeat.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 05:25:15

Esau Martinez
there are many stories, next time ask the Mormons they know about it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 23:51:53

Super Dad
High off Mr X wtf I just wasted 3min of my life watching this B's.. couldn't even continue
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 03:01:31
Super Dad
No it's just nonsense... Tho anything is possible.. I need real life proof...
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 23:35:51

Chris Schott
Your presentation is intriguing ... And Thank you so very much for sharing . It's obvious that the powers that be have the advantage of longevity .. It is challenging to research phenomenon that is of such long durations ... These theories are fascinating. Amazing
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Sep 03 2018, 00:26:56

Nesty CB
I think i got this, this is a parody, isnt it?
Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 5 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 19:23:51
SAIF 9AMAR , for people that cannot do some critical thinking , everything they don't understand is a farce !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:12:23

Nesty CB... If it isn't a parody then it is a farce.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 22:50:25

Its art. Cognitive thinking using the world around you as tools. The work of a philosopher. Just needs to have spiritual meaning to you and you could make a new religion.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 11:06:19

Granny J
Could possibly be but the thought behind it appears to have emotional investment. Granny J.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 08:51:55

This is Wierd but I'm being REAL! I was looking up at the Moon Yesterday @ about 7:15PM. The Sun was Setting at the time when I was Noticed that I SAW a Reflection of Canada, and the USA on the Moon! Something's NOT right or We are NOT being Told Something, but I KNOW What I Saw! (No I wasn't High or Drunk off ANYTHING)(Wish I Was)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 05:19:01
JJ Labajo
Exactly. I was also expecting this kind of content in this video. Because I also think that the parts of the moon are the continents.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 04 2020, 06:20:16

HeavenlyHeights29% Ajohnson
Yea your study's rite.. that's wut it seems too. You took it to awhole another level
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 16:37:39

A. Plasma does not reflect visible light, it radiates it. B. You tell us we are in a reflective sphere, but demonstrate with a reflection from an obviously flat surface. If the earth was reflected from the internal surface of a sphere even the simplest person would realise that you would see the reflection of earth IN ALL DIRECTIONS. There would be no "sky" anymore, just reflection of earth everywhere. Sometimes I marvel at the gullibility and sheer stupidity of people we would normally consider responsible adults. Leave science to the scientists.
Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 21:51:01
tayler johnson
squiremc if you think about it we do see reflection of earth everywhere ,our blue sky
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 29 2019, 01:38:13

you're right , there is no sky , there is reflection everywhere , even the planets are reflections : this i prove in my next video .See what's left of your so called science <br /><a href=""></a><br />you can apologise later !!
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 07:52:01

they just need to understand what Sigma Octantis is and the implications.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 22:52:13

You Sr., are highly misled. I suggest doing further research on the matter.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 13:08:44

Whatever you are on I think I want some! Pretty far out thinking, man! I love it. You broke my mind (well, more than it already was).
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Jun 02 2018, 00:18:50
thanks ! but i don't need drugs to go out there !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 02 2018, 07:10:56

Ohhhh, I get it, we live in a type of snow globe, duh......
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 23 2018, 18:53:46

Reason we only see one side of the Moon because Moon rotates. Just a quick google search disproves your theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 9 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:35:37
Mykal Ridikulus
marcus Vass <br /><br />Well duh. That's why Flat Earth exists. Lol. <br /><br />Let me guess next comes the "trust your senses" rhetoric amirite? Problem is...<br /><br /><b>Touch</b> - unless you know what's touching You, you cannot tell the difference between hot or cold.<br /><br /><b>Vision</b> - optical illusions what we can draw can mess with your vision. <br /><br /><b>Taste</b> - it does taste like chicken.. doesn't it?<br /><br /><b>Hearing</b> - auditory hallucinations. <br /><br /><b>Smell</b> - just like that garbage you spouted, smells like shit. <br /><br />You are given the instructions and method in which you can attempt to prove any given science wrong. Problem is, FE seeks out social media, YouTube, and Google to prove it wrong and thus fail each and everytime.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 10:29:19

marcus Vass
Ducky5544 <br />An indoctrinated buffoon will never have anything smart to say. Monkey see, monkey do. Eat, sleep repeat. The sheeple <b>ARE</b> Groundhog dayed! Caught in a system where they seek all of their answers to everything from only the one trusted source. They then go on social media & Youtube to defend Google's right to control all knowledge & truth. <b>SUCKERS</b>
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun May 13 2018, 09:26:06

Plastic Life
Uuuuh.. no Just because google says something doesnt make it true.. Tidal locking is a joke
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed May 02 2018, 08:31:14

Mykal Ridikulus
TheRockindio <br /><br />Google the chances?<br /><br />You had a 1 in 4 trillion chance of being born perfectly healthy. Ironically millions achieve this every year.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 12:38:38

TheRockindio Failling to adress my point and just making dumb statements about how i am a sheep and that i was brainwashed by a system. Please if you don't have anything smart to say then don't say anything at all.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 11:20:52

Ducky5544 google it. Google the chances. Google it. Google it. Bet you didnt google it. Google your next thought. Im sure google will care for yoyr decrepit body during old age. Such a faithful loyal son you are. I googled it. Your the most loyal google believer. Dont believe me????<br /><br /><br /><br />.........<br /><br /><br /><br />Google it c;
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 11:08:53

We all (all?) learned that the moon ratates in a way that we can only see one side of it.<br />Yet nobody seems to be surprised what the odds of this happening are. <br />Same with the appearance of sun and moon being exactly the same size in the sky. Again the odds are indiscribably small.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 20:07:40

lengua muerta
wtf if the moon rotated we wouldn't only see one side
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 20:17:37

like 777 - something drew me here - amazing work
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 18:55:58
ah ,ok ! i thought you were referring to crow 777 , someone who posted a lot of video's about the moon .777 must bring you luck !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 08:27:11

At the time of liking this video, my like was no.777
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 07:11:28

Caleb Tungate
No proof of anything about the moon bs..figures!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 15:46:39

joseph carioggia
Big it bad I liked Star Trek even though I know it's BS?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 13:05:23

hassan shah
watch this video if you want to waste ur time .... 18:02
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 29 2018, 17:22:48

this is so stupid, it's painful. you have to be trolling.
Show Comment | Likes: 97 | View Replies: 25 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 06:57:07
Chris Bowman
Jeremy Kirkpatrick you just don't comprehend what he is saying. It's ok. It's not your fault you're a little slow
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 21 2018, 00:50:04

Chris Bowman
RexNunc maybe you're the stupid one. Little bo peep
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 03:36:47

RexNunc Even if it's stupid, he's used his brain 1000 times more than you ever will.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 22:49:05

marcus Vass
MatP111 - <br />Dont watch things you dont like, thats just stupid!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 00:26:07

marcus Vass
Its like a JTRIG social gathering in here. Haven't you lot got bridges to go back under?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 00:25:11

marcus Vass
Cιʂ Iɳ <br />Got here by accident & then leave a long winded comment which is the literature equilavant of watching paint dry. If here by mistake then just leave quietly & go back to SD cards, simple.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 00:21:23

I'll take a stab at it. <br />Please do explain the firmament. What is it made of, what does it stand on, where are it's edges and why can't we get there, and lastly, what is above it?<br />You must have some grasp on the physics of the firmament. Right? <br />Why else you'd believe that rather than accepting the model that explains about Earth everything we see?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 16:48:29

Hoku Orpilla
How can that be when the Earth is Flat LOL the moon is round
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:37:02

Christian-Maurice Duval
I would really like you to explain to me, how your Earth projection has enough mass, to pull oceans and create tides.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:59:23
M etaphorphosis
Well it makes more sense than a huge ball of granite just floating around the earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 10 2019, 03:28:03

Preston Christine
The planetary body is totally stationary, doesn't move at all... Polaris always stays above the North Pole and the stars go in circles around it. Scientists did an experiment in the 1900s to prove earth was moving in relation to the ether, and found out it is totally still...but it's been covered up.
Show Comment | Likes: 111 | View Replies: 94 | Sun Mar 11 2018, 20:56:01
Southpaw TV
So the what your saying is the 'dome' is spinning..?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 11 2018, 15:28:53

Gary A
Spliffer45 radar and sonar would not work on a ball Tesla knew this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 05:31:02

Gary A
Preston Christine you can do the same test with a gyroscope app today in your own home
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 05:27:33

Laura Barber
Jason Darling it virtually all other forms of motion can be detected with the human eye... Including the movement of the Hands-On of a clock or a watch!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 04:58:48

Laura Barber
Ian Smith look at NE time lapse photography pictures of the night sky. The stars all go and this circle around a central point a star called Polaris.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 04:57:58

The Devil's Advocate
Arthur Garcia use that critical thinking of yours couldn't the experiment just prove there is no aether? If you tried to find motion and none was found because you found no motion in the aether - wouldn't a more realistic conclusion be there is no aether? And refuting all science except some failed experiment makes no sense
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 25 2018, 17:30:50

caleb prodtoins
It moves away not in a circle it's an illusion. Remember our eye is a lense it sees roundness when there is none . Optical illusion
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 17 2018, 23:32:50

caleb prodtoins
Totally untrue read " worlds beyond the poles" by amadeo giannini. There are no<br />Northern or southern ends to the earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 17 2018, 23:31:25

marcus Vass
IagainstI1111 <br />How do you know so accurately how many light years away something is. How was a light year calculated? Who first measured a distance in light years? When? How? You cant answer can you clown? Because it is only more globetard nonsense theory! Muppet!<br />Simple geometry my ass! A load of made up bollocks! I have just invented the nanoturbomilecentury measurement. The Sun according to my calculations is 2,000000 nanoturbomilecenturies away. Prove me wrong! Oh but, its simple geometry. What a load of rubbish! It doesnt wash anymore pal! Crawl back up between NASA's legs & hide in their space balls or take a one way trip to Uranus (what a great joke name btw).
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 12:26:34

Maxcap Aka cheiflitterbugmakinghimelfcry
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 13:12:38

Anthony Pizzi
.... right when I heard we live on a a ball I stopped watching lol
Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 8 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 01:03:36

Mattie N.D.E
@Anthony Pizzi honorable discharge? Dishonorable discharge? Have you seen my baseball?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 21:36:27

anthony pizzi an officier in the us army for 15 years???😂😂😂😂LIAR
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 03:51:03

thanks ! glad to be on the same side !! greetings
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 08:41:47

Anthony Pizzi
godgevlamste I just finished the whole video, it's a very interesting premise I grant you, very curious.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 08:36:44

I think you didn’t even read my reaction !<br />Where was i talking of an infinite plane ?<br />believe ? it"s not a religion <br />I you had been watching the whole video , you would have seen that i prove that we live on a flat biosphere but i go further and state that the flat biosphere is part of a gigantic ball .<br />I don’t disagree on the flat biosphere
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 08:33:38

Anthony Pizzi
godgevlamste So you believe we live on a flat plane that is infinite? Nothing we live on nor any part of it is spherical. I've been an officer in the U.S. Army for 15 years. Certain specific things I've learned that I'm not at liberty to discuss with you due to many SCI oath signings, let's just say have educated me to believe fully in the flat earth as opposed to the globe earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 07:47:26

Our biosphere is flat , but the bigger earth is a ball : that’s the theory .The flat earth is right and is destroying the control system .But the flat earth has to be part of a larger system , that’s what i’m trying to find .All possibilities are open , if you are stuck in a new “ believesystem “ you will never find the truth .What is your solution ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 21 2018, 06:27:40

THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You are a real hero fighting against all that fake science being teached to our children. "Demens rex stulti est!"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 22:57:16
i'm afraid you are right about science , science is the inverted reality !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 07:29:58

Sheathed Sword
Wait so the moon is the reflection of the solar system? I thought you were going to find reflected countries in the moon shadows.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 20:44:00

Greg Smith
The earth is in a terrarium in a big giants home the moon is a light bulb, thereis no space! NASA is a lie there is no planet's no solar system! We live at the mercy of a family of giants. I heard him talking and he is growing tired of hisTerrarium, he might throw us away he likes it when we have war! He is trying to get us to make war, that might be the only way to get him to not throw us out!Good luck people nothing is real, I hope we will not be cast out!
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 00:53:45

Just a question when looking at mr X u clearly see mr X when looking at the moon it looks nothing like the earth, great effort though keep searching for the answers brother.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 17:51:49
i don't understand the question , what do you mean?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 17:56:36

Not enough proof and it contradicts the bible but I love your imagination and the star trek thing Is awesome
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 01:50:47
Flat Earth Switzerland
Has today's bible version come from heaven or are we being fed with altered texts? Look at this:<br /><br /><br />Satanist have infiltrated our religions on earth and altered our holy books. Watch video first: <br /><a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Revelation <a href="">13:18</a> <br />"Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." <br /> <br />Add up the sum of the letters with this gematria for the name: "Jesus", his mark the "Cross" and "Jewish". <br /> <br />English value: <br />A = 9 <br />B = 18 <br />C = 27 <br />D = 36 <br />E = 45 <br />F = 54 <br />G = 63 <br />H = 72 <br />I = 81 <br />J = 90 <br />K = 99 <br />L = 108 <br />M = 117 <br />N = 126 <br />O = 135 <br />P = 144 <br />Q = 153 <br />R = 162 <br />S = 171 <br />T = 180 <br />U = 189 <br />V = 198 <br />W = 207 <br />X = 216 <br />Y = 225 <br />Z = 234 <br /> <br />Original mark of the beast on manuscript XIC <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Search for old paintings of Jesus with XIC: <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Greek letter, pronounciation, number <br /> Χ = Chi = 600 <br /> ξ = Z = 60 <br /> ς = S = 6 <br /> <br />Pronounced in greek: "Chi Z S" <br />Masonic with meaning: "G is us" <br /> <br />1. Mark: <a href=""> </a><br />2. Acronym: <a href=""> </a><br />3. Pictogram: <a href=""> </a><br />4. Symbol: <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Creation of the name Jesus: <br /><a href=""> </a><br /> <br />We all are living in the Babylonian reign look at the English one world language: <br /> <br />XES backwards: SEX <br /> <br />Ba'al Gad = Lord God <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Babylon = Kingdom that we are slaves in <br />Bible = "Baibel" = Babel = to confuse = the book of Baal's Trinity Religion with 66 books and dozens of books missing <br />Baby = Newborn humans in Babylon <br />Global = Glo Baal <br />Planet = Plane t = plane of the cross <br />Amen = Amen Ra <br /><a href=""> </a><br />Beelzebub = Baal Zebub = Lord of fly <br /><a href=""> </a><br /> <br />King James Version (KJV) Bible is masonic: <br />1. <a href=""> </a><br />2. <a href=""> </a><br />King James also wrote a demonology: <br /><a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Staged rapture possible with, US Patent: <br /><a href=""> </a><br /> <br />Love is the Creator. <br />Truth is Loves only son. <br />The Most High is: Love <br /> <br />Truth says: <br />"Those are my disciples that follow me wherever I goeth." <br />"Who is not willing to leave his wife and children for me, is not worthy of me." <br />"Nobody comes to the father than through me." <br />"Me and my father are one." <br /> <br />Love the Truth. <br /> <br />More research on Facebook page: <br />Flat Earth Switzerland <br /><a href=""> </a><br />YouTube <br /><a href=""></a><br /><br /><br />PS: Have a look at the "Kolbrin Bible"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 02 2019, 18:47:17

do you believe in the scientific explanations for rain, thunder, lightning, earthquakes tornadoes and all other natural Phenomena? Or are you still doing blood sacrifice and rain dances for the gods? What level of education do you have on anything you speak of in this video? You do realize that man HAS been to space and the moon right? Space is real the moon is a very real solid spherical object that man has set foot on. The iss is real with real humans on it as it orbits around the earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 04 2019, 17:35:41

OMG May God have mercy on my soul for watching that entire video
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 04:23:52
If God is really God , he will not write books , send profets , judge on the good and the bad .He will certainly not take part in a “ flat-earth , big ball “ discussion .He will not take pleasure in “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man.” If you think he does ? you are not worshipping God
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 06:35:14

You and the flat Earther's like to put limitation on Gods creations. I challenge you and them to just not lean unto your own understanding, and pray to him with real intent and I know the truth will be revealed to you and them. God has created Billions of worlds with people in his own image. For it is Gods Pleasure to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 20:12:04

when i see your reaction you'll need it !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 07:11:22

Mike Coffey
Earth is flat, yes, relativity no, space and space ships no, Einstein no The Sagnac experiment and the Michaelson/Morley experiment prove your example wrong. "These experiments have never been refuted by science. But the THEORY of relativity is a fairytale to steal our minds of reason and replace it with what we can never intrinsically know. " Welcome to the Machine" Your spinning world is described by another (science) and the best you can do is believe. "How unsatisfying!" If the man is always spinning from the center then, his frame of reference is constantly shifting, not withstanding the movements outside and independent of him. Thats no good because it would always lead to an inconclusive analysis unless, two frames are measured in conjunction as seen to support the structural integrity. "They never are nor can they be. Thats why they like giving astronomical numbers to dummy us up. That is knowing by seeing inwardly as seen outward. We perceive unobstructed observation because we don't move on a stationary reference as our plane.
Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 29 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 05:55:23
Mike Coffey
Dear assumed, Take a look at those who discredit Relativity. They are Mathematicians and Physicists. I realized I need not know all facets of science and mathematics if enough light may illumine obscurity into comparisons, something we all can understand. Out sufficient numbers of anomalies with the formula's, from whence it came, by who it came from and you'll find out Einy did shit. Thats not being mean to a great personage taught to us all in school as a genius. "We" find after investigation he was marginal at best. One Physicist fabricated an empty Universe, I forget his name, starts with a "W", he took that from one physicist, got another physicist-accomplice "Hilbert" to help him put black holes in an empty Universe. All in violation to the laws of equilibrium because you can't add more to a non-linear equation. Einy also transmigrated across non linear mathematical fields into linear ones. He also stifled Tesla at every turn. The light fell from a man who gave us AC current and 500 patents to Einy, the patent examiner. Einstein was our new god. Many disciples rose to help that fisher of gods new Agencies. Newly created agencies to support each other under a false ceiling, the umbrella wagging the handle. America had the media frenzy, had us all admiring the genius of a plagiarist, an impostor. Who do you think coined the phrase Anti-Semitic? Einstein. What better traction after the Hollow-cost. We needed to justify movements of planets, including a ball they called Earth! They had to get rid of the Ether once and for all and any in opposition got labeled as Jew-haters. And they all shut up under penalties which violate a National Security. The tale spun in this magnitude could only be supported by the removal of our common senses. Relativity did not grow from the ground, its a fake plant! What is real is our electric universe. You know that, by your own experience. <br />Relativity equals ignorance. "Sounds like today because it supports the illusions we take for objective reality, We live on a spinning ball, how ridiculous! Relativity is all contrived outside the sensible and Germain, Electro/magnetic universe we occupy. Bending space time, is contorting the natural mental process for a construct contradictory to our perspective corrected. Did you know it is impossible for two black holes to exist together in one Universe, as if one could have existed at all. One space time would merge into another, negating the infinite flat extension out from the horizon line. I'm not smarter, I am learning to question, is that wrong, Julian?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 25 2018, 00:41:59

Julian Floyd
Michael John um the theory of relativity isn't just a "theory" every experiment we've done has shown just how true it is. And despite the greatest minds on earth INTENTIONALLY trying to disprove it they still havnt been able. And in saying you know it's wrong is the same as saying "I know because i'm smarter than them" and if you truly believe that your even more incompetent than I first assumed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 24 2018, 03:10:12

Mike Coffey
Stop using your old mans picture, only children chide as you sonny.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 21 2018, 15:56:27

Mike Coffey
I want to thank you for your constructive in-put. You have enlightened everyone with what could be expected from one so observant. You must tell us more, we're waiting for your insights, if you have any?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 21 2018, 01:23:58

Mike Coffey
Ethereal mediums not gravity. He is only using language appropriately accepted in Science. A word association.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Jun 15 2018, 16:17:33

Lee Jay
Alvin Lee. This makes so much sense. What an interesting thought. You are very clever! Give yourself a pat on the back!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 08:50:25

MJ: "They killed the Ether for Relativity, they stole reality for a fable. You've been had!. :<br />- "they" didn't kill the was merely a postulation due to man's ignorance to the true behavior (and thus difference) between EM waves and mechanical waves. several experiments were designed and executed and no once was anyone, ever, able to prove that a luminiferous aether exists. relativity was born of these failures; M/M, M/G/P, Airy ('s failure), as a way to explain that for which the aether was proposed to explain. cool huh?<br /><br />"What of Sagnac's then?"<br />- you have some good luck...because i also have read a bit on the sagnac interferometer. this was the experiment that first led other scientists to take relativity seriously. can't explain a difference in speed of light unless you consider inertial reference frames...and Sagnac provided the first <b>validity</b> for relativity. Newtonian mechanics cannot explain the Sagnac effect, relativity does easily.<br /><br />any other brain busters?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 18:37:13

Mike Coffey
To help others who have the capacity to look behind the curtain at the wizards apparatus.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 17:38:37

Graeme Brumfitt
Didn't watch just wanted to say complete HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA tosh... How much you paying for your GREEN MAN?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:40:59

5.50 all on the same side yes the flat side there's only 1 plane
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 16:41:58

Miasmic Gusto
Just... wow. I want some of what ^this^ guy is smokin'...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri May 18 2018, 00:41:45
maybe if you see part 4 and 5 you'll unsuscribe , but thanks anyway .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 14:15:28

Miasmic Gusto
And I'm probably as old! Btw that's not a piccy of me. I'll try hunting through the dusty old corners of my mind for something else, but whatever I find, I don't think it'll be anywhere near as outlandish as this video. However-you have piqued my interest, and I'd like to hear more! Subbed :-)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 13:35:43

this joke is so old !!! can't you find something else , somewhat funnier ??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 06:11:48

Jeana Madrid
let me lose you with mathematics so you can't prove me wrong if if if if if if you just look out side you can see the truth no tricks just a flat plain
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 8 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 02:04:41
JellyFish Fee The 200ft ice wall you refer to got brought down a while back. Check here. <a href=""></a><br />NASA have been hiding dragons behind the wall but this one went rogue. The cover up is massive - but you already know that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 08:30:18

JellyFish Fee
jimmyfly Antarctica is the edge of our world. I’m sure you have seen plenty of pictures of a 200ft ice wall. I don’t need to waste YouTube’s server space with that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 12:28:48

JellyFish Fee
OK. send me pictures from the south pole when you get there.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 12:23:39

AnTea Matter
jimmyfly Yes it does as you need to seek permissions and if you check routes taken there's loads not even explored. There's also a reason no oil company has ever tried or even applied to drill down there. I believe there's something there most probs a base added onto what the nazis built there but defo has nothing to do with living on a flat plain.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 10:59:08

AnTea Matter
Jeana Madrid lol here's a test that can be done FACT but flatearthers well the ones at the top who actually make money of this crazy idea won't try. You cant trek across Antarctica because of the treaty etc But you can easily view the coastline as I have done it and sail around it without any problem. So you get 2 boats and have 1 face the shore then send the other boat off keeping the coast on the left therfore eliminating the use of GPS which you claim is fake aswell. Then it's simple if the second boat meets the first within weeks then the earth is round and if takes months and months then clearly its flat. Thankyou and goodnight.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 10:49:24

Jeana Madrid
jimmyfly -yet here you are .why do you call it a belief do you believe or do you just knw
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 11:00:54

Jeana Madrid
jimmyfly -very intelligent response please continue with the insults since it your only form of communication explain away professor wow me with your one word insult ...please Mr x we are all waiting for you to convince every one who since birth have been told we live in a spinning ball and then with a couple of observationso and a little bit of common realize it a fucking lie ...go ahead we are all waiting
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 10:10:33

AnTea Matter
At start you said you would prove and after video I am still yet to see said proof.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 29 2018, 10:40:43
A perfectly working theoretical wheelwork ! what more do you want ?<br />A photo from space ? Michio Kaku saying i’m right ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 30 2018, 06:24:10

Tim Kleingarn
Watching it over and over again to find the right selection for friends who need to extend their minds. Some of those unfortunately don’t speak Englisch. All the best to you my dear Friend. God is blessing you, Wim. Greetings from Tim
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Oct 03 2020, 09:15:13

Mad Wlad
Nice video explaining your psychosis ..try to take less of your alternative medicine and more of the ones your doctor gave to you
Show Comment | Likes: 37 | View Replies: 8 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 04:01:38

Dan Infecto
This is great! So many unexplanable holes in the globe and flat earth models...whats up with the stars do you think? Here is what they look like through my telescope...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 13:07:34

Daniel Dow
You have me intrigued and I am going to do some more investigating, so I commend you for a sound, concise and truly intelligent presentation. Thank you for the new neural pathways brother..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 02:38:11

Don't let anyone discourage you. You are making total sense. Let the confused stay confused.
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Sep 20 2018, 14:31:41

Photo Finish
I can support the theory of a large spherical earth, with the observational evidence, i personally concluded 1 of 2 answers. Either the earth is hundreds if not thousand times larger in a spherical shape, or its an infinite flat plane. There's obviously missing information to accurately depict its shape and size, which leaves you to continue searching.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:38:09

So you blindly trust the greater minds than you ?<br />Did it never occur to you , they might be lying about some crucial things ? <br />Look at the world around you !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 13:57:54

Cobb Ervin
I do not have all the answers and you may be right about the creative part, I used to be a fairly decent songwriter but I think I've lost the edge these days. But I digress, anyway don't you ever wonder how your computer or whatever device you use to post these videos, operates? It isn't magic, right? No, it's math and theories that allow the harnessing of electricity in order to create such wonders. I didn't come up with these equations and theories, but I know of their existence. Greater minds than me figured out enough of this stuff that makes my life easier. And allows me to have such a pleasant discourse with a person such as yourself.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 12:55:15

You talk like you are God , and have all the answers ! You cannot do this , you cannot do that , blablabla .It is people like you that keep science in its Prehistoric , dinosaur state .And that is because, you have lost your creative mind .The only thing you can , is parrot the things you learned at school .Nothing you say comes out of yourself !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 06:01:22

Cobb Ervin
Dude, you're the one who dragged in Einstein, not me! BTW, time dilation is not linear and it takes a tremendous difference in relative speeds for it to achieve the dilation that your lack of proof asserts. I don't need to disprove this nonsense. Even the Egyptians were aware that the earth is a sphere and that the moon is also a sphere. If you knew some simple trig you could crudely figure out all sorts of basic knowledge that the rest of us have known for over 2,000 years. Earth is spherical, like all the other celestial objects. You can't just propose unfounded nonsense, and at the same time argue FOR one of the greatest theory's of all time while tossing out what the Theory of General Relativity proves. Put simply, IT explains gravity. AND time dilation is PART OF THIS. I mean, you can, but it's moronic to do so.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 18:59:58

Sorry , I didn’t know that Einstein was the Holy Bible and it was forbidden to use part of the theory !!<br />This must be sacrilege , i will go on a pilgrimage to have some absolution for my sins !!<br />So , you want math ? OK , you are so convinced i’m wrong ? Than use your math to prove my statements are false !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 18:29:51

Cobb Ervin
Your errors begin with your title and then continue throughout. And you can't pick and choose what science to believe in. If you accept time dilation as part of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, then you must accept ALL of it. But then that would blow apart your "proof". You aren't citing any math or equations, just nonsensical assertions based on fantasy. Where's your math? Or is math made up too? lol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 15:40:30

so i made a writing error ! is that all you're capable of ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 15:23:34

cat diamond
So u think thats how the mud flood happened then
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 20:00:45

Matt Holton
This is in the running for stupidest video on Youtube. Amazing reality denying fantasy. Whatever you are smoking must be strong stuff!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 21:02:51

Matt Holton
I wasn't confused, I was just concerned about your mental health.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 07:51:01

Matt Holton
That what you are smoking is strong stuff? Thanks for confirming it. Did you put this video up as a joke then?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 07:43:13

S Martyp Ants
Amazing, you have truly blown my mind and connected so many dots, at the same time! I studied art history years ago...There are many many old paintings and sculptures showing us this is how it all works, but we are told it was all about religious worship, BS! I thank you sincerely for allowing the truth to come through.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jul 29 2020, 08:42:31

Nice work put into your video, I like it and the whole idea, I’m not bothered what people have to say about your animations the animations demonstrated what they needed to.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 23:15:21

Linda Woudstra
I think you are brilliant! Thank you for this animation! And your work...
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 6 | Fri Sep 25 2020, 23:55:48
Linda Woudstra
I do have a question! Please explain how the moon phases work in your model?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 08:53:05

Linda Woudstra
@godgevlamste <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 08:51:55

Linda Woudstra
@godgevlamste ALSO check out the norb theory!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 08:49:54

Linda Woudstra
<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 08:32:00

Linda Woudstra
@godgevlamste there is another team that has a simular idea on the reflection of the moon, they say we are in a Dome and within that Dome is a smaller Dome that we see from the Bottom. So half a Sphere hanging above us. They also derive this from a plasma theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 08:30:26

Kevin De Los Santos
Occultist consider day nd night two separate days🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 22:25:13

Spar PH
so what happen when theres an eclipse? where the shadow of the moon covers one spot on earth? lol.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 09:44:08
what happens when stupid people think the're smart and ask stupid questions ?LOL !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 10:19:11

hongry life
Then it is not different from the currently dictated and much pushed 'official' theory. <br />Check the heliocentric model/theory. A lot of assumptions in there.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 17:40:30

Christopher Morrissey
you know how some think they need a massive amount of power released to make demons/spirits cross over to this world. what about those spirits are actually us and this crater you speak of is the crater from a nuclear weapon that the giants set of. a giants world war. the power somehow made our spirits come to this material world. or maybe they are just bomb craters we came to after this great war in heaven. we are so small that many of us survived, the giants not so much. all the craters are round in shape so a meteor seems a little far fetched to create them.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 22 2020, 16:50:22

Emerald Gate
I think it takes the earth 25,920 years to go around the sun and the earth wobbles on its axis (like a top that is slow and unstable) every year giving us the seasons and the stars are fixed on our canopy, that's why Polaris looks still.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 03:24:45

Not a conclussion, just a theory, which is different.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:24:46

Hi Lamon
then why can't we see the reflectiom on the other parts of the plasma ball at the same time?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 05 2018, 00:31:35

Wild Boy Jax
Yeah this is it iv been saying this since the flat earth shit started
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 26 2018, 01:47:00

Edward Kenway
I was intrigued for a number of minutes until you brought up the flaws of technology. Thats like canceling a religious debate because the atheists hurt your feelings.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 06:35:16

Southpaw TV
the most probable of all assumptions i've ever entertained! Very well done and presented! I never thought of it as such. Subscribing!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 22:11:14

Annie Cruz
Wouldn’t we feel it if earth was moving that way??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 11:07:33
If you are born on a ship and you are your whole life on the ocean , <br />you would not know how it feels , to be on land
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 11:50:28

Nice video I give you an A+ for the sound theory, and A++ for wasting everyone's time have OMG to watch this video just to find out you a totally nuts and should study inside the loony bin.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 05:59:44
Thanks for the kind reaction i give you a triple A for lack of braincells !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 07:04:20

No the moon actually has a dark side we all know that and when we get partial moons it's because it's spinning to the dark side it's not a shadow
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 02:19:03
godgevlamste use your eyes that's all I can say use your eyes
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 17:16:37

i think you don't understand it yourself !! You always see the same craters on the moon , how come ? if the moon is spinning ,?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 11:39:52

godgevlamste you don't always see the same side when it's spinning to the dark side you see the darkness
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 09:57:58

if it's spinning , how come we always see the same side ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 07:44:31

A Taurus Knows Best
This guy should make a YouTube series. So fucking surreal! I love it!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 01:56:07

Syndie Turret
If Mirror image then I concluded the earth is round !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 01:40:14
that"s what i'm saying : flat earth on a big ball
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:02:40

Neth BT
Einstein is a Masonic fraud... I lost interest once you introduced him... I'm a flat earther btw
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jul 25 2018, 16:58:43
i understand , but even liars tell the truth ,if you know how to handle the information .Scientists respond to my video ,and tell me ,i'm using Einstein the wrong way : that means i must be on the right track
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jul 28 2018, 16:47:24

Super and well explained ,I believe in you . So far so good . The black light of the Sun to all the rest explained, its the best solution so far my friend . Keep the good work up 👍
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Oct 21 2018, 22:42:58

King Rupesh Poudel
nice concept......eventhough wrong.....,,,next time please make a video entitled " Moon is reflection of jupiter or sun"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 05:04:47
can you send me a photograph of you, so i can make some animations ??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 08:07:42

thanks ,next time i'll make a video called : the moon is the reflection of King Rupesh poudel !! sounds good !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:02:11

Antonieta Sicsik
Soo beautifully well rendered so in the end the moon is really a mirror!! I don't know if you would like to give me your opinion if its all possible to check what two channels have to say please, they are: KIKETV CU and PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, the first claims the hologram we live in is filled w hands and fingers like a pattern printed all over, and the 2nd says there are cities in other planes ie: mars but he starts to show you on craters so maybe 2nd is mistaken or openly diverting us from this reality you bring forth? Because I can believe they are the craters shown on the moon as you are but says they are actually planets and Chiron Last says it better this is a Plan ET, plane tte Oh My! I'm so thrilled!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Dec 14 2019, 17:34:38

im super confused by this, but also very intrigued!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Dec 08 2019, 05:02:24
Intrigued, by author stupidity or lack of simple knowledge that even kids have?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jan 02 2020, 15:43:55

Dennis Crowley
Majestic Pariah just gave me a world of a response to my inferior comment. Thank you for the time and effort taken to write such a response. Keep pressing on friend.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 15:44:27

Mongo Slade
Interesting theory. Especially at 16:22. So what I'm taking away is OUR earth is 1 of those craters, HIDDEN by "touch up" photos. worth a closer look.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 23:47:44

Aj Ibarra
is that y we cant figure anything out cuz we spin so much
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 04 2018, 21:47:51
Because earth is in a vortex , sound –air-water –projectiles are going in a vortex. <br />Probably the juices in your brain too !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 05 2018, 10:33:46

Interesting theory. But hardly is it proof of it.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 13 2020, 00:42:55

Ilkka Friman
Those bubbles do not need air or gas to blow. Substance it self is rising up and make that blob.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 12:52:07

Robert Kolsin
You just said you came to conclusion by assuming when someone assumes something they're guessing that they're wrong you just disproved your whole Theory all the s*** just to be on YouTube
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 20:53:08

Dave Rees
😂😂😂😂😂 your so thick its unreal!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 12:32:39
Dave Rees
godgevlamste ok, have a good day 😁😂😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 17:26:39

no i'm gonna prove you're a nice person , i'll need a few reincarnations
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 16:47:39

Dave Rees
godgevlamste are you for real, what else you gonna come up with next, mars is square!! Or are all planets a reflection of earth, seriously get a life.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 16:29:25

Some people have lost all creativity in their lives .When they see someone who still has that spark ,they get real jealous .It reminds them of their own pitiful life , so they try to humiliate that person : poor chap !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 14:03:32

The kittey ADEN
Lol for those seeking real truth Research cosmic egg
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 13:35:34

interesting to keep it into mind by further collection information and theorys! i almost thought at the end of the moon map i could identify the world continents or something similar like the earth places (only can rely on the information on what continent looks like it is told). but the information is incomplete, what about the lunar wave? the fact of the stars shining through of the moons dark side would make sense if its just a mirrored image of the earth. so if the moons image is older because the light travels slower, someone has rebuild the moon “earth“ where we live in. because the old image looks pretty dead. so the crators are not from meteors, i believe more in war weapons like atom bombs and something. maybe we are looking on the planet what happend back for thousand of years, now that we live here the process restarted UNTIL we bomb our earth again into this state. and whoever rebuild and restart this planet mess again. maybe an experiment how long it will take till we not destroy the earth or how long it takes till we evolve and so on.. this video gives a good idea and theory and a new view on other facts and theorys. thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Dec 23 2018, 11:36:42

Viper Creatchure
Lol still waiting for these flat earth types to zoom in on Tokyo from kansas and truely prove this flat earth bs 😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 06:58:00

yes , i was on apollo 3412 , we landed on the moon , drove around with a car of elon musk , shot a few dinosaurs and came back !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 19:14:50

Viper Creatchure
Have you ever been above 50000 feet and seen this world with your own eyes
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 18:46:45

Dennis Crowley
I liked all of the vids, up until we went from a small ball to a large ball. So, we’re still on a ball in space, just bigger. That must be the new Star Trek.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 15:55:00

Francis Reyes
How bout the moon in the morning? Or the moon inthe afternoon.? Hey!! Answer please!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 13:05:38
I see no problem in the plasmaball theory .The reflection of earth reflects on the plasmaball ,and at certain times you can see the reflection : at night , afternoon , morning .Depends on the angle and position you are looking from
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 15:00:23

Francis Reyes
<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 14:12:47

Francis Reyes
No not that. Im from philippines and sometimes in the morning I saw moon. And in the afternoon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 14:05:42

why should there be no reflections in the morning or the afternoon ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 13:19:52

My friend the alien Dork from the planet Zorgon , who visits me often , says you are wrong . Perhaps cut back on your meds
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 04:19:21
Maybe Dork of Zorgon is on meds ! Ask him
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 07:00:47

i dont think you are right but it would be super cool to see dinosaurs on the moon
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 15 2018, 21:14:57

John Clendenin
Very good video. The theory needs work, but you are on the right track. Refine and present!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Oct 02 2018, 12:31:40

Greg M
my conclusion all are wasting time arguing with each other when you should be asking nasa to take you up there so you can see for yourself. that would be the smartest thing to do...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jun 15 2018, 01:12:13

Eric Reed
Guess you didn't make it through elementary school
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 12:10:23

A perfectly working theoretical wheelwork ! what more do you want ?<br />A photo from space ? Michio Kaku saying i’m right ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 06:12:16

bentleysbannar corp
Where do you get your weed also explain THE PHASES OF THE MOON
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Fri May 04 2018, 01:59:06

bentleysbannar corp
Also. All of what he sead defied logic, the sun is 1000 times the mass of earth. And the moon is TIDALLY LOCKED so it is not a reflection of earth because we would all be dead. Your don't realize you are going against a acctual physisist
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 06 2018, 17:23:12

first watch the video , than ask questions ! But if you have seen the video , and still ask those questions : go buy a brain !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 12:49:52

Stephen Prior
Just type nasa 1988 into google nasa stated in 1988 the earth was flat and non rotational after testing high speed aircrafts
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 18:14:02

Frank Ashcraft
Einstein says this guy is way off . Mr X needs to lay off on the caned air or something .. 18:02 of nothing
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 01:01:45

Your model doesn't match observed reality. Is this some type of satire?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:40:39

yaakov abdulah muhammed
@ 5.45minutes the reflection on the moon is supposed to be earth . ok what if the reflection is a flat earth spinning around causeing the moons phases to be light and then dark from a turning FLAT EARTH.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 07:35:58
Granny J
The vid stomped me at the end saying the Earth was gigantic. So the moon is a reflection of this? The reflection would need to be a MASSIVE distance away and yet Bruceseesall channel gets pretty good close-ups. Maybe if the theory we weren't in a crater. But that comes about for some associated reason to do with observed axis shift?!? [within the lines configured]. Then a massive spinning planet alters everything about a 24 hour day right? Then it would be slightly unliveable. The tidal lock has always spoken to me as untrue. I don't know what the Moon is but we kinda need the influence ( well even that is an assumption). Peeps are saying Earth ought to be gigantic and stationary and flat. I thought it was a scalped sphere that spun, thus flat in our experience???? Granny J.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 09:12:43

kurt setterberg
you have gone to great length to produce a false analogy
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 19 2018, 17:06:29
That’s because i’m sponsored by the NSA , to discredit the Flat Earth .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 19 2018, 17:43:08

Worldy magus
je et een interesante theorie vast matje....... grts u vlamieng ;-)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 08:17:00
Worldy magus
van woa zie je juste? kzoen geern ki een gesprek voeren over je theorie........a je doa up voor ziet tenminste ....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 18:38:58

Elke Leonhardt
Godgevlamste, hello again. Look at this ancient image, that explains lens contortions Might help for next vid, or is it to basic, I actually don't know FB_IMG_1552644718935.jpg
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Jun 19 2019, 21:18:53
Elke Leonhardt
@godgevlamste oh OK gracias, I try to find a way to get it. But now I'm something between sleep and waking up and sleep. I want to read all and keep going on and on, but I can't. Cu soon<br />Peace 🕊 and Love
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 20 2019, 21:36:22

hello Elke , i can't open the jpg .You just sent me the name , but not the picture itself
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 20 2019, 07:16:31

Иван К
It's very sunchronistic how i watched this video before yours: ( ) In that video it talked about demonic civilizations destroying vedism and vedistic culture. And at the end of your video, you talk about NWO. And some images used are the same in both videos
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 21:17:15

Great. My only ambition in life is to de-learn everything I was ever thought and die with a truthful knowledge of nothing.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Sat Sep 28 2019, 08:32:51

WHAT I LEARNED ON THE INTERNET <br /> <br />I learned to write broken English, <br />I learned that the earth <br />is not a globe, <br />it is flat <br />and that there is no universe, <br />I learned that mathematics <br />would not have come into excistence <br />if we knew from the beginning <br />that there is in nature <br />no exactly straight line, <br />no actual circle, <br />no absolute magnitude, <br />that it is precisely facts that do not exist, <br />only interpretations, <br />I learned that the moon <br />does not exist, <br />it is only a reflection <br />of a gigantic earth <br />which is much bigger than <br />we think, <br />I learned that the moon landing <br />was filmed by Stanley Kubrick <br />in a film studio <br />in Arizona, <br />and that Hiroshima was bombed <br />by a massive attack <br />of fire bombs <br />and not an atomic bomb, <br />I learned that nuclear bombs <br />does not exist, <br />it's just a propaganda machinery <br />for fear mongering, <br />the oldest authoritarian trick <br />in the world, <br />I learned that science <br />is just another religion <br />for consumers in the material world, <br />I learned that chemtrails <br />from airplanes <br />are not exhaust <br />but chemicals they spray the sky with <br />for cloud seeding <br />and weather modification, <br />I learned that the only lesson <br />in life, <br />is to die with a knowledge <br />of nothing.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 29 2019, 08:19:02

The moon is a reflection wtf is it reflecting off of is space a mirror. Load of bs
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Oct 01 2018, 19:26:11
the plasmaball is the screen on witch the image is projected
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 02 2018, 06:37:33

a radiation belt can not be seen .You probably talk about the flat earth plasma dome .In my theory it is a plasma ball and the moon is the reflection of earth in the plasmaball
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 06:18:17

Garfield Martin
The moon is a combination of two Dragon coming to gather for the queen Dragon to live in her body for the white nation she's mother for the moon is a dangerous electromagnetic magical element for life
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 26 2018, 10:38:53

Wow. Wow. Wow. We are in the Matrix. The “moon” is relatively new (to GEarth), thus the firmament as well. The plasma is a soul trap. All the science we are told is simply to explain the MOON away. Hiding in plain sight. As above, so below. Why “the Sun/Son” is pointed on the bottom when doing the sign of the cross. Because the SON lived on Earth. The SUN (of the moon) is Earth. What is truly impressive is the initutitiveness and unifying nature of this video. And the BREVITY. It takes hours to learn and “understand” the “real” science of the circus
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 17 2020, 13:01:20

Watson's Bubble
I applaud you Mr Godgevlamste, a true work of art. At last, final proof that a theorist can 'prove' anything he pleases on YouTube if his scientific data is kept within the constaints of his own animated examples... Funny as hell. But, sadly I think your humor is too subtle for YouTube. Subscribed.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 07:51:22
I’m a product of my education : i’m giving science a taste of its own medecine !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 08:19:09

I guess that’s what you would call a ‘tape wyrm’ At the end ^^
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:12:49
Josaline McKenna
lmao this is good, especially since he refers to the gatekeepers are parasites
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Dec 19 2020, 03:18:31

Ferenc Molnár
"Minden lehetséges, ha nem kivánjuk, hogy megvalósuljon." (Korpuszkularizmus)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Aug 18 2018, 03:41:07

One thing I always thought was that, if you were on Earth during the space race. Why fly to the moon? Such a dangerous task. Why not race to take the first picture of Earth?.....Still dangerous but much less to travel and that would generate as much interest. But it wasn't about going to the moon ....But rather pushing the divide and using that to turn people against people.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 15:17:42

That’s because i’m sponsored by the CIA , to discredit the Flat Earth .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 17 2018, 16:45:17

Tartarian Zephyr
wait, how can our reflection be both Polaris and the moon? What have I missed?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 15:32:00
Tartarian Zephyr
hongry life In a much Earlier vid, in which he corrected himself a few videos later, I watched the first couple then jumped to the end.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 22:49:20

hongry life
Where did he say that Polaris is reflection of earth?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 17:42:00

As crazy as that was, i couldn't stop watching. You should write a book or a movie. You have one hell of an imagination.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 04:27:14

Great work especially the high low tide vortex . You can make this same demonstration with a flat single sided stationary earth with everything moving around it . In the center of a Torus ( upper and lower vortex ) . The upper vortex rotates and spirals clockwise at the same time the lower vortex spirals counter clockwise . When viewed from the center axis looking up or down respectively. Earth is stationary in the center of the X shaped Torus . Your model will fit into it perfectly . Earth doesn't wobble . It's the motion of the vortex that wobbles as it spirals out and in . There are no straight lines in the cosmos . It's all in motion . Duality requires a polar opposite of every creation in existence. Since everything is moving in the cosmos that confirms no movement of Earth . Since there's no flat or straight lines in the cosmos , the flatness is all found here on the flat plan of the surface . Two huge sets of opposites not unlike UP DOWN or out in or left right and day / night . Everything has a set of two poles . Flat and ball are also exact opposites like the wave particle set of opposites . White Blue yellow Green magenta Red cyan Black Blue green red make white Center between upper and lower vortices looking up and down Yellow magenta cyan make black Polaris at the top axis of the upper vortex
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat May 26 2018, 15:51:01
thanks for the reaction , but my whole theory is founded on the principle that the moon is a reflection of earth .Because the moon wobbles , earth must be wobbling too .In my fourth video i put the starmap on the moon : the stars are a detailled reflection of certain craters on earth , that proves again the moon is the reflected earth .Everything is moving in a vortex , why shouldn't earth ? wobbling = going in a vortex , coriolis effect ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 26 2018, 16:35:49

Mika Cotty
As much as I want to say something stupid. I got to say. "This would be the SMARTEST video on youtube" Thank you my friend for this moment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 07:12:20

Vane Zilence
Nice video. We all need to share our ideas. Even if its wrong, at least we're on the same page. And at least we're questioning and actively searching for truth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 12 2018, 10:25:45

Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />Mooneclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 03 2018, 09:42:06

arthur clark
Great video,but space a full solar eclipse is dark. The corona displayed results due the earth's diameter remains greater in size and it's earth's magnetic field that lights up the corona presented in short the moon is not a reflection sorry.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 03 2020, 15:32:36

Walk Wigglin
i hope you are still with us and you read this in good health. still waiting for the continuation of the old world map video.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 7 | Fri Jul 19 2019, 06:27:14
Betty Davis
Like planet X truth, making up stories for views.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 23 2019, 04:41:52

it's too long to explain , i will have to make a video about it and see where i will get !! And thanks again for your support
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Aug 05 2019, 08:03:32

Walk Wigglin
@godgevlamste been meaning to ask about what you meant by the hidden story of christ and the AI hijacking and resurrection switch
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Aug 04 2019, 23:32:33

@Walk Wigglin something came up , history had to wait !! greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Aug 03 2019, 17:53:18

Walk Wigglin
@godgevlamste good to hear i look forward to next month. keep up the good work bro
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 20 2019, 23:17:19

thanks for your concern , still not on the firestack <br />and i had no attacks , whatsoever!<br />Maybe this whole story of the illuminati harrasing their adversaries<br />is stories of people who try to give themselves credibility .<br />Or maybe my theory is completely wrong.<br />Or they think nobody will believe me.<br />Anyway , i think it's 100 % real , that's the most important <br />Nowadays i'm thinking a lot about Artificial Intelligence and strangely enough<br />about the resurrection of Christ, because i think there is a hidden story behind it .<br />Maybe our reincarnationcycle has been highjacked by AI and reincarnation has been <br />changed into resurrection ;<br />First i will finish the story of the creation of the new worldmap by the viking-Templars.<br />Next month it will be finished<br />thanks again for your support<br />greets
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jul 20 2019, 16:33:51

Rubbish. If it's a reflection of the earth then how come it's lite up when it's a full moon when it's night here? It would be dark. Plus, the moon phases wouldn't happen
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:27:50

how do you explain full moon, half moon and no moon than?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Wed May 16 2018, 16:13:22

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 16 2018, 17:06:53

Leah InAnotherLife
I just wanted to thank you, for so succinctly, pulling together for me (us) the bits and pieces of things I've been researching for years. So many things that I knew fit together somehow to mean something about the nature of our existence, but I couldn't quite grasp. For the last 2 days or so, I've felt like something was coming that was going to help me see just a little clearer, but had no idea what kind of something. Then I stumbled upon these 3 video. Almost immediately my mind just buzzed with that feeling of knowing there is truth in what you're hearing. I will of course spend time with this idea, but my instinct was quick to say "listen up girlie". I was not disappointed! 💚🌎💚🌍💚🌏
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 11 2020, 12:24:41
Thanks , glad i could help you in a way .
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Mar 11 2020, 14:36:27

Philly Cheesesteak
honestly you should be given a key to the dwelling of the super people their not gods
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 14:12:56

I remember my first childhood memory of moon. I looked up at a full moon and I thought I saw the area where my country was just like a reflection. Then this conflicted with what I was taught later in school.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Feb 20 2020, 04:31:31
Mark P
@godgevlamste That is the truth. Lies make me feel nauseous. Especially the tell-lie-vision.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 17:52:09

JJ Labajo
This is exactly what I was expecting about this video. I also thought that the black parts of the moon are the continents of Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 04 2020, 06:11:10

subconsciously we all know the truth about everything
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Feb 20 2020, 05:55:37

Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 15:01:17

Grant Wilson
Wow, Great insight. Of course the other theories are just theories - there is no proof for any of them so yours is just as valid.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 13:15:26
Some science can be dogmatic because it represents laws of physics. Other science can seem dogmatic because of all the reasons you've mentioned. It's not over dogmatic though, scientific theory does change, it's just slow and methodical. Education... that's even slower to change, appears even more dogmatic.<br /><br />Our institutes, those that control our educational systems, appear to be breaking down. We must be careful because these systems can be replaced by people with worse agendas than those of dogmatic academics.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 15:40:43

Grant Wilson
I accept that. I just think science is so wrong it is treated as dogma and you are tested on it in exams too become a scientist -they then shape results to meet a model /theory / dogma. They also completely dismiss other possibilities that would unravel their falsehoods so-as to keep their jobs under peer pressure. They have families to feed/shelter/educate, mortgages and bills to pay and will lie in a heartbeat to protect that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 23:52:01

You may have mixed up the concepts of theory and hypothesis there. Theories usually have significant data behind them and as such are usually well tested. Hypothesis on the other hand are like ideas that might be true or not, they need experimentation, data collection, etc to become proven.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 22:28:55

even liars tell the truth , if you know how to handle the information they give you !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 26 2018, 06:15:08

Praetorian Chad
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 18:50:44

RK Brown
Ha you're clever, and funny. Think I'll wake up tomorrow on a bigger earth, if I ever get to bed!! I have often thought the 'aliens' were from here
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 02:49:16

Maikel del Castilho
easy-to-follow walkthrough through the theory/explanation, and very interesting (new ?) viewpoint.. My compliments and gratitude, I really enjoyed watching your video
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 04 2019, 23:34:33

Ash Girl
The whole reason im here is im trying to make sense of a dream i had recently.. i was looking up inthe sky and there was planets up there one was blue, one was red, and i want to say there was a 3rd one that was tan colored but i was being told the words.. Reflections, Mirroring
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jan 10 2019, 20:48:27
i had somekind of a vision too , so i started making these video's .Now i'm 99,99 percent sure there are no planets, moons or stars .They are all reflections .The only thing i ask myself is : where is this information coming from ? : our ancestors in the bigger consciesness ? or are we being played by some kind of illuminati technology ? time will tell
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 11 2019, 06:26:40

Infallible Dialect
You smoking stuff? Really really heavy stuff? Find Yahusha, and stop smoking.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 03 2018, 23:16:56

Javier Rizo
I think you got a point. You really do. Hard to understand but REALLY it makes sense. It satisfies me.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 04:51:27

Honkler Bear
All is mind. We are created in 'the image' of God. Might as well be correct. It's not about matter. That's just an illusion like a movie on a screen. The operating system. Beneath it is a lot of strange things that we can hardly wrap our heads around.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 13 2020, 19:45:39

Barristan Selmy
The moon is only a reflection of the earth when you've taken far to many mushrooms.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 11 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 22:38:24
believe !!! i thought it was about facts . the only thing you do is trying to ridiculise me , still haven't heard some arguments .That's how science works !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 30 2018, 06:34:01

Barristan Selmy
Hahhaa science isn't a control system, it's a system that changes when better explanations come along, if you've got a better explanation for gravity or tides everyone would love to hear it, but don;t expect people to believe you when your explanations aren't coherent with reality.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 30 2018, 05:07:42

Not more , but different ! Science is the controlsystem to keep everybody stupid , so the happy few can live in extreme wealth and the rest in complete misery !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 09:07:15

Barristan Selmy
So what your saying is you somehow know more than scientists and astronomers because of reasons?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 08:44:41

You don’t have to convince me of the fake science , i know their stories !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 08:41:34

Barristan Selmy
But tides come in and out in around land masses, the gravity of the moon pushes the water as it rotates. There is no bigger earth, have you ever looked up into the sky at night?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 08:11:41

The cicular movement of the bigger earth is circling the water around
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 06:57:21

Barristan Selmy
I was hoping you could tell me what you think it is in person.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 06:51:07

Barristan Selmy
How do tides work if the moon is a reflection?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 03:48:15

Brett McNear
As a regular viewer of flat earth videos for entertainment purposes only, I would have to say that this is one of the funniest one's I've seen yet. I am the real Mr X.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 16:10:21

Katyas AniWell
Why do I see different constellations spinning the other way round and the moon being on its head in the Southern Hemisphere? This is a plausible model - but it has to account for all phenomenons.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 06:58:12
Katyas AniWell
@godgevlamste Interesting! <br />Why can't I see the Big Dipper here in Australia [I lived in Europe for 30+ years]?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 08:07:38

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 07:37:28

Power to tha People
your gonna love the next video I upload. I hope it's ok I use a few images from your video for a couple seconds here and there, mostly the giant moon with crater Earth because I don't know where else to get that image so I filmed the computer with my phone and I give you full credit for the image. i'd say that would help you get your vid out there more but I get like no views on my vids. maybe this next one will do better I can't wait for you to see it ! cheers & thank you. I've been saying for quite awhile  now we probably have a small area on something gigantic and that's why it's basically flat AND that most if not all "aliens" don't need the extra  in extra terrestrial. We should refer to them like we do to Mexicans that sneak into our country...ILLEGAL ALIENS LOL
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri May 18 2018, 01:10:02
Elke Leonhardt
Did u do that vid u were talking about?! I don't recognize it. If, send a link, I'd be very grateful
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Jun 19 2019, 06:40:30

no problem , use whatever you want ! thanks for asking .Send me a link
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 06:08:05

Stop this is totally wrong unless the light dilation make the fly huge or the man has a tiny head in scale.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 08:01:57

Prema Das Baul
Every six months I come back to listen to you like an old odd friend who knows something .. maybe.. perhaps.. how ya doin
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Apr 24 2020, 19:34:33
Prema Das Baul
@godgevlamste <a href=""></a> la la la and bla bla bla
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 29 2020, 12:24:34

Prema Das Baul
@godgevlamste Yes bro.. Also had enough of this bullshit... I'll post my new song here later...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 25 2020, 05:22:16

Your old odd friend is OK ! alive and kicking and a “ bit” pissed off by this corona creature .How about you , still making songs ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 24 2020, 21:03:38

fraud !!! if there is 70 years of spaceflight where are the millions of photos of earth ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 06:08:01

Paule ee
Let's ask Mr. Einstein hey!!!!!!!!!Who forgot to INCLUDE THE FOURTH FUNDAMENTAL STATE OF MATTER??? anyone, lol PLASMA IN A VACUUM!!!!! laughed Flat Earther Nicola Tesla.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 16 2018, 20:55:22

Chris Schott
Don't forget to watch this entire video.. You won't be sorry ... Heart breaking ..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 03 2018, 00:31:34

sonia de la paz
As Admiral Richard Byrd noted there is a land rich in resource beyond antártica
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 00:40:29

Tomas Cruz
Time dilation must be having an effect on some peoples brains.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 16:29:33
Are that the same” people” who organised the fake moonlandings and fake ISS , that supposedly launched a Tesla car in orbit and constructed the fake “small ball theory” and sold it with major success to the naieve people of this earth ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 17:51:03

Tomas Cruz
Umm.. No Sir!. I work with the people that manufacture Big Mirror Plasma Bowls. We use a neutronium based crystalline compound to make the bowls. It is the properties of the bowl's material that makes for the time dilation effect you speak of on your well explained video. We also breed these invisible creatures that are in charge of making sure that when a photon bounced from one mirror to the other it slows down with comparison to the clocks in the ground.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 16:48:19

godgevlamste, don't let the bastards give you any guff, I thought this was cool.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 21:53:11
thanks ! the heavy reactions mean that i'm on to something !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 09:13:31

Daniel .Marchini
Great theory... It reminded about "Travels of Gulliver" when describing different worlds and sizes...This theory makes much more sense than all Nasa photographies and CGIs of outer space and "PLAN-ETS"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jul 03 2019, 02:21:04

keith courson
Funny.  I came here after viewing several videos about schizophrenia.  LMFAO.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 10:40:08
better to make an appointment with a shrink !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 10:48:38

Frater Sol
Answer me this l.. Why is it colder in moonlight than it is in the night shade? The exact opposite of daylight being hotter in the sunlight than in the shade
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 20:00:29

Ryan H
Please stop making these videos!! You're poisoning so many ignoramt minds that it literally should be punishable by jail time!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 11:12:01

Hill Billy Entertainment
A reflection wouldn't explain it's gravitational effect on the Earth, tides ect...
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 10 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 00:41:50
Hill Billy Entertainment
I actually feel sorry for you. It must be incredibly frustrating to go through life thinking that everything everyone has ever been taught about how the Earth works has all been a big lie. What would be the purpose of lieing to everyone about the shape of the Earth? Because honestly if people were able to pull off this sort of hoax spanning a 1000 years, then they could basically trick you about anything, they wouldn't need to lie about the shape of the Earth, they'd be so powerful it wouldn't matter what shape it was.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:52:19

That’s the problem : you trust your education , what if they were lying to you ? where is your critical thinking ? <br />Just accept everything they tell you ! God wrote science and the bible : on your knees you slave !!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 10:22:53

Hill Billy Entertainment
and P.S. can you explain why Flat Earthers seem to always have a disdain for the Bible?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 07:36:43

Hill Billy Entertainment
You're the arrogant one for thinking you know more than 2000 years worth of scientific study .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 07:33:13

that"s arrogance : you decide what is right or wrong ! did it never occur to you science might be wrong ? or is it absolute , like the holy bible ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 07:04:40

Hill Billy Entertainment
Neither will completely getting this whole thing wrong.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 06:54:20

Hill Billy Entertainment
The problem is gravity is very easily provable. I know that there are many people out there that don't truly understand how gravitational fields work, but if you really take a look at the science you can't deny it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 23:59:01

i suspect there is no gravity .The substance between the plasmaball and bigger earth is creating pressure and is pushing everything down .Tides is the movement of earth as shown in the video
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:10:18

Di mo ko makikita
So the future WW3 Nuclear war kinda explains the dull color and craters of the moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Aug 06 2018, 14:18:10

Di mo ko makikita
Well, who knows? But either one is possible.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Aug 07 2018, 09:02:31

i think you turned it around , we are looking at the past and not he future
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Aug 06 2018, 19:42:53

What does our government gain from hiding the "truth" and how?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 08:23:42
hongry life
Makes me think of the 'Wayward Pines' series.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 17:53:10

have a gigantic territory for yourself : oil , gold , other resources , have a hiding place if things might go wrong : and they are going wrong !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 09:24:31

I say that the moon is the reflection of the ice down and round below Flat Earth. This makes sense to me and not Nasa's fake pictures...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Oct 09 2018, 23:42:50
possible ! make a video about it and explain it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 10 2018, 10:42:03

Stan Koudlai
not sure why would they cover up such a dumb theory first of all, and yea great imagination, no proof , but good for a movie
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 17:35:17

Doug Sholly
Dude, you really should get help with your drug addiction....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon May 21 2018, 19:40:31

Doug Sholly
That wasn't a joke. That is actual concern for your well being...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 13:41:28

you should get some help in finding some new jokes , this one is as old as your great -great -great -great -great -great -great -great grandmother
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 20:02:32

Very interesting hmm probably cause I’m baked
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 02:13:38

abdella jemal
How ironic🤣 you just used Einstein's theory to proof earth is flat dude did you know the guy where did you put all his other theory
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:08:41

I doubt that the moon is the earth. How is it gonna be that the moon is the earth if we’ve studied the moon for millennia. The moon looks white and black. If that was the case the moon would have to look blue and green with the colors of land. Unless your right and we all live in a crater in the moon. I don’t even know anymore
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 12:51:00

I've always questioned our "moon". How its the same size as our sun (perspective they say. Coincidence? Don't believe in them), why the side we always see (and always have seen) covered with craters? Unless humans were launching projectiles at it, would a meteor go around our "ball" and then impact on our viewing side? Nah, don't think so. Then the goop, that section of video showing a clay like substance with air bubbles forming craters... wow! Don't know if its true or not... but I don't believe our narrative that's for sure!!! Edit: For those who reject it right off... Don't close your mind off to the possibility that our "Planet, World, Realm, Reality" whatever it is, isn't what we're told it is. We have large complicated explanations for things in our sky. Yet no one can with confidence answer: "Why are humans the only mammal that's *naked* ?" We've been naked as far back as Cro Magnon (roughly 15,000 years ago) during an ice age that based on Darwin's theories, humans should be furry. Cro Magnon was as hairy/furry as modern humans. Also if we came from 1 ancestor and "Evolved" from ONE species we should have compatible blood (we do not). Rh(-) mothers will have their baby attacked by their immune system if the baby is Rh(+) by the father. Why would the human body reject a human fetus? An Rh(+) fetus is seen as being "foreign" then the mother's immune system creates antibodies in order to remove it? This basically destroys the "One Common Ancestor Theory" in my mind completely.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 03 2020, 17:05:30

James Quiroz
ummm.....Stop doing drugs!!! Now we’re living in a hole??really??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 14:51:59

Damon Dziewiontkowski
And jet planes run on compressed air on a flat earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 07:37:46

If your theory were true that means the moon would have to be in a fixed location, meaning the people on the other side of earth would never see it unless they travel to the reflecting side
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 00:28:10

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:47:09

It’s high grade of stupidity or upper levels of genius, that is the question here which one?!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:03:51

A Jaffery
Nice work. Your video is an exampe of 'how' to think, as opposed to standard education that teaches us 'what' to think... and that's why idiots only regurgitate, instead of bringing original thought to the table. Keep it up, don't be dismayed by stupid comments from people. Newton & many others must have felt the same with his original thought amongst whatever knowledge prevailed back then.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 14:22:58

@godgevlamste not who, your too young to know i guess, fubar stands for "fucked up beyond all recognition" and that is this video.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 19:14:27

dan wile
Somewhere there's a really, really big planet waiting for you, Sparky. One you can have all to yourself. 😆🖕🌍
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 01:50:33

Why can't we make light bounce between mirrors like perpetually?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 18:59:45

ronald early
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I needed that l9l
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 19:52:12

Save The Republic
@godgevlamste This is great outside of the box thinking. Having said that, how would we describe or imagine the area outside of our plasma ball? I mean outside of the outer borders or outside of where you have the sun. That could possibly be something like how outer space is thought of or it could be some type of liquid or water.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 05:14:19
Save The Republic
@godgevlamste I agree with this. I suppose what I am really asking is what is outside this cell's outermost walls? Some type of fluid? Water? Another way of putting it would be to ask what is it exactly that the parasitic cell had to move through in order to make physical contact with the outermost walls of our cell? Very interesting indeed. Ever since I came across your channel I have been thinking about all sorts of different possibilities about everything you have put forth and it's very exciting. Ever since I was a child as far back as I can remember I have pondered the very nature of the universe, of our observable universe and the very nature of reality itself. All of the ideas put forth by the religious establishment were never enough for me. As I grew older I also began to realize that the "facts" as presented by the scientific establishment were not as they were being portrayed to be. I always felt that what we were being taught was bullshit for lack of a better word. <br /><br /> I'm glad that I was made aware of your channel. There is a great need for people to begin to embrace honest critical thinking and how to differentiate between that and propaganda/dogma. True, honest and valid science is never afraid of opposition. It is never afraid of but rather embraces rational scepticism. I'm certainly not saying that I think that you are 100% correct in everything you say or that you have all the answers. I do think however that you are on the right track and that you are most definitely on to something. Your theories need to be built upon and we must all keep asking questions. We all need to keep digging. It's people like yourself and channels such as this that make that digging so enjoyable. Cheers!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 08:20:11

my idea is that earth is a cell .Maybe there are lots of other cells
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 06:15:16

Matthew Rudy
Then or carousel...why doesn't the outside move ahead....??? Moving at same time......
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 18:23:03

Matthew Rudy
godgevlamste velocity.... maybe different
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 18:12:53

Angela Deponte
Earth does not move it is fixed on its foundations and unmovable! It is round but flat!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Jun 17 2019, 02:33:47
@Angela Deponte wait a minute , i just lost him.I think he has fallen off the foundations of the unmovable earth !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 17 2019, 06:39:53

Angela Deponte
@godgevlamste Should of picked a better dog or maybe dog needs owner who understands German!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 17 2019, 06:31:41

my dog has five tails and is speaking German !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 17 2019, 05:59:38

Abhishek Hamal
How can a reflection have a shadow of its own? This is ridiculous.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 4 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 21:32:37
no problem , well done , hold on to the critical thinking !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 06:45:38

Abhishek Hamal
godgevlamste You can delete this comment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 22:19:21

Abhishek Hamal
godgevlamste Okay, I realised now what you were trying to say. My bad. It's the original image that's having the shadows, not the reflection. The reflection is merely the virtual image of the real object. *got a little hasty there. Sorry.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 22:18:15

what a joke !! must be number 156275 with that one !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 08 2018, 08:09:06

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 14 2018, 08:17:01

Evan Davies
Can you explain why the moon is seen upside down in the Southern Hemisphere?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed Nov 21 2018, 19:50:56
@Evan Davies not if the southern hemisphere is behind the focal point
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 28 2018, 06:16:34

Evan Davies
godgevlamste ok that’s great but if we are all in a small crater earth then we should all see the same moon and the same view right?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Nov 27 2018, 21:06:26

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 21 2018, 20:05:18

Birju Naik
if its true as u says then how eclipse happen with shadows??...or reflection of earth as u say its a moon
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 19 2018, 22:10:51
Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />lunar eclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 20 2018, 06:50:53

Vagyok Aki Vagyok
I love your videos (started from the first one). I think this one is the most relevant to ask my question. If the moon is the reflection of the whole giant earth, and the stars are the reflection of the craters of this giant earth, then how do we see BOTH the moon and the stars? Is it possible that there are actually TWO "mirrors"? One closer and one further away... this seems the only thing that would make sense.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 19:04:49
Vagyok Aki Vagyok
@godgevlamste Thank you! I'm watching all your videos in chronological order :) Still have about 15 videos left. I'll just ask the other question in the latest one then :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 07:54:07

it is <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:37:06

In your animation the sun goes left to right behind him but right to left in front. If he is spinning and not the sun around him, the sun would not change directions. That's a big hole in your theory I think
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 18:06:22

Woozy Rocketman
I think I'll stick with the biblical model - and the moon produces light itself, which is not reflected sunlight - I don't think it is a reflection of the earth, and that would not produce that sort of light. It says in Genesis that the moon is a light - I don't know why it looks like a spherical physical object, with 'craters' - I don't know what it is showing, but I know that that dead transgender hero didn't walk on a light in the sky, return to earth depressed and then die without anyone noticing in 2012.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 22:09:03

Power Rangers
So to what purpose would it be to have Everyone thinking we have a Real Moon or a Fake Moon or better yet no Moon? The answer either way does not disrupt Life on Earth in anyway. So I am asking what is the purpose of providing proof of it is correct or false? I know for a fact that my Stay on Earth has not, nor would it be changed by the Moon being real, or if the Earth is Flat or Round; our Life span is way too short to worry about such things. Heaven is the Final Frontier; the position we all hold on Earth is 100% Temporary AMEN
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 24 2020, 09:58:41

Yusuf Yilmaz
Maybe we should watch this carefully several times; there could be some little details we've been missing there in what we know/knew from pictures of the world was just a crater that we thought the whole planet was and appears to be a very little part of it. Quite clever figured from the elites whom want to keep majorities below averidge smartness with such "mis-education" as I would call it, happens to be on purpose that causes huge results of weakness in the world population and so it becomes easyer for them to shot us down. It shouldn't be a quest of getting more and more stupid by telling people to f*ck off that at least bringing out any opinion based on any research?? Think twice or more but whether it appears true or false what this person may have discovered, we shouldn't be so unkind to someone that's trying to find new facts that may help all of us THINKING .. The qualities of our society are far below the level of our civilisation and its potentials just because of this world wide mis-education.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 30 2018, 08:12:57

Christian D
It would be the first time in history that object 1 has life, movement, color and monumental activity, and object 1's reflection is, dead, colorless, lifeless and inactive... Your theory would have to explain the conversion of images that their properties hold regarding their characteristics, while the image they display diametrically oppose in their description in a reflection... The objects characteristics would appear the same, your model didn't explain or address this unavoidable fact....🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 11:40:22

ron dekker
983 thums UP rectificatie 🙂😎👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🦸‍♂️just great work trols just leave. To the back door and stay there and never return back.......
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:58:18

me him
We are not being told any truths! They tell you one thing believe the opposite! Up is down!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 12:53:47

But i dont get it how are we seeing a reflection of our planet ?? Any one?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 05:54:13

Steven Collins
So the flat earth is on a bigger sphere. Is that what he’s saying.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 09:18:19

Chris Johnson
So can you tell me how lunar eclipses work on flat earth I don't believe in heliocentric model how lunar eclipses work.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Apr 18 2019, 14:12:35
Solar eclipse : when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light<br /> Mooneclipse : go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 18 2019, 14:54:35

godgevlamste yeah, I'm done. I seriously hope you don't believe this but if you do, good luck to you mate. I watched 11 minutes of your video and your theory has alot of holes in it.<br />What are Saturn and Jupiter because I see them with my telescope, what are stars, why is Venus always visable at dawn and dusk?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 14:17:45

godgevlamste so how does a full moon become darker in your model?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 13:33:31

godgevlamste you didn't mention the sun as a light source for the lunar eclipse model. How does the earths shadow cover the moon in your model?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 13:04:02

no light source ? what about the sun ? So , because a lunar eclipse is quick it cannot work on my model ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 12:44:39

godgevlamste let me explain, your Lunar Eclipse with 2 mirrors has no light involved, how do you explain a shadow without a light source. And a Lunar eclipse is quick.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 11:16:32

godgevlamste your Lunar Eclips explanation doesn't work.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 11:10:50

Michael Chranston
Google Search this "godgevlamste (Willem from Belgium)"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 22:00:03
great advertisement !!!! thanks for sending me the link ! my God , some people are panicking !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:20:03

SoLiD CyPhEr
The earth spins...but the moon doesn't....the moon spins...but in such a precise way that no meter of new moon is revealed to earth......
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Aug 08 2018, 20:55:21

Nicholas Hei End Gems Hei
So basically we live on the moon then, so when the president said that the moon and mars are the same , he also said in the future that we will look back and say how did we do it with out space
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Aug 28 2019, 02:14:37
i had the same thought ! he knows the truth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Aug 30 2019, 12:44:27

It's SO interesting how SO many people are SO passionately against this theory - haha. Can someone who has made a passionate negative comment please explain to me why you are so passionately against it? Just curious ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 02:11:20

Emperor Donald J Trump
Lol I have a 14" telescope and see the lunar surface with my own eyes. What kind of drugs are you smoking?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 16:53:13
so , you have a telescope !! wow ! congratulations ! got it for your Santaclaus ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 17:54:12

Pit Ambara
... still watching. i don't think you need that closer and nearer movement if the suns rays is direct and reflected for summer and winter.. i like that........... but of course you need a 365 day revolution of the Earth... ... and you have in reality stars spinning the opposite way in what we know as southern hemisphere... in your theory that wouldn't happen... but the moon as a reflection of a smaller Earth.. maybe...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 11:53:46

ThinkInsideTheBox SquareCircle
The moon doesn't even rotate, however i do think the spots on the moon are somehow in relation to earths geography.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 05:33:15

Hans Norr
When I was watching and listening to this hypothesis, the logic of Occam's Razor or the Law of Parsimony came to mind. In essence, "Entities should not be multiplied without necessity" therefore stating that this theory is far more complicated and unlikely than the most common of substantiated facts which states that the moon is a large orb in revolution around the orb that is established as our earth. Physical principles, which we all agree are constant, being used to hypothesize of plasma bowls and their reflections is great mental gymnastics, however altogether impractical compared to alternate theorems in which one has already been scientifically substantiated. Please don't get me wrong! I love the work, and the underlying philosophy which propel the science. However, to operate partially by established physical science and mathematics and partially by unsubstantiated philosophies about the earth and the universe is not productive towards the noble cause of world reform and enlightenment that results in the salvation of the human race.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Sep 10 2020, 01:22:17
Roy Wright
And you shouldn't hubrisly belive science isn't a religion all to itself, infact science has many holes and theories. Having an open mind and questioning everything and not blindly accepting authority will progress the human race.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 05 2020, 10:08:20

Sister Kristen
This is the best, most helpful video I have ever seen towards getting at the truth of our situation. Thank you so much godgevlamste for applying your knowledge- which is obviously vast- of light reflection, and your sound reasoning which was so much needed with this striking visual representation which no one can deny reflects what we see. This video has been the pinnacle of my youtube experience that I had to find, and come back, and see again.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 22:09:10

I was going to say interesting Theory and with the limit to what a normal person can test without actually trying to go there your theory hold some weight and it's very original and a very fun thought but come on man can't be knocking the Star Trek Star Trek has a message of greater good what he shoots like the Illuminati made it or not the interior messages Do no harm respect and embrace difference and live always moving forward and do better while exploring everything in your surroundings
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 20:04:40

I was in bed enjoying my morning-coffee, when I came along your video. I was like WTF & OMG in the same time. That is without a question a very, very interesting theory and it does not matter, whether you might be high from some mushrooms, suffer a psychosis or whatever is being suggested here. It does not really take away from the fact that this theory is being established by a logical mind. Great Work, godgevlamste, Great Work!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 07:44:33

High tide is from the the "earth moon" from giggling ? Lol. Common. Nothing in this video is scientific. At all. Also you crater bubble theory would need to assume earth is made of mud like surface and not stable and rocky
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 02 2018, 18:12:07

Barret Scott
Sounds good man....but the moon is a stationary physical object. I believe it to be an array
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 20:53:39

Tony Sanchevez
I dont get what you are saying but you are a great narrator. So relaxing.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 04:55:15

Originally I thought your videos might be somewhat accurate but after rewatching I don't know wtf I was thinking.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Feb 10 2019, 17:05:57
@Flat Earth Switzerland What i should thaw out for dinner 🤔
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 11 2020, 01:21:14

Age of Reason
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Sep 20 2020, 15:58:22
Den Wiessimo
@Saul Goodman They presented us the rock ball moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Nov 02 2020, 13:14:53

Saul Goodman
isnt it in the illumanti code book they have to reveal what they are going to do in the future? So where is the stuff about reflection moon earth
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 01:16:24

American Weirdo
@godgevlamste what? Am l motivated to do something?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 20:55:50

@American Weirdo so you speak in the name of the rest of the world ! that's very ambitious
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 19:59:14

American Weirdo
@godgevlamste conclusion that don't make sense.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 18:29:05

@American Weirdo sure , that is what we learn in the dreamfactory ! i came to other conclusions
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 11:46:56

American Weirdo
@godgevlamste The red is cause by the earth's atmosphere, the sun's rays refract and goes around the earth and it's atmosphere. You know how in sun rises and sun sets, the sky turns red, and that's what hits the moon. The glow is much of a glow, it's very deem.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 10:43:27

@American Weirdo that's to explain the red glow
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 01 2019, 08:03:44

American Weirdo
@godgevlamste And also, none of our claims make any sense whatsoever. Did you even do the experiments, or did you just pull shit out of your ass?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 28 2019, 22:43:24

American Weirdo
@godgevlamste isn't a lunar eclipse and a blood moon the samething?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 28 2019, 21:38:18

d w
Just because a clock becomes inaccurate at high speeds doesnt mean that time has slowed down. That is hilarious though.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 16:23:31

Unusual taco
People have odd theories. Just accept one of them which is the most explained lol (the NASA / aka any normal person's)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 04:54:16

Tyler Dotson
The moon is on a tidal lock with earth and doesn't rotate. You're high bud.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 08:10:56
of course it's not rotating , there is no moon !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 08:18:52

Gerry Stinger
Your theory is flawed from the git-go, The moon's cycle is 28 days, not 30
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 05:11:13

Kwan Culturel
Please consider sir that there are also both real and reflected other space bodies and atmosphereric phenomenon. Some due to earth helper tiny computers.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 12:17:59

godgevlamste and i see you're an expert in bullshit........
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 14:07:00

godgevlamste judging by the severity of the video you're gonna need more than one.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 12:59:57

I am love
or what if we are just seeing reflections of the big bang? like cells from 170M years ago, and then they merged together? meaning mars does not really exist either and they kinda all boiled together in a melting pot to create earth,,,, very interesting theory and seems just as likely as the one we have now,,, really turns on my imagination - thank you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:39:06

DIY Chad 726
ya lost me at 'the reflection being 30 times slower than earth in real life' or whaever.......without explaining that.....which is kinda big considering its required for your theory to even be able to come close to working..........THUMBS DOWN!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 07:56:53

The TruManZoo
time doe snot slow down, the clock is influenced by motion.... time can not slow down itself... only the motion of the device... time is NOT a cause....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Jun 27 2019, 23:24:06

Geoff Speedie
cant believe this mon is just a cgi plug in for whatever software he is using. it looks just like nasas! aka both are not real
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 08 2020, 07:45:22

🤮💩 scuse me it happens only while i’m watching shitting things
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 16:02:34
you must have a real shitty life , you have to insult people to feel good !!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 16:42:31

godgevlamste actually when i look into the mirror it.s more like 😎😁 .... your videos are jokes. But your are free to be so... you just do videos and thats all ... you don.t get out to spread your ‘ideas’... in fact it.s link a hunt on the ground trying to make noise but no one hear it’ but this hunt thinks everyone hear it and listen to it. We find your video by algorithms on youtube... like walking on the street and walking on a dog’s shit and saying Oh shit I walked on it. Your videos is how shit I begun to wacht it😄 I Hope you will live your dreams instead of dreaming your fairytale life.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 16:26:26

were you looking in the mirror again ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 16:16:20

Grh Haddybow
Fucking awesome ending you really cracked me up until the inevitable truth in last few frames brought me right back to depressing Earth.. The truth is always easy to understand! Your video on the other hand i have watched 5 times! and even though I'v long theorised the moon to be a reflection (of what I'm not 100% sure) but your expatiation makes no rational sense! you will need to add some spirituality shit to make it fly.LOL. This is why you turned the earth into a head as it sufficiently confuses the viewer it to missing all the holes in your theory while in total confusion trying to turn the head back into the earth.. You cannot say the earth is just a little pond on a big earth yet continue using the ball shaped head as a earth model representation! you would have to turn the face we live on into just one face on a massive collage of faces stuck to a huge ball or Head if that's is your obvious fetish. But fun to watch, I think ya got good sense of humour so stick to comedy and don't try answering the bigger questions of mankind as you may make us laugh but you will make us all dumber in the end. *****5 stars none the less
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 07:40:37
I believe in the absolute individual freedom ! Everybody has the right to interpret this video in his own way : accept it, decline it , laugh with it , ridiculise it , : suits me fine ! But i have also the right to make videos about anything i want without having to justifie myself to others ! So thanks for the reaction , do with this video what you want .So if it makes someone dumber at the end , that’s not my responsibility : everybody must do the critical thinking for themselves .There are bigger assholes than me and they are ruling this planet , and everybody seems to accept them : i’m not the problem of mankind , on the contrary , i am challenging the slavesystem !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 08:54:23

I am love
Still what is on the edge of the disc? alternative parallels of earth? if not alternative parallels of earth - how have we not found more land - more places to go/travel?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:25:49

Gergle Ravera
What kind of wacky tobaccy have you been smoking or is it mushrooms dude you are so tripping none of this is true none of it can be proven you are high as a kite I mean this in a nice way
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 17:28:58

Edward ????????
i really like your video however it is not a theory it is a hypothesis until it is given t o the scientific community and shown that it can be proved as a theory this is something that most people including Einstein get wrong
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 15:07:33

S. P.
This video is really challenging and informative. I hope you can next to tackle the subject of flat earth. We live in a unique planet that is flat,that is what we know. But for some reason all the other bodies in our solar system are round,that is a mystery to me. And yes,im saying all this without any sarcasm.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 12:39:01
in my next video i will debunk stars and planets !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 13:48:46

Shaun Michaels
Thought provoking but you lost me after 2 minutes the next 12 mins I watched hoping my tiny brain would understand but then I switched off,Sorry you are very smart though😎
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 03:43:21

W. C. Orielly
Interesting theory at the beginning... And it seems plausible ... Except when you factor in all the other planets and stars and galaxies.... And the fact that we went to the moon... And we KNOW the moon is not a reflection of us.... This is spuedo science on steroids.... FAIL...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 13:35:04
so your one of those poor souls that still think we went to the moon !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 13:50:43

nice idea. I wonder if you could get the math to work out. Are you working with anyone on that?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 23:10:55
no , i'm not a scientist .But feel free .I hope some people will help me to solve the puzzle
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 06:48:41

Michael Shwab
i dont think anyones ever seen the suns reflection when they were looking the opposite direction wtf are you talking about
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 23:34:15

Lol before the earth was a small big sphere then it was flat then it was a huge sphere that is the moon witch is "bigger" wtf flat earthers !!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 08:35:40

robin ter heide
Interesting theory, although I do not believe it. How do solar and lunar eclipses fit into this model? I would love to see more
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 18 2019, 11:09:04
Solar eclipse : when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light<br /> Mooneclipse : go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 18 2019, 12:44:39

John Burke
Perhaps the firmament is several layers (wheels within wheels) that are spinning at different speeds? Constructive and destrucive interference of polarized layers inside the outer layer?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 08 2018, 03:14:45

Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />lunar eclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 28 2018, 16:44:29

Jamie Weems
Um. Stop pondering your assumptions and Try looking at the moon with a telescope.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 18:09:54

Totally believe it. Makes sense to me. Love the Star Trek music! Not sure of the video, may search for it, but one of the Q people made a video where they pointed out how when Trump was making the speech at the SpaceX launch, the remaining living "Astronaut" from the "Moon Landing" just kept looking at him with this look of unabashed amazement, incredulity... it was hilarious! Must find it.....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 01:15:27

This makes no sense . Your also flawed in your thought process . When you compare the time of light on objects . Your wrong
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 01:41:15
I use the relativity theory on light , and not on objects .Einstein has been used to find an excuse for timetravel , there is no future and there is no past ,there is only “ the now ‘ . Therefore there is no thing such as time !Time has been created by the brain and thoughts . The only thing that is possible is the slowing down of “ the speed of light” , instead of” the speed of time “ !!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 07:35:30

Mark Jensen
Well done Maktourus Etta masan, your 99% there. All that is left is Shenora Etta Masan..not long to go my Friends, before common enlightenment...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 03:24:02

Read 1Corinthians different translations/versions. For now we see in a mirror dimly...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 11:51:26

Casy Leer
I disagree cause if that was the case where's all the lights and the motions of the oceans and you can see the moon in the sky in the day and the night the moon is a light all its own the lesser of the greater being the sun a sphere with water on it throws water on rotation it doesn't hold on the bottom and there would be a water wall at the equator that's a lot of simple logic that shuts down the globe....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 20 2018, 20:47:57
I do believe what you have shown here brother. I do like that theory... keep the hard work! For me Godin crater is our zone, is our Earth zone. You were very close to that crater brother.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Feb 20 2019, 01:55:09
@godgevlamste Godin is within the red line that you draw and if you see the Flat Earth Map and check very very close that crater we will have good news. We need to find not manipulated close up pictures of that zone.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 20 2019, 13:35:17

thanks ! where and why crater Godin ? in my next videos i came out on crater "Sulpicius Gallus M" as earth
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Feb 20 2019, 06:12:16

Nothing but theory and assumptions here😐
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 16:12:05
kevin s
I wouldn't dismiss it so easily. Only a few hundred years ago you would be burned for witchcraft saying in the future a small wireless device could 'video chat' with someone across the world, all of which started off by theories. Go find a video and ask Where is the Moon During a Solar Eclipse? This guys theories might not be so far fetched. A projection is very plausible.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 08:36:46

Matthew Rudy
Have to finish watching sometime.... stomach hurts from laughing
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 19:31:32

Robert Denham
Lmfao. You're not suppose to smoke the glue kiddo.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Nov 17 2018, 16:24:44
i know , people with a lower IQ don't get it ! keep watching , you never know
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Nov 17 2018, 16:47:34

the essence <br />we are a crater on a bigger earth<br />the moon is the total reflection of the bigger earth<br />the stars are a partial reflection of the bigger earth<br />the star Sirius is the reflection of crater earth
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 08:24:39

So if the light takes 30 days to cover the Moon multiply 30 day to 24 hours and then add the speed of light and calculate the size of the big earth and then compare to the size which is said to be in the vedic books.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Mar 05 2020, 02:50:49

R Simon
I don't care if you accept this theory or not, the closing statement was impacting.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 06:44:15

The big ball theory . The old one i call : the little ball theory
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 07 2018, 07:18:04

You're on to something for sure! What I dont understand is why are you spinning mr x (the earth)? Its the sun that should be going around mr x? The earth is stationary.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 14 | Wed Jan 08 2020, 21:48:09
@Dreamcatcher_11_ <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 11 2020, 07:35:36

@Dreamcatcher_11_ i was asked this question about a thousand times , it's about the focal point of a concave mirror , i'll send you a link
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 11 2020, 07:35:26

Here is another puzzul that needs explanation: Do u know that in Australia they see the moon upside down. This is a fact. Did you know this?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 11 2020, 02:09:32

@godgevlamste Follow the Yogis bro the Vedic scriptures are the only real uncontaminated truth we got left. They also teach you how to attain Samadhi and then eventually Moksha like some of the recent Masters have done Yogananda, Kriyananda, Ram Das etc. <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 17:24:40

@Dreamcatcher_11_ thanks ,gives me already inspiration : looks a lot like my crater : a turtle with mount meru on the back
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 16:37:22

godgevlamste <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 15:41:07

godgevlamste Yes figuring out the truth is definitely one of our duties while we’re here at least figuring out where we are being fooled in terms of how we should construct our lifestyle as opposed to how we’re taught and told how to live. As to figuring out the true model of reality i think the Vedes came pretty close if not spot on with the mandalas. However, the Yogis say never try too hard to figure out gods work because you can never figure it out our intellect has boundries in this body. Check out this Yogi he has the best model of the universe i have seen so far (he does not specifically talk about the moon but the whole universe how its written by the ancient Sages)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 15:40:13

@Dreamcatcher_11_ If i’m being lied to i want to know …<br />I think the way to escape rebirth is understanding the truth , that way you cannot be tricked into returning into the spiders web .Of course , this all could be a dream …<br />In other words … i haven’t got a clue
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 15:01:20

@godgevlamste Everything is possible your theory could be possible. What I wanna know is if your theory is correct what good does it do to you or to me? Does that help me attain Moksha? Have you attained Moksha?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 14:51:57

@Dreamcatcher_11_ Than the shadows would wobble over the moon
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 10 2020, 14:45:38

im not sure we live on a gigantic planet - it may seem like it due to the reflection of the true gigantic sun, but i think our earth realm is the centre of the universe which is infinite...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Nov 27 2020, 16:41:20

Gordon Richstone
wow the moon is a reflection of earth and you are a reflection of bill nye the science guy. LMAO
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 23:08:46
Gordon Richstone
godgevlamste the earth is flat..may i suggest a few books? KINGS DETRHRONED BY GERRARD HICKSON 1922 AND WORLDS BEYOND THE POLES BY GIANNINI 1959..BTW EINSTEIN WAS A FRAUD
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 11:10:48

Brandon Pennington
This would also explain why the blue sky is seen through the part of the moon not seen,because it is not physically there.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 18:38:02

Sander Donker
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha dumaaasssss
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 13:11:14
you don't understand the video and i'm the dumbass ! typical
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 13:22:31

Dr. Decker
this is all awesome,.. and i can see how it works,.. i really can,.. but please answer me this how does the nothern hemisphere see the stars turn the opposite to the southern hemisphere? there is one substantial flaw in EVERY "flat earth" theory,.. the southern hemisphere sees the stars turn the opposite way then the northern hemisphere, the only way to do this is to have a top and bottom perspective, you can perform ONE SIMPLE experiment RIGHT NOW sitting there to prove this,..put your hand in front of you and point your index finger out, and rotate your finger tip in a clockwise manner when being observed form the top,.. NOW,.. while still rotating it the same way raise it and observe it from the bottom,.. it now appears to move counter clockwise... there is ABSOLUTELY NO way to duplicate this on any flat earth model.. sorry but you can't,.. i was almost convinced since, there are things like,. even at 120km in the sky the horizon is at eye level and the horizon is flat, only curves with a fisheye lens.. BUT,.. this is where it gets weird,.. we are a ball,.. but we are WAY bigger than they told us,.. and we are geocentric,.. and space is plasma state matter, energy and water,.. creation is sonoluminescence,.. there is a firmament,.. and it does keep the waters from the waters,.. look into the astronaut that had his helmet fill up with 3 gallons of water on a spacewalk.. not 250ml to sip on,.. 3 gallons.. truth hides in lies,.. you are bieng led astray by distraction,.. re-read Genesis ... the face of the water,.. "god speaks" words are sound,.. sound is energy,.. sound waves create sonoluminesence ... put pieces together
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 21:33:14
As i showed in my video , the earth is wobbling in 24 hours <br />The first 12 hours it is in bowing modus <br />The second 12 hours in erecting modus <br />One part of the crater will experience night in bowing modus , the other part of the crater will experience it in erecting modus .So both will see the stars in an opposite movement.<br /><br />The spacewalks of the ISS are filmed under water in a greenscreen bassin .That is the reason an “astro-not” almost died of drowning !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 07:37:43

Boo Duh
Is mr x the moon? Sorry i didnt watch too far
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 01:04:44
Boo Duh
Professor x? Spinning our universe with telekinesis. We are planet x. We are the x men? Beast is satan? Magnito = gravity? Iceman = the north and south poles? Quicksilver = quintessence? Nightstalker is night, duh. K. Bored. But we are all in the danger room. Watch out for traps.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 01:08:13

now the moon and sun are close but thats another story touch on a little that might be correct....but the majority of your conclusions are still way off ...D13 watchmen. if his videos are still on youtube...check them out...but hes not 100 percent perfect ...but you will learn a lot.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 22:36:21

Sgt Hawk
So we're seeing the underworld's reflection essentially in the sun, hELLios? Just spitballing here
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 08:12:01
Sgt Hawk
I'm new to the channel, the reflection of the sun video is the one I'm referencing but I'll definitely check out the new one 👍
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 14:56:34

@Sgt Hawk are you talking about my last video : the sun , portal of the parasite ? or are you concluding this from the reflection of earth video ? That was my conclusion too , the black dot probably is the earth of the parasite .And the sun is the gate to the other world , hell ? it is causing "hell" here , but it is probably paradise there ( at our expense )
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 10:12:56

Sgt Hawk
Also if you film the sun there's always a black dot in the center
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 08:12:46

paolo salucci
Random thoughts in liberty without any likelihood. A real concept (time dilation at relativistic speeds) taken out of context and used as a tool to say incomprehensible things (this time general relativity is true? I'm surprised.).
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 08:13:39
paolo salucci
@godgevlamste I confess that I didn't even watch the whole video, but if you begin saying: " I assume that the earth is enclosed in a big mirror plasma ball". This has not any likelihood with reality. There is nothing in reality that should make you suspect something like this. I could make a video saying "I assume that the earth is the tip of a giant cone shaped dark matter region full of omega energy" I would sound exactly the way your video sounds, a complete foolishness.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 08:57:10

That’s what we call : thesis-antithesis –synthesis <br />I’m giving you a thesis , you give me the antithesis .<br />But saying someone is selling nonsense is not giving an antithesis , it’s telling me : you have no logical arguments ! …cheers
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 08:45:05

Puppet Master
The plasma belt squash this how do we prove theres a plasma belt. Whats the color of the plasma belt for it to relect the inage of the moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 08:22:44

Inno Kaiser
all of the moon / earth guys insane .. which includes NASA as well.. Which one should we believe ?? seems like we have wasted 12 years in our schools ... none of you are trustworthy ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 19:05:50
Inno Kaiser
I have a lot of videos on my link bro.<br />enjoy !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 20:53:02

make your own video and send me a link !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 20:09:36

Robin Small
Yes, Polaris is the axis and an anathema makes the most sense and a figure 8 path .. a toroidal model
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 09:04:24

Rob Steenwinkel
The earth and the entire universe is a multidimensional optical illusion made by aliens (gods).
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jun 28 2019, 08:42:12

Hanno Reinhardt
And another video full of mind experiments without any proof, nothing but the insides of a sick mind.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 12:31:12
depends on what you call sick ! Maybe the " sick " minds will get us out of this big mess .It certainly won't be dead minds like you !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 13:27:33

Boris Kelman
Youre saying the north pole is in the top of the moon as the center? That wouldnt be possible as the earth is just a crater...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 03:36:02

Not Livestock
The earth is stationary and immovable, sorry... These are all theories.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 01:42:08

Afrika Plug
godgevlamste Awesome i find your theory quite interesting keep up the good work
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 12:31:21

in my next video i destroy it completely , sorry people !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:05:21

Randy Roberts
Yeah cause the moon looks just like earth....good point. Grey and full of craters...that's exactly what canada looks like. YOU FOOL
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 19:53:49
Sully Miranda
@godgevlamste he clearly understood none of it. Forgive him, he doesn't even know he is a fool. <br /><br />Your theory makes way more sense to me than the globe earth and the flat earth theories. I like that you are able to back it up the way you do by showing examples like mr. X, the reflecfion, the bowl, and the light source, it is the icing on the cake that makes your theory easy to grasp. Thank you for this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Dec 17 2018, 09:30:39

Scott Magill
@godgevlamste looks like he had nothing. All of this makes sense to me absolutely brilliant and mind opening. You've definitely accelerated a higher awareness for me. Thank you
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 17 2018, 23:51:30

what part of the theory didn't you understand ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 06:09:29

marcus Vass
Zoltán Nagy <br />We share the same shrink, he breached confidentiality by telling me that you are a hopeless case.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 05:02:59

i can't , i have no money , i'm making videos to earn a living !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 20:51:53

R Kro11
Thanks for the video. Would you be able to reproduce this video with the correct reality that the earth is flat and stationary instead of using the incorrect assumption that it's spherical, spinning, and hurling through space? That would be great since that is actually the world we live on. I know you can do it because you have something moving and something stationary in your examples - just reverse the principles you used. I don't have the capability to create videos like you do. So keep me updated.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 11 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 20:47:20
R Kro11
I don't assume because assuming is a waste of time and non-productive. When you think I'm playing a game, you are again assuming. Take care.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 13:59:08

No , of course you don’t assume .Because than you have to take some risks and someone might oppose . Better let someone else do the dirty work and make a video about it .<br />So it doesn’t have to be part of something bigger ? Even if there would be “ the void “ , the “void “would have been made out of some substance .So the idea : there might be “nothing” , is sticking your head in the sand . You’re playing a game here !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 13:42:17

R Kro11
Earth may be larger but it doesn't have to be part of something bigger. That is an assumption that it has to be part of something bigger. I don't assume about anything.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 13:22:52

I’m not going to reject everything : only the false information .<br />I have the impression that the” little ball “mindcontrol has been replaced by the : <br />“we’re not on a ball ,there is no gravity” mindcontrol .<br />We”re not hurling through space because there is no space . <br />We’re not turning around the sun because you cannot turn around the sun .<br />I agree the earth ( biosphere earth ) is flat <br />But biosphere earth has to be part of something bigger ! <br />What is your assumption ?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 12:51:17

R Kro11
It's difficult to reject information that has been planted in our minds since we were infants. The primary assumption of a round earth is that it's round despite all evidence to the contrary. Secondary assumptions are that the round earth spins 1500 feet per second and hurls around the sun at 67,000 mile per hour. We can feel a slight earthquake tremor but the incredible motions of the earth can't be detected in any manner. This is just the beginning of all those assumptions.<br /><br />What assumptions have to be made up for the earth to be flat? You have some good ideas but they won't go anywhere until you're able to shed the deeply entrenched assumptions.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 12:32:50

So you want me to destroy the big ball concept and go back to the infinite plane flat earth ?<br />You say the big ball concept is made out of assumptions , indeed .But your theory is made of assumptions too .How can i make a video out of something i don’t understand or agree to ?<br />Why don’t you contact someone with the same ideas ? he can make a video for you .<br />And maybe after seeing that video i will change my ideas
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 19 2018, 06:26:22

R Kro11
Hi. Were you able to reconstruct your video? Thank you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 20:14:00

R Kro11
I'm sure when you remove the assumptions and base it on a flat stationary earth, it will be clearer. Models need to be challenged and clarified. It would be great if no modifications were needed but the likelihood of that is not great.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 02:18:08

after my next video you won't have to replicate it , it will be clear !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 07:13:32

R Kro11
I'm optimistic you can replicate this on a flat stationary earth. If you would be willing to redo it, that would be awesome. Much respect for your effort. I can elaborate later, but right now your current video has become an indirect subject of a serious conversation in another forum. It was brought up that you used several assumptions and if you can eliminate all but a few, that would make understanding and interpreting your ideas and concepts much easier. Again, thank you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 22:02:23

World Church
This is very interesting theorizing. But I measured the moonlight and it makes things colder not warmer. So now in my mind I just don’t think the moons light can be sunlight in any way, at all. Also I think your theory only works if the sun is closer to earth than the moon and the back of the sun is dark , otherwise the sun would also be in the bowl reflection and we would see two suns
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 21:51:04
Grh Haddybow
the reason you measured colder was is was a cloud free night not the moonlight do the same experiment on a clear cloud free night when the moons below the horizon and see the night sky sucks the heat out of things its that cold then put a protective barrier like a table over thermometer and temp will rise! ain't the moon light its cloudless night sky and as a person following flat earth and also camping in the outdoors my whole life for holidays/fun have known like millions of others the moon ain't making shit cols, And i don't believe all the globe bullshit but don't go repeating the moonlight lie as makes you look stupid and turns people away that may have looked twice had they heard another proof or supposed truth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:59:49

Erik S
There wouldn't be that big of a time dialation if you crunch the math but this is an interesting idea
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 05:04:41

Stany Bodson
Excusez-moi mais..., depuis l'éther nous avons découvert la quantique, si Lorentz et Einstein étaient là..., nous viendrions de les réconcilier.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 23:22:15

Danny Minely
Thanks man, I had this idea long time ago that the earth is a geo stationary satellite of the moon, the moon being super big.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:42:03

Whoever dislikes this has no sense of humor and entertainment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Dec 02 2020, 15:19:07

An idea on flat earth.... A strong thought occurred to me. Take the flat earth model and not sure on the scale, but place that somewhere on a much larger globe. This much larger globe is the globe earth but is a dark frozen wasteland. Earth still in a major ice age because the real sun is in a major grand solar minimum or has died or the earths orbit and or spin had shifted out of the goldilocks zone. The sun and moon could be man made satellites sun being a fusion reactor of sorts keeping our little disc warm and habitable and the moon is the counterbalance satellite acting as a positive or negative or the North or south pole of the created electrical generator circling over us that we can harness energy from in more ways than 1, ways that are now hidden from us. Timelines and history are all a mishmash of stories and chinese whispers that have changed and skewed so much so think of history as you wish. The moon could be serving other purposes like it was a giant mirror to reflect a concentrated beam of heated light from the artificial sun to melt some of the snow beyond the ice wall to open up other parts and make more habitable land and the heating/boiling creates vapour clouds that pass over our warm disc area as clouds and provide precipitation. Also moon being a mirror angled at a frozen section of globe, the moon is just a reflection of earth covered in impact creators because the atmosphere and magnetosphere is mostly gone due to little or no protection from the inactive real sun. Its a delicate balancing act as this is weather manipulation in a way. Large ice bergs break off the ice and seen as global warming is more like the continual glacier surrounding us moving in but melting as it gets to our warm disc. All this ice melt and precipitation is could easily contribute to the ocean levels rising so like I said it's a delicate balancing act. Another theory is that global warming could also be happening as the globe is coming out of its ice age and icemelt is happening everywhere and land bridges will open up therefore travel by land will be more easy and the whole lie will come undone so the ones who hold the knowledgeand power are desperate to maintain. I have to much in my head to write all down and this theory crosses over Into so many stories and works all the time with biblical and historical accounts and space and space travel. Moon landing was just exploring frozen darkend areas beyond the ice wall. The space suits are just thermal suits etc and it was still all a show and a hoax put on us for further cognitive dissonance. I can't put all the details in here as it's a large topic to cover. Space exploration could be probes and satellites etc. sent around the globe to look for or check on other areas to see if any new areas have opened up or whatever, or there are other unfrozen discs with their own man made sun's and moons, little pockets of survivors run by their own governors and such and the leaders visit each other with 'space' travel and or send messages, resources etc to each other. An expanded theory of living in a creator on the moon. Our disc may be the arctic circle at the north pole and the rest of the globe is the antarctic or anti arctic. Arc came from Noah's ark, came on a boat before the freeze, the boat people stories of people Como g from the sea, the pheonicians, still in maritime law, we are all from the ark plants and animals and DNA and seed banks ready to replant and repopulate the world if or when it thaws out. Have a think
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 23 2020, 00:41:35

leo sands
A liar and a coward...they seem to walk hand in
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 14:16:43
you're right , instead of having a discussion they immediatly start insulting people !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 14:52:28

FPV Angel
Sorry you are wrong, check my channel for our correct realm, earth is level and stationary. The globe AND the AE map both FAIL.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 17:28:27

Sirius Eating With Shalonna
if the moon is mirror earth that means the stars are lights from earth of dif states/countries which explains why flags have stars representing the states... makes sense??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Sep 16 2018, 02:40:12
partly ! i think stars are pentagrams , used to manipulate our subconscience
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 16 2018, 08:02:52

Steve Rushforth
Here is a challenge to flat earth researchers, The flat earth map have fails on many counts, the most glaringly obvious is that it is almost 25,000 miles across yet on the real earth no 2 places are more than 12,500 miles apart? can you explain why you think this is??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 06 2018, 01:10:58

godgevlamste i have always had an open mind. I love deep conversation about conpiracies and paranormal etc. I have seen and looked into theories which are totally ridiculous and ones that have merit. I believe there is a truth and hidden amongst so much centrifuge(i think thats the word) not just from govt's and powerful companies,illuminati and freemason but from the public itself. Because of this we cannot see the truth even its its in front of our nose because we are so jaded and think its another consperacy or mistruth. See something paranormal or unusual and people automatically say photoshop or cgi and so reality and non reality are merging in technological terms. But we will always keep seeking the truth. One day i hope we find it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 03 2018, 07:05:12

Thanks <br />There is an entity that is pretending to be God .And certain people have made a deal with it , and that”s the reason we are in big problems now !!<br />We are being fooled on practically every level of : science , religion , history ,geography ..<br />It’s up to us to find out the truth …. but it’s very creepy , i can assure you that !! Not every human being can bear the weight of it !!! That’s the reason some people just ridiculise it and keep living there dream !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 03 2018, 06:36:20

godgevlamste p.s i am enjoying this conversation.😆
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 03 2018, 02:21:17

godgevlamste there is no space just a bigger earth???????????????? <br />Thats a mighty big statement. If thats the case we are all living in a simulation because what your telling me doesn't add up otherwise. And the biggest lie of all is that there is not a God! Billions have been fooled on that front.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jul 03 2018, 02:20:42

I think you don’t understand the concept of “compartimentalisation “<br />We are all living in a big pyramid , we all think we are working for the compartiment above us , but nobody sees the greater picture , except the people on the top All the electronic people were thinking they were working on real data , on a real spaceship , on technology for the moon .But they were all fooled ! You cannot cover up a big lie , everybody has to think they are working for a real moonlanding , they were all tricked , except the astronauts must have known “ the truth “.All the astronauts tought ,they were doing the coverup ,to win the spacerace against the Russians .It was probably a form of patriotism or a deathtreath from above !<br />And if you believe the “ extraterrestrial “ stuff , you are being fooled too ! there is no outer space .There is the bigger earth : there will probably be some other lifeforms on it , reptilians , insectoids ?<br />I think that is a possibility !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 02 2018, 09:11:57

godgevlamste you cant buy out thousands of people who have worked in the space program and international space programs or the thousand of astro physicists that have studied space for generations. Nor the thousands of people who have telescopes that are good enough to look outside the earth. I agree though there are lots of lies and cover ups. But the astronauts that wore<br />'leather suits' may have had technology from another sorce..maybe an intelligent lifeform from out of space. To many people involved. If it is lies then its the greatest cover up in the history of our planet.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 02 2018, 08:42:08

there are no astronauts , they never landed on the moon in a tin can , with leather suits .They 'd all be dead by radiation and pressure , besides there is no moon ,so you can not land on it .The people that are selling us this lie are the same ones that are giving us the fake scientific proof , they are very smart indeed , you have to be , if you can fool almost the whole planet
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 02 2018, 08:18:21

godgevlamste mate i dont believe the little ball theory. I believe this earth is large and round and we have a moon. People can investigate all they like but i have looked into a lot of these ideas and come to what i believe is true...that the earth is large and round and has a moon. Everyone has a right to investigate but people are going stupid with alot of their theories and pissing on the amazing experience and hard work that scientists and astronauts have done. People that actually have been in space and scientists that are so freakin smart and non scientific minds are trying to compete but don't come uo to par with them.<br />I don't understand why you are paying for flat earthers mistskes?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 02 2018, 08:10:02

So i have to pay for the mistakes of the flat-earthers ? i ‘m not a flat-earther : i know we live on a bigger ball and the moon is a reflection of that bigger earth . If you want to believe the” little ball theory “ , that”s your problem , maybe one day you will realize it’s all a big deception !<br />But you can’t blaim people for looking for the truth , with the risk of course ,of falling in a new deception !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 02 2018, 06:06:48

I've read a lot on flat eartheres and all this other stuff and nothing makes more sense than the earth is round, slighty oblong and the moon is just that...a moon and the sun is a sun. I don't understand why people are buying into the other stuff. And when u ask questions on the topic to the believers and they cant answer...they always come up with the same 'it does not exist' or 'how do you know the sun isn't really 32 km in size and closer to the earth' etc. Got a flat earther who believes sun and moon is in our atmosphere at work.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 01 2018, 20:31:17

*Accept, people on the southern side of the equator see the moon upside-down. Poof goes your theory. However, it's good to think out of the box, so keep exploring & asking questions.*
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 07:17:21

godgevlamste , Yeah, you don't see why, because you aren't educated. If the Earth was flat, vertical inversion would not be possible.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 06 2018, 12:32:42

you can use the same explanation of the little ball earth ! i don't see any reason why it should go poof !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 08:17:40

Michael Boucher
Ok, but are you going to offer any actual proof of your plasma ball?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 00:01:40
Go to the gates of earth( Antartica ) into the bigger earth ! that would prove it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 08:23:23

Oh no! Another flat earther! There are many flat earthers around the globe!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 19:06:18
i"m not a flat earther , you didn't watch the video !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 06:15:56

Truth Seeker
Unfortunately, the SAGNAC experiment disproved the theory of relativity and time dilation. Plus you have the problem if the earth is a sphere then someone from the other side of the globe would see a different moon. Cool theory though.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 08:27:07
Truth Seeker
godge, the SAGNAC experiment is repeatable and clearly demonstrates light traveling at 2 different speeds. Sagnac is currently used in aviation and GPS. But I like your video buddy.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 00:33:56

Were you there at the sagnac experiment ?<br />Secondly : i thought i explained that : someone on the other side of the bigger planet would see a different moon !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 09:22:49

I wonder how your theory matches up with the Bible... The word of God? If you or someone else could explore this, it could certainly prove or disprove your theory.... I am not an expert or even a novice in either or I would get in touch with you to expand on it.. This is the GREAT AWAKENING! Dark to light!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 18:35:37

Nate Wolfe
Two words... solar eclipse.... funny how the sun's reflection can pass in front of it and cause a shadow...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 00:25:59

when the reflection of earth moves in front of the reflection of the sun ......................
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:09:48

Adam Pullen
The inside of a circle is always faster buddy.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 13:56:11
take 10 people , let them give hands , and start making a circle and look who's going the fastest !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 15:00:50

Pit Ambara
i like it.. sorry about my last comment about spirituality.. sometimes I wonder if people are really so afraid about illuminati they forget their own powers.... this is very well thought out... right or wrong... i like the time dilation counting for the moons phases.. that is really plausible...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:55:07

godgevlamste <br />( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />You’re the only vaccination I need senpai.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Aug 10 2018, 06:52:32

So the Moon is Maldeck/Tiamat that was destroyed and then rebuild.?!?! i never understood how a shattered rock can fuse back together into a ball and let Enki rebuild here. i guess we live on the remnants of that massive plane(t)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 17 2020, 23:41:36

Bentley Jones
10000000% more sense than the bullshit all over the main stream Media! Think of it the Lucifer telescope is actually looking at the moon and other continents on it! Moon = Earth!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 26 2019, 07:27:18

Alvin Lee
Then how u explain the different day & night with the other countries if the sun & earth is so big & we all are facing the sun at the same time
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 12:07:29
Alvin Lee
If the moon delay slower by 30 times, how the lit face of the moon is always align with the sun in actual time
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 11:38:01

watch it again , tha answers are in the video .i can't explain it any better then that !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 07:15:48

Alvin Lee
Yes, I did, perhaps you may help me to understand more. Appreciate
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 02:42:51

gravy boat
Give me some of what your smoking ..................................
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 22:41:43

The Arcadian
Nice, obviously Earth's clouds and weather patterns aren't reflective? lol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Fri May 11 2018, 15:56:15

At least i’m a good comedian , you’re a bad one , and not to clever too … <br />Wait … i gotta go , there’s a ufo above the house , oh my God , some aliens are jumping out ,<br />They’re dressed up in green and AAARRRGGGHHHHHH
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 11 2018, 16:25:41

The Arcadian
godgevlamste ....true, there's no way I'd make as good a comedian as yourself lol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 11 2018, 16:10:05

what a joke !! don't do comedy ...... the public wouldn't like you !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 11 2018, 16:05:11

A round circle is not necessarily a sphere though. We are on the right and the left is the rest of the land beyond Antarctica. The dark grey patterns on the moon represent the continents. They've never been to space. Space travel is science fiction. We live on a flat stationary plane with a firmament above.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 17:35:59

godgevlamste Well I love ancient history. Especially ancient Greek history so Atlantis would definitely interest me.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 21:21:31

maybe part 4 and 5 would interest you : fake planets , Atlantis
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 20:29:48

godgevlamste oh yeah definitely man. Very original idea. Really interesting to watch.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 20:19:50

i'll take it as a compliment !! thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 20:15:05

godgevlamste Haha it's from a show called dragon Ball z.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 20:05:55

what a strange number !! any meaning in it ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 16 2018, 20:02:03

Julian Floyd
Theres more holes in this video than swiss cheese. But I'll give you props for trying. Though misplaced your dedication is praiseworthy.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 24 2018, 03:13:33

Patricia Keyes
So, what does this look like from a flat earth perspective? Because the moon as a reflection from the past of earth itself is quite an interesting idea. Quite the thing to ponder for fun.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 08:55:04
this is a flat earth on a bigger ball , what do you mean with :what does this look like from a flat earth perspective ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 09:35:54

The black sun is Saturn, but the general idea seems possible.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 13:42:29

Balvinder Batth
If moon is reflection of gigantic earth then what would you say about stars or other planets and other galaxies????
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Tue May 01 2018, 11:07:19
Balvinder Batth
I will watch part 4 and then let you know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 06:54:34

Balvinder Batth
I don't agree, moon is earth's satellite and it has to be big being closer. So is with other planets. We believe in saturn's moon , Titan then why not Moon.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 15:27:36

i explain that in part 4<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 12:01:58

Pixystyle productions
Great theory that proves that "greatness resides within a creative mind". I bet you can debunk and dispute any "so called known written knowledge or theories" that exist just by reflecting the interbedded coded flaws within it. Do a similar video with your perspective on us being within a binary star system. Love to see your take on that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 18:03:31
bedankt voor de likes en complimenten !! wat bedoel je met binair sterrensysteem ?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 20:08:36

Scottish McMillan
Hey, measure moonlight temperature versus moon shade. Moonlight is colder than moon shade. You mad bro? Reflected light cannot be called if the light itself is warm. Now what?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 08 2018, 04:16:48

Nelson Paixão Pinto
This round earth theory is awful, now everyone will believe in flat earth 🤣
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 04:39:07
thanks , i'm afraid not , some FEers don't like the idea of being on a ball again !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 06:41:42

Mark Pate
You do realize what this means? We are just a projection! A holographic hallucination of what we think we are. We are 1s and 0s or simultaneous particles focussed on one abstract reality. I think your brilliant, and I do realize, people cannot stomach the burdens of purposlessness, I made that word up!?!. My purpose is to understand all aspects of my delusions as a brain in a box, as to find a better box and one day open said box. Thanks for the box cutter, it just may come in handy!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 23:13:03

interesting , but that voice sounds like creepy uncle Ivan telling a bedtime story
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jan 13 2019, 06:25:58
thanks , i hope you don't need a shrink to work on your trauma's of uncle Ivan
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 13 2019, 08:14:08

Marshall Smith™
Mister X sadly died of Lysergic acid diethylamide poisoning and will be missed by all those who loved him... A cat.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 07 2018, 07:57:20

the therorist
the moon is a reflection of earth....when you see the moon there is nothing there but craters....because this is all illusion....abomination of desolation....theres nothing here...its all your imagination....words of jesus
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 23:27:38

What if the sun is projecting the earth movie and the moon is just a reflection of it like a side lense?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6 | Mon Feb 10 2020, 21:45:14
@godgevlamste You're right, both the sun and the moon look like a disc. Thanks for the insight I'll think about it. Hope to figure out how the cosmic serpent created our universe some day...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 16 2020, 15:15:31

@ThisIsHumanBrain The problem is that you have another flying ball model , with the flat earth in the middle .That is in my view the parasited version of the flat earth .The way i see it is there is only 1 ball , and that is our bigger earth , all the rest is a trick of the light
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Feb 16 2020, 07:31:36

@godgevlamste Sure, I'll send you the video. Maybe, but it would be another version of ourselves similar to what we call another dimension. <br /><br />That's how I see it: The Sun projects light on Earth, and this light on Earth is reflected right back onto the moon. The moon absorbs light, it acts as a vague distant mirror of the bigger Earth. The sun rotating on the other side of flat earth is what would give this particular shape of the moon at times. How do you see it?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 15 2020, 22:15:20

@ThisIsHumanBrain Thanks for the compliments .Test it out and make a video about it .It would be interesting for yourself and the audience to see the results .<br />If life is projected on earth and reflected as the moon there would be 3 versions of the same reality .Than there would be 3 versions of yourself … never say never
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Feb 14 2020, 20:37:49

@godgevlamste Man thanks for taking the time to reply to my comment! I really enjoy your content, so it's an honour to me.<br /><br />Do you think that such an experiment can be tested on a small scale? I find video projectors to be similar to the system that we might be living in. Since there is no life without light, I keep on thinking that an experiment with light in a dark environment could prove your theories. Really thanks for your insights, your mind is great! Keep the awesomeness!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 14 2020, 17:43:15

In my latest video i came to the idea it might be an RGB effect – Red-Green-Blue .<br />Red : the sun , Green : the moon , Blue : the earth .Than the moon and sun are both reflections of the bigger earth …….Time will tell
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Feb 11 2020, 08:17:45

when i see the reactions of all those flat earthers , i think they are even more brainwashed than the religious fanatics !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 15:38:36

Huge Bartlett
I was going to write a comment on this,but,for once,I don't know what to say. Is this a provable theory?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun May 06 2018, 16:23:22
go to Antartica and enter the bigger earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 05:58:45

Plasma belt could be generated by Aurora borealis. Its made of plasma.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 19:12:06

The Tune Raider
Our Moon could be a malfunctioning Sun or the birthing of a new Sun as our Sun "dies" thus making a copy of itself by the very act of living and dying: Cause and Effect:
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 22:35:17

Razvan Valeanu
Ok, but where does Narnia, Gollum and Harry Potter fit in all of this?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:05:17
indeed it's an illusion , and i try to push holes in it , with this video .The whole spacestory is fake in my opinion
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 08:03:19

Razvan Valeanu
I agree we live in an upside-down world but if you have had wealth (I think this is what you're referring at) do you believe you were free? It's all an illusion and how we choose to live this illusion.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 09:13:19

from reality : 1 percent has everything , the rest are slaves dreaming they are free
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 08:05:11

that was invented by the same people who invented science , to keep us distracted !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 29 2018, 06:20:35

Impressive. NWO have kept humans in the closet, there is so much were not privy to hear or know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 23:55:15

mik curius
i admire your creative mind...its a gift! and your theory has points of thinking...but i think that, if the ball earth system is already fictional and complicated enough, this one is too much...if the ball earth is finally fake as it seems, the next choice is simplicity..because nature works in simple ways..and the mext simple working model, is the model of genesis in the Bible...a stationary terrain , enclosed by a dome and luminated by a moving sun and moon.. of course noone knows more details about it yet , but its enough for a start...but, congratulations again for your creativity!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 17:42:08

Kal EL
Flat earth is a man made creation. The real earth which was a globe was destroyed a long time ago.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 23:31:35

Thanks ! <br />You have three objects : a fixed sun , a reflective plasmaball , and a giant earth ball : spinning , wobbling and slightly moving .Our flat earth is a small crater on the giant earth ball .<br />All the rest is reflection in the plasmaball : <br />the moon ( reflection of the giant earth )<br />stars and planets ( detailled reflection : watch my fourth video to understand )
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 18:10:39

I like your video. You think that the moon is a reflection or shadow image of a flat earth? And two suns? Im far from stupid but I just dont get it, maybe my long held beliefs are inhibiting me. If you have the time, I would enjoy a quick synopsis in reply. Good work though!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 17:58:43

3:02 - A proof that you can't even write correctly. What is "time diletion"? Did you mean time dilation? Go back to school... Primary school.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 8 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 05:36:57

that's what i said , except it's on a bigger ball !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 12:59:43

godgevlamste sure... you did not misspelled and Earth is flat.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 12:47:32

When i read your comments i think you’re not even ready for kindergarten !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 12:37:15

godgevlamste no. Your dad teaches this subject.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 11:11:00

William Beckett
I don't know what you flat earthers are smoking but as I look at the moon I don't see any frickin barrier? If you see something in the distance you should be able to travel to it? Right?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 16:44:06

shane maxfield
this is so wrong! i have pictures of the cities on the moon. people don't understand how small things get when we are far from them. and we have 2 or 3 moons because people can see the moon on both sides of the planet at the same time. if earth is so much larger than the moon it would be only possible if we had more than one moon. it is called line of sight! and that is what they are hiding in the pyramids. 3d art covers most of those chambers, they have infrastructure and power lines that are similar to the plugs we use except there's were made to resemble snakes. the two fangs are the conductors. and i have color photos of this. why they hide this from the public with armed guards? because the owners of those pyramids were colored people. the whole slave things is a lie to cover up lost heritage. but i can prove what i am saying., the problem with people is they take everything at face value. they watch videos but don't study them frame by frame, they don't enhance these pictures or use out of the box techniques to reveal colors we can't see. i take everything apart. the kicker is nasa's 4k ultra high definition video of the sun looks really cool because they combined an effect with blacking out faces and buildings and plasma grids. the sun was created as the bible says and it is a technological thing. nasa does not actually hide these things they are encoded or disguised in a way that if you are smart enough you can undo the facade and see what is really there. those who look at things then look away to something else feeling satisfied they know what they are looking at! but that is how they keep you ignorant. it is your responsibility to do the work and study science videos frame by frame or all you will get is an entertaining show for the masses who lack true knowledge.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:08:02

Matthew Robertson
this video is a perfect example of how easily people get brain washed.. my god its all so hopeless
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 21:26:51
i thought this video was about removing the brainwash !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 21:41:26

Maybe there are two suns... like the Bible says.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jan 27 2019, 01:12:37

Brett Houston Tube
It's a bigger earth, yep... but I don't think the moon is its reflection. It is self-luminous. And there is vast proof that earth is motionless.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 03:18:34

Bill Keith Channel
There has never been a successful experiment to prove that the Earth is spinning or moving. The Earth is flat and motionless. The sun and moon moves about the flat plane.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 02:04:47
I get this reaction all the time , my reaction is always the same :<br />Why is everything on earth moving in a vortex ? sound , wind , water ?<br /> Because earth is moving in a vortex !!<br /> coriolis effect ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 06:14:16

Catalin Abaloaei
Explain how the astro-nots made it to the Moon through the plasma bubble ,you're delirious,mate,should stop watching NASA's delusional crap!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 02:57:30
I’m proving with this video there is no moon , and you’re asking me how NASA landed on the moon ?<br />I think you don’t understand a word i’m saying here ! of course they didn’t land on the moon , that’s the reason i made this video !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 06:00:02

Somebody Nobody
If the moon is just a reflection how could solar eclipses be possible
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 16:37:10

Tommy X Lourdes
Truth time. I wasn't impressed at all the first two times I tried watching this. But it's actually something like I've always suspected. The earth is part of a much much larger structure.. I like the tides explanation.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 11 2018, 23:23:01

The big earth is not spinning, The spinning stars are caused by something else, maybe electromagnetic energy in a geometry of spin. The reflection will only reflect the size of the light source. The Earth is a flat plain going on forever.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 08:27:54

Lucien Lobban
It's been two weeks and I know this question will not be answered because it was not explained in your video. Based on the information in your video, how would you explain a Total Solar Eclipse if the Moon is actually a reflection of the Earth? How can the reflection of the earth fully, or partially in some areas, block sunlight as far as to only show the crown or corona of the Sun?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Oct 21 2020, 23:57:32
watch my second video : is the moon a reflection of a gigantic earth ? ( part two) - black sun , polaris at about 3 minutes
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 22 2020, 07:55:13

Anna Leah
The moon is a reflection of the sun...the moon in turn reflects all land masses not just the earth we know of. There is no beginning and no end to this creation. There are no edges ....there is simply water and land masses. Imagine future explorers discovering new lands to inhabit..imagine the extra terrestrials they will meet on their journeys. Wow!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 10:38:46

Rusty Woodpecker
If the moon is a reflection of the earth, then why isn't the moon blue?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 00:40:01
they are all reflections of craters of the bigger earth , i explain it in my fourth video <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 08:21:53

Rusty Woodpecker
godgevlamste: I can understand that you make this video on the assumption of one of your fellow subscribers, and that's great that you are seeking all possibilities to come to a conclusion of a possible dome.<br />But I add to my original question by helping you to find an answer with this additional question. If the moon is a reflection of the earth, then what are the stars reflecting🙂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 07:21:37

why you can see no water ? 2 possibilities : you look at a prehistorc earth where there is no water , the second possibilitie was send to me by a watcher of my video :" the moon could possible be a reflection of Earth if the reflection was funneled through a light wave spectrum that reflected a negative photosphere of how Earth truly appears in at least near current time. That would explain why the moon looks like Earth without water."
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 06:59:55

Rusty Woodpecker
godgevlamste: I didn't imply that it was in the first place. Please read my original 1st txt. .... "If" ect ect. 🙂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 06:41:00

you still think that the moon is a reflection of the little ball earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 06:35:54

Rusty Woodpecker
godgevlamste: I don't think you understood my question?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 06:03:52

i don't think you understood the video !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 06:00:12

Granny J
On my chair spinning. Sun must reflect upon the mirror in the direct opposite position. Fly on the back of my head says “naaah, no reflection!” Oh darn, throw away the chair and chop off my head, whoops, bit of blood. Now, spin my head again, darn the fly says there is still no reflection of the Sun as my big enormous oversized head is obscuring possibility of reflection. The maggots are now eating through my brain, how can I think? That Sun is conveniently on the mirror sheath burning through from another dimension, despite that it is a stellar core with plasma on the exterior of its’ surface. Photons from this Sun take only 8 minutes to reach Earth. Being all things equal if in an equal time and space observation the Sun ought be as old as my ‘New-born’ reflected big fat head. Oh Lord, I am now a massive skull with sunlight bouncing into the cavernous crater caves of my eye sockets! The reflected new-born moon spinning past the sun is something I just cannot observe now, I no longer have eyes to see! That the Sun is the one in my optical illusionary world seen spinning yet the Moon staying firmly in front of my face, (behind with the fly? Oh, maybe reflected at an angle?) will not confuse me any longer. Doggone it, chairs, mirrors, extra dimensional convenient Sun and a big fat head with craters, wobbling and spinning, too much blood and a family of flies! Better to return to the big fat head with a fly still sorting its’ landing position. But no, reality, I am an enormous skull and that fat head that assumes it is not spinning is just a reflection of my earlier self. My old skull just no-longer cares and has decided to collapse into a big Black Rabbit Hole. I am sure it has a lot to do with photons, distances, speed of light and particle ability to warp into another dimension from their ‘new-born’ status as new-objects. These appear as images to us, the actual objects don’t whack our eye-balls. From long-ago distant past eons ago these images now hit our event horizon. Regards spinning or not spinning, moving or not moving; my personal experience with my world around me says I don’t spin. Would it be of benefit to me to open the door of a fast travelling train and exit? Well I know I am in a train, I am enlightened? I know there is atmospheric PSI in my environment, I know the interaction of protons and electrons dictate electromagnetic gravity. Just as my eyes optically tell me I am under a Dome as when I spin my body I observe a high canopy and sides of my sky come down like an enclosing upside-down bowl. Yet I am enlightened? If I choose to fly by plane to a distant country that canopy raises and I see far-off distant scenes. Lets’ all give credit where its due and not scrub important facts as we experience more, delving into the tinkerings.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 23:24:54

Hagen Lehmann
Fantastic nonsense. Great for a fiction story, bogus for the real world.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 09:42:13
Hagen Lehmann
godgevlamste: A mirror is a mirror is a mirror. The laws of reflection apply no matter if you have a glass mirror or a 'plasma mirror'. If this is not true, then please 'build' a plasma mirror and show how it works.<br /><br />A planet without science is still a planet. A society without science is society without the results of science. Mobility, medicine, vaccination, bridges, TV, mobile phones, GPS, Gore Tex, PCs ... you name it. Science is not responsible for destructive perception. Most weapons have been applied for religious reasons.<br /><br />Please, have the last word in this discussion. I see that you are not even close to be open minded. Good bye.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 11:53:59

You compare a glass mirror with a plasma mirror – unscientific !<br />Imagine a planet without science : it’s paradise …<br />Science is responsible for the almost complete destruction of our habitat .<br />Let’s make some new weapons for mass destruction : you want me to follow this death cult ?<br />I hope you don’t wait to long , before it’s to late
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 08:22:31

Hagen Lehmann
No, probably the fewest questions in our world are already answered by science. But to some questions, science has the perfect answer or at least the best method to find the answers. When it comes to reflections, there might be no unanswered questions any more.<br /><br />The funny thing: You seem to behave just like all flat earthers and conspiracy theorist. Fortunately, with this behavior, we are not going to build the next generation of automobiles, planes, machines, medicine, etc. So, this behavior will just vanish some day. I am waiting for it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 07:37:21

So , all the answers are already found by science ! WOW , Luckely for you , now you can keep on dreaming in a fantasy Disney !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 07:23:02

Hagen Lehmann
You are wrong at least from <a href="">0:34</a> on.<br /><br />You show a reflective inner surface (spherical mirror) of a 'plasma ball'. The object in the middle of this mirror has only one reflection - to where the face of Mr. X is pointed to. The rest of the inner ball is displayed as a vague blueish background with no clear structure.<br /><br />Take a look at <a href=""></a>. There, you will find how an inner object is possibly reflected by a spherical mirror, which is completely different to what you claim. As long as this basic claim is not reproducible, the rest of your claims and assertions are simply wrong.<br /><br />I assume that you already know this. So, you are either telling stories or lies.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 11:18:56

I hope for you higly intelligent people i’m wrong !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 10:32:57

ChrissyNmartin E
In order for me to believe you there guy.. you have to become an astronaut and go to space and take pictures until then this is just your theory and it’s not Mr X it’s Professor X...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 07:59:50
where are the millions of little ball photos ? But still you believe that theory ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 09:31:11

Robert Jones
But I heard you can see stars thru the moon how is that possible? Anyone heard of that it's on all the Islamic flags
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:44:41
Robert Jones
Really different color hot pixels? Red stars blue stars and white stars? Thanks for the info though you sound like you know what your talking about.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 02:35:38

trouble about
problem is, earth doesnt move, theres no scientific evidence that proves reath moves i like it otherwise, sorry dont mean to criticize
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 14:49:38
Why is everything on earth moving in a vortex ? sound , wind , water ?<br />Because earth is moving in a vortex !!<br />coriolis effect ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 15:45:24

James Shelnutt
I came to these conclusions by eating only nacho cheese Doritos and drinking only lemon juice for 3 months.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 01:57:15

Inderdaad , je kan altijd wel wat meer leren doordenken op moeilijke problemen ! doen ! Schrijf je volgend jaar maar in !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 09:10:38

So if the reflection has is 1/5 the age of the actual earth and the reflection started well b4 humans, who was flying the space ship carrying the mirror ??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 06:07:42

Vercin Getorix
godgevlamste energetic ionized gas. Lightning, auroras, the sun are good examples of plasmas.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 17:35:26

Tammy Timberlake
I don't suppose Mr. X would perhaps pass that Hooka He is Smoking, LOL! Sharing is Caring :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 21:02:59

The moon does not wobble,Its cgi,If you were to do a time lapse on it with a telescope you would not see a wobble.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 01 2020, 19:38:51

Gideon Michelo
This is a very good hypothesis,you should join the flat earth society man.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 21 2018, 00:45:06
thanks , but flat earthers hate me for putting their flat earth on a ball again !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 08:29:42

just wand ring
Heel interrestant. En heel goed uitgebeeld. Dat moet ik even laten bezinken. Ik had pas de maan over de kleine aarde gelegd, en daar viel de ring of fire op aarde, behoorlijk strak over een oude riftvalei op de maan. Maar met die verhouding zou de maan (de reflectie van de aarde) net zo groot zijn als de "kleine" aarde. En ik ben benieuwd hoe jij de sterren dan ziet. Ik vind je onderzoek erg interessant en neem het zeker mee in mijn onderzoekjes. Dank je !! Hier een link naar die ring of fire vergelijking. mss vind je mijn kanaal (want dat is het) ook soms interrestant. Kijk maar.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Nov 10 2018, 20:44:21
bedankt ! Mijn uitleg over de sterren doe ik in video 4 <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Nov 11 2018, 08:04:11

This reminds me of when My grandma said on Easter morning the sun dances like a cross but if I were to drive on a long curvey hillside road could the sun look like it’s moved across the sky ☺️
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 09:29:36

John Southerland
For this to even remotely approach reality we have to ignore the fact that the lunar surface looks nothing like the Earth, the entire back of the moon is made up, and existing inside a giant plasma ball would incenerate the entire surface of the Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 9 | Mon May 07 2018, 21:38:10
why don't you use your energy to attack the corporations instead of me ? i'm hurting noone with inventing a new theory !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 16:11:17

John Southerland
godgevlamste the state of our planet is because of morons in Congress and corporations ignoring science.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 15:40:43

reality ? indeed !! look at the state of the planet , thanks to "science" , than you know enough !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 15:04:03

John Southerland
godgevlamste omg dude. Science is based on facts and logic. If you think it's made up mumbo jumbo to control people just like religion then your rejecting reality entirely.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 13:22:39

i'm not interested in religion or science , they are both installed to control the masses with lies .I want the truth and logic , no dogmas , thanks a lot
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 15:03:25

John Southerland
I don't question science. I question your grasp of science.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 14:39:44

if you had understood the video , you would have understood that the moon is a reflection of a bigger earth .One crater on the moon is biosphere earth , so you can't compare the surface of the moon with that of crater earth .Plasma : Maybe you must question science , instead of my theory
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 06:12:38

John Southerland
We know what the Earth's surface looks like just from plane rides alone. No sattelites necessary. We have hundreds of years of maps made before modern flight that verify how the Earth looks and is laid out. Not a single feature on the lunar surface we see even remotely matches any of that. And plasma is created by stripping electrons from atoms. That generates heat. The more material being ionized into plasma, the more heat is generated. A spehere of plasma capable of covering even a flat Earth would generate enough heat as the surface of the sun. Hence the term incenerate. Even ignoring heat, the background radiation of free electrons would make modern communication impossible. And forget trying to reflect a image off it. It goes against everything that plasma is and how it functions.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 22:22:14

how would you know , that the lunarsurface of the moon, doesn't look like the surface of earth , if we don't even know , how earth looks like ? you're still thinking in google earth terms : i don't think you understood this video !! incenerate ? why would that be ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 22:01:36

T. A.
I have a question why the moon in black and white and the sun have color?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jun 13 2018, 22:29:26
i will react with a quote of one of my viewers :<br />You see, the moon could possible be a reflection of Earth if the reflection was funneled through a light wave spectrum that reflected a negative photosphere of how Earth truly appears in at least near current time. That would explain why the moon looks like Earth without water.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 06:17:05

allen cogdell
All questions pretty much answered but what are the eclipses I think the 🌒 is a reflection of Earth but can't seen too match up eclipses can u
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Mar 08 2019, 03:11:46
Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image<br />blocks the reflected light <br />lunar eclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 08 2019, 09:39:36

Henri de Corbiac
Obviously you will never go in the Heavens but you'll join your good friend Baphomet forever !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue May 15 2018, 00:59:34
Than you have a very bad intuition ! <br />You are attacking the hand that is helping you !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 22 2018, 07:30:20

Henri de Corbiac
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 22:41:32

The only baphomet i see here is the one writing comments , trying to insult people who have their own opinion !!! Shame on you !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 06:21:39

Boris B
Please tell us: What's a plasma ball? And since any plasma we know of is extremely HOT, why would it be _reflective_ ? Before you call something _proven_ , you first need to demonstrate that it's _possible_ . So, therefor: again: please demonstrate that plasma is reflective? ps (edit): We already know we live on a gigantic ball. And when it's much bigger than the rest of us think, you gotta demonstrate that too.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Feb 06 2019, 12:07:35

what in hell is this guy saying? damn hard to follow all these odd graphics. can someone simplify?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Feb 14 2019, 03:39:28
watch the first two minutes of another video i made and you will understand<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 14 2019, 07:01:32

Solar Panel
So can someone put together a proper fucking model of what we live on
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 06:15:55
@Solar Panel thanks , the same for you .My mission is to wake other people : We have to get them before they get us , because they want to wipe us out !! The attack is the best defense
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 08:41:14

Solar Panel
@godgevlamste True I agree bro. I am in the process of Unplugging from the system. I believe by unplugging we can starve the system peacefully, so they can not use force. Just grow all our own foods, gather our own resources build our own homes- and totally UNPLUG. This is what my personal mission is. Stand strong on your mission brother! The great shift is upon us!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 08:30:06

@Solar Panel there is no model because the psychopaths have made a fake one .But lies are destroyed sooner or later , we are about to destroy the lies , but it will take time .We need more people to put holes into the psychopaths their world , join forces !!! try to make a model yourself and share the information !! Use the talents you have to make a video : make a drawing , a photoshop , only voice , .let someone else make a drawing etc....
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 08:22:08

Solar Panel
@godgevlamste im just saying, if people wana spend countless hours coming up with all these theories making all these videos, can we at least get a theorized model of our system? I personally enjoy seeing alternative models, because I KNOW for a FACT that they are hiding land from us, and I know for a FACT that they lie to us about what we live on... Im trying to put the pieces together to the puzzle. It helps when people offer ALL the pieces that they are aware of.... A model of how YOU think the earth works- would help me understand your theory better. I found your video because I literally googled "moon reflection of the earth" because I had that theory myself, before I even found your page. So we are def on the same perspective, I just want to see a damn model of the earth its like no one ever makes one lol. Sorry didnt mean to be a douche about it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 08:08:53

maybe people should take more initiative , instead of expecting it from someone else
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Dec 15 2018, 07:59:20

i will answer with a reaction of one of my viewers : <br />You see, the moon could possible be a reflection of Earth if the reflection was funneled through a light wave spectrum that reflected a negative photosphere of how Earth truly appears in at least near current time. That would explain why the moon looks like Earth without water.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 26 2018, 06:16:24

you didn't watch the video or you were dreaming ,because i clearly explain the dark side of the moon and phases !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 07:10:00

How far away is the sun godgevlamste, the moon? Is there a dome? how high up? Do you understand why we only see one side of the moon? The phases? Do you believe in gravity? You do know how pathetic it sounds to say "some real "smart" people. Your video is not clear. You have to remember, it's your theory, no one else thinks like you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 03:05:42

some real " smart " people believe time can be manipulated ! And you call me affected ! To much science ( fiction ) ? Beam me up Scotty !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:17:25

You don't understand common knowledge. Are you affected? Mandela effect?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 18:43:48

This model is quite ineteresting. And i use this word with caution... It's "interesting". It makes no sense in our reality, but it would really be interesting to see a world built around this model. A fantasy work... like a different reality where speed of light is much, much lower, fundamental forces work different and.. it might be possible to create whole world around such rules of nature. It wouldn't be anything like our world, but still, a good place to put your storyline in. It is clear that you like to think about that stuff, so i advice you to focus on that model and polish it up. Describe all the rules, specify the forces in some simple way, plan on how exceptions from those rules would look like, try to imagine how life would evolve in such universe. Those aren't easy things to do because you have to somehow get rid of your biases, as with them you'll always look at what you know (our world) and make conclusion based on that. But since creating the world is tough, and some writers are good with social interactions and nothing else, i really could see you in colaboration with someone, creating something more substantial than YT video with 3/2 like ratio. Just focus your time on creating this world instead of trying to prove something that has already been proven different a long, long time ago.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 19 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 07:12:23
Why is it, that all strong believers, and conspiracies proponents are dishonest this way?<br />All other people say "You think i am mistaken? Well, let's discuss it, so we would come to a common conclusion." But You guys are always like "You think i am mistaken? Let's not start any debate, because i might have to change my mind."<br />And i just don't get, that You don't get that...<br />What is so tempting i having invalid (not validated) oppinion on any topic, that you always try to defend your position against all reason?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 15:02:29

Well... i must admit i did have a flat earth in my mind, when i tried to imagine Your model, but that's fault on my side. You did mention, that it's "great ball" with "pancake" earth placed on it. Whenever i imagined it i considered the unexistant parts of the model as redundant, and that left me with flat earth.<br />Okay, my fault, and i get the picture now.<br />It doesn't change much, i'm afraid.<br />The second thing.. i really must have sand in my eyes. We've passed number of 7 billion in 201, by estimation we'll have 8 billion by 2024 and 9 billion by 2048. This rate of increasing gives me strong suggestion that you statment of us being eradicated is somewhat inacurate. But do elaborate on that, aparently i am missing something.<br />Third thing: There are tons of videos already explaining it in many different ways. The thing is, you don't go there to watch them. As You say.. you are not interested anmore. The thing is, i would be willing to bet anything i own, that you never understood the globe model, nor that you knew enough about it to make a judgement on it.<br />The difference between us is that i know i understand the model i support and i offer answers to anyone who cares to ask questions about it. But You know You don't understand the globe model, and thing you understand the model that doesn't hold any water. And i mean ANY.<br />I don't try to make fun of you nor give you any lessons. You have your own mind, and i can see you are using your free will as any human should, but you can;t seem to notice, that you are afraid of answers. You struggle not to ask any question, because You know that whattever the answer will be, it will make sense, and you can;t give me answers because they make no sense.<br />And.. i doubt that you'll even think about what i just wrote. As all people of deep faith, you KNOW THE TRUTH, and whoever thinks different than You must not be listened to.<br />Yeah.. that's the pathway to the truth.. being stubborn and not take criticism. <br />And.. at this moment i don;t even believe you read my comments. All you see isreasons not to listen, and keep in your faith in whatever you happen to believe.<br />I really wanted this exchange between us to be fruitful and useful. But one of us is closed to voice of reason.<br />And if you happen to think that i am the closed one... then please tell me, what exactly makes you think that. Because from what i can see, i am not the one avoiding resposibility for holding an unsupported oppinion.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 18:07:49

First of all ; i’m not a flat earther .That , you should have realised by now<br />Secondly : if you do not understand ,the human race is being eradicated , you have sand in your eyes <br />Thirdly : make a video about it .But i think i know ,how the video might look : it’s the video i saw for 20 years in school : it’s called ‘ education ‘ ! i know the mainstream answers , but i’m not interested anymore .But if you wanna stay there …… good luck
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 16:46:32

Well. i have listened to him and i have noticed that he did not win the US presidental elections. That one is hard to comprehend..<br />Nah, but seriously, there are more important things to talk about.<br />One is.... the realisation hat comes to me.<br />The sentence i've read once, but did not accept it as factual.<br />"Once you buy into one conspiracy theory, you buy into all of them."<br />Souds kinda over the top, but there's an avalanche effect with conspiracy theories.<br />In Your example, you thinks Earth is flat. That means Nasa lies. That mean government lies. That means internet is under control. That means they have power over us and they do everything o keep that power. That means that they will lie even more. That means, that nothing governments say can be trusted, and they talk science. That means science is the enemy. Science is against flat model, that is described by bible, so science is with the devil. That means government works for the dark lord.... and so on.<br />There is no stopping.. if you buy into one, you buy into all of them.<br />But, that's my way of seeing things.<br /><br />I might be wrong in that, as well as with anything else.<br />But still i have offered You answers, if you want them. Despite that, you do not ask questions.<br />Notice, that i have asked quite a few of them, and received answers in form of "It's not complete", "I can't do everything", " Government makes my search difficult", and "It works for me.". Damn.. i even offered my help, but you don;t even know what could you possibly want to know.<br />I openly admit, that i may have wrong answers, but still offer to give my answers about globe Earth model, so they could be examined by you. I want You to ask questions, because then i'll be able to say why globe Earth just works.<br />If You, as every other flat earther, do not wish to know answers, say that openly, so i know where i'm standing.<br /><br />And if not.. then i guess i was wrong about you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 16:31:11

Listen tot his video , at about 26 min <br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />This guy , Andrew Basiago , was in a secret space program and was sent to Mars in a teleportation device( he thinks ) ; Now let’s suggest that the controlmasters have set up a base on Mars ( the Mars from my last video; on the bigger earth ).So they send people to there to colonise it , but he people who are there ,think they have been beamed up with some technological device to Mars , but in reality they got there in a sort of tunnel or whatever . Why would the controlmasters not tell to those people they are on a place on the bigger earth ? : to keep the truth hidden if someone was going to talk, and to prevent people leaving this place .Listen to this video how he desribes Mars and think of it like he’s talking about a place on the bigger earth , <br />this is exactly how it would be
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 05 2018, 11:42:01

There is a lot of photos. Unfortunately there's no point for me to even link them as it's more than certain that whatever the photo would show, it would be dismissed as fake and/or cgi. <br />The anomalies in moon landigs... i must admit a haven't seen any moon hoax video for some time now, but back when i did most of the anomalies were easily exlained. Giude me towards a material you'd like me to clear out, if You'd be interested in answers.<br />And Your point about hiding lands from people.<br />Okay, let's take it apart.<br />If there are unseen lands, then there must be something on them. You;ll admit this Yourself, why to hide it, if there's nothing to hide? <br />So there is unknown "something" there. There can't be much there. One thing we know isn't there is roads. If there would lead any road, unwanted people could go there.<br />Another thing is greenery. Why? Because noone ever noticed any birds migrating back and forth, so there's no reason for them to go there.<br />Unless of course, the access is too difficult for them, like too long distance, or too high mountains, or there's generally too cold to cross... but it's somehow easy to get to by humans. Yes, we have planes and boats and other things... that we disn;t mostly have when the whole globe Earth conspiracy began. I mean.. back in Copernicus times they had to know that there's oil there, so there would be point in... hiding those lands from people.. while not hiding lands of America.... for some mysterious reason.<br />And there are those control freaks from Greece, half of a millenium BC that invented the spherical Earth model to... get the wealth by hiding the lands that are inaccesible by any known human or animal.<br />But hey.. our modern government could borrow the old idea and use it for their advantage. So no animal goes there or from there. Nobody ever got there.. aside of the tousands of people who would be necesary to go there and back with planes, ships, trains... to build the infrastructure necessary to extract oil and transfer it. That's like tens of tousands of people who never talk about what they do for a living. <br />Unless there are people that are native for that lands... and they never need to communicate with us... they are just happy that they can provide our governments with oil and gold and other things. And keep animals from migrating.<br /><br />Doesn't this begin to look ridiculous? Well, it shouldn't. It really, really shouldn't if there are lands where people go to for any reason. <br />Try it yourself. Try to figure out what would need to happen to keep distant lands a secret, but still draw benefits from it's existance. Seriously...<br /><br />And if, in the other hand it's just there, with nothing interesting on it.. then there's no reason to hide it.<br /><br />So... i can't imagine a power that hiding big Earth would give. Especially power over me.<br />And if You consider distant lands to be somehow tempting for people so much, that they have to be hidden from us... and there is a conspiracy among all governments to hide that earth is flat plane, then why the same governments encourage private companies to actually get into the space exploration buisness? Read about Xprize. Or about bill 284-133. What purpose would that serve if there would be only glass ceiling? Wouldn't that lead directly towards uncovering the biggest secret on this world?<br /><br />Those are kinda "wake up" questions, but they are only questions. And i can provide answers, but only if You would be willing to consider the answers and not just shrug them off as part of the conspiracy. <br />Consider my proposition.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 19:59:46

If there is spaceflight from the 50ies , there must be millions of photographs of earth ! where are they ?Somethings not right ! Then all the anomalies in the moonlandings .Why would you want to convince people that they are on a small ball ?<br />Because if you are the only one that knows the existence of the bigger earth , you would be able to do what you want on the bigger earth : imagine the power over other people !! The wealth of oil and gold etc .You would have a hidding place and do what you want
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 18:18:41

The thing is, there is a working model that explains all the phenomena we see.<br />You are now creating different model that should replace the old one.<br />New one isn't complete, the parts of it that are figured out, don't agree with what we can observe.<br />Sure, You can say that for you it's fine, but....<br />I know, that the model isn't complete, and since You have no acces to hi res maps, your search is very difficult, but....the data you do already have do not work. You have full (med res) moon map and tousands upon tousands of craters that should somehow corelate to map of stars but after half of a year of work you have like 20 points.. that if stretched.. and resized... kinda fit.<br />Look.. don't get me wrong. I am in full astonishment that you took the effort to work out so much. Honestly. As far as i know myself, i would not be able to do the same.<br />On top of that You are opened with Your oppinion and are not afraid to answer questions. This is very rare among flat earthers. Really. I have tried to communicate and it just doesn't work. I have a theory about why that is so, but that's beside the point.<br />The point is, You have what only few do, so i won't discourage You from working on Your model. But the situation you are in is really puzzling for me. You really want Your model to be true. That's understandable.. But what grinds my gears is.. why don't You accept the model that exist and works?<br />That's what i don't get.. what is so wrong in globe Earth that so many can't accept it?<br />Maybe i don't see something obvious, but seriously.. globe Earth explains just about everything about our place is space, is relatively easy to grasp and... as much as i struggle to see it, accepting this model doesn't seem to limit my freedom in a slightest bit (the only answer one gets when asking about reason for conspiracy).<br />So.. since You are convinced that globe Earth isn't propper model, please do explain whence that conclusion?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 16:30:08

It is not that easy to put the starmap onto the moon because i don’t know what craters reflect the light .If i had a close-up photo of all the stars i could compare them with the close-ups of all the craters .But the moonmap is in low resolution : why ? if they have the hubble telescope , why low resolution photos ?That should raise your suspicion !<br />I also don’t know the form of the plasmaball : egg , perfect circle , are there distortions ?<br />So , i will never be able to create the whole starmap as long as some people are deliberately sabotaging the information …but for myself i know what is happening .<br />So i gave the information ,so people with eyes, can see , the rest : goodnight !!<br />I think you need time to let it sink down , maybe it will never happen .Time will tell
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 07:45:13

Well, my point was that if we have a reflection, and we've found one part that fits, then the rest should be simple overlaying the sky map over the moon, and it all just should fit. If you can;t do that, and only small portion of map can be overlayed, then there's clearly something wrong. The only question is "what exactly that is?".<br />I look at Your video and see that you have succeded in maping but a few objects. With that, the ones that you have overlayed are fitted imperfectly and in diferent scales. The rest just doesn't seem to fit.<br />But that's small point.<br />Further down the road you have to take under consideration, that if planets do not exist, but they are merely reflection, then what would they be reflection of, considering, that they change position.<br />And.. i know the model is far from being complete, but the parts that you have presented so far just doesn't seem to work.<br />Bringing back my example with elephant, if i'd describe tha animal as i did, and someone would disagree, i could tell him, that the model still needs refinement, as don't yet know what species of snake is in front, what kind of mineral is the middle boulder nor if the leafs are edible.<br />You agree yourself, that however i will polish this model, i can never be correct. <br />Right now i see you being in exactly this place. There are things in your model that can't be fitted together, however well you will polish them.<br />So.. i guess it's not a mystery for You, that i am one of those "brainwashed" people who think that Earth is a globe.<br />But i didn't just accept that model because i am lazy and don;t want to think too much. I have watched a lot of FE videos and took them under consideration if they are possible. And up until now i don't find a model that would fit my own observations closer than heliocentric model. That is to say, i understand this model. I have some grasp on the scales and if asked, can explain just about anything about that model.<br />Your model unfortunatelly have few holes that i don't think can be patched.<br />The selective reflectivness is one of them, but there are bigger, more fundamental problem that i can't see way around.<br />For example, one that just goes completely opposite of what i would expect is.. the shape of the reflective surface. And i don;t even mean if it's smooth or not. I mean the overal shape. Is it convex, flat or concave?<br />No answer here seem to work. You describe it as concave, as it's a plasma sphere. But concave mirror would focus the light, so you could only see some small, zoomed in, parts of the ground. If it would be convex, it would reflect the "correct" way, but then we would have to see the edges of that surface. And if it would be flat, then you have to deal with infinitely big surface and it wouldn resemple your model anymore.<br />And that wouldn't be enough, you have two reflections in one surface, and that messes things up even more.<br />So when in my first messages i wrote You that you could polish this model and create something from it, i was just saying, that it's the best you can do, so your work wouldn't waste. I hate when human creativity isn;t appreciated.<br />If You have any questions about any model, i may try and help you solve some problems, even with Your model. I don't believe it will ever work as accurate description of the world we live in, but i still might be helpful in patching some holes so it would be usable as world to base a story in.<br />If You'd be interested in what makes me stick to globe Earth, i will try to explain.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 18:21:37

i thought it was about the message and not the messenger ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 04 2018, 09:46:54

I dont see how this actually proves thats what we live in, BUT it is a hellova fucking solid theory! I watch a lot of flat earth stuff and nobody ever actually makes sense, but you actually have thought about what you are saying in actual depth and have provided a working model that fits with what we see, officially making it just as acceptable as the globe earth theory. TLDR; i am extremely impressed with this. i do know believe it definitively proves thats what our planet is, but it definitely would work and make sense! so im impressed!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 17:38:26
thanks , in my next video i will debunk stars and planets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 20:11:03

i know some political psychopaths they have to put away in an asylum !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 17:00:57

if you showed a doctor this video, they would have had you committed to a lunatic asylum.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 16:06:28

Psychic Drive 33 , Parasite City , Hollywood
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 16:02:38

godgevlamste ok where do i go whats the adress
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 15:03:49

i did !! and they believe me ! i made an appointment for you , they expect you tomorrow , 6 pm , bring some clothes for a few weeks , they said !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 14:58:52

you dont need to know why, just go there and show them this video
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 13:02:34

Ilkka Friman
This idea still does not explain the basic problem: Where does all this happen? It has to happen in some space where all these objects can fit. So what is this space? It must be bigger than these objects. Where everything has come from and what keeps everything in action.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 13:02:27

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 16:51:12

@Jack Rainfield true , sorry i might react somewhat agressive , but i'm constantly attacked by trolls and i'm hitting back as hard as i can .Nice guitarplaying , by the way .<br />If you're open minded ? i got some nice videos for you about jimi hendrix , blew my mind <br /><a href=""></a><br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 06:11:39

Jack Rainfield
@godgevlamste Sorry no. But I have an open mind and I'm enjoying your videos so that's something.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 10 2019, 21:21:58

Jack Rainfield
@godgevlamste Ok, I'll shut up! LOL Jimi's spirit still roams the Earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 10 2019, 15:44:58

@Jack Rainfield yes i am , don't tell the others ! jimi ? is that you ? i thought you were dead ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 10 2019, 07:52:50

Jack Rainfield
@godgevlamste Yes, sorry about my limited vocabulary. But are you Sacha?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 09 2019, 18:44:47

is that the only sentence you can form with the words you know ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Feb 09 2019, 17:59:39

Jan Med
so everything is in reverse? moon is earth,, and what we are now is a space ship! looking at it! I dont think we are in the real planet.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 18:16:00
Jan Med
what I guess is the moon is a reflection of the sun, in fact they show me in a dream,, moon and sun are the same,, youwant a proof,, the sun follow you the moon follow you,, the sun in the clouds is the same than the moon ,moon and sun are the same! in mythology it will be moma and papa!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 26 2018, 02:25:09

Grh Haddybow
lol funny as 5stars for the funny piss take!<br />or you ment it and dumb as f.. Naahh you were takin da piss
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 11:09:09

Dark figure
If the earth is much bigger than we're being told then how would that work, that would mean some of or most of the earth wouldn't be receiving sun light at all
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Oct 22 2018, 22:11:36
if you are talking about our biosphere you must watch the whole video .If you are talking about craters on the bottom of the earth you are correct .Some craters will receive almost no light at all
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 06:40:37

Steve Forever
Look in the mirror at your eye ,that is the shape of the world ,a center black hole surrounded by color(continent)and then white zone (the ice around the crater) ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 16:15:34

As psychotic as this sounds its still more believable than scientology , dude you can start your own cult , call it plasma balls .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Nov 01 2018, 04:26:50

Ferenc Molnár
"Occam razor" A Teremtő előszőr természeti törvényeket alkotott egy inarcia rendszerben. Ezen törvények bizonyos dolgokat nem tesznek lehetővé. Az emberi gondolkodás viszont szinte végtelen utakon kalandozhat, bojonghat. Ez az elmélet túlságossan öszetett, hogy valós fizikai állapotokra vonatkozhatna.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Aug 18 2018, 08:54:41
Wat jij natuurlijke wetten noemt , zijn systemen ons aangeleerd op school .Alle denksystemen zijn ontworpen door “ ego “ en kunnen gemanipuleerd worden .<br />Verder is er geen schepper , en zeker geen schepper die systemen in elkaar steekt , boeken schrijft , profeten stuurt , oordeelt over goed en kwaad en ons naar de hel stuurt .<br />Het enige dat er is , is het oneindige licht .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Aug 18 2018, 13:44:33

John Potter
I thought we were supposed to be getting smarter as a species! We would go to space. Colonize Mars! Have AI and nano bots! Instead we got people with downs telling us the earth is flat and whatever this guys going on about!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 11 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 11:47:38
M Jacobs
John Potter meanwhile u know nothing and listen to what your programmers have installed in your pea brain
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Nov 23 2018, 16:51:28

John Potter
marcus Vass go seek help. Go find someone to pay $ to that can help you. I dont know why you have the problems you do. But i can assure you its not because the earth is flat!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:41:28

marcus Vass
John Potter <br />Why in the 1970's did all books about space always use drawings/illustrations instead of actual photographs? Oh yeah, because none of it is fucking real!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:29:14

John Potter
uhhhh theres a little bad man in the back room of NASA who gets paid to make the flat earth look round!!!!! When you fly to japan the pilot really just does a big U turn half way on the flat earth!!!!! Yeah that's real believable you ASSHAT!!!! There is no moon its just a mirror of the earth!!!!! Look at me I just make my own science up as I go.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 03:46:41

John Potter
How am I not supposed to swear. See this is where you guys lose everyone. "Its hollywood" NO YOUR B.S.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 14:13:50

i'm talking about the whole ball and not a green screen half ball .The fake ISS is Hollywood .A whole ball where you see a timelapse of day and night.The only thing you will find is computer generated images .If you accept that as prove of 70 years of spaceflight ? How scientific !!<br />PS , better call yourself John F... , with all the swearing , please !
Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 13:44:32

John Potter
godgevlamste Idk wtf your even talking about. I'm sure there is a live feed of earth on fucking youtube. Prob from the ISS.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 12:22:16

Heman Gohil
Wasted 10 mins of my life... Skipped video when enlightened.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri May 25 2018, 12:47:12

Peter Smitt
You can actually drive your car from the artic to the moon but the European Union (EU) will not allow it. Why? The moon is made of cheese and if anyone can go there and excavate it for free, the moon would disappear! The EU has an embargo on gourmet cheese made from raw milk and they don't want you to buy anything else. Problem solved!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 01:19:27
is that the same cheese your brain is made off ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 08:30:48

Leesa Stevens
Tesla said the "Sun is our past, the moon the future". Are we viewing ourselves in the beginning and how we look in the future? The Sun is before people, the moon after our planet dies? Food for thought.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Tue May 01 2018, 16:47:09
Leesa Stevens
That's another way to look at it. If we eventually will be destroyed by fire maybe the sun is us on fire.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 12 2019, 19:49:26

i would reverse that : the moon is our past and the sun our future !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 16:55:17

John Potter
OMG I totally have an uncle who works at NASA who gets all these pictures of this flat earth in his inbox and he has to open adobe photo shop and put the fish eye lens on and Doctor up the images of the flat earth a little bit and put a little bit of round on em. I probably shouldn't even write this because the illumanati with flat earth pins on their lapels are going to show up at my front door!!!! Every thing is a lie!!!! The earth is actually a big blue/green ego waffle with 2 suns and don't ever sail past the ice walls at the end because that land is for the Illuminati!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 04:01:53

Angela Renee
you may tie the 30 days moon cycle more to do with the various times of rotations according to latitude with the sun. You could also get your 2 light sources by making the sun be originally from the earths core being totally internally reflected like in fiber optics. The wobble/libration would go with this nice too depending on if there were channels or the earths crust acting like water on a relative scale. Your vortex would work out nicely to provide an eclipse also-google pool vortices- or maybe a further mechanism that makes a concave depression in the surface tension like a waterstriders shadow. It will even cause its own corona-which will imply at least that area was "flat" since it wasn't distorted so much.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 02:17:02
make a video about it , i will gladly watch it ! it's good you're thinking for yourself !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 06:13:26

morbid sasquatch
1 question about this ....if mr x is wobbling an moving up an down why is it when you look at the starts on a time laps they move in straight lines wouldn't they be doing all kinds of crazy movements ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 03:30:52
they are doing crazy movements , that"s why people think stars are rocks flying in the air
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 06:59:43

julian pizana
I have proof that the moon is where the great white thrown is at in the bible. go to 9Nania and learn the truth about the bible. Its not what every body thinks.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:38:12

Wizzard of Gore
I hear our German astronaut say, "Yes it is fastastic to see the earth from ABOVE" he ONLY speak - We see the earth from above - ! But when you fly around the earth (when earth is a globe) there is a time you look from above and then there is a time you see the earth from down under! But Mr. Gerst say ONLY i see the earth from above, he never say, i must look above to earth, no! He say i look down to earth. That means he circle around with the ISS the earth but the ISS will never fly around the ball. Think about it and listen what he say.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Jun 09 2018, 14:15:36
Correct <br />He was flying in a circle around biosphere earth !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 09 2018, 14:40:21

Larry Leger
I thought the theory of time dilation states that there would be no difference in the time it takes to travel the distances because Light Speed is a CONSTANT! Isn't the Theory of Relativity just that? Now, atomic clocks would show a difference(they have in real experiments) but that's a different set of parameters.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Nov 07 2020, 23:30:24
Larry Leger
Don't get me wrong, I DEFINITELY think that We are NOT being told the correct/True Nature of Reality and History has been a Shitstorm of cowshit patties thrown across time.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Nov 07 2020, 23:31:41

Maicol X777
Majority of people of course will not look into this as it needs a lot of thinking and reasoning.Its easier just ridiculate it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 13:07:07

David Vanderper
The earth is part of something much bigger. Therefore, it seems flat, but that's because of the scale. There are more continents; 33 of them were camouflaged by bending them inward through Antarctica. That's where the name 'Hollow Earth' comes from.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 20:24:38

Ben Susaj
If we find the factor Y which is the kind of drug Mister X got and the factor Z which is a yellow line between the blue ones we will get exact the speed of the moon, running away from mister X logic
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 04:25:54

Ben Susaj
I did couple of but the scientific community got so confused from me, I mean from my genius that decided<br />to pay me just not to make anymore scientific breakthroughs but to wait for them to update.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 08:32:26

very clever !!! i wish i found this myself ! you should make your own videos !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 06:04:47

Ian sparkman
If it were a reflection, everyone would see the moon at different points in the sky due to the angle of their viewing position. This is quite a claim you are making, I would like to see the math, in full, that backs your claim, also I would like to discuss the physics of this. Thanks for the video.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 19:39:21
shure , why not !<br />ps <br /> i posted yesterday a new video <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 08:25:15

Ian sparkman
I would like to discuss this with you further, you can find me on Google+ and we can chat about it. Thank you, also want to ask if you are interested in doing an online interview about this topic?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 01 2018, 00:35:12

thanks for your reaction , but there are no maths .I "saw " this theory in a billionth of a second .So i can't explain it all , but i know i'm right .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 20:16:31

Robert Rogier
If you go and sit in a ball of plasma I think you'll quickly realize the problem with your theory (you should probably get a hospital burn unit on notice). After watching as much as I could, I still haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 16:18:29

Correct !!<br />In my fourth video , i explain , there are multiple reflections .<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 28 2018, 21:15:59

If there was a mirror surrounding Earth, it would not create a reflection similar to that of a flat mirror. You would see multiple distorted reflections, depending on your distance to the convex mirror, some or all of the reflections will be inverted vertically.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 28 2018, 20:04:05

shane maxfield
yeh a group of people who call themselves the name of a race they stole have a plan to replace all we know with false truths. all these videos saying this don't exist and that is not real, like trying to make everyone think the way they did 500 years ago. once most of us believe these things as reality they have plans. but the more i tell the more idiots will have to attack so i won't bother telling the entire story. unless i am personally asked for it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:13:45

Buckhorn Cortez
Why didn't you assume the Earth was contained in a big bowl of cherry Jello? That makes about as much sense as your theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 19 2018, 04:08:19
my theory is for people with brains , a big bowl of cherry Jello would be for people like you !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 19 2018, 06:32:45

Why are you spending time and effort to come up with a new model of our solar system? We already have a fairly accurate model than answers pretty much any question you throw at it. That means it is pretty accurate. Your model is a nice fantasy but seeing we have already landed on the Moon that makes what you assume impossible.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 06:30:25
my work can be tested too ! who's right ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 08:24:54

+godgevlamste<br />They cannot be lying to us. Every single thing the current globe model explains or describes can be tested using scientific method and confirmed. So how is it possible that "they" can be lying if it is so easy to check their work?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 06:56:11

that"s the whole point ! they are lying to us !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 06:52:18

And people believe that Tesla made a car that the Astronaut drove in space and returned landing on Earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 06:19:01
the weak spot of mankind is ,that we can be manipulated, without realising it !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:00:34

Peter Mirtitsch
You came to this conclusion by ASSUMING??? AHAHAHAHA...goodnight.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 09:25:12

How could you possibly turn Einstein's theories into this? Why would you do that?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 01:26:54
marcus Vass
Luke Sowers <br />What a shower of shit!<br />There are no such thing as scientists & you know it! Just pseudo scientists writing bollocks maths that means fuck all & theoretical physics. Einstein was a fraud so shut your mouth biatch!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 04:59:20

cause i'm a free man and i like to think out of the box !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 03 2018, 06:05:05

Tudor Lucian
U R A Big Ausy Crocdile ,smart cooky humans on your daily diet ..? Chickens only ..! Think u r wright..!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 05:17:11

pieter bezuidenhout
I realy pity you but fortunately there is room and hope for people like you. That is what the bible teaches me and thank GOD l believe it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 01:09:08
of course , everything in the bible is true !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 16 2018, 06:44:53

Alex Gomez
Hey here’s another tricky experiment for you, let’s assume that If x=tweeked out & y=the man who made this video, then y+x=? Can Mister X help me analyze this equation please because I am in total darkness.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 03:22:43
i'll ask him to look in his glass ball !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 08:58:09

Matthew Rudy
Hey folks don't grab that gold ring on carousel..... it's faster on outside than middle..... even though spinning same speed.....if outside carousel horse . Never moved.. from inner horse. . Explain how can be faster on outside than inner
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 01:34:19

I don't think we should call him Mr x do the video let's change his name is to something else about Mr. Shmuck
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 07:03:14
glad you liked it !! any logic arguments ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 07:46:27

ooo I like gives Mr x personality ... You're such a good story teller bro, Steven Spielberg who??
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 24 2018, 07:21:10

Jonel Boljanac
Narration is too slow. Boring to listen to even if theory is interesting.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 13:52:20

Sport & Entertainment
godgevlamste I wan't serious about that but still . For me all the results are showing that there is a God ( power , energy , out of space time God )
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 14:01:19

could be , make a video about it and show us !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 06:09:57

The ending made me laugh so hard, but only because of the truth that was being said with that music XD I think this is a very interesting theory. The only problem I have with this, is the reflection of the stars. They are basically a frame of reference in congruence with the movement of the moon, and if the ball truly is a massive plasma mirror, that means the stars are closer than we think, as well, unless you are saying the plasma ball is translucent where we can see through it? The wobble I can see working well, the lighting and time distortions I can kind of see working with great distances between us and all that, but it feels like there is something missing.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 02 2018, 10:45:58
for the stars , watch my 4 th video <br /><a href=""></a><br />about atlantis i have a fifth <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 14:13:23

Hello. I had postulated the same Big Earth theory a while back and posted here but never made a moon reflection link; The only major problem with your idea is that if the moon is a reflection of the Big Earth and we are on a small portion of that big earth in a dome, then the moon reflection would have to be very far away for us to realize only one portion of that reflection is the Flat Earth. But the Big Earth theory provides answers to many other concerns notably that we may not be the only race on the big earth and that more advanced races could exist on the same larger planet as more incubators or as one more advanced race that control our Flat Earth incubator.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 17:44:02
PS , in my next video i show where our small earth is situated <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 18:13:13

I had a message from a few people who had the idea of a bigger earth .They were searching, if someone had the same idea and came to my video .I think the truth is slowly getting out and a lot of people are having that insight of the bigger earth at the same time .You had it too , but you are thinking of a smaller dome , does that mean you can’t get out ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 18:11:06

eric rolland
bowl.. ) flat bowl. rt... not ball... ¤!ouncing like a basketball rt? here WELL-BEING WELL.. this shit gets better all the time I study this flat earth . it's definitely worth looking at many possible ways.. gold medal man..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 02 2018, 08:05:15

Taja Dahl
I’m confused. He said the moon is a reflection of the gigantic planet that our earth is just a small crater on. Then he says that Polaris is a reflection of crater earth. How can both be true? Wouldn’t that mean that Polaris should be superimposed on the moon? Am I wrong about this? Please explain
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Nov 04 2020, 12:31:43

Chris Denchal
I never heard such nonsense, The moon looks nothing like the Earth, is small and self illuminated. Earth is a motionless disk and not a ball. You really need to use your logic and investigate..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 09 2018, 04:09:00
earth is a green square , beaming red light and turning in hyperspace : you have to educate yourself !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 09 2018, 07:07:50

Gabriel DeLosSantos
If we were a bowl then the moon reflection should not be a sphere like he shows but a bowl like he assumes
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri May 04 2018, 00:06:20
so i'm not smart ? who's asking stupid questions here ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 05:56:15

Jan Peisert
a plasma bubble? what is that plasma bubble? i thought we are surounded by one?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 16:27:08

as i said there are two reflections , the total picture and the detailled picture .We can't see the edge of the crater because there is the curve of the bigger earth . indeed , earth is the only rock .As shown, the sun is not a star but a plasma bubble ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 14:53:09

Jan Peisert
so what youre saying is, all the stars are part of the reflection? so why can we see the moon surrounded by stars? shouldnt the moon reflection cover the entire sky in that case? if earth is within a crater on a much bigger sphere, shouldnt we see the edges of the crater all around? this is not explained at all. you are saying the other planets are not rocks, but earth for sure is (plenty of proof), so is earth the only rocky planet that exists then? if the sun is reflected inside the plasma ball, shouldnt we see the sun and its reflection (2suns) all the time? and is the sun the only star in the universe in that case?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 14:21:14

i explained stars and planets in my fourth video !<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 13:19:27

Jan Peisert
your evidence is based on the assumption that a plasma sphere/mirror is causing all of this. what is your evidence that this sphere exists in first place? how do you explain stars? also reflections? from what? so the moon is how earth looked like before humans and all of that, cool, understood, where are the oceans? plants? dinosaurs? (life in general?) if earth is inside one of the craters, how big is the moon (or reflection) in first place? how are tidal forces explained? if there is no counterpart like the moon? so i guess moonladings didnt happen? what is mars and the other planets in our solar system? is this all based on assumptions? or is this all just a big troll thing? if so, kudos, you put a lot of efford into it
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 12:39:14

Charles Rhineberger
Which is it flat or round? you cannot have it both ways.....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Jun 09 2018, 20:46:06
bacefook dat
Charles Rhineberger You should say "flat or sherical" ...because as you know round things can definitely be flat as well.<br />PEACE.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 07:48:07

why not , that was the purpose of my video ! unite two seperate theories ! we"re both correct !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 07:40:43

Victor Adamson
You do know the moon goes around the earth as the earth goes around the sun as the earth spins right? The shadows from the moon are completely different then a man with light going around him. But hey, stay stupid, it makes for funny videos....LOL
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Apr 04 2018, 02:42:49

John Glenn
After twelve minutes, I couldn't handle any more of your nonsense. Have a good day. Stop making videos, your gonna hurt whats left of your brain.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 01:09:29

John Glenn
Yeah, hurting from all the ignorant crap my ears were hearing. What you are babbling isn't truth, far from it. I understand how you want to change things to fit your way of thinking, but it doesn't work that way. Leave things the way they are, it's been working fine since the start of time, your not going to make it better with your crazy ideas. Also, if you can't handle a little chiding, then you shouldn't be making crappy nonsense videos. Don't expect a counter reply as I won't be throwing away any more of my time on this, I've already put too much time into this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 09:36:41

it seems like your brain was hurting after 12 minutes : some people can't handle the truth !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 09:09:06

Mark Shire
Your actual problem is assuming the earth is spherical and mr X is turning with this bubble. In fact earth, or your Mr X, is flat and stationary, as the actual dome is the only thing that rotates.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri Jul 19 2019, 12:57:54
Mark Shire
@godgevlamste no your problem is your first statement,"you assume". See assumptions make your error or your intent. Either way it is wrong. The moon is earth, reflecting in the dome. Earth us flat and stationary. Tge dome is all that moves. Now i do like aspects of the video, but for clarify and truth, the fact remains earth is enclosed and the dome is the mirrored surface is what causes the moons appearance, along with the cold light temps recieved as well. If you are familiar ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 20 2019, 12:56:01

I am love
some of entire space - may just be reflections of what is already on our ball? hmmmm. Shouldn't we be able to just walk to mars from earth then? What if mars is already here. Why does it reflect red and not gray like the reflection of earth? What about all the dust and pictures of rocks on it - what are the descriptions for those reflections? I really like how your shadows were photoshopped on the moon - that was cool.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 09:37:20

in my fourth video i explain where Mars is <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 10:02:02

fisher milford
this is the same guy that tells us that mountains are trees Yea?...OK i got bus to catch... see ya
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:13:14

fisher milford
thankyou ... have a nice life with joy and abundance dude
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:38:31

no , for the wine , yes for the sarcasm , everybody has the right to have an opinion !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:34:00

fisher milford
shut up ... Im doing youtube on a bottle of wine and some sarcasm ... you got a problem with that
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:24:22

no not the same , but we are looking in the same direction .Hope you got your bus , to bring you back to the herd
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 06:19:33

I like is kind of an inverse concept... to lands beyond the poles theory which says that the stars are earth like areas on an infinite plain.. I like the idea that the stars are other worlds that are accessible over land. Hope you make more videos about this thanks.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:49:24

The solar sun is black....the earths artificial sun is "sphere within a sphere" (look up the term- its an "artpiece" at the Vatican and U.N.) a magnetic mirrored helium three reactor...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 00:18:50
maybe , but i want to know it all ! i don't want to live in a false reality
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 14:19:40

"The whole story" and living a life might be pointless ... Partial knowledge is bliss.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 14:03:13

some people know the whole story !! it's certainly not us !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 28 2018, 07:57:48

marcus Vass
BADGER BADGERISM <br />I thought the same reading your comment well, if you can call it that!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 04:55:06

Jose Vela
Wouldn't the plasma ball have light all inside of it at all times? Even the back side of mister x would have light, because the plasma ball can reflect the light source and the light source would be strong enough to shine light on and past mister x, and because light bends this would cause everything in the plasma ball to be toutched by light. This would cause mister x to never experience a dark time or time without light.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun May 13 2018, 15:23:37

Green Glory
If the Moon is a reflection of Earth in a past moment in time because of the time it takes for the reflection of light to travel back, then that means a ship from Earth that travels closer to the reflection would be able to see a reflection of Earth in a time that is more current than a view from Earth would be. So if what you are saying is true, then a ship that travels closer to the Earth's reflection would be able to view Earth in it's near past. This ship would be able to view  Earth's History from prehistoric to recent time. We would be able to use a fine telescope to view the landscape and see our History unfold. We could see life forms that existed before man or even view the events of the Bible taking place in true reflected linear time.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Fri May 18 2018, 07:21:00
A possibility is that ,you can see “the now” on the moon .That might explain ,why the Vatican has all those telescopes .<br />You would have, real time satellite images .But than ,you would have difficulty to explain the moonphases
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 10:47:32

Green Glory
The biggest reason that your theory might be true is the fact that the Moon seems to give off it's own aluminous light. The way the Sun shines on the Moon should not make it glow as it does, but if it were a reflection, that would explain the luminescence. Then we must take into consideration the Van Allan Radiation Belt. Yes, Radiation could make an object appear to glow, but only from the perspective of a light wave spectrum. The same as you can only see semen  on hotel sheets with a black light. I propose that you may be right, I have often looked at the Moon and thought that it looked eerily like a temporal reflection of Earth. And I agree with the time dilation theory,  only who's to say that the Moon reflects the Earth's far past History, Near past History or future ? On the other hand, it could reflect the Earth the way it really does appear today, only we have been shown a false image. HM ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 19 2018, 08:50:12

doing some hypothetical thinking . i'm 99 procent shure the moon is the reflection of earth . I have some circumstancial " proof " in part 4 and 5 .Thanks for the solution of the light wave spectrum , i'm not a scientist and can use some help from people with a scientific background !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 19 2018, 08:17:17

Green Glory
You lost me. What you say may be possible. Anything can be possible, but it would be hard to prove it. In any event, I do agree that we can not fully trust what we have been taught.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 21:17:39

What if the image moves faster than light .Because the image can not keep up with the speed , it skips frames , like a computer slowing down when it gets too much information .A sort of bottleneck effect <br />For example : It would put an amount of images in a container and send it to earth , when the container is full , it would fill another container , and another .The difference in time between the containers , sent to earth ,would make the image to slow down .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 10:29:47

Green Glory
No, no, no, I know enough about science to understand that nothing that we know of moves faster than light. The only way for an object to move faster than light would be if it could lower it's molecular density to a sub-atomic weight that is lighter than light. Your dismissal of my hypothesis only proves that the theory of the moon being a reflection of Earth at an earlier time is flawed. The Time diversion part of the theory ruins it. You see, the moon could possible be a reflection of Earth if the reflection was funneled through a light wave spectrum that reflected a negative photosphere of  how Earth truly appears in at least near current time. That would explain why the moon looks like Earth without water. And it would also explain why we sometimes see clouds or stars appear behind a half moon. The biggest clue is that the moon does not  rotate on it's axis as it orbits, as all other heavenly bodies do, (except for our Sun, as far as we know).
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 09:08:13

I’m afraid not ! <br />the timedilation is occuring because the image is moving faster than light on the plasmaball .<br />It is not slowing down because it takes time for the light to get here ; in that case you would have been correct !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 18 2018, 07:32:37

you're right , people lost the capability of critical thinking .Everything that is not in the schoolbooks is experienced as " dumb " , because they cannot think for themselves anymore !! good observation !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 07:38:36

First name Last name
Makes about as much sense as the spinning ball bullshit NAZA spew out.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 09:35:32
First name Last name
Ignore the flat earth if you wish .. now concentrate on looking at the globe "theory". Anyone can see that is bullshit so it's always best place to start.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 04:40:50

the stationary flat earth is a brainwash like nazism
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 16:28:21

Brandon Pennington
Forgive me if I'm wrong because I haven't watched the whole video yet,but if the moon is a reflection,which I am intrigued by and never heard this theory, but if so then what is coming between the earth and sun to make an eclipse? I will continue watching to see if he imposes this or not. Very interesting.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 30 2018, 18:35:22
Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />Mooneclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 08:20:34

This is all wrong, Your model excludes or it must exclude anything that Einstein proposed. Why are you using Einsteins lies? 1. Earth has been proven to be a still object, does not move but everything else is moving. 2. You are talking about the speed of light, a) What is the one way speed of light? 3. What does earth really look like? Do you have Proof? 4. Gravity has never been proven to be a fact. Anyways, i thought i would let you know because you are working with mechanics from the lies, thus drawing to the wrong conclusion.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 15 2018, 13:31:32
You talk like you are the almighty God !!<br />You cannot do this , you cannot do that <br />I know the earth is stationary ,,,blablabla <br />What prove do you have ?<br />The same as me : none <br />The only thing you’re doing is changing from one lie ( the little ball ) to another lie : the flat stationary earth .<br />You’re the same as the scientist dinosaurs , stuck in a belief !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 14:06:07

This is one of the weirdest videos I've ever seen! Was he trying to tell us he needs a new prescription for his Medications?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Oct 26 2018, 23:21:10
he was telling us that some people are talking to themselves
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 27 2018, 08:17:51

Nick Schlyer
I’ve concluded this. Within a certain proportion of the human population, reverse evolution is occurring. People are becoming dumber, and dumber, and dumber and dumber. This video is one piece of proof of this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 22:28:14
oh , i thought you were talking about yourself ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 29 2018, 06:49:33

This is your drug dealer.. no more drugs for you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 15:37:29
marcus Vass <br /><br />No there are people I won’t sell to, for example, children, those who are mentally unstable for example.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 06:35:34

marcus Vass
TheLinkoln18 <br />You cant except that the world is so painstakingly obviously flat but believe that a drug dealer would be concerned over the welfare of a paying customer. Man, you're deluded.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 04:52:58

If Your hypothesis is correct, at any time I can look 90 degrees perpendicular to the plane, in other words, straight up, and I would see the moon at all times. But this could be fixed if there is a glass dome/firmament over the crater, the rotation of the large earth would be a 34 year cycle so we would need to positioned close to the center of rotation/wobble/undulations in order to get the refractive index of light to bend enough to make the moon look like it is rotating around the earth crater.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 20:36:48
i don't think you would see the moon at any time because the earth is wobbling , and therefor so are you
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 20:45:43

Hhmm . This is very interesting. I never heard about this before. On your model .... can you tell me what the stars are ....or would you explain stars in another vid .....i found this really interesting. Because i thought as a little girl that we "lived" on a gigantic planet...and then it blew up and all the stars are parts of this massive planet that blew up ... ...And i thought that people ..or some people lived on a few of the parts .. Hard for me to explain ....and it was also hard for me to understand what they were trying to teach me at school never made any sense ....and i did kinda get your model . thx
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jul 25 2018, 08:48:04
i allready made a video about the stars <br /><a href=""></a><br />and a part 5 about Atlantis <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 28 2018, 16:01:18

Joos Did911
Just what kind of MK-ULTRA hypnosis did I just watch? I swear at 11:00 I saw the Eye of Ra watching me. Awesome video. I don't agree with it. But I find it awesome. You put a lot of work and creativity into it. Good for you man. Don't listen to the naysayers. Interpret reality as you see fit.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 05:07:02

So, first things first, we live on a plasma ball (whatever you mean by that btw) wich reflect the light reflectd by a giant earth. For the time dilation to be sufffisiant for your theory, the difference of movment between the surface of the giant earth and the reflection must be 29/30 the speed of light wich does not only mean that the "plasma ball" is rotating a nearly the speed of light which cause a lot more problem than just a translation, but als that this ball is huge, it is even more huge if we live on a giant earth, and I can't believe light being reflected without deformation or attenuation from that far. The part about the sun is not conincing at all, how can we see full moons during the day ? At the end, you use a 3D model of the moon, a 3D MODEL ! According to your fantasy we can't see the other side of the moon because we are stuck to one side
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue May 08 2018, 17:14:38
29/30 is the speed that the image moves over the plasmaball , why would that not be possible ?<br />you can have several reflections of the same object on different places , Magic ?<br />distorted ? again : you don’t know what earth looks like ( unless you believe nasa of course )<br />the frontside of the moon is real , take a photograph and let the computer make a 3D image out of it <br />The backside of the moon on google earth is 1 ; pure fiction , made by an artist 2 ; photographed on the backside of earth and brought back to here ( but that would surprise me )
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 20:42:38

I meant into the plasma ball, and I still don't know what it means. And if we spin ,the problem is still the same, 29/30 of the speed of light is simply too high, on a globe earth, you weight les on the equator because of the not so round shape a the Earth and the speed of the rotation, which is thousands of km per second but is still a tiny percentage of the speed of light.<br />The 3D model s google map of the moon. And distorded imply at least a not at al round moon and blury contours.<br />" full moons during the day ? we’re in a mirror-palace : everything is possible , reflection of a reflection ……." What I hear is shut up it's magic<br />Even if we can see the backside of the moon going on the other side of the "Earth", were did we get these images ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 20:14:47

1 i didn’t say we live on a plasmaball <br />2 the plasmaball is not turning , we spin , our reflected image follows us ,on the plasmaball <br />3 of course the image is distorted , but we don’t know what earth is looking like !<br />We only see the distorted earth <br />4 full moons during the day ? we’re in a mirror-palace : everything is possible , reflection of a reflection …….<br />5 where did you see in the video a 3D model of the moon ? there is no moon <br />6 you can see the backside of" the moon" if you go to the backside of earth , again : because the moon is the reflection of earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 18:19:19

Jannie Schlüter
God the Creator says that the moon is a light just like the sun. So, why don't we just simply go by that for once? God speaks the truth, simply believe Him.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 01:15:34
if God speaks , it's an imposter : God is perfect and doesn't need words
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:07:55

Ralph Serr
His evidence are assumptions of space ships amd mirrors . . . whata joke.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 02:42:16
i know , it's difficult to understand when you have only one braincell !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 07:23:59

The Aztec Calendar Channel
The reason that the moon has the phases it does, is because it is as far away from the sun as it is. There is no false premise for the moons phases, which seems to be what everyone is trying to disprove and dismiss as an illusion. There is no illusion in what is being seen, AND it is also true that the moon has an astrological theme as well, which imparts the fact and reality that it is possible to ascertain a persons "moon sign." It is real.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 29 2018, 22:14:42

Susan Azzopardi
I don't get why the reflection wouldn't just reflect, rather than have its own time.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Sep 11 2020, 13:51:32

Betty Davis
I love this theory, especially because the other craters are different worlds as well. We are separated by ice, that's why we cannot explore Antarctica. They are forbidding any beings to enter our realm, and forbidding us to leave. We are in a controlled environment. Some unexplained phenomena still happens because they can't keep everyone out. Back in the day giants roamed here, then they were killed off, we find proof in Mudfossils. This place will change again, we have proof of a reset in MudFlood photos. Liquefaction just happened in Indonesia, MudFlood is real.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Oct 06 2018, 12:27:54
Betty Davis
NO we can't know.<br /><br />Not right now
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 08 2018, 03:15:03

thanks ! one of the questions left now is : who are they ? any suggestions ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 07 2018, 08:02:11

darion delrey
ill give you this. light is a wave peturbance. so the sacrifice of animals which contain blood and ekectro signitures.. with conciousness.. which is a resonance can have an electro signiture linked in the holograph. with the signiture. the time dialation is the synthesis.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 04:39:24

Lets bring it to the point...the moon is a old planet/moon acting as a base/satelite believed by many religions it was brouht here, there was a time before the moon...also it is believed in many cultures that our souls somehow come from the moon...maybe our creators sit there and watch...of course only maybe ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 19:43:42
lets launch an expedition to Antartica , if i'm wrong we can take your plan as a backup
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 21:40:42

Boris Kelman
So wait... The whole moon is the bigger earth which is everything we see in the sky... And this bigger earth is reflected as the moon as we see it? And our earth is just a crater on it, which is visible? How did land form on the water, and where did the water come from?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon May 21 2018, 03:41:36
earth in the past . In my next video i show there are no other planets or stars , they are all reflections <br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 10:49:04

Boris Kelman
godgevlamste ... So the moon is a reflection of earth in the future? But wait... How doea tjis accounr for different weights of gravity on ither planets and massively different types of atmospheres?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 10:33:33

you got it !! The whole scientific idea about the formation of earth ( water ) is probably true , but you just have to put it on a bigger earth !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 08:28:25

Sorry but just the video name tells yah this is silly.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 7 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 13:53:21

godgevlamste Nooo! I didn’t insult the person. My comments were on the video. I have no room to insult anyone personally. I’m far from perfect. No intention to mock or belittle anyone. Sorry
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 01:20:41

@playinragz so , trying to insult people is becoming a better person in your view ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 20:55:35

godgevlamste Depends on the word boring. To some, yes. But I’ve learned lessons boring or not. I think I’m a better person today then I was yesterday. I think that’s a good thing. Not a boring thing. So perhaps your wrong in your assumption. But maybe not idk
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 20:34:21

@playinragz so you read a title , you find it silly , and then you give a comment it's a silly title .How many titles are you doing on one day ? You must have a boring life ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 18:00:13

godgevlamste I didn’t watch it . The name was enough.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 16:35:26

This only works if the moon is 25000 miles away or if space is what they say it a former flat earther . I AM TOO BUSY WATCHING THE SKY FOR FLAT EARTH WHATEVER IS GOINV ON IM SO FAR DOWN RABBIT HOLE. I LOVE YOUR THEORY U MAY BE RIGHT
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 14:46:02
Elke Leonhardt
What bout the concave mirror effects creating a smaller reflection of the object. So the reflection, ergo the plasmabelt must not be as far.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 18 2019, 16:37:42

What is the difference between a genius and madness? for those who do not understand it, he is insane, for those who understand it, he is a genius 👏👏👏👏🗺
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon Jan 21 2019, 00:16:39
@IvI thanks , just found an audiobook<br /><a href=""></a><br />i'll listen
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Jan 24 2019, 08:10:27

Yes we win, their Grid is breaking , inside and out ⌛😂
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 22:26:18

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 22:20:58

@godgevlamste Thank U !!! 🏆That explains a lot! When i look in the sky there is no blue only milksoup, i want cry, all shep arround me are sleepeng deep, im searching for over 25 years i read many books and lot of, if we have only one life i think "Carlos Castaneda,Don Juan "is the way out(Hard Way).There are thousends of books on souls, but I would like to recommend one 2 U , U will be surprised 😄🙋<br />Only when the Soul hurts, she learns
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 22:20:09

Thanks for the compliments .thanks for the links : <br />What i noticed , in my view : the parasites try to overtake<br />the flat earth movement .They try to put us in a new jail : from the little<br />ball in an endless universe , to the dome , in a gigantic 4D ocean . I think you<br />can easily leave crater earth into the bigger earth .There the controlmasters<br />have built a new world for themselves and  we are slaving , to pay their life of luxury .<br />They try to defend their life of luxury with fear , to demotivate people of looking further .There will be a flood , economic collapse<br />, WW3 , climate change , opening of portals with demons  . A lot of people are panicking and are getting<br />religious : God , Jesus ,aliens  …blabla .<br />Don’t wait for an entity to return … <br />The controlmasters  are getting desperate and are openly attacking us : Californian forestfire directed energy weapons : they aren’t hiding anymore<br />we’re almost there .We’re about to win this game
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Jan 21 2019, 08:10:24

Mr. Universe
Why spin the guy wouldn't it make more sense to rotate the skies instead of the man?? Ground or base doesn't move. Your point can still be made with a moving sky instead of man.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Apr 27 2018, 04:30:48
i'm just checking out another possibiliy , i'm not stuck in a believe-system .BTW there is no evidence of stationary earth , eternal flat plane - thoroid field etc.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 27 2018, 08:19:46

Mr. Universe
godgevlamste not gonna make a rebuttable on your work. I simply asked why you rotated the earth instead of the sky. Would make sense since earth or man is stationary. Btw no evidence of round earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 27 2018, 08:08:40

make your own video and send me a link !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 27 2018, 07:51:10

It's a bad thing to do drugs, m'kaayyy. Interesting ideas, but some parts of it just don't make any sense. For example , I do not see the relation between reflection and your plasma ball idea and I fail to see the necessity for plasma to be included here. We do agree on one thing though, and that is craters have nothing to do with impacts.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 16:55:17
godgevlamste the sun is inside the dome and is smaller than what we're told. Search for sun UNDER clouds videos here on YT
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 15:39:49

i don’t need drugs to be creative !<br />Without a plasmaball you have no reflection
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 17:00:10

Photo Finish
People are confused. You really have one question. Is this world closed, or open. Is there more to discover? I really dont care what people say, I want to discover for myself. I dont know why, the public doesnt demand open discovery, and encourage everyone to be openly discovering. Hopefully one day, we can. Beyond that, i dont care what other people claim. Im not having my discovery wasted on trust of theirs. "dont show me a picture, take me where you took the picture"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 18:34:04

Even when you can raise your IQ with 50 points you'd still be a danger to human evolution...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 11:51:45

No, because of evolutionary purposes......
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 17:13:16

Hmm, I actually felt a realm of truth in this for a second ( it is 7am and I have not been to bed yet, feels like I have been awake since 4:20 yesterday, lol). This is actually a very good theory, well considered within the realm of a basic model. It would actually make a really good film or even a lower budget film for youtube or script for Netflix a good piece of considered entertainment for those with a smaller imagination and food for thought for all the rest a lovely imagining either way. Hats of to you buddy I do truly appreciate a mind teaser to stretch my brain from the mundane to the what if. However, can you explain eclipses? and the fact that we can actually model these both in the ancient past and modern day. Eclipses should be factored in as a second level of consideration to your existing theorised model. Now on to the earth wobbles over (I think don't quote me) 32,000 year cycle as previously known and recorded by the Mayan's. Please check my remembered facts on this please before execution. I am thinking the maths of both the earth wobble cycle and eclipses could be scaled in to your model as it requires scale and time dilation to appear to work (to the tired brain). Now also consider some Buddhist teaching of looking at the moon in a waters reflection in the dead of night. Might just be a parable or metaphor or maybe something deeper or just something for you to reject or play with. Also look in to the ancient recording of the Hindu's, Buddhists, Egyptians and yes unfortunately the Babylonians/Persians as well as some recordings by civilisations in ancient central and south America. These texts should be studied and considered with regards to the cycles and distances of the heavenly bodies and then modelled and scaled in to your model. Then look at the new figures recorded in modern times which slightly differ and again scale and work out the differentials over time. Basically consider any texts and recordings before Ali-Xander (Son of Xander) the UNgreat that show recorded and calculate cycles, distances, diameters and if at all possible Mass. Also consider the widely unknown and unacknowledged facts which have been proven to be correct and now doctored otherwise that in fact " The speed of light increases over time and in-fact does not slow down in to the flawed redshift calculation.  Another point to consider is the information the Great Pyramid decodes to us. The Sun, Moon and the earths dimensions (northern hemisphere, Hmmmm) and much more to list. You should then also expand your theorem to the planets in the solar system and what kind of effect or location or illusion you have for them as well as so much more, you could be lazy and say they are all on your spherical shell, however that without a strong argument, would taste like watered down soup to the considering, maybe the shell has an alternative or additional wobble to that of the suns rise and decline wobble. If you want to make a final proof statement you should in-fact consider a much wider range of calculations of known information to calculate a model which should seem irrefutable in the majority to be considered for serious contemplation and testing by others. Wish you all the best buddy, you have a lot of work to do before calling something final, just a consideration, after all you are just another aspect of me, ACEN and all of us, having fun and exploring. Wishing you Happiness, Care and Mind Expansion.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun May 27 2018, 06:35:29
thanks fot the compliments !!<br />solar eclipse : when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the place where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />lunar eclipse ; go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image .<br />in my fourth video i explain stars and planets : it are all reflections .<br />As for the calculations , i'm not a scientist , i made this video to prove myself i'm right .I don't need numbers , maybe other people do .If they do , they have to look for it themselves , i'm a step closer to reality and i hope my video will inspire other people to look for it themselves
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 08:01:40

Charlie Tecumseh
People used to use the sky and stars to navigate, but what about the moon? Is there any record of lunar navigation? If this theory holds any weight, and I believe it might, then surely the moon could be used to navigate the 'earth' Love the videos
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 01:41:26
Toppy Games
yes it does until recently. ask this guy. <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 00:27:50

Davidi 007
Could the gigantic earth be stationary and the mirror plasma be rotating in this theory and get the same results? Does the day and night times match up on the crater earth map?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Nov 20 2019, 17:26:10
watch my "crater Earth and the phantom planets" video , and you'll see a stationary earth doesn't work
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Nov 20 2019, 20:30:17

If Mr. X were looking into a curved surface. his reflection would not be as though looking into a flat mirror. Prove this for your self look into a curved shiny surface at your own reflection.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 22:57:58
true !! our real planet will be slightly different from the mirrored image !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 15 2018, 07:18:43

jay king
If you look directly at the sun it hurts your eyes. If that doesn't prove a flat earth I don't know what does!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 14:39:51
damn !!! they must have put you on a different timeline in an underground illuminati clonecenter !!! call CERN !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 07 2018, 08:02:24

jay king
The Amazon? You still believe in that? That's what the lizard illuminate want us to believe.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 21:47:07

You ‘re right .Something is wrong , but i can’t talk now .The NSA is monitoring all my mail ,<br />Let’s meet in The Amazone forest , i’ll send you the coordinates in code !! Wait there fort wo weeks ,and if i’m not there by then , i will probably be killed .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 21:42:57

jay king
I also one got a flat tyre on my car. A FLAT tyre. They are hiding the truth from us
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 15:08:12

i don't understand what you mean ! is that a proof of flat earth ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jul 06 2018, 14:58:04

the flat earth movement has been highjacked by the same people that want to put us on a little ball , use your critical thinking , don't be brainwashed !!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 06:12:03

So the sky could be a reflection then it makes a bit more sense since they have these so called HUGE lasers pointing at the Moon to show that it's "there" or "not a light" but could just be our own kind fooling us w projections of some sort then it also adds to how in the Bible mankind will be deceived & how the sky will just roll up like a piece of paper? Cute presentation buddy don't be sad if a few turds don't agree with you because at least yourself knows more Truth than any comments suggesting they "know their facts" like the ones fed in school to keep them so dumb they couldn't open a Jar of Pickles even if they tried! Nobody should complain nor be so full of smelly shit because WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING NOT EVEN THE ONE'S HIDING MOST OF OUR TRUE HISTORY BECAUSE NOT EVEN THOSE SCUMBAGS KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH ONLY GOD DOES! So instead how about correcting one another on what we already know which could just be the one thing another person did not. Keep it up brother it's just a part of learning & testing some good ol' remedies LOL FUDGE ME GUY'S COME ON... 💖💖🎉🎉🎈🎈
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jan 16 2019, 06:22:49
thanks for the support bro !! the more they attack me , the bigger i get .They are in their endgame , we"re going to kick their ass !!! greets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jan 16 2019, 08:09:32

Now let's put a bunny on top of his head looking up and a gerbil up his ass. What would they see? Interesting story but how do you explain the moon being covered with craters and the Earth isn't? How do you explain astronauts landing on a reflection?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 07 2018, 03:04:17
i think you didn't understand the video !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 05:57:50

Marin Marinov
When you have a theory please entroduce it as that. Do not say that this is how it really is. Just say "This is my theory" people will decide if they will believe or not. You can not say something you came up with is real for sure. (Plus it was quite a crap and by the middle of the video your voice was annoying me seriously) Pleace accept mu critics with no offence. Congrats for ghe video and wish you everything nice :)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 06:24:15
In science you are stuffed with theories that are “true” , nobody is saying “it’s just a theory” .<br />“Sorry” for my voice , but i’m a normal person with a normal voice and not a filmstar from Hollywood ,<br />Next time i’ll spend a few millions and let it edit by some fancy studios
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 07:09:52

nyquil 762
@godgevlamste Keep keeping it real brother. I just stumbled onto your channel. Your theories make more sense then any other I studied. We need you to keep spreading the truth. Believe me, you are having a tremendous effect on those of us open minded enough to listen (and there are a lot of us). Most of us hide in the shadows because we are afraid of not fitting in. I am no smarter than most but I have always been different so this data is easier for me to digest. Thanks again and be well.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Jun 02 2019, 17:31:57

Wotan Natow
i have 3 problems with this model: 1 is, that our earth is moving and not stationary 2 is you still think earth is a ball, just waaaay bigger (and our department is just a creater on the ball) 3 is your time frame, following the "evolutionary earth model" you even had dinosaurs in one pic. Both are false IMO But i love the idea and your individual content :)
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Sep 01 2019, 13:40:53
Wotan Natow
@godgevlamste yes i understand the infiltration and like i said i love the you go one step further. thats really awesome :)) <br />and the only thing i can do is speculate... i just dont want to replace the "globe" by a bigger globe... i cant resonate with the earth movemnets either.... and your estimated time frame is also the globe earth model time frame and "their" fals evolutionary universe theory....
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 01 2019, 14:47:31

Thanks , <br />Feel free to criticize , i have no problem with that .You probably come from the flat-earth movement .If you think about my theory , you will understand the flat earth movement has been infiltrated by the same people who try to sell us the little blue ball in space ; Earth is flat on a endless and motionless plane .That’s the same lie in another form . <br />The dinosaurs ? i don’t know .i wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be a lie
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 01 2019, 14:37:19

Daniel Nix
Someone mentioned a 53 million dollar per day budget for NASA. It seems to me that with a blockbuster movie budget every two days, they would be able to fake stuff better. There would be no glitches for people to focus on and claim it was fake. Everything they put out would be seamless.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 06:55:29

Fatima Ezhar
I don't understand why you are not been taken serious by flat earthers and this shows the flat Earth movement is controlled opposition.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat May 09 2020, 11:39:35
Fatima Ezhar
@godgevlamste true but there are soooo many flat Earth videos and only you who is talking crater earth, I thought by now more would follow. Anyways I finally made a video too and I gave you credit and told people to watch your moon videos but I don't know today I tried to watch on 2 different phones but it's not working anymore while a couple of days it worked fine. Will try again or upload again. There's more proof that you are right.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 09 2020, 19:47:13

Without the flat earth i wouldn’t be where i am now .But shure !! it has been infiltrated ..only people that think for themselves will see the difference between the BS and the real stuff
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat May 09 2020, 15:35:38

Absolutely mad as a hatter.........................................................................
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 18:26:34

Trum pet
Why is the moon illuminated from bottom to top now instead of right to left and no curved shadow anymore its a straight line. You answer that, the world has changed its moon ha changed orbit and illumination. The sun does not illuminate the moon its been a lie or idiots are wrong and always have been, there wrong about most things taught as fact and the next person who lies to me is getting a slap across the face. The earth is stationary everything revolves around it. The universe is not vast its just us and look what they have done to it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 14 2018, 10:35:01

Shaun Underwood
Jesus The Messiah said: "The Father and I are One" I asked Him ..."Why Lord? ... can't you stand on your own two feet? ... be your own person?" He answered ..."No, Shaun, ... IN this World EVEN I would BE DECEIVED..!!!" I asked Him ... "Lord, Why are angels ALWAYS MINISTERING to you... 1. In the desert after Satan tempts you for 40 days... He answered ... "After 40 days of constant temptations ... Even Heaven came down ... Shaken and Worried ... To see ... If I had SURVIVED the ORDEAL and would continue my journey ... TO ALL TRUTH ... !!!" [REPENT, BELIEVE, JESUS IS MESSIAH, THE EARTH IS FLAT ...!!!] 2. In the Garden Of Gethsemane ... After asking ... "My Father, ...if this cannot pass unless I drink it, ... your will be done." ... Even Heaven came down ... Shaken and Worried ... To see ... If I would EMBRACE the ORDEAL and would continue my journey ... TO SAVE ALL ... !!!" ['CROSS-EXAMINED', JESUS IS MESSIAH, YOU WILL RISE WITH HIM...THE EARTH IS FLAT ...!!!] May your names be written FOREVER in the Lamb Of God's BOOK OF LIFE ... May EACH OF US continue to LOVE AND SUPPORT one another ... through the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT to ACHIEVE this RESULT ... THIS GLORIFIES OUR FATHER ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 16:48:41

Fatima Ezhar
I finally did a video about the crater earth but they are shutting it down because I had more proof. I have more proof so will do another video maybe that one will be shut down too. They are seriously stressing obviously.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Sat May 09 2020, 11:38:02
Fatima Ezhar
@godgevlamste I think I found Castor and Pollux today, they look like twin craters, was looking for them on the moon map. You seriously need to go viral.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 12 2020, 03:21:10

Fatima Ezhar
@godgevlamste I know how the craters are made to look like they do, it's by electricity, I got a video which shows how the craters are formed. Maybe you can do another video. There's proof you are right. My video will be taken down I'm sure of that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 09 2020, 22:52:46

Fatima Ezhar
@godgevlamste I tried on 2 phones to watch my video which was working fine a couple days ago but today it's not showing, maybe temporary I don't know.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 09 2020, 19:48:29

Good on you you are making your own version of it , i’m really interested .Shutting it down , what do you mean ?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 09 2020, 15:35:54

Asrat Mengesha
You know what? the moon is not reflection of the earth. The moon is created in such a way that it is trained to give light in the night times just as the sun is trained to give light in the day times. Read the bible. thanks.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 15:39:48
So , we agree , God didn’t write the bible , it was written by a human being .And human beings can be wrong : so can the bible .This has nothing to do with the devil, if i say ,the bible is wrong about the moon !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 17:42:39

Asrat Mengesha
What? who did pretend God ?me? hahahahaha!!! I i am the most uneducated simple man. What I know is I know nothing. But, dude. God works through me. And I did not say God writes books. Therefore, what you said about book righting by god is absolutely correct.<br />So, thank you very much. Relax and be happy because there is God.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 17:08:54

God does not write books !! And if he does , he is not God , but something pretending to be God
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 16:50:17

Asrat Mengesha
How do you know?because the devil is correct?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 15:56:47

Indigenous Underground
I’m gonna take some shrooms and watch your videos. You’re the man!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 13:14:18

Juliane Bekou
Well well...the earth does not move. But travel to Africa and you will clearly see that the moon turns. When he rises the sickle is downward then it shifts to the right until the sickle is upward. Hope you understand my description. The moon rotates constantly but is not a rock ball. It can also be observed in Europe, that is, more northern. Sun and moon circle above the earth in what is called the tropical area. The area between the tropics of Cancer and capricorn. That is why it can be better observed in those areas.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 17:10:05

jeffrey hollenbeck
u need too add orbit mech because this is wrong u have no idea what u are talking about i know this for a fact
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Apr 25 2018, 23:25:37

Richard Jackson
we are not turning ..its flat non moving ....water sits flat on mass
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Jun 09 2018, 23:57:24
coreolis effect ? why is everything moving in a vortex ? water , wind ,sound ........
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 10 2018, 07:42:03

Mame Dior Ndiaye
The Planet Doesn't Turn around like a Swings like a Vessel, like a Boat...the Oceans are 2, above and below connected by a Base of Snow...or a Wall of Antartica:-) Understand WHY "they" rapidly signed some agreements among themselves (Europe, USA and some "Very Few other Nations) to keep Everybody Else off Antartica (except the Super Rich Planetary Thieves). The Oceans are the Mirrors.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 03:10:26

John Cherish
This is what happens to people who did the" This is your brain"( shows and egg) ..."This is your brain on drugs" ( an egg frying in a frying pan) remember that commercial. This is scientific proof that this is true ...or can also be a sad commentary on the state of our education system in the US...common core has dumbed down a generation to the point that critical thinking doesn't work anymore for these people
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 17 2018, 21:49:19

ryan Lost_broken_arro
Omg our whole world is just a crater of the moon! And the rest is Antarctica full of "space aliens" that we are forbidden to see. So we doesn't fake the moon landing. We were shot there by NASA in the sixties with the German technology we stole from the Nazis via a doomsday weapon called a rocket and JFK was slowly squealing so they shot him. And crack was distributed from the CIA to keep us too busy from noticing with the war on drugs. Shit we invaded Iraq because George W was too busy getting high thinking we were on the old earth model, that he forgot we had access to the same oil. So Obama's generals were explaining the situation and Obama actually listened and pulled our troops back because it was all needless. So to distract from the mistake he legalized gay marage nation wide. And closed Guantanamo bay so that there were no hard feelings and the procuring insanity is how Donald Trump was elected because he spewed "alternative facts" so much that they got old. So now they employ people to shoot up schools to get people disillusioned with gun control. It All ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! Puff puff pass man. Puff puff pass.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 11:45:18

Matthew Rudy
Can the outside carousel horse pass the . .. spinning the same. . . Kids today ... SMH
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 01:28:26
they're not spining the same speed , they are on the same axis
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jun 04 2018, 05:57:56

Nkurmah Maricheau
Remember we are living on a flat Earth with waters above and water below. The blue sky is the same colors of the ocean even in the desert Gen 1:6-7. When you can disproof what am about to outline then I would believe in Aliens, Gravity, Space, Planets. Those Planets are only lights bulbs in the water above our heads. There are no meteors only falling stars which NASA calls meteors. NIBIRU is a reflection off the Glass Dome(firmament) by the Sun rays. PIECES OF THE FIRMAMENT The FIRMAMENT Youtuber Almightyron Russia Rocket December 26 2017 Firmament Proof? Best Evidence Yet? FAKE SPACE BY NASA There are no Planets, only Stars (light bulbs)Gen 1:14-18 We live in an enclosed system, flat Earth under a Dome. THE MOON NEARBY OVER OUR HEADS The Rainbow is a Reflection of the shape of the Dome over the earth that the bible calls the Firmament.Gen 1:6. Need glass to reflect the rainbow. The Glass dome(FIRMAMENT). Notice that all NASA Rockets launches make an ARC like a rainbow, I HAVE PEN THE ROCKETS LAUNCHES AS RAINBOW ROCKETS LAUNCHES INTO THE SEA. Still using spy planes because they cannot get high enough to view the Entire Earth. 18000 Rainbow Rocket SATELLITES in space could see a dime on the Ground and they are still using spy Planes. It should be Sea Curve on a ball Earth not sea level. Water is Always level. The BLUE waters above our heads is the same color as the BLUE waters below in the OCEAN Gen 1:6-7 There are no satellites ,every satellite is CGI or animation like all weather news on TV is animation cartoons, space is only seen on your Computer Screen Saver and in Movies but it is not real. 1000 Mph spinning Ball Earth and we are still using Planes why not Hover Planes. If the earth is spinning at a 1000Mph and planes commercial planes fly below a 1000mph would you ever reach your destination. If the Ball Earth is Spinning 1000Mph how would planes land when Airports are facing in all direction, could a plane land on a spinning 1000 Mph object. “The Earth is a realm, it is not a Planet, it is not an object therefore it has no edge. Earth would be more easily defined as system environment. Earth is also machine, it is a Tesla coil. The Sun and Moon are powered wirelessly with the electromagnetic field (the aether) this field also suspends the celestial spears with electro-magnetic levitation. Electro-magnetic levitation disproves gravity because the only force you need to counter is the Electromagnetic force, not gravity, The stars are attached to the Firmament,” ~Nikola Tesla. CNN Donald Trump Says The Earth Is Flat, “I fly a lot, and I mean a lot. No one flies more than me. Listen, I own a jet. I own a 757, beautiful plane, it’s the best plane! If the world were round, believe me, I would know!” The Babylonians, Eygyptians, Greeks, Indians, knew that the Earth is Flat and the Sun circuits the earth as a clock hand. Thousands and hundreds of years ago ancient civilisation develop the Sun Dial and it have never miss a beat. The Bible is Truth and there is a Heaven and Hell. JESUS LIVES! The irony about Americans is that the real ENENMY are Spiritual Demons that the Americans believe are ALIENS because they only believe in SCIENCES and Medicines. MENTAL HEALTH AND DISEASES are Demon Spirits in people bodies. They need their spirit and body to be whole again by YESHUA's SUPERNATURAL Holy Spirit. Be Born again to be in a Heavenly Destiny.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 09:51:56
i follow 90 per cent of your statements .But the flat earth has to be part of a bigger system : no endless flat plane or thoroid fields .If you have a plane : fly to antartica and send us some pictures
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 10:50:23

Dumitru Mihai
godgevlamste pls Mr stupidity go fuck yourself. You don't know anything about planets. Come whit real proof if you can
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 20:50:56

if you're stupid or gay , it is not your fault , you were born that way ! if you're a nazi , that is a choice !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 19:39:03

Dumitru Mihai
godgevlamste I am not. But you are stupid. So stupid
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 19:29:04

Dumitru Mihai
godgevlamste I am against homosexuality. God made Man and Woman not man and man or women and woman. Man and woman can procreate.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 17:58:03

Grh Haddybow
yes it is! This youtuber getting into university! dumb arse baby's what his mama used to say hahh hahh ahah h ah;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 11:17:20

E Kap
Um....first BIG problem is you ASSUME. Never assume. This entire video is based on your assumption. Therefore it fails. Not easy to follow your assumed idea. A time mirror? Seriously? Light is just ping ponging back and forth between the two? And the moon is our reflection and we are a spek in a crater? Hmmm, no, I can't buy that. I do not go by assumption, I look at science fact. Don't come up with an answer and then try to find or create science that fits your model. It does not work that way. Explain to me the videos that show stars behind the moon which the moon should be blocking but we can see. Explain those without assuming. The video is a good try though. Maybe present this to the SYFY network and they can use it in the next sharknado movie.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 21 2018, 15:44:20
Typical answer of the nazi-scientists !!! never assume ! never do this , never do that !! <br />you are so arrogant and think you have all the answers .<br />The only thing you prove with your comment is that you are brainwashed , and sadly there is no help for you !! you are too far gone !<br />As for me , i’m a free man and i will make as many videos as i want !! and i’ll use science whenever and however i please !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 21 2018, 16:32:35

eitan eytan
Water cant be curved so the bigger earth is flat and the reflection shows like a ball because of the dome
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 9 | Fri Jun 14 2019, 19:29:29
@eitan eytan <a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 16 2019, 17:57:16

eitan eytan
godgevlamste no man im only say that water cant curve , <br />I really like your work and waiting for more videos.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 16 2019, 17:12:22

@eitan eytan So you reject my version and give me instead : flat water on a flat surface in a complete hypothetical environment ? And you wonder why flat earth is being ridiculised ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 11:42:50

eitan eytan
godgevlamste hehe that’s our investigation
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 10:58:17

@eitan eytan ok , but still there has to be an up and down .Heavy and light .Dense or not dense .What is holding the flat surface , in what space ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 10:11:41

eitan eytan
Gravity is a matter of material density. That's why helium goes up godgevlamste
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 09:44:19

@eitan eytan Well , i know the story of some flat earthers , because the water is always flat , it cannot be that the earth is a ball .But on the same time you say there is no gravity .How can the water lay on the flat surface ? If there were no gravity , water would be flying all around and not be resting on the surface .<br />What force is keeping the water on the flat surface ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 09:29:30

eitan eytan
godgevlamste no it’s not the surface of the water will always be straight and leveled
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 08:30:25

when you put water in a plastic ball it is curved !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 15 2019, 07:40:54

You clearly don't understand that inside a round spherical mirror ball, this Mr. X would see his reflection suuuuuper distorted like a funhouse mirror x1000000. It would look nothing like your demonstration. That just the first 60 seconds. Looks like there's 17 more mins to go lol
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 02 2018, 17:46:18

Osmani Gonzalez
I don't really fully comprehend your entire theory. But part of your theory says we living on a bigger spinning ball than what we think. The area that we so far mapped and named earth is water in a crater with some land oh and thier is a dome over it. If the moon was a reflection of the earth wouldn't the craters look like our continents only inverted a mirror image of well africa north and south America Australia ect.? Your theory is interesting it way too complicated for me to comprehend though.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 04:25:06

the essence <br />we are a crater on a bigger earth<br />the moon is the total reflection of the bigger earth<br />the stars are a partial reflection of the bigger earth<br />the star Sirius is the reflection of crater earth <br />if you want to see the continents you have to zoom in on Sirius
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 08:16:30

chad jacobs
Yeah but what about the other planets then? Are they free floating bodies or are do we somehow have a like line of sight thing going on with other craters on this massive earth inside the plasma ball. And how big is it then? Does this contain our known universe? And what that fuck is up with "the sun is a blister on the ball and is generated by something outside of the ball" ummmmm to me there are some really important unanswered questions that go along with this. so far things hold up enough that I'm intrigued to hear further "hypothesis"
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 17:13:20
<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 13 2018, 07:41:20

chad jacobs
godgevlamste is that out already? Or as I assume by how this was worded that #4 is coming in the near future? If so, any ETA for when we might get to see it?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 19:35:05

in part 4 i'm tackling stars and planets
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 12 2018, 18:03:14

it's not promising for my theory ?<br />That’s true , you have to have at least an IQ of 70 to understand it , that’s the downside of it .<br />But hey , not everybody will get it , i can live with that , Punkalotti !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 19 2018, 13:20:38

Is the moon a reflection of Earth? pfff what tosh, I can't even take you seriously, Wimp xDD
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 13 2018, 22:01:10

Can you tell me where you get your drugs from? Must be some high-quality stuff there bud ;))
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 13 2018, 21:58:07

so you skipped the parts that made no sense , that is not to promissing for your IQ !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 13 2018, 21:52:48

I'm suprised you've removed your tinfoil hat long enough to reply, so well done on that
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Sep 13 2018, 21:17:10

I skipped the parts that made no sense ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 13 2018, 21:15:05

Brandi Renee'
godgevlamste I never once said it was endless , but there is no point in talking to you about this, you believe what believe and so do I.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 21:38:34

i don't know anyone else who claims what i say , so i must be the only one .But the stationary flat earth is not your idea , it"s all over the internet .More sense ? where is your flat earth part of ? An endless flat plane is not possible , where is it leading to ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 21:14:55

Brandi Renee'
godgevlamste who told you the moon was a reflection of earth, my theory makes more sense
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 11:36:24

leo sands
What do you mean...dream did not prove a's all just your opinion...your opinion does not equal me actual documented proof...I don't believe you can...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 13:19:47
no , i can't give proof because i have a drug abuse problem , sorry !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 13:57:39

Stevie Downing
Hello old buddy in Belgium - Regarding the idea of time dilation (the increase in time by a factor of about 30 for the reflection of Gigantic Earth to be seen ON Gigantic Earth), I was thinking several things. First, doesn't this mean that when we look at the Moon, we are seeing a reflection of Gigantic Earth as it was only 30 days in the past? Second, the reflection we see and call the Moon will move 1 unit of distance in the sky for every 30 units of distance through which the surface of Gigantic Earth rotates. Light has a known speed. We know the size of our Earth Crater on the Gigantic Earth. I wonder if it is possible to calculate the sizes and distances here, for example the diameter of Gigantic Earth, the height of the surface of the Plasma Ball where reflection takes place, the diameter of the thing we call the Sun, etc. Third, the Gigantic Earth theory you created assumes that the Sun is not moving and also that the Plasma Ball is not moving. If these assumptions were not true, that would put a different "spin" on things. Ha! Ha! But, I'm serious. I don't have an alternate theory here. I'm just speaking (typing) my thoughts. I wonder how light would reflect from the inside of a slowly spinning, spherical mirror (Plasma Ball) while the light source is slowly moving in the opposite direction? Yeah! Now My head is spinning! Did you see this video about Mr. Thoth and the Emerald Tablets: Cheers! Steve Downing Clearwater Beach (The Best Beach in the USA) ### END ###
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Jan 03 2019, 08:04:25
Stevie Downing
@godgevlamste When you have time, watch this video about Mr. Thoth and the Emerald Tablets: <br /><a href=""></a> Cheers! Steve
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 05:46:00

Stevie Downing
@godgevlamste Okay. Cheers to you. Steve
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 05:37:50

That is some nice thinking Steve , glad to see someone thinking for himself .Of course all those things you mention can be calculated<br />, and i’m shure the controlmasters have all the figures .It could be possible the sun is slowly moving the opposite direction , why not !<br />The 30 days could be a possibility too , that would explain why the Vatican has all those telescopes , you could see with a 30 days delay<br />what your “ ennemie’ is doing . But i am not a scientist , and i’m not interested in the mathematics  , that’s probably the reason<br />i got this far .Anyway , good thinking , soon this riddle will be solved completely , i wish you all the best for 2019 !!! <br />Greetings from Belgium , my American friend .i send you all my strenght , because you Americans are<br />suffering a lot with the Directed Energy Weapons attacks in California : they<br />are getting desperate .Soon all their lies will be exposed !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jan 03 2019, 08:50:00

Hunned Proof Productions
This would actually explain the lunar eclipse. Science doesnt explain the lunar eclipse. But...I believe the bible still says that the moon is it's own enity?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 11 | Sat Jun 16 2018, 00:33:55
Tristan Paul Pestaño
Then what is the "true reality"? And also, our topic have moved. Please tell me, how can plasma, an ionised gas, can reflect light? Again, How can plasma reflect light?<br /><br />Don't move the goalpost.<br />Don't move the goalpost.<br />Give me evidence and maybe mathematics to prove you are right.<br /><br />And also, how can, the sun, which is a plasma, cannot reflect light but the "plasma" that revolves around the earth reflects light? Please explain it. Again, explain it.<br /><br />Don't move the goalpost.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jul 05 2018, 10:58:42

Tristan Paul Pestaño
godgevlamste Then how can you prove science is wrong? By beliefs? Goodness, you made me laugh
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jul 05 2018, 04:12:08

you want me to prove with science that science is wrong ? that"s like convincing an islamic fundamentalist that Allah does not exist !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 16:28:50

Tristan Paul Pestaño
Wait what? What happened to you? How can you say lies when you alone cannot distinguish the truth from the lie? Have you seen flame reflects light? Have you seen the light from neon signs reflect light? If you want to prove something wrong, provide evidences. It is covenient for you to say this is false to prove your claim rather make an evidence to prove I am wrong but you didn't do it instead you say "They didn't use science and this one of its lie:". At least prove your conjecture. And please tell us how the scientific method works based on you.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 14:54:07

You have God , and you have religion .Religion manipulates God for their own benefit <br />You have the logic of the universe and you have science .Science manipulates the logic of the universe for their own benefit .<br />So you have to return to the logic of the universe , but if you do that , you will come in conflict with science .Because if you take away the lies , the manipulators will loose their power .<br />They will never ever , use science , for the benefit of the planet .Only for themselves !<br />So one of the lies will be : plasma cannot reflect visible light .Because if they don’t deny that , they will open the door to the logic of the universe .<br />Sadly, i alone , cannot return to the original human condition of the planet , because we all have been infected ,first we have to eradicate the disease !!<br />And it’s not because someone supports me , i have to accept all they say
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 13:05:24

Tristan Paul Pestaño
Science is a method to help us understand the phenomena. The people who have bad intentions used science for their own gain. Just look at Alfred Nobel and Albert Einstein, they want to create a better world but bad guys used their knowledge for their own gains. Science can reversed what we done. That's why we have green technology. Maybe you should stop using medicine, cars, and even don't live on your house and live in the a cave instead and do just like our ancestors did when we are primordial. And what to say to the people that supports you? If they make a website and state some lies, would you believe them?<br /><br />And also, stop moving the goalpost.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 12:21:59

Some fake scientist already sent me that link !<br />Any phoney scientist can make an internet page and state some lies , <br />Science is a false system , made to destroy and enslave humanity .<br />Think of a planet without science : no pollution , no weapons of mass destruction , no massive extermination of forests , plants , animals ……<br />what do you get in return ? some technology ? If you want to keep believing the lie , good luck !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 12:13:57

Tristan Paul Pestaño
Just google the question and you will find the answer. Plasma cannot reflect visible light. If they can, then we would see our reflection in a flame or any the plasma rockets we build.<br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />Let the thought be the same. Stand in front of the mirror. Put another one to simulate the "reflecting dome" that covers the earth. The problem will start to arise. Light will be reflected to different directions.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 11:50:59

Solar eclipse :<br /> when you look in the mirror with a light behind you : go to the spot where your reflected image blocks the reflected light <br />lunar eclipse : <br />go stand in front of a mirror , put another mirror behind you , go to the place where the front mirror image collides with the back mirror image <br />Show me proof plasma cannot reflect visible light !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 10:54:35

Tristan Paul Pestaño
Science do explain Lunar Eclipse. The lunar eclipse is caused by the shadow of the earth on the moon. It is such a simple and logical to think about. And also plasma cannot reflect visible light but it can emit it. If plasma can, show me an experiment.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Jul 04 2018, 10:31:29

Spherftart Containment Officer
Trump should hire you to replace Nasa, you're much funnier.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Apr 17 2018, 19:20:15

gladly , first thing on my agenda : put the satellites on Antartica
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 18 2018, 06:17:36

Keith Griffin
As a researcher and somebody who gathers information and never takes government, the rich or the news seriously, I always question everything and I like to think of myself as awake, and that side of me is impressed unfortunately, I deal with facts, sources and reality... and I think you come up short when it comes to them areas. Hell of an imagination you have, I'm just wondering who took the hallucinogen you or mr. X? LOL. Sry to kick you while your down.... I mean high... Up...... Ohhhhh forget it. Lol 😁😂🤣😃😄😅😉😊😎😐😑, well not funny anymore, just sad lol. Hehe.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon May 07 2018, 18:02:53

Final proof....does this mean you won't be trying to defend your fantasy world after this anymore?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 6 | Sat Jan 26 2019, 04:31:21

@I be a DOCTOR thx for your comments, had a good laugh
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Apr 10 2019, 22:21:16

@godgevlamste Who else's fault is it that you're stupid?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jan 26 2019, 08:26:44

@I be a DOCTOR don't blame me for being stupid !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 26 2019, 08:19:51

@godgevlamste No..I said YOUR little fantasy world.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Jan 26 2019, 08:13:23

correct , i won't be trying to defend the little ball Columbus madness , the fake nazi-moonlandings , the desperate Elon Musk attempts , the Hollywood greenscreen ISS carnaval , the Mars Matt Damon psychop ...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jan 26 2019, 07:39:59

Mundo Legítimo
so above so below.... so the space is here , on earth... other planets are here as well.. we just see a reflection of everything here... Like in our lives... mirror How water stick to a ball for you?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 03:10:52
Mundo Legítimo
@godgevlamste Thanks for your response, i really wanna understand better your concept, because your videos are good, but they not are explicit to the public, you know?<br /><br />But you will make your concept more clean, i am sure.<br /><br />Although, we have a smaller dome right? Thats the one pressurizing it here?<br />And we are a pond, turning out the look of a flat earth model to be true, right?<br /><br />How the invaders entered here? how get out of the dome?<br /><br />Your theory is good, but the water problem is an serious issue, because water does, indeed not stick to a ball, its always level, so outside of here is wishful thinking, not science....<br /><br />I think the matrix was done to us not know what shape is.... because it is a simulation to entertain our mind, to make us more creative in direction to the infinite.... Here, there is no truths, only lies... that's why the truth is unreacheable, which makes is very interesting to evolve the "truth" infinitely.... And that's is a very good truth =)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 15:19:31

@Mundo Legítimo I think you will never be able to replicate it because you are in our pressurized system. If you were able to put it outside our system …
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 11:16:39

Mundo Legítimo
@godgevlamste but we cant repeat it in small scale.... the water never stick to a ball nor mold itself to a bump superfice..<br /><br />How do you explain it?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 07:57:15

it's all about density and specific <a href="">gravity.Like</a> in water the most heavy things will go fast to the bottom , lighter things will float longer .As water has a higher density then our environment ( black matter ?) it will stay at the bottom of our system .It’s like oil and water, the oil will float on top of the water because it’s density . A little feather will be able to fly in the air
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 06:16:47

Interesting theory. A lot of work gone into your presentation. FYI the sun is not a red flaming ball in the sky ejecting whatever. Nor is the sun yellow.This is the mind washing we have received via media for generations. Easily verifiable @everyone, The sun is white. Look with your eyes, zoom in with a p900 (with a filter of course, preferably one that also does not make the sun look yellow), check it with a telescope.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Oct 11 2019, 16:51:00

@godgevlamste Sure, I'll see what the camera can zoom into. I had a little look up about this crater. Very interesting!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 14 2019, 10:08:26

thanks !! If you have a P900 , could you do me a favour and look how close you can get on Sulpicius Gallus M .That is "crater earth" in my view .For location watch the first seconds of my video " We did land on the moon, but not the way you think " !! thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 12 2019, 07:45:11

Jiwbink w
The moon IS NOT a reflector of any kind. She gives off her own cold light. THERE IS NO PROOF OF EVIDENCE OF A MOVING EARTH,ANYWHERE,EVER!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 14:26:05
coriolis effect ? wind ? sound ? spiraling water ? etc ....................
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jun 02 2018, 07:12:18

Teo Ortega
Not really buying this why do i see the moon and sun at the same time on certain days?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 03:56:54

Nadine Black
Wow you are going to get Rip A New One for this. LMAO
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 16:32:53

V See
All I know is their is something weird with the moon. Last summer watched the eclipse thru shoebox. Saw two shapes identical come in from th top and bottom side. Like a reflection shadow or two bites out of the side corners of a round cookie. Gave up on conventional theories at that point.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 16:25:15

Think I need to smoke something stronger to be able 2 follow ya man!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 13:32:56

aaron guillaume
Constant wetness. Geeeezzzzzuuuusssssssss drink something.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 04:23:52

How does this fit with phenomen as earth halo around the moon?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 18 2018, 16:25:54

Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:35:03

Preston Christine
The Moon is an artificial body though and probably not as large as we have been told..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 11 2018, 20:56:52

A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Alexander Pope, I think...)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 08:03:26
Well thank you sir. I would have looked up the attribution, but that stinks of research. We'll have none of that sort of thing here...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 06:42:54

Grh Haddybow
llo I bet no one got ya joke! fuckin Hilarious luv ya work! this presenter certainly didn't have a lot of learning thats 4sure and he plenty dangerous! keep him away from the Children! wont some one think of the chillen! lol
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 11:06:21

Golden Husky
You proof the possibility of this senario (with a lot of mistakes) not the existence!!! So once again 0 evidences
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 11 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 04:43:39
Chris Bowman
SGG there are no real photos of earth.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 13 2018, 03:48:31

Golden Husky
godgevlamste my evidence is that i saw with my own eyes +telescope ,Venus going through the sun!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:19:51

I know the videos .Someone is putting a lot of money and time in those videos ! <br />makes me even more persistent , proves their game is over !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 12:52:18

not if you are the only one to know it !! Besides you can use this for your colonies and start a slavesystem there !
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 12:48:19

godgevlamste Oh, and btw :<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 11:53:46

godgevlamste You know that the more resources are dug up, the cheaper they are, right?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 11:51:57

That”s the whole point .<br />You keep people in the illusion they’re living on a small ball .<br />In the meanwhile you got the rest of the ball for your own benefit : gold , oil , and all the other resources .That would give you enormous wealth and power
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 11:35:56

godgevlamste You know that you can find millions of pictures of Earth by just googling it?<br />And don't say that they're photoshoped by Nasa. Nasa did admit they do "photoshop" their photos of Earth, but not in the way you put it. MOST(not all) of Nasas photos of Earth are taken by satellite in low orbit, making it impossible to capture the whole Earth in one shot. They take many of those photos and patch them together into one big one. Also there are photos of Earth taken by Nasa where the entire Earth is captured within one shot.<br />Besides, how would faking the shape of the Earth benefit Nasa or any other organisations?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 11:29:49

ok , might be , doesn't change the concept !<br /> In your first remark you say : no evidence ! <br />Where is the evidence of the little ball theory ? Where are the millions of photographs <br />of planet earth ?You should expect them to be there after 80 years of socalled "spaceflight " ?<br />So you fly to Mars , but you forget to take a picture of earth ?
Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 10:59:52

Golden Husky
for example <a href="">3:32</a> Mister X sees himself in slow motion but for olny few minutes (the duration of the light to go back and forth) so the age of the earth its irrelevant.<br /><br />lets say we see 30 times slower (you have to make this number in minutes and then subtract them) so its 5000000000 -(the minutes) and not 5000000000/30
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 08:41:07

Nice attempt, but no cigar. You are close to the real answer. I keep thinking when I see theses titles that someone figired out what is actually happening. Alas it is not so. When it is finally revealed more questions than answers ensue.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Mar 06 2018, 12:35:56
marcus Vass The Eclipse of the Sun is the work of relections and mirrors. The moon is a concave mirror. The Sun is a reflection on the Dome, that vanishes when it lines up and shines into the Moon lense.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 30 2018, 08:01:38

Anthony Soto
I guess unless someone with enough courage to come forward we wont know will we?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 23 2018, 23:32:07

marcus Vass
Hey, so you know the exact model & how it works then do you? <br />Don't be shy, please share & explain how you acquired this knowledge.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Mar 06 2018, 21:00:37

You give the impression you know the answer : any suggestions ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 06 2018, 12:50:45

Mmh interesting theory *HOWEVER* aren't the moon ? There aren't just pictures of the moon...funny enough you mention shadows at the end, being so smart, you didn't thought about that ? ;)
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 10:47:03

Eric Larue
Dogs are really cats pretending to be mice that are fooling you into thinking they are cats pretending to be dogs that's are fooling you into thinking they are nice. I get it now.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 13:42:12

Dee Wolf
Incoming troll's who doubt this revolutionary evidence!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 10 | Thu Mar 15 2018, 19:31:21
Dee Wolf
marcus Vass yea...what he/she/xhe said...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:19:30

marcus Vass
You know youre getting close to the truth when the jtrig trolls come out. Sarcasm again, oh how they repeat the same thing over & over. BORING.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 05:36:00

Carlos Matos
If you were indeed sarcastic, I apologize. Sarcasm can be hard to detect these days
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:36:00

Dee Wolf
Sarcasm...look it ironic, u sawz my comment on the internetz so it must've been true...kinda Comedy video with my COMEDY comment....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 14:19:07

Carlos Matos
Yeah but you're "saws it on the internetz so i must be true" kinda dumb.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 12:40:00

Dee Wolf
sgg17003 what are u talking about dummy...r u really this dumb
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 12:18:12

Dee Wolf Yeah. You will be an embarrassment to your descendants.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 11:53:31

m e
if you cut through all this dialogue, what he is saying is the planet earth is the center of the galaxy. the presentation is new (twisted and extremely boring) but the theory is the same...he believes the earth is the center of the galaxy.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 08 2018, 19:40:15
when you try to make a resume , first try to understand what is in the theory !!! there is no galaxy !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 09 2018, 06:11:25

Dr Dj Psycho
People are sooooooooooo gullible, if the moon is a mirror of earth, why you cant mirror the continents and the water motion on the surface?, simple,its not a reflection of earth, duh, lmao.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 19:35:52
Dr Dj Psycho
@godgevlamste Lmao, im not the idiot who thinks i see the earths reflection on the moon with no water or continent,,,
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 02:20:02

Dr Dj Psycho
@godgevlamste You must love the mirror a lot then..
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Feb 13 2019, 02:18:26

your stupidness keeps amazing me ! keep watching
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 21:13:49

SoLiD CyPhEr
There is no proof...the moon is not the size of earth....the reason why the moon never it is a reflection....and the world we live on a simulation...or the space between earth and the the projection of the earth in the future
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Aug 08 2018, 20:53:35

earth is gigantic .....but the rest you got it wrong.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 07:32:04
check out D 13 watchmans ...videos ... but this subject is not worth spending all your time on...knowing everything ... it was 4 yrs ago ..that i started looking into the history of this . for corners indicates usually a cube....a deep bowl was cut out set the firm ament and mybe your plasma ball in ...but it spins around us.....we are on the flat top going through the middle of this ...sphere .....4 corners of the cube holds it in...the dome fits over us ...on the cube ....there is an just trying to get you a basic vision of it...ets a tesla coil ....and an elecromagnetic giant distiller ...nothing human without permission or dying is going beyond this prison of demons and ....well humans ... we have back to satan ..judgement coming...tesla was the real deal....freemasons know this...not einstein.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 31 2018, 22:33:25

Vlaming Garrulus
If I recapitulate right you are saying earth is indeed a ball, only flat for the different worlds because they are held within a crator. That is bringing outer space back in town 😔 or not? Why couldn't the whole earth not be just flat also. So we don't have the magic gravity, and worlds upside down as opposed to each others.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 15:04:40
Toppy Games
@hongry life we are electro magnetic beings and everything made from earth is connected to earth
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 28 2020, 00:24:40

hongry life
If earth would be such a large ball we could get rid of gravity anyway, The core would be too immense for such a subtle force. Plus a force cannot 'pull', only push. Except for electro-magnetics.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 17:37:30

godgevlamste. You are really ignorant. I suggest you do some studying about planetary motion. The moon has light an dark phases as it moves behind the earth for its near side this blocks the sunlight from the moon surface (this is where lunar eclipses occur) . When the moon is in front of the earth what is known as a new moon (this is when solar eclipses occur) has the near side in darkness . This is why the moon has phases. The moon is not a reflection of some giant plasma globe. If the was a giant glass dome over the earth then the sun would also reflect its light. We wouldn't have a night. Light coming from the sun would hit the dome and light up our atmospher. Not to mention the fact that a dome would not form around the earth . That's not how physics works. I don't think you understand how gravity works. Because if you did you'd realize that your silly conclusion is just a product of your ignorance.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 13 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 19:59:12
Evidently , you don't understand. its the understanding of science which makes use realize we are polluting water sources, Its science which helps to improve our current way of life ,coming up with alternatives for waste managements. Its science which helps use understand ways of not contaminating or food or water supply. With out any scientists understanding why we have a negative effect on the environment due to industrialization we could of seriously harmed us as well as the environment. allergies,adhd,autism are genetic. They do not come from pollution. This proves your ignorance for biology. Cancer is a terrible thing. But its science that works on cures to help people survive this infection . Science also helps us with dealing with global warming, why do you think fridges don't contain CFC anymore? That's right, science has made use realize how to reduce global warming. Yes, there was no measurements those days however, Its science that can determine the age of the skeletons through carbon 14 dating and with our advancements in biology we can also determine the age that they died.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 20:05:38

no clean water supply : we just spoiled all natural wells with factories , vaccinations ? for the horrible diseases we cause by polluting our foods and water ( allergies , add ,adhd , autism etc ) infant mortality : raging cancers at younger ages .Realize global warming ? caused by cars invented by science .Life expectancy ? 20 years ? another science propaganda tool , there were no measurements in those days , so digging up two skeletons age 20 is just no enough .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 19:49:37

With out science, we would still be living in the wild. no internet no phones, no clean water supply, no technology,no vaccinations for horrible infections , no way to treat any injuries. The life expectancy of a human will be about 20 years , high rates of infant mortality.. The list carries on, you clearly don't understand the positive applications that science gives use. And it science that made use realize we were responsible for global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions. its because of science we have found cleaner alternatives such as wind power or hydroelectric power. Science is the best thing that has happened to humans. Your just to ignorant to realize it.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 19:24:20

you call destroying the planet advancements ! Without science we would live on a clean planet !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 19:11:41

Your mind set:<br />"<br />Oh, those stupid scientists with all there evidence that have been verified multiple times a which describes how the universe works! I'm going to ignore all there evidence and say that they are lying I'm going to come up with my own theory oooh yes we live in a giant plasma globe! don't need to prove it with evidence , because i'm 'rebel' ".<br /> Yes this is how you approach knowledge, you clearly have issues in the fundamental understanding of why science works, and why verifying experiments with predictive capability is how we advance our technologies and understanding.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 18:46:47

ignorance =when you believe other people without asking questions !! Hope you don't come to the conclusion they lied to you
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 18:18:50

That is ignorance right there. Yes you should listen to real scientists. As they know what there talking about as all there research has been done using the knowledge of science, and have there theory trial and tested multiple times by multiple people to prove them wrong but proving them right in the process. If you choose your current mind set as you are when you say "all the information you have comes from someone else, start thinking for yourself " then you will find that you will fail. All your ideas based on your ignorance that you come up with will fail. Try and test your theory, what do you find? Yes! they fail,Why? because you ignore science. as from your comment I can tell you do this.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 18:02:41

i thought i was a free man ! Apparently i have to listen to the “real “scientists .<br />All the information you have comes from someone else , start thinking for yourself
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 17:46:54

godgevlamste, your not just ignorant. Your also very stubborn. I suggest you do some studying on the laws of gravity so maybe you may see that you idea is very silly. Also you have no valid evidence for your claim. Science is about finding out the truth, by testing ideas that come form observation to see if the ideas match observation and if there's sufficient evidence for a claim and for that theory to be corrected if new evidence is discovered which falsify's it. Science is what allows us as a species to advance in human knowledge. Its people like you who don't know how science works and how to hypothesis a theory from observation, using already existing evidence. You simply just observe something and just come up with a theory with pure ignorance and totally ignoring the knowledge that science has given us. Your theory is whats known as pseudoscience, this is false science. This kind of science comes from people who do not understand how the world works or misuses scientific information and comes up with a conclusion. I hope you take this comment as a BIG wake up call for you. I suggest that you study some physics before you come up with any of your own theory's.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 17:28:17

godgevlamste why do believe that we live in faint plasma ball. Now that takes allot of ignorance . You clearly don’t know much at all about science. I strongly suggest you go and study
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 08:01:09

Blu Denim
Genius....... crators like the ones on the moon could only be created by strait impacts ...the chances of that many percfect strait Impacts is impossible..pure genius my freind 🙌 ICE WALL EXPLAINED OPERATION HIGH JUMP EXPLAINED AINCENT SUMERIAN VISITORS SIAD THEY CAME FROM CERTAIN STARS NOT SPACE...THE STARS ARE A MAP OF is suppressed to keep use in!!! they dont want this greed draconian mantality in there biospace...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 20:03:22

Andrew Holdaway
@godgevlamste <br />Wow you're a total fucking idiot aren't you.<br />Just deal with the fact that your barmy idea is just that.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 14:13:02

@Andrew Holdaway you can invent theories like that every single day , just to explain the fake solar system
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 13:36:52

Andrew Holdaway
@godgevlamste <br />No chance at all, it's called tidal locking and it is inevitable.<br /><a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 17:46:41

@Andrew Holdaway and it's always facing earth , what are the chances ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 17:39:27

Andrew Holdaway
@godgevlamste <br />No, it's a rocky body orbiting us, illuminated primarily by the sun.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 17:05:39

@Andrew Holdaway oh , you're already recovered of the insight it's a reflection !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 16:58:26

@Andrew Holdaway i know , it's a hard one .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 16:42:39

Serving Him
This is really weird theory, you need to read the bible , start in Genises chapter 1. Read it slowly and analyze the words sentance by sentance,, when you get to the verse 19, contemplate on them, God will reveal the truth to you. Praying your eyes will be opened.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jan 13 2019, 19:17:47

International Awakening
I feel sorry for you FE society. You are misled by CIA. You can never see North Star from Sidney, Australia. That means we live on a globe. Stop bs rest of us.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Mon May 07 2018, 22:08:45
how many guys are you speaking to , right now?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 18:15:37

International Awakening
godgevlamste ... But I have to. So basic as possible. So visual as possible, to make sence for you guys.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 08 2018, 18:09:15

Don't be alone for so long. There is a breaking point of the mind and body (being exhausted) when people pose questions to themselves and try to answer them as well in a long line of speculations. The smarter someone like that is, She/he will wear out faster as the questions pile up. "How stupid does a time delay of X years sound when looking in a mirror?" should have been asked early on. Apart from more or less 4 fatal errors then the theory is fine and we are inside a vast amount of balls.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 7 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 17:03:08
godgevlamste Einstein wasn't only a freemason but above all a plagiarist... The same zionists "elite" sponsored hitler, put one of their "ideology" aka eugenism through hitler in action in Germany as well as in Russia and pushed the envelope with einstein. Result: another genocide in Japan. What a "perfect wold". Then they put statues bragging about the numbers of their killings in the city of Columbia. Sick
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 15:57:31

To be honest, I also thought about some madness that Earth is part of an ancient giant astronaut and we roam a place near the glass on the helmet, so go ahead.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 17 2018, 07:52:01

Sounds very intellectual , maybe too intellectual !<br />I’ll stick to the big ball theory. Advantage of my theory : it can be proven : send an expedition ( not a new world order one ) to the icewall and go look for undiscovered lands .If that proves there is no bigger earth i will gladly throw the theory in the dustbin .Then i might consider your possibility : eliminate possibilities .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 17 2018, 07:25:48

As you wrote, we perceive change and call it time. With similar changes repeated in a loop, we made clocks and years. They are just copies of the seasons, earth and sky view changes. It was important to know that winter came and prepare for it... Survival kind of thing.<br /><br />It's just bent light around us in influence of power and obstruction. I sort of believe in "wormholes" as in various fast flows/currents in space/the universe similar to water currents where some few ones are super fast, so light can run around in a vortex from such. The lights in this place (Sun & Moon) is a level up in holographic effects anyway, but we have decided it is real and we can touch "a planet."
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 17 2018, 06:15:33

I know Einstein was a freemason : I was saying that the image was going in slowmotion .Time slows down for the image , the light .There is no such thing as timetravel <br />Technicaly there is no time : the past is a memory , the future is a projection , there is only the "now" .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 19:54:23

So long you come online and discuss it in various degrees with me unlike Einstein who clearly forgot people and started crazy rumors about time then I'm willing to watch your ideas as they are not far from mine. Please notise something in regards to the video... that guys like him are exalted among the world order mafia.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 19:20:51

Yes you’re right . From now on i will stop asking questions and let the thinking to our great leaders who will take care of us and destroy the whole planet and all the living creatures on it .I will stop being creative and use no more stupid theories .Luckely for me there are much more clever people who immediately spot 4 fatal errors .Tonight i will stop being alone and search some company !!<br />For crying out loud , come down from your ivory tower before it’s to late !!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Mar 16 2018, 17:54:37

Alfred Wgener's hypothesis of continental drift was perhaps just as poorly backed as this video, but look at how that turned out. I'm not saying that I believe in what this video is saying, but my God it is the epitome of critical thinking and free thought. I believe in a round planet, but the hypothesis shown in this video was beautifully thought out. My only problem is how this video is declared as "final proof", and it *_DEFINITELY_* Isn't.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 18:32:16
godgevlamste I would really like to see that video! Glad to know you have an explanation for the stars and planets. I'll subscribe to your channel for notifications.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 08:26:18

i'm working on a next video where i tackle the stars and planets : i'll send you a link : maybe than it might be proof ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 07:01:18

Gadgevlamste I'd imagine final proof to be impossible. Anyone can fabricate a flat earth or a round earth. If ever to prove your hypothesis to be truth, you'd have to end up showing someone directly. Could you do that? I imagine not. In the end, to an individual without extreme wealth and power, the truth can never be confirmed. Unfortunate for us all.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Mar 28 2018, 06:10:40

what wood be a final proof ,? a photograph , a rock , a medal , obama saying it's true ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 27 2018, 20:01:21

Jeffrey W.
Interesting stuff, if you want to believe that everything is an illusion but it doesn't work for everyone especially all those people who witnessed the largest rocket the U.S. ever made to go to the moon and back. They didn't get up there just to find they only just got out of the crater. They literally left the planet and went to another one. But hey keep telling yourself it was a hoax, and waste some more time making videos. Just because you didn't sit next to the thunder and fire of those engines doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is proof you think everyone lied to you about the moon launch. Here's one for you. How do they get images of other planets as well as our own from spacecraft like Voyager 1 and 2 and Cassini obviously past the mirrorball border? I'd love to believe that we are on a bigger planet than we thought then we could expand and grow but then again maybe some of those other craters are already taken by other earths or aliens? All the flat earth crap makes me want to puke too and this they will hate. Old Einstein as I've heard him mentioned here came up with theories that worked and it disproved ether and at the same time made the A bomb possible because RELATIVITY is very involved with chemistry and elements and physics and that's why not everyone builds one without a lot of research and science time and money. So quit smoking that crap and go back to school before you try to school others.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 4 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 06:39:59

Well it seemed like you were adressing me when you said : “So quit smoking that crap and go back to school before you try to school others.”<br />Ok if you weren’t , no problem .The last two weeks people have been throwing dirt at me like i have been killing their family : very strange , i must be on the right track !<br />I’m working on a new video now , where i debunk stars and planets , after that , i hope ,<br />There’s enough evidence for people to understand : we”re on a bigger earth and the moon , and the solar system are reflections .I’ll send you a link when it’s made !
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 18:49:45

Jeffrey W.
godgevlamste I'm sorry but I don't do drugs and that was more directed at the flat Earth in the commentary not you. And I can't believe after watching it a second time and the part 2 video also, I can actually see it making a lot of perfect sense very well explained especially since it it's even conceivable to say that we did actually go to the Moon.! It scientifically fits everything you are saying. Think about it. We leave the atmosphere bubble and it may look like give up there maybe the lie about the part of outer Ice ring, our maybe can't see it... I have question of is there a south pole star ok maybe no, but if so being more stationary than Polaris due to wobble.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 18:10:58

Hey , just made a video here , with some ideas , i’m not schooling anybody .Sorry i took away your opium-pipe and you’re having a cold turkey now . I’m not rejecting the ball theory , i’m just expanding it .<br />Science can stay alive , but the” real” science with serious people who ask some real critical questions , not the stupid onces that believe that Elon Musk launched a goddamn car out there ! get real !!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Fri Mar 30 2018, 08:38:59

Tony Cook
Dude we’re not moving. The aether is. Factor that in. It’s not a bad theory. But segnac experiment and airys failure say we’re not moving.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 14:39:18

Straight Shooter
Mam the earth is not a ball. The tests have been done and it's a fact the waters are level coast to coast level. Forget the round testicle ( theory). It's over
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Apr 14 2018, 04:01:04

This is fucking insane... and not proof of anything.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jul 22 2018, 00:39:08
what do you see as proof ? a photograph of the plasmaball ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Jul 28 2018, 15:57:25

Monkey Powerkey
So first it was flat... Or round? Then Flat and round again? Then kids started believing the nonsens that it was flat again because some crazy MOFO on Youtube said ''Hey, it's flat take some candy''. Now you're saying the Earth as WE know it is sort of flat.. But more of a small slice of an even bigger planet wich is infact round? Well this little pice of fiction is just getting better and better. But we ruled out the turtle and elephants now right? I just need to get this shit straight before i run out and blindly scream out the ''truth'' to everyone else who know how to use their brains.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Apr 07 2018, 19:43:28

NPC #1
Holy shit this makes more sense than most flat earth proof...
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 10 2018, 03:59:26
Fatima Ezhar
Its still flat though, we are living in a bowl crater on a flat surface, just like the flat earth map showing in a bowl. They even mentioned it in Ice Age the movie. They tell the truth in movies.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 14 2019, 17:24:14

Patrick M.
Could it be man was on the earth in a position closer to Saturn. Then we're transferred to this part of the planet within the ice walla
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 4 | Mon Mar 05 2018, 01:00:43
jason bennett
godgevlamste - Electromagnetic dome, ether? Reminds me of the NASA? article about the Van Allen belts being so hard to get past. I forget. It can't be a physical dome or there would be no legends of visitors from other realms.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 05:39:51

Ok , but the infinite plain would have to end somewhere !<br /> Stays : the problem of the moon <br />Another problem would be : where is the dome resting on ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Mar 20 2018, 06:17:04

hongry life
At around <a href="">12:23</a> min I was thinking that this could also work for a stationary flat earth. @ +godgevlamste<br />It would fit the '4 corners of the earth' and the sun moving in and out portals (like from <a href="">12:55</a>).<br />Maybe this 'crater' could be situated on an infinite plain and with a plasma dome above the 'crater'.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Mar 19 2018, 18:36:46

i think the story of Noah and the flood is about a flood on the bigger earth .I think we originaly came from another crater on earth . You’re assumption of Saturn might be right !
Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Mar 05 2018, 07:44:25

James Semisi Tuineau
Earth only 6000 yrs old by the Bible and earth is flat because the northern star Polelaris never moves if we move at 1000 miles though space all stars should move and not seat still
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu May 24 2018, 12:57:18
flat earth started as an honoust attempt to understand things , but it has been infiltrated . Now we are confronted with new lies : we are on an infinite plane , there is no movement , no gravity , no timedilation ..........
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu May 24 2018, 13:36:47

Makes as much sense as what we are being told now, maybe more!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 18:25:56

skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2
Nicely done, one thing though. Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but if 12 days equals a year, than doesn't a year equal 30.4 years on the reflection instead of 34 years? At 34 years that would make it 408 and not 364.25, correct? Or am I missing something here?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sat Sep 21 2019, 12:26:15

skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2
@godgevlamste For the time you have to watch the Moon for the full cycle. I think I just mixed up the 34 with the 30 (or 30.35 days) which you multiply by 12 to get 360? (364.25) You watch the Moon for 30 days to get 1 Earth day & you watch the Moon for 34 years to get 1 Earth year, so I was thinking you would only have to watch it for 30 years? But now I am thinking I missed the reason for the extra 4 years.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 09:23:57

i'm not shure if i understand the question .Are you saying they must be changing time to fit the reflection ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 08:09:09

George fuller
i think the earth wobbles that is what causes tides and rivers to curve, but spins very slow causing procession but our atmosphere is what is spinning!!!. i’ve had this same thought of it being a refletion , what if it’s flat where the water is and the earth is really a huge ball covered in ice . like a EYE BALL... then it would be both round and flat at the same time .. and the moon could just be ice particles and debree trapped in our magnetic field ....
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Mar 26 2018, 20:16:31

Chrnc Avngr
How does plasma reflect? Why is only that one part of the sky reflecting the earth? Why is it black and white only? Time dilation does not change the speed of light, just our perception of passing time in our frame of reference.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 16 | Mon May 14 2018, 19:31:21
Chrnc Avngr
godgevlamste the plasma mirror is used to reflect lasers, not images. Also it is only induced during direct contact with the laser causing extreme temp. Plasma gives of electromagnetic waves which can be detected and most importantly seen as light. If we are surrounded by plasma, why can't we see it, especially at night?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 16 2018, 07:41:31

<a href=""></a>
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 16 2018, 07:17:12

Chrnc Avngr
godgevlamste no, i will analyse and see if they hold true. I have never heard of plasma acting like a mirror. I have never heard of a reflection losing different wavelengths to make black at the same time gaining wavelengths to make white. Never heard of a reflection kind of almost look like something, yet still be completely different. A distorted reflection creating clear visible craters. These are all faults in your model
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 18:26:43

i'm not interested in more validity . Whatever answer i will give , you will reject it , because you don't like the outcome
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 18:15:50

Chrnc Avngr
godgevlamste your model has many holes. These are just the basic questions. You state a claim and I'm trying to see if it holds up. Right now it doesn't, if you can start answering some of my quations, your claim will have more validity.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 18:06:26

I just made a whole video and you ask me some answers ? if you don't like it , look for another video , one that totaly agrees with your dogmas !! good luck
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 18:02:09

Chrnc Avngr
godgevlamste parrot? Can you actually answer at least one question? Or are you going to come up with more fantasy? You haven't even tried refuting anything i said.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 17:45:19

you are a very good parrot !!! congratulations !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 17:42:02

Chrnc Avngr
godgevlamste you really have no idea how time dilation works. You do not even understand how reflections works. The only lag i would observe from looking at the floor and looking at a reflection of the floor is the extra time it takes the light to travel that distance. Time dilation does not effect light because it is mass less. Plasma does not cause time dilation. Only mass moving near the speed of light does. The atoms will slow down when moving at that speed. The speed of light will not change. It may be slowed by interacting with atoms, but it is miniscule. <br /><br />Your time frame for the moon passes mimicking the earths shine doesn't even compute. Is the 1 month moon phase equal to 1 day. Then the moon is falling behind by one month everyday. It doesn't make sense.<br /><br />Why does the color of light changes? Why does none of the features corresponds? Why are there craters? Why does the reflection stay a circle and not distort when reflected off of a curved surface?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 17:13:23

typical !!!! it"s not about the bouncing of light into your eye !! it's the speed the image is moving on the plasmaball that is causing dilation , not the time to get here .You are seeing what you want to see , not what is really there .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 15 2018, 17:02:10

Eric Vosseller
The point is that it doesnt matter whether it is real, not that he ever says that it is, the point is that we don't really know anything and if you put an entire govern-mental system and unlimited finances to back this or any other theory and you could paradigm shift the populations belief system in a generation, the point is to realize not if but how we are nudged into perceptions engineered to serve an uniform agenda that slowly extracts are freedom, creativity, focus and power until we are disabled completely and unanimously- the point is to hold onto self-evident truths that you can find in your everyday life and defend them against all odds- David and Goliath
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Tue May 29 2018, 04:37:03
Eric Vosseller
jimmyfly oh my- you might be the best example of whats wrong with this world and I will personally send you a wake up call because you are too precious to just forget about... 😂🤣😄😆😥 >< 🔮💫💥😨
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 17:58:16

Eric Vosseller
jimmyfly like I said buddy- I'll pray for you 😘
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 17:41:33

Eric Vosseller
jimmyfly lol youre awesome 😂 was it really worth selling your freedom to the military industrial complex to sit around trolling comments for a living? believe me you conjure no doubt in myself, my gnosis or my dieing ego- Im most likely a good 25-40 IQ points smarter than you based on statistics alone- the sad part is without knowing you I showed you consideration and even humility by acknowledging that you were right I didnt explain myself very well the first time but the fact that you cannot mentally grasp what Im referring to isnt my issue- it is yours- if I sensed on any level that you you were genuinely interested in understanding spiritually or even just intellectually than I would take the time to personally point you in the right direction but all I sense is a paid provocation or cultural programming at its finest- Ill pray the Universe taps you on the shoulder soon son 😘
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 21:53:17

Eric Vosseller
jimmyfly its alright dude- my "explanation" obviously wasnt for "you" anyway
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 06:28:14

Eric Vosseller
jimmyfly lol 😂 what I wrote barely makes sense to me but in so many words, what I was trying to say was... Firstly, until you realize that there are many scientifically/mathematically "provable" explanations to humanities "situation," then you cannot wrap your mind around the fact that the "control system" claims all manner of unverifiable (in the first person) "facts/situations/explanations" to be absolute truths that are beyond any doubt and in actuality these "truths" are almost always speculations and theories. Once this is realized you are able to open your mind to the realm of Unlimited or even Quantum Possibility and that either through self-righteous ignorance or outright malice, there is a sect of population that is seeking to limit the possibilities of experience for each and every person on earth. The third step is to reclaim your sovereign thought, imagination and curiosity in order to seek and see with new eyes what the endless possibilities are for your own life as well as the explanation for humanity's existence in the first place.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jun 01 2018, 01:56:48

Happy Corona-Virus
Wow, 942 dislikes; almost a thousand people that likely believe the narrative and can't look outside of their own conditioned beliefs, to check and see if maybe they are being lied to. Ah, complacency; quite possibly humanities greatest fault.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 04:33:04

FBC Aware
It's a great theory, poorly explained. No malice there.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 16:40:31

Fatima Ezhar
He cracked the code alright. If people don't understand this they seriously zombified by government lies. Congrats sir, an absolute great demonstration of what I think one of the greatest discovery. Wow I was sooo looking for an explanation of the moon for a long time, looking at the real moon and sun above trying to come up with something like this because I knew it was an image/reflection of either the sun or earth like the Batman sign, they show the truth in movies. You did it. They know all of this they just lying to the public. I will give my 2 cents on it on my channel because the Quran speaks of it too. I salute you sir. Well well done!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 14 2019, 17:13:05
thanks for the compliments !! In my last video i used an old muslim map to prove my point <br /><a href=""></a><br />anyway , thanks again , glad to see someone using his brain
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 14 2019, 17:57:30

Andrzej Mrozowski
Have a good smoke and do not do any more videos like that.It shows your godless mind.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 10:44:10
what has God to do with all this ? Maybe you are talking about the entity calling himself God ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Feb 11 2019, 11:39:13

leo sands
Not insulting...challenging you to prove it...if you had proof you should not have felt insulted but instead should have been driven enough to back up your claims with evidence...obviously I have hurt your ego...and for that I am truly sorry...but you still haven't proven a thing except that you have an opinion and it doesn't seem coincide with any provable evidence...sorry for your luck sir...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 15:16:19
leo sands
...oh all right...if it's going to make you feel better...go on then,insult me...
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 16:17:17

so you insult someone , and when they react , you think you have hurt their ego ? What if i insult you , and see how you react ?
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 06 2018, 15:30:53

no way,lol not watching- but flat earth is crazy interesting if you look at the FACTS.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 30 2018, 02:56:09

Ben Corbett
Just goes to show, mentally ill doesn't mean stupid. You can be resourceful and creative, and still be mentally ill.
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 08:54:25

Ben Corbett
Your medication is there for a reason bud.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:16:37

True : It are the” mentally ill “who think they are sane and the rest is mentally ill !!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Jun 12 2018, 09:26:21

Knut Holt
This is made deliberately to dumb down people or make them confused. Perhaps those making this crap does it only for fun. But there is a massive release of misleading material of this kind going on right now, with various claims, and it looks like much of it is a coordinated deep state program for dumbing down people, and making people look away from the really interesting stuff going on, and real alternative information that people can use to make themselves more prosperous, healthier and freeer
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 13:35:00

I think the only thing spinning is the black sun ( below us at he north pole, the subconscious) It's spinning and going up and down like a vortex (torus field). This is how we get tides and our season. Just my opinion so please don't get trigger.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sun May 03 2020, 08:25:00
@godgevlamste But thanks for all you do. You did a lot for my mind.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 03 2020, 09:00:17

i'm just getting triggered when people insult me
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun May 03 2020, 08:48:43

Karl Jordan
I had a thought that the sun was reflecting off of Earth and the moon was the reflection of Earth. We are aloud to think out the box when a world distributees lies and deceive the mass public. thanks
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 10:16:08

TripleJay 444
If you get a tennis ball and throw it as fast as you can and if you speculate the way the tennis ball is rotating. You will see the water being sucked off due to the ball spinning at a very fast rate. That is what will happen if our earth was a spinning ball. How much Earth images has NASA provided for you people ?They all look different with small similarities to each of them. Look them up on Google. C’mon guys we know most of us human beings are not unintelligent P.O.S. We’re just having a difficult time trying to put together the truth. People and the media are so convincing now in days that nobody knows what to believe. The same way how you have a different church on every street corner in the city that you live in. They don’t want US to know the TRUTH that is why they confuse you this way. We are living in a time of AWAKENING. Slowly and sooner or later you will WAKE UP. Christopher Columbus once told stories about the earth being FLAT.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Mon May 28 2018, 18:53:27
TripleJay 444
godgevlamste I’m a FLAT EARTHER and I do believe this world has a edge. I do not believe it contains an infinite plain. There could possibly be ice walls surrounding our inner continents holding in our oceans. Why do you think they throw HUGE events so to speak like the WORLD CUP ? It’s symbolically speaking the truth with subliminal messages. I’ve also researched other continents beyond our poles. They talk about how we humans are polluting the environment and wasting resources. As they’re pushing Agenda 21 killing everybody due to supposedly depleted resources and pollution. When in reality there could be other land, resources and lost tribes that they have been hiding from us. Not speaking facts just a theory.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:31:19

I don’t think you can have an awakening !<br />It’s about making a choice , do you listen to the voice in your head ?<br />The voice in your head is logic , science , rationality , psychopathic behaviour ..synthetic life <br />Or do you listen to the source of life ?<br />That is the unknown , the void , things that don’t need words , creativity .. the organic <br />It’s a choice you make everyday , and it takes energy ;.<br />Being awakened is like : i’m better than the rest of you assholes , and i’m in nirvana , i don’t have to do anything that takes an effort : like taking drugs <br /><br />thanks for the compliments
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:55:33

TripleJay 444
godgevlamste great point and also good video. I’ve also questioned myself on different flat earth theories. I believe the earth is flat but there might be a couple of missing links as well. Have you ever been to Oxnard, California ? You don’t know flat earth until you’ve been there. You’re right on with your beliefs. I do not disagree what so ever. I’m just glad some people out here are woken up. Some might be more than others but it’s better than all of us staying asleep.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:41:56

if the earth is in the middle of the plasmaball and the empty space is filled with a gas - oxygen - whatever , pressure will push the water down . Than you don't need gravity . I don't believe Nasa , that is the reason why i made this video : i believe the earth is flat too , but not on an infinite plane .Don't you see the flat earth movement has been highjacked by the same people that are lying to us about little-ball earth ? They are pumping the flat-earth movement full with lies , so nobody believes them anymore .I've been attacked constantly by stupid flat earthers , who have been brainwashed into a new religion .But they forget to ask some questions about those new theories : infinite plane , thoroid fields ...blabla , i don't think too many people are wakening up !!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:32:20

This IS NOT FLAT EARTH, this is the way Globe People think,  this is part of the reason, I have problems believing the Globe Model
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 18:15:19

another earth
godgevlamste coz your getting yourself in trouble with these things.. The govt wont love this man
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Apr 20 2018, 10:44:49

abdella jemal
Sorry but Flat earth is just a stand for bible believers I suggest you read alot specially the Qur'an swear to God the Creator. the book never fails reality,science,logic and please learn your language and alien is a being not more this world and that makes the Angeles an alien
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:14:35

Filiberto Barrera
What's wrong with liberals now a days,flat Earth,no gravity,no God,Muslim extremists okay, Christian's bad, Gender confused,etc,etc,etc, oh and now this.This is what YouTube should not allow on the internet.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Apr 11 2018, 02:31:58

Guerilla Movies
The Earth is a Pyramid, I can prove it, your all wrong, wrong i tell you, Muraaaaaghhhhhh!!!!!!
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 18:57:23

kodi android
How did you come up with this theory ,,its a mad video ,anything is possible, except listening to flat earthers ,maybe it is flat ,its the way you tell it,
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 03:18:36

We live on a plane realm not a globe. Half of the moon is lit up from the sun always, as they circle above and parallel to the plane. Depending on our position, the moons position, and the moons position relative to the sun light, we see the monthly moon cycles as we do
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 20:27:28

There is no solar system.... it was invented approx 500b.c. all modern astronomy is theory. Period. Copernicus was wrong. It's to keep us from GOD'S CREATION. THE SUN AND MOON ARE INSIDE THE DOME
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 08:25:21
if there is no solarsystem , there is no moon too , that's my point !
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 12:11:17

David Gregg
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂 I love science fiction 👽👽👽
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Apr 22 2018, 00:51:43

*WHY* Why can't you just accept the fact that there Is a moon up there? There are already too many questions about things we don't truly know for sure. This is just a senseless waist of time. And I'm sorry but it's not even humorous. It's as if you are intentionally trying to make something extremely complicated for no reason....why? NO, WAIT I DONT EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHY! peace out
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 22:03:50

This is final proof of mental illness. Most flat earthers scoff at the idea that the surface of the earth is moving at 1000mph, or that our orbital speed is around 67,000mph. This guy believes that our relative velocity is high enough to cause a Lorentz factor of 30, or about 99.944% the speed the of light. His tide model is also completely broken, he envisages water swirling around in a bowl which would gives high tide along only one longitude with the tide greatest at the most southern latitude (flat earth model). This can't explain why high tides appear on opposite sides of the world at the same time, or why some places have two high tides a day and some four. Same problem with equatorial mounts not working. No mention of other planets, do they also have their own super relfective, blistered plasma ball?
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Oct 20 2018, 19:04:06
skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2
That sounds almost like a perfect ratio, though I would say you are off and it is just 99.999999...999999% or just 100%. And it could be the relative velocity of the plasma plane rotating instead of Earth rotating. The plasma is light why would it not travel at its speed?<br /> Plasma is the same technology as ion engines and causes a force against non ionized air, thus tides explained with dual motion, the two Suns instead of the Sun & Moon, sometimes two tides and sometimes four. <br /><br /> With "two" Suns, and one going the opposite direction, half of the crater would have the north around the outside (lets call that the west) and the other side would have the south around the outside, (lets call that the east) fixing your 24 hour Sunlight at the poles problem and your EQ mount works the same in the north & south too. The paths can cross over at the center of the crater or maybe between two connected craters, because the Sunlight is coming from two different directions (dark and light side of the Sun) anyhow.<br /> The stars and wandering stars can be caused by multiple things, either as a form of fluid cavitation in the sky creating the light, or reflections of the light cavitation in the craters and reflecting back up on the sky.<br /> I also have a theory of how the plasma plane would not run out of energy, instead it is only a transfer energy between the light & dark sides, the near and far sides, and its size would change during a yearly cycle, half way through both sides would be equal. So one side does not always stay the same but becomes the opposite over a year cycle.
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 09:55:56

of course , you have all the answers and explanations of the complete universe !! Because you are so bright and clever ,and all the rest of society are stupid like hell ; everybody who dares to think out of the box must be completely mentally ill !!<br />only the superintelligent ( like yourself ) have the right to think for themselves , the rest have to bow and to listen to the kings of science , who are completely crazy : destroying the planet with their Frankenstein inventions , inventing imaginary flying rocks , flying burning balls , planets , solar systems .Launching Teslas in space , playing gulf on the moon , riding cars on an imaginary <br />rock....... so i'm mentaly ill
Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 20 2018, 22:38:02

kodi android
The Jew world order is not that old ,civilizations have been looking up to the stars and planets before any Jews were about, or the Vatican for that matter ,you're head is full of broken bubbles,, catch yi later hector
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 25 2018, 03:33:48

Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:25:56
Don’t swamp the ideologie of the little ball for a new ideologie : the flat earth on an infinite plane .
Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 24 2018, 15:39:45

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