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We live on a Bigger Earth , Atlantis revealed
We live on a Bigger Earth , Atlantis is Saturn Stonehenge is Sirius - Sulpicius Gallus M - Earth ...godgevlamste
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Title: We live on a Bigger Earth , Atlantis revealed
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John couture
this is why ufos are covered up, because their existence would reveal that they don't come from other planets, they come from other craters!!!Show Comment | Likes: 141 | View Replies: 18 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 14:07:59

Ivan Bryan
They don't call them "extra" terrestrial for nothing. 😜Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Dec 11 2020, 15:37:30

Rebecca Ringler
@Brant Rotramel have you ever read the story of Elijah and the 400 priests of Baal? The whole Bible is about not worshipping other gods. We have one Creator and Satan wants to usurp that position.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Dec 05 2020, 01:13:58

Brant Rotramel
@Thunder Rolls Media The Fallen angels are bound in the pit until the day of judgement. Demons /disembodied spirits in your mythology, have no bodies , so they can’t effect anything tangible unless they possess something. This is also true in the Vedas and the Hadith. Have you read those holy texts as well?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 04 2020, 13:22:16

Brant Rotramel
@Rebecca Ringler You can call it Demonic. But what we’re dealing with is other life forms. Supposed they don’t worship your God, but another. Your Bible says there are many Gods. Hopefully they don’t despise Yahweh and his desert wars and genocides , otherwise they might label you a demon worshipper. Food for thought.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 04 2020, 13:19:31

Thunder Rolls Media
Rebecca Ringler, yes agreed.also we’ve never been to space. We can’t get past our own atmosphere. NASA has said this many times. <a href="">#VanAllenBelts</a>.. maybe the aliens can. 😂 but Holy scriptures teach the <a href="">#Nephilim</a>/spirits of fallen angels, their offsprings. The planets are not planets but spiritual luminaries, and the stars we see, are <a href="">#FallenAngels</a> thrown out of heaven.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Dec 02 2020, 02:44:47

Rebecca Ringler
@Thunder Rolls Media I think some are manmade: I also heard reverse engineered. I heard someone once say it’s just the government, but now I don’t think the people in the government are even human beings: it all adds up nicely.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Dec 02 2020, 01:36:31

Thunder Rolls Media
There are no UFOs, unless they are mannade. 😐Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Dec 01 2020, 22:51:37

Rebecca Ringler
@Joshua Loveless not sure. I’ve felt the pins and needles, thought I fell asleep on my arm or something, could barely get a word out to my husband, People with narcolepsy report having it. Thank you for your reply. I have a strong faith. I am convinced we are here for Gods purposes and we don’t leave until we are finished here.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Nov 29 2020, 07:27:45

Joshua Loveless
@Rebecca Ringler Have you ever had sleep paralysis?<br />I've woken myself up from it before. It's so hard to move and your body is still asleep I sometimes just relax and try to go back to sleep.<br />I always start with my fingers if I can move a finger I'll be able to move my legs.<br />The frightening part of the experience is how vulnerable we are and feel. <br />Although the first time I had it I heard sinister laughing in my head or room. But I stubbornly believe I have the holy spirit in me and my Faith keeps me safe from any attempt of that level of evil to harm me. <br />It's only on reflection and looking back and analyzing sone of the situations I've been through make me realize that if I didn't have someone watching over me my head would already be a trophy for some nut jobs private collection.<br />Sorry for the rant whiskey and weed can do that to a person.<br />Keep on Rocking in the Free world!....or what's left of it!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Nov 29 2020, 07:02:06

Joshua Loveless
@the nexus And I believe they are demonic or evil. At least the ones that are so easily willing to reveal themselves.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Nov 29 2020, 06:53:46

Glo Com
Am here from Jon Levi. He is right, you have a great mind.Show Comment | Likes: 48 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 06:55:22

Sunfire Totem
Me too! And just a couple of days ago. This is Next Level Knowledge!! Ties everything together. Genius!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 22:58:25

Greg Meadows
great channel would this model account for shooting stars, meteor showers ALSO when moon and stars visible at same time. if stars were water reflection they would be same size as visible moon, no?Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 04:32:00

Jam 21
I’m the same. Love Jon’s work and this stuff is mind blowing!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 02:32:06

Thomas Cibula
I have been a flat earther for a little over 3 years and have done hours of research with many sleepless nights. I haven’t heard anything as compelling since my awakening. This just blew me away. Thank you so much for posting this.Show Comment | Likes: 66 | View Replies: 25 | Fri Dec 06 2019, 16:29:59

Brant Rotramel
@Melissa P No, They were destroyed.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Dec 04 2020, 13:26:36

joseph bvr
I astral projected to the atlantean crater next door. I saw marvelous buildings you wouldn't believe. They're the ones who make blueprints in crops and share technologyShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 19:57:59

Jared Hanoi
@Angelica Monk wow had NOT thought of thatShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 26 2020, 20:21:31

Jared Hanoi
@Queen Elcene I wish there was more on that..the Dumbs to breakaway * for 500Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 26 2020, 20:19:51

margareta halvarsson
@Angelica Monk yes more (extra) landShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 16:56:24

Thomas Cibula
Queen Elcene ...son? Why thank you so much!!! I’m 50 😉Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 02:02:55

Glenn Holmes
@Thomas Cibula I think we agree on the basic stuff. I still think its all flat, but I like the idea that this could unite the flat earthers and ballers of the truth community.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Oct 09 2020, 18:28:37

Queen Elcene
@Thomas Cibula ThankYou for your words of conciliation, when he was being obtuse, not you. I don't blame you for being leery, at all. I notice he hasn't responded yet. Probably a troll!🤣🙄🤔 Yuh did good, Son. Yuh did good! Peace outShow Comment | Likes: 3 | Fri Oct 09 2020, 18:09:41

Thomas Cibula
Glenn Holmes forgive me as I’m a little rough around the edges and social media has led me to keep my guard up. It just makes sense. Regardless of any degree anyone might hold in any given topic or domain is moot. This place is very old and we have no idea the cycles it goes through. Actually we partly do as it’s been scribed. The only detriment is that it’s hidden from the general public. We are the crater of the monkey lolShow Comment | Likes: 3 | Fri Oct 09 2020, 14:25:15

joseph carioggia
I've never asked anyone to view a channel, but asking all my intelligent friends to view your amazing work.Show Comment | Likes: 25 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 17:14:32

Dan Theman
do you notice the difference in comments from his first video to his fifth? from scoffing and ridicule to admiration and wonder and anticipation of the next video. well done sir... i can tell you are not a bible scholar but love your presentations and theories...Show Comment | Likes: 28 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 22:56:41

Vigilant Citizen
I believe this to be closer to truth than anything I’ve ever heard, I myself had these thoughts and made the search and stumbled on your channel... In the carelessness of the world governments the larger earth theory is somewhat proven... by the amount of nuclear weapons detonations with no regard to the well being of the planet states they know it will not be affected... close to 3k bombs since 1940s! And each one larger than the next🤯Food for thoughShow Comment | Likes: 62 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 02 2018, 12:21:19

Dan Brookes
@Joe Cosgrove exactly. Nukes are completely and utterly false. The explosions you see are just vast amounts of TNT, some are small explosions on small scale models. Just more fear mongering bullshit. There's definitely no globe either. No such thing as gravity. It's density and buoyancy.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Nov 29 2020, 21:03:48

Colorado Forest Beings
We need to unite. We need to stay together and come up with a gameplanShow Comment | Likes: 9 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 18:55:59

Now more than ever the more people become enlightened the more restrictions from the oppressors I predict.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:51:40

Marcus Crothers
I’m jealous that you unlocked the maze first, but grateful you shared and shifted the wealth of precepts in my mind from fiction to possibility. MahaloShow Comment | Likes: 20 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 17 2019, 17:33:13

It gives me chills when I think about movies and series like Westworld, Truman Show, Hunger Games, Tomorrowland and so many others... it’s in our faces. I recommend you to watch Westworld especially. It’ll scare the crap out of youShow Comment | Likes: 45 | View Replies: 10 | Wed May 30 2018, 18:51:02

Janis Gaines
Also shows like Lost, Land of the Lost, even Gilligans Island 🌴Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 06:00:56

Jared Hanoi
Call of duty infinite warfare has a scary resemblance to this tooShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 06:32:15

Ya Love
@Lia Mari - yep! ... and think of the cell-phone too ;-)<br />In 'Star Trek' it was golden.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 23:22:47

Rebecca Ringler
Dark figure Right, truth in movies, lies in the news, mainstream narrative.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 13:19:01

kenny hofmann
@AckzaTV whats downsizing ive never heard of itShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Dec 30 2019, 01:39:20

Holger Enghardt
when its close enough to your face you cant focus it :)Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Thu May 30 2019, 17:06:59

imagine the dome underwater on a superearth filled with giant anunaki, like the movies downsizing and men in black.... the tiny galaxy, rick and morty etc....Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Tue Oct 23 2018, 04:00:50

Dark figure
@madouc575 Your not looking with a critical eye mate, there's a lot of truth in movies and such a thing as predictive programming. Look that upShow Comment | Likes: 9 | Mon Oct 22 2018, 21:46:13

Lia Mari
I remember when the series “Star Trek” came out,<br />Science Fiction,<br />Lasers and scanners and doors that open themselves, shots without needles, <br />Different kinds of people living together on one ship<br />Harmoniously. <br />{For the most part. <br />Science Fiction. <br /><br />Now,<br />So many years later,<br />Almost all of it is real. <br /><br />There is no telling<br />What we don’t know.Show Comment | Likes: 12 | Thu Oct 18 2018, 12:42:30

@madouc575 I know but something about that show seems like within 50 years is possible.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 17 2018, 23:58:37

Rob Melendy
You have a brilliant mind! I'm not saying I agree with your theory but it is definitely very intriguing. I think everyone should question everything and think for themselves, if we all did the human race would be way more advanced than it is now. Think for yourselves people and don't laugh and blow off other people because they think deferentially from you or everyone else, this kind of out of the box thinking is important. Thank you for your video, can't wait for more...Show Comment | Likes: 90 | View Replies: 6 | Tue May 01 2018, 19:05:47

Queen Elcene
@godgevlamste Love you and your work. Very ingenious. FE was a tough hurdle, mental. Your work opens so many intriguing avenues. ThankYou for sharing. Onward and inward🤗💝Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 19:58:00

So excited when I see your vids pop up....yes!!!!Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Thu Mar 28 2019, 23:10:07

Ray Money
Rob Melendy totally agree with you. I’ve always questioned everything I was taught.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jun 23 2018, 16:15:20

Nicholas Hei End Gems Hei
Everyone needs to read lands beyond the poles , it’s talks about all of thisShow Comment | Likes: 17 | View Replies: 7 | Tue Aug 27 2019, 22:21:37

Ya Love
@MrPhenomenon1 - Ah ok, thanks. :-)<br />Yes, that is the only way to access anyways. ;-)Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 17:39:14

@Ya Love i think it was that book where the author said that we can access the celetial sky areas without having to fly through any space.Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 16:37:24

Ya Love
@MrPhenomenon1 - worth a thought. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 23:06:10

@Ya Love i think the light cant manifest until it gets nearer to solid matter,thats why its colder the higher altitude you reachShow Comment | Likes: 3 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 22:54:25

Ya Love
Have you also listened to the story of Olaf Jansen?<br />He speaks about this land beyond the poles, or is this the read you're referring to?Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 23:29:10

Ya Love
@MrPhenomenon1 - I thought about this too. <br />Then, I still don't get it, that when you fly across continents high up in the air, that even at night, why can we not see the stars, but only when we look up standing on earth, straight into the sky? ... hmmmm .... !Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 23:28:17

now makes sense of the cellestial sky areas!Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 09:17:28

Lps Layla T
This is quite intriguing. You have yourself a new subscriber.Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 21:32:19

Brian Teskey
I have suspected for sometime that the earth is much larger than we are being toldShow Comment | Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 19:17:53

Ben Porter
Amazing work this really makes the most sense of any history ive learned! Wake up ppl its 2020 we see clearly finallyShow Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 05:05:07

I am love
This like nothing I ever have seen. I love these videos. It all makes so much sense.Show Comment | Likes: 21 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 15:38:06

Orphan Red
I think you might find Wayne Herschel's work interesting. He's found the Orion-man in the fields of Britain as well as a staggering number of other sites that map onto constellations. He has an incredible website but it requires you to go through it to find the pages and images and hover over them to see them map onto the landscape, but it's worth it. I wonder how his findings might further your theory. You might find some insights that help support your theory in his research.Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 03:27:31

Wasn't Stonehenge moved there less then a century ago?Show Comment | Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 13:35:51

Very intriguing and your theories seem well thought out and supported by research. I’ve long since given up on the round orb floating in space. The lies surrounding the moon landing and the elite’s secret societies is more evidence to support the facts that all is not as it seems. Question everything!Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Jun 05 2019, 15:47:44

Brandon A. English
Sirius -- the "Dog/God" star. Interesting.Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 06:15:41

Tim Kleingarn
9:45 and the following pictures prove to me that you’re so freakin on the right path. Amazing!Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Apr 05 2019, 08:44:07

Mgr. Petra Šmatlíková, PhD.
woooow, very intersting! But did anybody noticed that the crater Earth on the Moon does look like the Earth sign used in StarGate series?Show Comment | Likes: 10 | View Replies: 3 | Sat May 05 2018, 12:27:19

wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool ! somebody is knowing more then us !!!!Show Comment | Likes: 10 | Sat May 05 2018, 12:35:26

BZS sheetmetal
I'm glad you decided to make more videos on thisShow Comment | Likes: 16 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 16:14:02

I just discovered your channel...I've been binge watching. Very Mind Blowing. Something inside me identifies with your theories or revelations. Awesome!Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 06:01:26

Me too this is disturbingly making too much sense.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:46:49

So I'm looking at images of THE crater online, when my eye is caught by the name Hadley, near it. Immediately thought of the film Aliens, where the terraforming and mining colony is called Hadley's Hope. Destroyed by 'xenomorph' infestation. Looked at the moon map of Hadley crater, recognised Silbury hill from watching your video AND from being there last year and checking out maps of the area. So... was Hadley's Hope in the film Aliens supposed to be on Mars? I know there are theories about human ancestors being from Mars. More 'escapees' to Sirius? Or escapees from the flood TO Mars? And trying to build a liveable crater (HOPE-fully). How many people know this stuff and are keeping it from us? Do those in the know sometimes spill a few beans at Hollywood parties to script writers and directors, who run with the idea? Or is it some kind of 'collective consciousness' knowledge? Or just sci-fi geeks playing with theories and using them to build worlds? Many questions... no coincidences???Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 4 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 15:48:53

@Alejandra Nunez Interesting - the idea of interweaving truth in with lies, creates a potent mixture. Yes, I think the TV doctor not only knows, but is 'owned'. To someone with a massive mortgage, new cars, kids at private schools, a 'lifestyle' and status, it must be the most massive pressure. They will do or say what they're told, because to risk all that... Some do risk it, of course. But I think people like this doctor have been told that they will be amongst the privileged when the 'Hunger Games' society rolls out. They'll still be on TV and get to keep their cars.<br /><br />I'm just so shocked about how obvious this stuff is getting. The way her expressed it at the end. He could have said 'So keep it to six people!' or 'Six people only!' He didn't have to emphatically state the 'number of the beast'. Maybe as a slave, he had to demonstrate to his watchers that he was owned and compliant.<br /><br />I see what is happening in Victoria, Australia, is heading to the UK! We have no guns here, and an attempt to create race riots didn't get off the ground, but the applied psychology, linguistic programming and basic brainwashing is in full force. Good luck likewise!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Sep 20 2020, 13:31:53

Alejandra Nunez
I’m with you on the “truth telling” thing. Another guess would be that the word “truth” has become an inversion of itself, at least in the Media. <br /><br />That TV Doctor plays the role of ‘mediator’, but he’s reading from a script. How can he tell any real ‘truth’ about what protocols can be taken, when those protocols change every week? He has to follow a path laid out for him, the result being WE THE PEOPLE suddenly forced into what we’re dealing with now.<br /><br />Then after days of reading that script as he’s told to, someone else comes in with ‘the truth about SIX feet, SIX people, SIX!” Which just ends up being another scripted lie. I think the Lie-scenario matches the Truth-scenario, here.<br /><br />That man likely looked that way because he knows there’s a game bigger than the virus being played out by Mega Merchants, who are fighting one another on who has the legal right to sell a vaccine. To sell masks. To push whatever amenities are needed to get everyone to purchase, purchase, consume.<br /><br />So when I say that these wizards weave a lie, intentionally, by intertwining bits of ‘truth’ in their statements, they deliberately create a platform of conception and competition, which we ‘lower civilians’ then put into action by obeying what’s been said. <br /><br />i.e “All cakes must be made with yeast!” When it’s like yeah, cakes can be made with yeast, but Betty Crooker made boxed cake that doesn’t need anything but eggs and oil. So, the example tells A TRUTH, but it’s also hella lying.<br /><br />Good luck in England by the way. I sense this stuff is headed to America. /;Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 01:09:15

@Alejandra Nunez Sounds a good guess! I would love to know why this 'truth telling' is so important, though. Had a laugh the other day when our best-known TV doctor was desperate, looking slightly haunted, trying to explain why we all had to now meet in groups limited to SIX in England. He just said 'we need a compliant population', and 'I think it's good,' and then finished up with a straight up 'six six six.' Why are they tied to truth telling, I wonder?Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Thu Sep 17 2020, 21:49:54

Alejandra Nunez
gonna improvise my guess on the hierarchy of information sharing. <br /><br />1) join age old atlantean cult by meeting ‘Saturn’<br />2) agree to an initiation phase. do your worse!<br />2a) you agree? here’s your first task to prove your ruthlessness.<br />2b) you disagree? prepare to experience the wrath of ‘Saturn’ through immediate public humiliation<br />3) ~~welcome to the cult! you want to be a filmaker, right? here’s the same story we suggest all our family tell. deviate and mock as much as possible, but don’t forget to tell them THE TRUTH.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 04:44:08

isabel Hughes
I believe we are on a much bigger planet. This explains why the flat Earth and round Earth theory doesn't quite work.Show Comment | Likes: 26 | View Replies: 6 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 11:50:40

Gloria Wright
Now that, i believe. But im not sure he hasnt made some liberties here....Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 04:00:43

Rebecca Ringler
I still don’t think they are getting anywhere in the rockets. I think it has to do with portals to lands beyond through Antarctica while they maintain the illusion of outer space.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Jul 12 2020, 16:26:06

kenny hofmann
@CNN News Salem Saberhagen we are a pond surrounded by other ponds...the sun is in northern hemisphere now equals summer for them.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon Dec 30 2019, 01:42:23

Holger Enghardt
because both are right but not like they think :)Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu May 30 2019, 17:08:43

CNN News Salem Saberhagen
okay how do you explain winter in australia now, making the earth bigger destroyed your whole heliocentric modelShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 11 2019, 08:21:15

Situational Awareness
Wow never heard this proposed! I like it! You are a rebel! :)Show Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Mar 31 2019, 01:10:14

This is brilliant, thank you. I have always thought that we were in some kind of petrie dish and the other places were other petrie dishes. Now, it all makes more sense with these theoriesShow Comment | Likes: 8 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 05 2019, 14:22:05

ky jack
This unites flat earth and globe earth this this this actually explains everythingShow Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 13:22:04

Ya Love
Highly interesting. Thank you. Now, one question. "How far up does the Reflector-Moon have to be in order to reflect earth as a small image in a crater out of such a large field? And 'yes', Plato's Cave .... now this makes even more sense.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 02 2020, 23:38:13

Could it be the moon is reflecting the whole earth construct and the stars to be our local map for our crater only? Could you try and place earth map on night sky and try connect the dots?Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 19:58:18

Chuck Belliveau
I’m totally loving this this is greatShow Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 00:15:56

SO!, "very well done!" Excellent research journalism, and a treasure of knowledge inn this video and channel! A must for any truth seeker! Do not diservice yourselves by not watching in full this video!Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 17:54:25

OMG!!!! Tha last video I just watched at the end with that Belgium accent: “”“if we were in,, the middle ages,,, I’d be on the fire stack right now., burning alive”””.. Lol holy balls!! FKN Love this dude!! Yessssss!Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 07:38:08

Alex 0ut-Of-Magic
Noah's ark ended up on Mount Ararat. Reverse Ararat, you get Tarara = Terra?Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 16:18:37

I miss Mr. X 😭 And you have a brilliant mind!Show Comment | Likes: 11 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 21:54:01

thanks , i'll give mister X your regards !!Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Wed May 02 2018, 06:04:18

David Haynes
Well, I think you have cracked it! Genius....Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 09:09:34

Eirann LeNormand
Adam (Goth/S'cythe/Scot) from the Danube river valley) wed Eve (Amazon/S'cyth of the same race). They were tall fair blonds and redheads. Eve's Amazon family ruled over the Hittite empire whose subjects included "dwarfs." Symbols included Serpent, moon, wolf and Arctic lion which was still in Asia Minor. Eve's mother, the Serpent and her brother/Father, Abel/Baal/Lucifer/Set, were angry that Eve married Adam/Odin/Ea. The people preferred Adam to stay and tend the Eden at Asia Minor and Egypt which he built. The tyrants were upset. Ultimately Adam had to eject them and their followers from Eden. Adam wrote the 10 commandments and Eve promulgated them, effectively making her a priestess of his solar cult. It was knowledge of healing and skills. It had no blood rites nor human sacrifice. Later, Ab-ram also left the lunar cult of blood rites and human sacrifice to serve Melchizedek a descendant of Adam and Eve. Immanuel the Christ/ and Savior/Easho was of the order of Melchizedek. read Hebrew is Greek. Adam and Eve had a son, Michael the Arch angel. He served as Cain/King. When he was a boy his uncle Abel/Baal/Lucifer/Set and his rebels abducted Eve. Adam, Cain and his army crossed an ice bridge to come down from the heights and rescue her. Abel tried to kill Adam and Cain. Adam slew the Serpent & Cain slew her son. The rebels either fell on the battle field or fled. Always grace was extended to the repentant. The reformed were restored to the family. They named their second son after uncle/granddad Seth. Forgiveness to the repentant stopped the cycle of vengeful blood shed. Seth's symbols were the red setting sun & crocodile. He became Typhon/Leviathan after EphRaimesses ruled Egypt. Adam also ruled the land of Ra/Sirius/Egypt. His symbols: the yellow sun, Goat horns, the hawk/eagle/Phoenix. He remade the local dwarves into his image by teaching them what is now called Christianity. No longer cannibals. If their works showed their reformed character reformed his grace was extended to them. They could reenter the Eden. He also allowed the best of the dwarves to marry some of the "giant" women. Medium sized offspring were the result. The tall fair Gothic/S'cythes are depicted next to the little dark dwarves. The research of L A Waddell uncovered the background of Biblical history. The Adamic descendants include the Gaelic Scots Israelites known for their red hair. See The great deception by comyns Beaumont. Edenburg/Jeudenburg/Edomburgo (Jerusalem) city is an exact fit as described in the Bible. Or it may be the temple of manasseh at Shechem where the Frisian Pirate Samballat became the priests Pirates are yids, not Israelites. It is on a mountain which looks like a recumbent lion. It is the inheritance of Benjamin the lion. His descendants were Pharez & Zera are the lions. Red and golden lions/lebi/levi/Levvis. The unicorn/arctic rhino is Joseph's symbol. ieudomites/yids are the wolf. The judah wolf character sired a whelp out of a canannite wife who produced Shelah-yidom. Haman was his descendant. Joseph married into Esau's illustrious royal line of his red kingdom of Egypt. Israelites were Hurrian/Gothic/djewth/Thoth/Tuts of Egypt. Joseph is one of the 2 heirs of Sara/Isra-El. Benjamin/"son of James"/jacob, ruled Jerusalem while Aesoph was magistrate over New Egypt. They were fair redheads and strawberry blonds. Lower Egypt was a monument to our ancestors. The wicked bloodthirsty rebels took control off it and maligned both Adam, Eve and Michael. Also the maryannas. "Ancient history" was written long after the Bible and duplicates the same events. The British Eddas are the latest version of parts of it. Read "the great deception" by Comyns Beaumont & Hebrew is Greek.Show Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 04 2020, 07:52:16

Gabriel Wimmershoff
Ron Wyatt discovered Noah's arch and the Red Sea crossing, amongst a whole host of other discoveries, go to Ron to examine the evidence yourself. I think the only ones who left the crater was the Giants fleeing for their lives, definitely the fallen angels could have, book of Enoch. The lost books or hidden books of scripture hold so much scientific knowledge , it lifted me real high, I was astounded. Not feeling it with this notion. Bless you and thanks for digging deeply into this topic. CheersShow Comment | Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 15:52:19

Shine like a diamond
Interesting theory, you make a compelling case in support of it. Raising more questions than answers though, I will keep watching to see your final conclusions.Show Comment | Likes: 9 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 13:18:11

thanks ! <br />final conclusions ? : how more final can you be in concluding we are living on a bigger ball ?Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Thu May 03 2018, 09:21:07

Joshua Diment
So much info. I keep binge watching but I know I'll have to watch everything more than once. Keep up the good workShow Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 16:03:48

Amazing man great narration on top of the mind blowing knowledge this is a treatShow Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 03:04:02

Stuart Oliver
I also completely believe that we are on a much bigger planet. Great work! All your videos are very very good. Keep making them :DShow Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 21 2019, 22:49:10

this is amazing. makes more sense than anything the official narrative has to say. what I wonder is why would they have traveled so far and not settle in one of the many craters along the way between ours and Atlantis. perhaps they didn't have good ecosystems. I wonder if all the craters have habitable ecosystems or maybe some are not good for living in.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Mar 20 2020, 18:25:17

Michael Fehskens
Talk more about these being from the deep that got summoned up, thats interesting shit.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 08 2020, 03:05:35

Mark P
Your interpretation of Stonehenge is amazing. What a shame its not seen for what it is so we can celebrate it. No doubt the 'elites' would deny it and maybe vandalise more.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 17:31:52

Elke Leonhardt
So, a mayor Event such as the one which caused the survivors of Atlantis (linne - Saturnus-Atlantis) finding new lands must be inprinted on the ancient skies!! That must be easy to proof. The flooding of the Mare Serenitas, must be visible!!! Aaaand it is datable!!! I'm over exited!!!Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 15 2019, 04:00:57

Walk Wigglin
they smudged the bull finally. look in that clump of areas just above hadley c theres north complex.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Nov 14 2018, 06:35:46

you're right , i had to check my images of a previous video .They added a dark rectangle .Strange , good observation !!!!!Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Wed Nov 14 2018, 09:33:32

Wilfried van Oosterhout
Wow... Wat if crop-circles are some form of crater to other crater communication using the plasma-sphere for reflection?Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 14:02:47

wow that explains rh negative blood also!!!Show Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Jan 14 2019, 17:37:32

debbie reid
Please explain. Do you think people with rh negative blood are descendants of people from other craters?Show Comment | Likes: 4 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 18:29:32

ash tree
I saw this documentary in my recommended videos and watched it just for funsies even though I expected it to be all lies. You know how they like to mix truth with lies though. It fits in very well with your theory. They're suggesting Atlantis is in Antarctica. I wonder why they would want us to even consider something like that? Why make people want to focus on Antarctica at all? Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 28 2020, 20:13:59

Caio C. Louback
Man... This is mind-boggling.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 04:03:00

Colin Crawford
I think this may be one of the lost mind blowing channels on yt, thank you thank you thank youShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Dec 03 2020, 05:22:33

One thing we know for sure either the stars were closer or they had hi tech telescopes .Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 14 2018, 22:10:17

OkiDoki Mate
Excellent presentation and in my view completely plausible. Far more plausible than what we have been taught and in fact I'm of the opinion now that everything we have been indoctrinated with is complete and utter bullshit and in fact in most cases it's the exact opposite of reality and truth.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Nov 08 2018, 23:20:13

Bojidar Krapchev
i found it really interesting... Good thinking ;)Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 15:29:49

some iota
The gigantic stones are all clearly understandable. See the work of the man with channel name WISE UP.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 22 2020, 23:34:54

Marianne Hamilton
We live in a tide pool.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 06:02:43

rigo tapia
7:58 hah hah hah hah hah....good oneShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jan 21 2019, 05:51:49

Himmelsscheibe Nebra
You have an incredibly analytical mind and amazing eyes for links and details! Real dot-connecting. Or should I better write crater-connecting?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 30 2020, 12:56:11

Pit Ambara
You are a genius my friendShow Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Jan 04 2019, 19:43:55

or the Menorah could symbolize "half atlantean"Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 10:18:02

Hilde A. E
Yes, I really enjoyed this video too. Thanks!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 13:58:35

Daniel Scott
How do you account for satellites / things that orbit earth ?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Dec 13 2020, 23:23:55

This is amazing stuff. We are thankful highly intelligent individuals do such research. Thank youShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Dec 02 2020, 15:41:39

Kim Marie Herborg
A Jon Levi tourist.. Totally awesome channel.. Thank you so much for this valuable information...Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 03 2020, 13:56:43

Angel Vianne DeWolfe
I'm loving this journey... More😁✌💕Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 28 2020, 22:52:04

Mick Crandon
I hope you have another video coming soon i am hanging out waiting for the next piece of the puzzle pleaseShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun May 27 2018, 23:20:51

Marcus Crothers
Mind is expanding thanks, so many questions to solidify, and curious to know your thoughts on multidimensionalityShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Oct 27 2018, 15:12:59

Teex Millz
Like to know your thoughts on volcanic activity & fault lines. Great research.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:28:57

I enjoy your work. Referred by @JonLevi today.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 00:31:36

Yusuf Yilmaz
Looks like this is becoming a "next episode serial of reveals" we wait for. I guess you will tell us about those bigger earth miniatures that may be entrances to underground cities that meant to acces in case of natural disasters and according some other late reveals they can be caused on purpose by the HAARP technology. So if they push the button any time, nobody will have places to survival hiding except the elites whom possessing access to everything. Would that be the ultimate goal actually? That at the end of the day there will be a small group of survived lucky elites and a gigantic group of forever damned majorities. I suppose this technology was also used for causing the earthquake back in 1999 in the Bosphorus coastline in Istanbul that costs almost ten thousands lifes and much as that number of heavily injured. Many controversies arised afterwards that there have been unknown agents started doing field investigations perfectly quick and well positioned right after the shocking has stopped as if they were prepared and even before any rescue operations yet started. They've been looking like officials but rejected to help saving lifes when people around asked them to by saying that they are not therefore, so people asked what else could you be fore then on such as equipment like boats and stuff while people's dying here?; That's not your business was the answer according to witnesses so they were probably investigating results of the action. I suspect Erdogan who weren't President yet but mayor of Istanbul has been providing acces and cooperating with the CIA and US Government to test out the HAARP in trade for political support and among other things for winning the upcoming elections and become the president those days and nowadays the situations may seem different between parts but I can quite tell its probabilities and the similarities in processing their global corruption above our heads is obvious whether the one calls himself Muslim and the others are others they all work for rewards from the elites whom consider the population as outsiders and needless sheeps in use of accomplishing their agenda. They planning to leave outstanders in disaster and save their own asses. Cause they know there will not be enough place for all asses they have made their own selection by excluding yours and mine.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Wed May 30 2018, 16:46:07

@Stan Hansen makes no sense to even go through this extreme. I don't believe any of this nonsense because it's totally pointless.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Jul 08 2019, 01:56:20

Captain Lee
love your videos but your mic is giving a buzz/hiss that is giving me a headeache try a nice binaural beat background or using a low pass filter/eqShow Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 19 2019, 01:19:53

Captain Lee
at <a href="">8:55</a> it really hurtsShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Fri Apr 19 2019, 01:25:44

kurt soenen
its in saudie arabie back when it was an Island fits the description of platoShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 19:09:30

Am 2000
Good job sir... a star is indeed the reflection of tides of tar.....Lake of fire....Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 27 2018, 15:36:55

Thunder Rolls Media
StoneHenge is definitely man made. We proved that years ago. The truth is out there. Although there may be ties, not sure it as you say. Remember Jobs friends?? God destroyed them because the prophecy they tried to impose on Job, was wrong.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 01 2020, 23:26:26

Law Girl
OW, many will go crazy...Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 11 2020, 13:25:36

Donn Burge
check out naughty beaver video, same image found in Africa and matches object being seen by sunShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 13 2018, 16:37:50

Tartarian Zephyr
@godgevlamste Hello, me again. Im absolutely loving yor channel. I wanted to ask if you have ever heard of Wayne Herschel? Although his work is dated now, im sure he would have found this very interestng 10 years ago, you might get some ideas from his. I have thought we lived in a our own "pond" for a very long time, and didnt have the IQ to present it how you are, youre an asset.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 22:36:10

Meteor hammer
Love love love love love this channel.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 17:57:21

Mihai Basceanu
I really like your theory. But I have a question. How do you explain the movement of the planets in the sky? As you may know, the planets are moving different than the stars (the ephemerides) - meaning that at different times they are at different positions versus the stars. So something is moving there.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 07 2018, 12:10:40

remember we are in a hall of mirrors !Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Mon May 07 2018, 12:41:22

James Parker
Love your videos!!! Have you seen the movie Water World with Kevin Costner and Dennis Hopper? Hiding in plain sight. You would dig it.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Feb 13 2020, 01:56:25

thanks , yes i have , long time ago .Can't remember what happened , Kevin C on a raft...Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Feb 13 2020, 18:17:07

S Kadi
5:28 you can see where the boat hit the land on left side.. because water lever dropped..Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 20:51:28

marcus Vass
I love your explanation of the flooding into our crater biosphere from outside which accounts for water levels rising & the need to then create the global warming/melting polar ice cap paradigm. ❤Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 2 | Wed May 02 2018, 05:51:52

Janis Gaines
@godgevlamste are star forts a draining system?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 06:26:08

Beata Klosowski
Thankful for your amazing work !!!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 20 2020, 22:56:20

Caio C. Louback
And... I really enjoy the referrences you have.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 04:04:16

Your on the right track thanks for putting your videos out. Crop circlesShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jul 12 2018, 22:12:14

Thunder Rolls Media
Story of creation,?Eve was a hominem? 🤣😂👍😐Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Dec 01 2020, 22:50:49

What IF the Sphinx was The Ark of Noah/Gilgamesh/whomever else?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 23:15:43

Jacob Alba
Loved these videos, great work!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 04:10:35

thanks !! hope they inspired you !!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jun 03 2018, 07:40:20

Tommy Mollynas
amazing stuff well done for your videos i hope you keep them coming! i have an old vhs documentary about the same thing regarding silbury hill and if you overlay cydonia region from mars its a perfect replica but also is washington d.c...i will try to find it and share the link to you Greetings from australia your videos are top!! :)Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Oct 21 2018, 00:19:01

Timothy White
THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 06:20:35

DJ LSDave Whahah, dat is een goede! PS THNX VOOR JE THEORIEN, DIT IS HET!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 11 2020, 13:47:07

I’m sorry I just found you and I thought my eyes were open. I think this information is what Q was referring to when he said if/when they release the truth we’ll be spoon feeding our loved one...omg this just makes total sense...Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Jan 29 2020, 01:05:07

Tere Sanchez
Thisss isss BLASPHEMYYY HAHAHAShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 17:10:39

I like this very much. Thank you.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 03 2020, 07:59:30

I hit the like button at the end after the chilling words of Thoth,and it was like #666.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 09:41:30

Total Kaoss
Atlantis is the eye of the Sahara 🤓Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon May 21 2018, 04:34:38

Nicholas Hei End Gems Hei
Total Kaoss or it’s a remakeShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Aug 27 2019, 22:36:40

Wonderful. Mind fully open.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 14:30:44

Tim Kleingarn
The following might also be interesting, but it’s in German: Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 04 2019, 18:02:29

coltin engle
I wonder what currency holds value between domes. Since it rains diamonds in atlantis/saturn and they absolutely fucked their atmosphere.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 00:53:17

Do you know how the Linne crater and Saturn would be visible at the same time in the night sky? If i search for full moon + saturn there are some examplesShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Nov 19 2020, 15:35:04

Jack Le Ripper
Free thinking....? Isn’t that illegal 😵 .....I love it 😍 I am sub’d 👍🏻👍🏻Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Apr 26 2019, 10:44:37

Beautiful WarGoddess
I saw the bigger Earth right above my House and neighborhood 💖🌎💖Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 2 | Sat Jun 13 2020, 01:55:15

Beautiful WarGoddess
@Melissa P a huge Crystal planetShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Nov 19 2020, 06:23:04

p. Gaud
Diggin' your video presentations. Keep entertaining questions. Question always. The current custodians are of the opinion that the better part of the races/species don't have anything valuable to offer in an expanded world view. They are truly the tyrannical and selfishly inclined. Keep up the great work. :)Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Nov 05 2018, 18:20:39

Kris lol
My mind is shattered , This changes everything. I can see now why they want to keep it a secret but still! We deserve to know the truth and meet our Atlantian ancestorsShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 21:34:52

Greg Soberal
I understand that we're all still trying to figure this out but please man please get back to me cuz I want some of what you have okay please thanksShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 17 2018, 12:02:45

Ray Money
Great video. Just goes to show that there are many possibilities of what the world could really be. I hope I’m there when we find out for sure without any doubt.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Jun 23 2018, 16:17:49

Stevie Nosheep
Is it possible to measure from Stonehenge to the circle of trees and then see if this is a scalable ratio when looking at the bigger picture?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Sep 07 2020, 19:20:34

Furtado Yvonne
I have seen you tube videos of the sphinx on a pyramid top which is level withot being completed to give a roof on which the sphinx sits looking at other pyramids. Also maps of a flat round earth almost double our maps with several more continents.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 15:00:11

Okay, so....this channel freakin rocks. I feel so fortunate to have been blessed, being led to this 'next level' information. Thank you, brother! Don't know you but I love youShow Comment | Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 02 2020, 23:16:36

john biggins
How does an unpowered ark travel 2 million kilometers ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 10:54:03

Where did the sun come from?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Jun 29 2019, 22:43:25

i made a video about it - the sun portal of the parasiteShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Jun 30 2019, 08:01:17

Toni CM
Hola. Este mensaje es importante, intenta traducirlo. Debes de ver en el canal de "Harmeggido canal" la serie, la simiente de la serpiente, es una serie de 5 videos. Te dará muchas respuestas e informacion valiosa.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 02:33:31

Barry Strain
eye of the saharaShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 18 2020, 03:27:27

Edward A.
Heel educatief. DankjewelShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 11:53:18

Washington Miranda
Awesome work 😍Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 09:14:50

Firewheel Farm
But planets move, how could craters move?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Jun 16 2019, 02:39:28

I think you have 3 layers of reflection <br />The closest : the stars <br />Second : planets ( the brightest stars and therefore visible on the second layer ) <br />Furthest : the moon –earth reflection <br />Because of the movement of earth (spinning vortex) these layers seem to be moving ,and they seem to be moving seperately of eachother because of time-dilation .That is the reason people think they are rocks in space .Show Comment | Likes: 3 | Sun Jun 16 2019, 08:14:01

Meteor hammer
Omgoodness sirius radio uses a rune as a logo!!! Everything makes sense!!!!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Sep 19 2020, 18:07:43

Janis Gaines
Siri is iris backwards. All seeing eye is AIShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 06:27:25

If "some of the 'Gods' had difficulty breathing" 7.24, I think, it wasn't because of another chemistry of the air but because our crater is at a higher altitude than Linné, so it has got thinner air.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Apr 07 2019, 14:38:56

Ha...George Bush...lolol. Well done Wim. Didn't see that coming. 🙂Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 31 2020, 12:27:29

there is a bust I believe is from a pyramid in Egypt, if you place a candle behind it an illusion changes it's concavity into a projection.... Great work, Cheers and Blessings!Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Aug 30 2020, 11:24:46

Arkham Asylum
I remember seeing that. It was amazingShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Nov 18 2020, 11:07:50

Mark Romo
Prometheus ship arriving to Saturn or one of it's moons! Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Oct 06 2020, 00:10:34

Pelendava Felix
Smart man. Beautifull presentatin.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 07:31:50

Nicholas Hei End Gems Hei
Everyone needs to read worlds beyond the poles , it’s truth and it talks about thisShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Aug 27 2019, 22:38:35

no comment
Brilliant masterpieceShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Sep 22 2019, 13:34:57

Melissa P
What the heck is plasma?!!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Nov 19 2020, 06:14:59

That was put together brilliantly bro. The comparisons with Stone henge we're jaw dropping. Great work. 👊Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Jun 13 2020, 04:03:50

Aur Élie
The crater is named after the 2nd century BC Roman astronomer Sulpicius Gallus, whose first name is Gaius. Gaia. Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Dec 16 2020, 20:53:17

Timeless Light bearers
I'm guess my self for Longer time, that Our Earth is 3 times bigger or more as they Told. As I'm know, we have several Humanitys before ours and even is it written in Torah. Sure these have high Standart Technology too and when those Visit us, just lie and telling they come from other planets.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 15:43:05

James Walker
Please make more videos love you’re workShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Nov 11 2020, 22:47:49

Bartek Lis
Very good video. Imimprest. You are my Hero.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:53:03

Josue Cervantes
Where are you? Hope you make a new videoShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jul 13 2018, 01:49:52

Rly interessting theory. The bind from the moon to the skymap, when it rly exists like that can't be a "talked away" when this comes to a bigger audience. It would be so called "evidence" or "Proof" which everyone can check on his own, expect the government won't mirricaly change the moon map ofc. Maybe i am missing something but i cant get any "errors" in it. Did u do some more research and will upload more vids on that one? CheersShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun May 06 2018, 22:16:05

i will , if some ideas flash through my head !! thanks for the commentShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon May 07 2018, 06:00:57

That looks like a breast to me. U better watch petrified fossils. Mud fossils University. Explain organic comets buddy?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 23:00:58

There are terrible ringing noises in the video, is it possible you can reupload and fix that?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu May 03 2018, 08:17:19

spitfire red
Let every man and woman watch this!!!!!!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 30 2019, 18:02:03

You know... I disagree with everything you say... but I love your voice.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 13:48:31

Ione Sand
Do you think that he is a homosexual too ???Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 17:56:39

Mighty Mint
Ask yourself what does the skrying screen want from you?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Sep 26 2020, 06:40:58

theskullgamer 78 All have senseShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 17 2020, 11:49:42

Richard Burke
This is poverty point in the state i live in it's a world heritage site thought you might be interested in seeingShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Aug 04 2019, 22:06:11

This is brilliant.... I am actualy mindblown. It got me thinking about the Anime Series HUNTER x HUNTER and THEN I found this ...... this is the dreamland from H.P Lovecraft : And this is the dark continent from hunter x hunter : Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 12:52:32

Soren Johannesen
Who followed the Star of Bethlehem and where did they end up?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3 | Wed May 02 2018, 10:03:01

Soren Johannesen
Who gets Rich and famous by the shining light and hard work of Stars? Is it a country, a race, a tribe or simply a state of conciousness? Greed is Powerfull. How many cars have Elon Musk build? NONE! He is a wise man using his gold to bribe the cattle to build them for him. He is using his gold to steal the light of truely creative People. How do creative YT truthers turn chills? Buy buy buy, and you Can get a lot, but you Can never have it ALL, cos where would you put it? .... never take Life to siriusly, it is after all just a learning game. Like hours in a pilot simulator before the Boing 777 Keys are handed to you. Crash you "Plane T" in the game and start again, in Real Life it is NOT the same. Train your ability to respond well in all situations, then you become what? Aha respondsable. To get to the truth you have to go thrue the lies, go thrue the darkness. Respond well to the darkness of the truth and the fire of your own dragon will not consume you ...... A Golden child is born, will he be consumed by the dragon or bribed by the wise Kings .... or be his own King and Master of none?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 11:03:34

Soren Johannesen
Is the bible a Real story? Of the crater or the Greater Earth? It takes quite a lot of pride to Call your self a wise man, it takes quite a lot of greed to accumulate wast riches. And with no scruples the "wise king" bribes his way to control the "World". Children of AmunRa, like father like son, chase the green and the shiny things my precious ..... Or be your own Master. You have shown us that the stage is soooo much Greater, does the understanding of the script need to be ajusted to this NEW stage?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 10:42:51

Another possible cause of the Atlantis flood: water coming up from the center of the crater, equivalent to earth's North Pole shooting out water (from 'the waters below') - that theory allows a calm sea on the greater earth.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 11 2020, 17:45:06

coltin engle
dark continent hunter x hunterShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 01:12:24

I've had a look at what Plato said about Atlantis, here It seems when Atlantis still existed and thrived, the people of Linné and the people of Sulpicius Gallus M had contact with each other. Linné built up an empire that subjugated parts of Sulpicius. There was a war between Sulpicius and Linné. Sulpicius won and a little later Linné sank. The sinking of Atlantis will have had nothing to do with the Deluge. No survivors of Atlantis here. People from Atlantis once arrived here, but while it still existed and thrived. Atlantis may have been capable of conquest because they were a more advanced civilisation, and at the time it sank, most of our civilisation and technology was, I suppose, based on technology the Atlanteans had brought us.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat May 18 2019, 02:16:06

ky jack
What if they need oxygen masks because of the elevation differences? They could have been born above the crater and when they go down into the crater they basically need a scuba suit!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 13:06:58

Carol Seidl
I just have a few thoughts/questions about all of this. 1) Universe = one .....- I am not too sure how to explain verse, but in my mind this supports the ONE enormous ball of which we are a tiny part. 2) We are seeing the reflection of one side of this universe which is reflected in the moon. The dark side of the moon remains unseen, which leads me to believe that there must also be a dark side to the “universe “ ball that remains unseen also. Could this be the underworld? I have no answers only questions at this point. I would be interested in your thoughts on this. Thank you.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Nov 18 2020, 22:09:23

People in Poland also wake up. Great movie,great investigation . They mess my computer when i watch such websites.All the best!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Nov 12 2020, 16:57:50

thanks Aleksandra from Poland , greetsShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Nov 12 2020, 18:10:15

Hans Dampf in allen Gassen
What did you smoke? I want something too.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Jun 18 2018, 21:06:28

Going Home
Sirius-the dog star. Maybe they told us that the name of our beloved animal companion is 'dog'. Being the parasites that they are, how many times per day do humans say DOG as opposed to how many times a day we say GOD? We use the word GOD many times as a word of cursing, but we lovingly say the word DOG. Reflection? Mirror?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 23 2020, 11:40:39

Rescued By Mary
How do you account for retrograde motion of the planets...?.?? RbMShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Mon Jun 25 2018, 14:17:47

Jennafir Joelli
@godgevlamste omg, I just posted a similar thought to one of your other videos!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Aug 19 2019, 17:51:49

you are in a mirror hall with different reflections , reflection of a reflection of a ......... !!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Jun 26 2018, 06:19:00

Water levels aren't rising!! Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 16:46:55

Geraldine Hallelujah
Are we still turning 1000 miles per hour around the ax??Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 19:07:50

Thomas Cibula
godgevlamste I’m not so sure we are turning. If we were we would be able to prove space exists and have full images of said theory as we are on a bigger globe then told. It doesn’t make sense that there are barriers above and below yet we spin. Tough nut to swallowShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Dec 31 2019, 00:11:02

i don't know the exact speed , but i think we are turning around our axisShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 21:11:56

Jan Med
adam and eve dont, iT will be only ADAM,, BECAUSE ADAM THEMSELF ARE FEMALE AND MALE , EVA WAS CREATED AFTER ADAN.Genesis 5: 2-10 Male and female he created them; , and called their name Adam, the day they were createdShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Nov 19 2018, 16:20:27

Sunfire Totem
This is pure GENIUS. When you show us how things ties together is makes PERFECT sense. Bless you for your mind and your great work. It is life changing and consciousness upgrading!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Dec 10 2020, 22:59:39

Preston Christine
You don't know about the Eye of the Sahara,? Check Bright Insight channel. Atlantis in Antactica is wild! Seems possible and Atlantis in the Atlantic speculation from reading Plato who had it from the priests of Sais, in Egypt through Solon. And the dating 9,564 BC ? These ancients did not count time from the birth of Christ nor use the Gregorian calendar nor even the Julian calendar or the Byzantine system so how did the translators get that date? Have you seen my message in comments under your video on WE DID LAND ON THE MOON BUT NOT...? Your theory gives a new meaning to 'AS ABOVE SO BELOW!' But there is no need to have Atlantis in the Crater of Saturn as all you need is the idea that the mare overflowed into our crater. SEE if Tiamat could have been bigger Earth Godgevlamste... you might be interested in the arguments in this video of mine, and the matter that the Angels did not fall? 219. Tiamat is Terra – the Fallen Angels Heresy, March 1 , Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 20:57:33

radiant sweep
your videos are so goodShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Feb 05 2019, 19:28:13

#Pandaeyes #Wwg1wga #Nexit #Idonotconsent
why dont we see a wall around us?🙏💕Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 21:06:47

#Pandaeyes #Wwg1wga #Nexit #Idonotconsent
@3 6 9 the goose drank wine 😊Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 22:50:18

#Pandaeyes #Wwg1wga #Nexit #Idonotconsent
@3 6 9 the goose drank wine First I have to get rich, buy a plane, and just try to fly there. I really want to see and knowShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 22:30:56

#Pandaeyes #Wwg1wga #Nexit #Idonotconsent
@3 6 9 the goose drank wine So, if I would have a plane, they will shoot me out of the air? Its that secured ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 22:18:46

#Pandaeyes #Wwg1wga #Nexit #Idonotconsent
@Pistol Whipped!! I get your point, but lets say im in Antarctica, would i be able to see it then? where would i see this ice wall?🙏💕Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 06:22:00

Big Nasty
Absolutely mind blowing! What is your theory on so called meteoroids?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 15:44:30

debbie reid
@godgevlamste There are a couple of youtube channels, which say that there is a plasma disaster, which is very destructive. That it happens repeatedly, but separated by thousands of years time. That only people in certain places can survive it. Do you know anything about that? Do you think that is true?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 06 2020, 19:05:40

Pistol Whipped!!
@godgevlamste Maybe that 60 mile high volcano might have something to do with incoming rocks?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 01:01:12

stones : maybe pieces of the reflecting plasmaball falling down <br />returning phenomena like Haley : a volcano on the bigger earth , <br />falling stars : explosions on the bigger earth <br />probably everything you see in the air is a reflectionShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 16:53:19

Stonehenge was SUPPOSEDLY built by the British Military in the 1950's for some reason....its not old at all and just a lie, but why?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue Sep 15 2020, 02:06:51

t c
Just like the Egypt pyramids, built very recently.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 15 2020, 18:00:44

Or maybe there was something there and they just touched it up or added to it or tried to rebuild it or maybe not......but it looks like there are things there that are old alsoShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 15 2020, 02:12:34

I like your ideas. But how does Saturn’s movement in the sky work it? If the stars and the earth and the planets are all craters on the moon and we see the reflection of them, how come the planets move different than the stars?Show Comment | Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 17:41:52

Ma Jo Ma Jr
I just had to pause in the middle of the video to ask all a question here...if we do live in a crater and other planets are craters, then is our fascination with the Mars crater due to it being our old habitat and we destroyed it, and are checking out the see if we can go back? Back to the video lol 😆 I can't help but be open minded with each and every one of your videos I come across. Love the content...makes the most sense out of everything I've ever heard, and I am at ease 😌Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Sep 05 2020, 12:22:52

It would be cool if you look into dantes inferno hell map, jews sheol and all types of hells and try to figure out what they were trying to say. Are they real locations? Is there any truth to be discovered?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 19:41:02

Alltheway Allinyourhand
Nice theory😅Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Mon Jun 11 2018, 18:19:49

Alltheway Allinyourhand
godgevlamste you are from Belgium you got a French version ore a German version?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Jun 15 2018, 23:24:53

The planets move around they wander in the sky. Not fixed. How do you explainShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 17:42:18

<a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 17:47:16

Im glad I found your videos. Im glad people like you excist that can do this type of thinking. Its almost I wonder if ur not an atlantean yourself trying to shine some light on the halfapesShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Dec 13 2020, 08:59:58

if i were i wouldn't realise it myselfShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Dec 13 2020, 09:31:02

Thomas Cibula
Who are the beings from below? The lizard men? (Reptilians)?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Oct 31 2020, 01:53:54

D. One
Napoleon once said that history is a group of lies that have been agreed upon. Churchill said that history is written by the victors. Santayana said that history is a group of events that never happened told to us by people that were not there.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Nov 24 2020, 21:25:31

how can it be daytime in Europe and nighttime in Australia on a bigger earthShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon May 28 2018, 17:11:14

did you read about this in a giants diary,because if you didn't you are the new Copernicus,in your videos you show the sun a the side of the plasma beachball,i think it should be like ,the sun is stationary and at the bottom of the known universe inside the ball, and the heat from the sun holds the inner hollow ball hovering and spinning in the centre of the known universeShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 20:10:09

Bill Tee En
Do you have a Facebook account, so I can send my stories of Eden gardens location with its snd pictures of big petroglyphed stone encrypted with concentric circles.That symbol is seen all over the world. Esp in Mauriitanian Eye of Sahara,Rephaim pile of stones in Golan heights,Russia,ring of Atlantis..nd..etc.. .Venue of the petroglyphed stone encrypted with concentric circles in Fiji is the Nearest place to an underwater civilisation underwater in Vuniivilevu, Moturiki, Fiji..East of Vuniivilevu is Nagasautabu high sandbank which is the home of the Spiritual Guardian cherub whom God set aside to guard the garden of Eden nd its fruit of Life.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Nov 13 2020, 15:53:01

no , wimdegrotekunstenaar@<a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Nov 13 2020, 16:13:59

U down wit O.P.P
The sphinx is a petrified giants head. The hole in the head is from an arrow, you can see the arrowhead by his nose. Prob most egyptian giant statues are of mummified giants 👍👍👍Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 08 2020, 00:16:42

Brant Rotramel
I’ve read Critius and Timaeus by Plato. I have the books in my library. Plato talked about how Atlantis was beyond the pillars of Hercules. And yet close enough that they were at war with the Greeks. Or was this metaphor? Solon, platos ancestor went to Egypt , to ancient Khemet. They told him that Atlantis sunk 9,000 years before he got to Egypt. He wrote about this and Plato wrote about this. Ancient Khemetic Egyptian culture was Atlantis Culture, in remnant. Snake + pyramids + sun worship + gold = Atlantis. There were also multiple factions and their king was Poseidon. Who was offspring of Khronos (Saturn) so Poseidon was a Titan. How far from deluge? Not sure. Occult sources claim that Noah was not the only survivor. How far was the deluge ? How much earth was flooded? On a bigger earth it makes much more sense that there were other survivors.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Dec 04 2020, 13:17:11

Die Erde ist flach
Unfortunately, the subtitle function does not work, you can still unlock itShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed May 02 2018, 06:42:44

Die Erde ist flach
in the last video of you it worked greatShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 07:18:50

Die Erde ist flach
Unfortunately, many people are not able to speak English well and need an account that unfortunately does not work. You can not set it in your functionsShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed May 02 2018, 07:17:02

According to your theory, the survivors of Atlantis (who were Giants) built Tartaria in our crater.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 04:32:12

Yulizar Tohar
And they are black skin people not white racesShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 13:07:26

MCarmen Astres
You present a fascinating cosmology. I may find your hypothesis possible, wakes up in me an echo of memory. Many things agree but planets have independent cycles of constellations, they are not always in the same celestial coordinate and fixed stars yes are (constellations). I can understand the reflection of sunlight on earth, and the reflection on the moon which is also the night sky, but with the planets in a fixed place on the same "earth-moon" as our earth (Sulpicius Gallus ) the planets they can´t carry independent cyclic patterns. Thank you for your videos are inspiring and I think you can be very close to what really happens in our geography and history!! It’s strange that we humans feel so nostalgic and many other indications that we long for an origin we forget. (I write with translator, I don’t speak English, I’m sorry not read the text I write well, but I subscribe to the channel is excellent information, thank you!!).Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Jun 04 2019, 12:17:01

Thanks <br />I think there are probably 3 layers of reflection <br />closest layer : the stars <br />Second layer , the brightest stars : the planets <br />furthest layer : the full earth : the moon <br /><br />As the three layers have a different rotation-reflection , it appears like the planets are moving independently from the stars .<br />greetsShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Jun 04 2019, 14:23:15

Caldon Samis
massive electrical discharge craters do not need impacts from foreign bodies , if the next question is what caused the craters on the larger earthShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 16:01:29

Keith Lallone
can we exclude nibiru. guess its a stupid questionShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 16 2020, 23:48:32

in my view yes , there are no planetsShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 17 2020, 06:18:05

RK Brown
Quite simply you are a geniusShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 00:57:33

Marcel GTA
so hadley c is mars. maybe the whole area is ‘mars’, that moon area is called: palus putredinis, translated: MARSh of decay... the mars maps might be a detailed view of the area. onnthe right of valles mariners ‘the scar’ there is a ridge with the crater ‘timbuktu’ (lol) which looks like hadley c mooncrater but i am not sure on all this of courseShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Sep 01 2019, 20:35:11

leuk om u aan de puzzel te zien werken !!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Sep 01 2019, 21:16:32

Simon B.
What if all of this is only a dream?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Sep 03 2020, 19:39:17

What is your take on dinosaurs? I’m just wonderingShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 5 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 13:48:01

@Beenannas Dragons not Dinos I think. Dino from the Flinstones. lol!!!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 18 2020, 08:57:17

@godgevlamste Wow, yeah totally. I'd like to imagine they exist somewhere else, that would be fun lol. <br /><br />I found your channel yesterday and I must say I'm completely floored. It's hard for me to imagine any other truth than the one you're telling at this point. High five man!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 20:56:18

it can go both ways : a fraud and a coverup for something else , or maybe still alive on the bigger earthShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 08 2020, 14:52:10

Rebecca Ringler
I believe in one Creator, and fallen angel technology, but this is so interesting. Thank you.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 5 | Sun Jul 05 2020, 16:46:37

Rebecca Ringler
godgevlamste I think I figured out what you mean by another video, showing the rockets, but thinking they curve downward to outer lands. Interesting concept. I have also heard Bermuda Triangle is where they splash into the ocean. RV used to show the shuttles are airplanes.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Aug 31 2020, 17:36:48

Rebecca Ringler
godgevlamste Thank you for responding. I am still sorting it, but I love the ideas and info since they lie to us. I think the entities the cern people are talking to and want to bring into our realm here are evil. I was thinking of Richard Hoagland. I believed the Mars footage was being faked on earth, but I believe in outer lands. Highly guarded.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 05 2020, 18:43:20

@Rebecca Ringler i think the mars-rovers are real and showing the bigger earthShow Comment | Likes: 4 | Sun Jul 05 2020, 18:35:29

Rebecca Ringler
godgevlamste it also reminds me of the people who do the Mars stuff. Flat earthers debunk it because we don’t have all the pieces. They don’t want us to know about lands beyond or dimensions, just push outer space. William Schnoeblen has a tale about being at a temple in front of Saturn with rings in the background. Even Marks in his parents yard. It sounds bizarre, but we aren’t taught truth here. He was a former Satanist.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 05 2020, 18:11:22

Real Math
You are really onto something now. I imagine the phoneticians hate this. Did the bot armies swarm after this one?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Oct 03 2020, 20:05:27

Antonieta Sicsik
Well well well !! Fantastic I'm Astounded came here from STERGIOS STUDIO where someone commented about your research and Presentations so obviously I'm a subscriber and will need to go through all your work Thank You so much so many pieces of the puzzle just fitted in, your work is Brilliant am in awe, and debt fraternal Blessings your way Sir,Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sat Dec 14 2019, 17:28:01

George Dimakopoulos
Dear Friends. There is a chance that Noah's Flood took place some time between 10 000 - 9500 BC. That is when the Last Ice Age ended (50 000 - 10 000 BC). Were after 9999 BC the Ice started to melt and Glaciers received back. He probably lived in the Southern Caucasian area (Armenia). He could have put at the Black Sea some kind of indicator (A Stick like essurment in cm ...meters device..And noticed the water level there, was increasing slowly in hight. So he built an Ark. He must of also traveled to were East Thrace is and noticed the Mediterranean Sea was high in level the water too. So he built the Ark, Put food...water...animals and his family in it and then the flood came. After 40 days, his Ark (Ship) landed on Mount Ararat some were close. This story sounds OK. But two problems exist here. One... Did he travel to Asia, Africa, and Europe and gathered a few Animals...? Or near his area? Two... Was the Flood Universal? Was the water level high also in Meneteranian Sea, Atlandic Ocean... all over Earth? Now there an Other Friends explanation. In the year 100 000 BC or more, Noah lived on Mars. The People there Polluted there Planet and the Poles were going to Freeze and either bring an Ice Age or a Flood. So he built in Secret a Space ship and then bring all the Mammals from Mars to Earth. Plus his Family. AGAIN. IT TOOK HIM 40 DAYD. Mars comes close to Earth on particular years, 80 million km. So it could have took him 40 Days to come here. Like in Bible it says, it rain 40 days and 40 Nights. This gave me a clue. The Earth then rotate around the Sun in 365 Days. Mars In x 2. = 730 Days. Remember on Mars... One Year If you were Old on Earth, there you was 2 Years Old. I also want to say one more thing. On Other Earth Like Planet Types, Religion. Politics, Calture, Laws, Wars and History could be a little similar to Earth and more and more different. But remember, 99 0/0 destroy them self's by War or some Other Natural Catastrophe. So a small percent explore Space. This is what really is the real Truth.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 04:04:04

Glenn Holmes
So, does someone have an explaination to how saturn and the other wandering stars could be a crater on bigger earth visible on the reflecting plasma moon that we see everyday, and also be observable as morning or evening stars moving through the constallations? I am having trouble seeing room for astrotheology and the sky clock in this theory. I guess it still makes more sense then the small ball with sun-stars beyond 350 milion miles away.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Wed Sep 23 2020, 22:52:35

Glenn Holmes
Thank you for the response@godgevlamste , but I have been through that video several times. If the sun is reflecting off of the plasma sphere, and then that light reflected of bigger earth to show us the moon; how come we can also see the other craters as seperate reflection on the plasma sphere? Wouldn't there have to be another light source? And if bigger earth would be a ball wouldn't the curvature bring with it more inconsistencies in the reflections?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 12:26:56

<a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Sep 24 2020, 06:38:19

Soren Johannesen
What attracted the Atlanteans to the Earth crater? Some kind of natural light or energy source maybe, like a beacon in the sky? Fora long time I have had the idea, that the daylight Blue sky has nothing to do with the Sun, if the sun was gone it would still become daylight, Blue sky but less Bright and no spotlight effect. What were all the tempels/monuments of Greater Earth locations used for, moving energy/plasma to other locations on Greater Earth? ... Sooo many questions. Can't wait for your next vid, this is fun and awesome. Thank YouShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 20:35:50

Soren Johannesen
Technology vs internal power, bio luminesence vs. Electric light. Did the less "sofisticated" humanoids actually hold more power than the Atlanteans who depended on the humanoids natural power to run their tech?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 20:41:48

spitfire red
Yes, all is here to be discovered and most don't have the means to do this. The one's with all the money (earth money) know all the earth's secrets. The bible says seek and you shall find, unless this was written in to steer us in their directions!!@!!! We do not live on a floating ball in space!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu May 30 2019, 18:00:32

So if Earth is a crater, whats the name of the whole body where those craters are located?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 07:25:12

@godgevlamste I would name it after its discoverer - YOU!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 08:18:00

we'll have to invent a name , i thinkShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 07:42:55

Preston Christine
I THINK that the theory re flooding of the district by a mare outside of it is good but it doesn't need Atlantis being Saturn, another crater. The ice could have caused the rise of the oceans and destroyed the Atlantis on earth, the Eye of the Sahara. There is a lot of evidence that it was the Atlantis of Plato, and at the same time that is but the HQ from which the Atlanteans were operating as a world civilization. The Atlantis of Plato is dated 9,654 BC [I wonder how because the Priests of Sais did not use our system nor the Gregorian calendar which calculates time from the date of Christ's birth who was not yet born, and it was before the Byzantine system which was Roman]... And Moses is dated to 1500 BC --- so all of that is not necessary but what could have caused the sinking of Atlantis with catastrophes if it was the same that caused Noah's flood [I agree with that and it was a theosophical concept] could have been something you suggest, rather than a melting of the ice of the Ice Age, from 30,000 BC to 12,000 BC. [do we know there really was an Ice Age?]...BUT the other identifications/similarities such as between the crater on the Moon which would be a reflection of Mars, with Silburyhill etc... Orion and the pyramids etc... that's brilliant. Re 8:35 speculation, good try GGV, re fallen angels theory, but I think you better consider this in the equation, thanks...hope you do more on the fake space program: 230. Fallen Angels – Farfetched! April 23, 2019, Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 30 2019, 17:33:27

Okay. I like the video. Was interesting, but... well..... uhm... If the earth was a tiny portion of something this big, as a single object, the object would be so massive that it’s own mass would compress it into either a star, white dwarf, neutron star, or even a black hole, given the size of the greater earth. wait you said 2 million kilometers Imma go calculate the mass of something that big brb!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Feb 24 2019, 07:33:34

@what maybe you have to get rid of the "old science ".PS : i think the sun is not a ball but a gatewayShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Feb 24 2019, 08:00:10

Aight... so this objects mass would be 1.1213894033037742e+25 grams<br />That wouldn’t be a star tho it’s 1/10,000 the mass of the... sun<br />Whatever that’s still way more than the calculated mass of the earth and we would feel more gravity.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Feb 24 2019, 07:42:20

joseph bvr
One of many craters on a huge meteorite. Some below us upside down don't have people but many are upright like our crater. Probably hundreds or thousands. Every constellation is a reflection of many cratersShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Oct 30 2020, 19:54:26

Hemp meds
Careful brother,,they could have you eliminated.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Feb 14 2019, 04:04:58

Without Rulers
Only been watching for a minute. But we are Atlantis. GOD said so. Seperated the waters above from the waters below.with the firmament aka the dome over AtlantisShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Sun Oct 14 2018, 00:38:22

God is not writing books , and if he is , it is not God , but an entity , pretending to be God !!Show Comment | Likes: 5 | Sun Oct 14 2018, 07:29:29

Merendo Bereglidditz
"...another puzzle piece falling on its place." What kind of hard, barren place did you fall on, genius? Landed on your head, right? ... Saturn is Atlantis. Brilliant, genius. And Pluto is Oz. And Venus is Neverneverland. And Neptune is waiting for you, genius. Neptune is Disneyland. It's a happy place. Go there, genius. They have cookies.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Oct 16 2018, 23:26:55

Katrina JAy
The epitome of Simpleminded imbecile right here ⬆️💩Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Mar 23 2019, 17:56:05

Lucas Pickford
This is one of the most fascinating videos I’ve ever seen. I noticed that our crater is not in “the tape” on the moon map and neither is Linné (Saturn/Atlantis). I don’t know much about the “tape” but I believe you said that’s the area where day and night are 12 hours. A question. Did our crater always have a dome/firmament or do you think the Atlanteans created it with their counter rotating energy devices (The Pyramids)? Thanks!Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 8 | Fri Jul 03 2020, 21:43:00

@godgevlamste The other vid: <br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Dec 15 2020, 21:23:57

@godgevlamste Here are the YouTube links that I came across giving me the idea. I only saw the thumbnails; did not view the vids.<br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Dec 15 2020, 21:22:42

@C H Well done .10 points for creative thinking !!! i like itShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Nov 13 2020, 06:35:47

@godgevlamste Just to add a little bit to this thread, my brother. Your presentation of the bigger earth as a nucleus within a cell makes the cytoplasm of the same cell the actual "dome" in appearance to us; as revealed via the rainbow. Thinking of us as part of a cell from lowest to highest level, please imagine with me as I present this as if it is actual fact: I am seeing us as bacterium dwelling on the underside brain matter of a deceased titan female being (described in another of your videos). The skull was cracked on the right side before or after the time of demise and the head could have fell into the surface of the earth face up along with the body and caused an indention that now contains the skull. The left side was possibly left intact and the nose is Mount Meru. Salt water poured onto and into the skull and then later froze. Our section defrosted enough for bacterium (all life) to form and multiply. Bacterium have domains and so forth. It appears that we are just as they. The underside brain matter itself was and is preserved within the salt water, so that it is able to still create all things from its thought centers and so forth. We and all of creation just happen to be a by-product of this undisturbed brain matter in saline solution. The left side of the brain and the nose are still frozen as Antarctica. (The elite love to cover one eye or really one eye and the same side of the skull at once.) (Maybe even "skull and bones" is representing the deceased titan female being also known as Mother Nature.) So the walls which contain us are skull and/or possibly some of the bigger earth covered with ice; depending on how far down the skull is indented. Our crater is one of numerouse nuclear pores within the nucleus of this cell. The levels of spheres above are all contained within the cytoplasm of the cell and therefore appear as an arch or dome above us, when in reality the cytoplasm surrounds the entire nucleus. The cytoplasm is the semifluid substance of a cell containing a gel-like substance. We get our fluid from above via the cytoplasm. We do fine as long as nothing can come along and destroy our biosphere. Just as easily as any one of us could come upon the carcass of an animal with bacterium upon its surface and easily handle it in any way that we would please, so this could happen to us. This is where the UN treaty for Antarctica and all of the massive weapons and bombs come into play. They know that they have to protect the entire Ridge from any of the gigantic beings and other forms of beings which may make it pass the intensely frigid ice realm and approach the wall. If ever they made it into the crater in any fashion, then that would possibly be the end of our biosphere. They have to protect land, sea and air. So, therefore, we have the armed forces of all nations at work here to protect The Pond. The brain matter must remain undisturbed. It is a delicate situation. They continue to amass weapons for this very purpose. Also, we are on the right side of the brain and so we dominately produce characteristics of the same -- creativity, emotion and intuition -- verses those of the left side of the brain -- being logical, analytical, and objective. Finally, we must definately be in a cell. We use such terms as: nuclear, nucleus, cell, cellular, etc. Anyway, that is just some food for thought for all of us. Thank you for sharing in my imagination. Best wishes always.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Nov 13 2020, 02:39:15

Lucas Pickford
Dan&Dees Daughter Thanks! This channel is really amazing and I’m glad you’re here learning with the rest of us.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 07 2020, 22:42:49

@Lucas Pickford ok , thanks for your support !!Show Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jul 04 2020, 15:03:32

Lucas Pickford
godgevlamste Thanks for your reply. I’ve been watching your videos over and over for the past two weeks since I discovered them. I learn something new each time I watch them and I think your research and ideas are absolutely fascinating. <br /><br />Like you I have many more questions, but for now instead of asking them I’ll continue to watch your videos and learn what I can as I go. <br />Greetings from New England in America. <br />“All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident.”<br />- SchopenhauerShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Sat Jul 04 2020, 10:11:06

Thanks for the compliments . I see you are getting the picture and you ask some good questions .A few years ago i had an insight in the system of our globe and from that moment i knew the moon is the reflection of earth .From that point i started looking for solutions and it got me to the point where i am now .So , it’s for me the same question as for you .I will make some mistakes along the line and i don’t have all the answers , the only thing i’m doing now is looking for more evidence and it brings me to the strangest places .Everything i know is in my videos , so i’m waiting for some new insights …greetsShow Comment | Likes: 4 | Sat Jul 04 2020, 07:03:08

Pit Ambara
... and the goal of life is......Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:08:18

Pit Ambara
is it a question... i like your vids.. very interesting.. but is the discovery of our position and the universal set up enough.. will we only then figure out what the hell are we doing here... For me it is not a question... this universe is a side issue.. it may be for you too.. I dont know you. Is the goal just to understand Earth.. what about the heart? What do you think about the heart? By the way... Vedas say Moon is a globe of water... that made me think of plasma..Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:37:11

is that a question or a statement ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon May 28 2018, 19:33:03

Marek Błażejewski
Fake Nobel prize is for you, Sir🤯🤯🤯Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 11:02:51

Phil Lopiano
Very good vid.i too think the earth in a circle not globe.and it makes sense for there to be differe t area on earth.therex to muck hidden history got my only being around for 12k yrs or whatever it is I also believe the earth is hollow to some extent and something is going on in there but coudnt even speculate.the earth could b the size of Jupiter and the area we r in seems flat cause it's so big. Whatever there hiding its huge cause there lying about the most fundamental things loke what size and shape is out planet.i think along with hiding gods true deal I believe the got something like the arc of covenant.theyll die b4 we see itShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Oct 15 2018, 04:20:37

Gregory Michael
I have a question regarding the planets "craters". Planets are known as wondering stars, meaning they move freely within the ecliptic. How could this be explained if they are craters? Interesting theories to say the least.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Sep 16 2020, 16:38:16

<a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Wed Sep 16 2020, 16:41:21

liked and subed,I am studying now the story about hanebu,the huge ship that was build before and meanwhile ww2,,that should save people to transport them to Aldebaran, the girls Maria and Sigrun transmit a message in wich they said that was nobody there anymore,so they will proced to search. First I thought that the entire earth as seen on the moon,is the reflection of our continents,if you want you can check my videos,but....few days ago I watched PCK live moon,and there he was fixing a crater for too much time for my patience,but I continued to watch ,I notice how strange the crater was iluminated,quite in a crescent moon,and did not grow...yet other craters were complete in light ,or complet in shadow,then ....I thought the same thing as you,what if...we are just one of the little craters? Where Tyco is are so many craters...and no seas...Instead on the upper part are a lot of seas.Thank you ,I appreciate very much your work ^.^.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Fri Jun 29 2018, 22:04:54

Thanks for the compliments , watched parts of your video’s . I see you are digging in the same place as the rest of us ; Evidence, people no longer believe the lies we are mindcontrolled with .<br />Keep making video’s !! greetsShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Jul 01 2018, 07:45:24

There is only ONE God. Rest all is God's creation. Anyway your findings are more trustable. Just keep the research.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Feb 02 2019, 17:12:17

Sometimes youtube is a great window into the mind of the insane and delusional, a great resource for psychiatrists, this video seems to be an interesting case to study that would be beneficial into understanding the mind of one who has an over imagination problem, can sometimes point to a man with the mind of a child crying for attention.Show Comment | Likes: 2 | View Replies: 4 | Fri Feb 01 2019, 10:42:48

@Katrina JAy<br />It's you who is closed minded dear, a closed mind tends to look for fairy tales and candy sprinkles in their life, not reality., you need to grow the fuck up, this is for children,Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 23 2019, 20:46:08

Katrina JAy
Poseidon63 other times we find closed hive minded imbeciles such as yourself 💩Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Mar 23 2019, 17:48:32

M Dee
But its not a mental illness when a man thinks hes a woman and vice versa. ... .lmaoShow Comment | Likes: 3 | Fri Feb 08 2019, 23:10:50

earth is gigantic .....if someone took a picture from the moon o earth ....they would see nothing but earth and sea space , no fake space either ...LOL UH i like a lot of your theories , and yeah we dont live on no spinning ball , but im 52 and there is something way diferent about the story of CHRIST yeshua /jesus ...the SON o God whatever you want to call seems all the forces of evil are against Him and his believers ...and the reason why .... is because HE IS REAL , AND HE IS RISEN , AND HE IS COMING . AND OMCE HIS BELIEVERS ARE GONE ... GOD will start the judgement ...and the last 3 and half years will be like a nightmare from hell ...because hell, the pit will be opened. book of enoch 1 it . it will make the bible make more sense.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Sep 10 2020, 11:38:05

George Acu
Check out a high definition movie (maybe animated and digitized a bit, but the raw material resolution is very good) of the Linne crater (former Atlantis or „Saturn”): Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 10:35:12

fake !! <br />wimdegrotekunstenaar@<a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Sep 14 2020, 15:28:44

Dr Dj Psycho
its one thing to theorize, but you got to be blind if you think the Spinx human face is a dog,lmao. Satarn represents satan in the occult.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 12:58:57

Dr Dj Psycho
@godgevlamste Everyone has one, even a baby, dog, and all animals has a brain and dont know that, its something you have to be taught throu research, and that dont mean its true, its a assumption, and assuming makes a ass of u n me.<br />So if you hurt, its from your own stupidity :)Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 16:55:31

@Dr Dj Psycho anyone with a brain knows that the original head was not a human head , it was recarved from a lionshead or a dogshead ( anubis ) .You are so stupid it hurts !Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 16:49:28

Dr Dj Psycho
@godgevlamste @ 14;40 ,do you even know your own propaganda,lmao.. it has a human face, any one with eyes an common sense can see its not a dog.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 13:15:29

the sphinx human face is a dog ? what the hell are you talking about ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Feb 12 2019, 13:08:21

Rebecca Ringler
Your info is interesting, but do you think they are exiting Antarctica to get to Mars?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Sat Jul 11 2020, 16:25:34

I 4got
@godgevlamste <br /><br />I think many would enjoy you having a discussion with <br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />You, and Cami "AFP Angel" are on the same road.....Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Sep 01 2020, 19:48:45

Rebecca Ringler
Okay. Was trying to follow all of it because of the reflections matching up. Thank you.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 12 2020, 15:10:31

@Rebecca Ringler I too believe in the firmament , but not in solid material .I think it’s a sort of reflective layer .I made a video about the whole spaceprogram : We did land on the moon, but not the way you think !!There i explain what i think was the real spacestoryShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Jul 12 2020, 14:46:08

Rebecca Ringler
godgevlamste Thank you. I believe in the lands beyond, but have not been convinced they can go by rocket because of the firmament, but your correlation of the moon and star maps is interesting.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jul 12 2020, 10:04:16

In the old days they left the crater by boat through the twin pillars .Now they leave with rocketsShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sun Jul 12 2020, 08:18:34

Preston Christine
The divine beings from higher dimensions are the divine race and INITIATORS, represented by Adam in Genesis,, who are forbidden to have relationships with the daughters of man, or perverse race [some among the human race], in this the Book of Jika which I have translated from the book by Jimmy Guieu 'Le Livre du Paranormal'. The perverse race is Cain in Genesis. It's a manuscript that has been handed down in a Spanish family, that is known to have been translated from Aramaic and have been in the possession of the Arabs who invaded Spain. It was originally written on a parchment made of gold leaves. It's a testament and like a biography that could be from the Age of Atlantis. I have found parallels in the Vedic Jyotisha, Ouranos and mythology, and a lot more. See if you can get ideas from this Godgevamste. My latest video on this 'JIKA'S SECRET ATLANTIS' is in the making and here is the link for a recent one with a Voice reading the text and making a mistake 4 times, reading 'Sunday' instead of 'Sun', so I'm having it redone and I have added some material from my recent research. 239. The Book of Jika now translated, June 18, 2019, you will find a lot of parallels to the story, but there are more in the version that I hope is going to be ready soon.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Jun 23 2019, 16:02:20

Also, pyramids are fake. They are build around 1700s with lime stone concrete. All those ancient miracles are faked and staged. Ancient aliens debunked is 3h film that destroys all that nonsense. If you wanna learn how pyramids are faked search for pyramids hoax or I'll send you a link. If you wanna learn how all history is faked ima send you audiobook link of the most comprehensive info on the subject.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sun Feb 09 2020, 19:49:20

Mr. Dark
I had an idea that Atlanstis as a very advanced and rich place wss destroyed because of egoism/zionizm.. Ego is the most advanced and fastest way to prosperity adn technology if you know duality of course. But there is a point Ego as darkness and it's oposite the God using duality but only ego using only one pole of duality as sucking and affecting energy, God or truth using both poles as synergy.So atlantis could be very advanced plac e if there were people with good balanced mind but many false god in minds lived here and so many conflict were there like now in our sector because ego is winning and ruling so we have the same problem here as in atlantis before..Atlantis was probably destroyed by war for altantis throne, this mind sector was perfectly balanced by pagand but then infiltrator comes here. of course there was also ego because of reflection affection and zodiac , but the pure egocentrism raised in place of ego.. the saturn.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Oct 30 2019, 07:00:19

Mr. Dark
Or maybe everytime when ego is winning and there is no other option for change the balance .. Earth will destroy everything and reset the cycle.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 30 2019, 07:10:47

Soren Johannesen
Was the Earth creater in reality a power station running on humanoids resonnance, supplying power to all the other places on the Greater Earth? Making the humanoids slaves for the Greater Earth Project? I guess the great pyramide og Giza, could have been a hydrogen plasma generator for the Orion location? Check out the names of locations in the grand Canyon, tempels, power stationsShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 12 | Tue May 01 2018, 20:59:24

hongry life
I even thought that 'water' sounds like father (wader, vader, etc). Remarkable is that the New Jerusalem of Revelation will have no seas. Would that be because the father will live in the city in person? Water could be 'the other' 'of another kind', Latin 'alius', Urdu 'uader'. For now it seems a battle between water, air/aer, fire maybe and earth to penetrate everything and there seems to be a (constructed?) balance, though fire and earth seem less invasive, depending on 'fuel' or movement capacity, and some elements have stricter boundaries than others. It is very interesting indeed and in Hebrew the H implies that God did approve the word/understanding, like in the difference between Abram and Abraham. So definitely I see God's breath in the H sound, though the symbols that humans choose for sounds can change over time.<br /><br />The H is not for nothing in the center of the Vatican logo as I think. And it has a nail pinned in it and 3 nails lying below (Roman nails in Jesus, aka God in the flesh??), in the center of the sun??. Maybe you can read about Peter Faber (Pierre (means rock) LeFevre (means smith they say, but has connection to February as I think => <a href=""></a>, founder of 'Society of Jesus. Interesting.<br /><br />Dan mark seems to be the Dan tribe of Israelites.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 05 2018, 16:36:10

Soren Johannesen
@hungy life: KEEP GOING YOUR ARE OVER THE TARGET, Flack May be coming your way. Stay centered and CALM get out of they WAY. Fighting and bloodshed is about to commence, but ONLY for those still on the FENCE. Sit back and watch the SHOW, B KIND, who knows how far YOU WILL GO.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 15:26:04

Soren Johannesen
@hungry Life:<br />You are deff on to something, the true truth of our past has never been revealed. Each has to become NEO, chart our own course and search out our own force. Star Forts play a major role, some think they might be evil, I Am not so sure about that. All in this World was once pure and full of light. Then it got corrupted. Is Namu an entity wanting groth beyond its own ability, becoming so inflated as to crush his own children under his foot, blaming his children for not being good? All ETERNAL GODS have a Name ending on N, Namu is in traing to become a Real HUMAN. All he has to see is his spelling went wrong, add a connecting H and make WATER to SONG. H, for HYDROGEN, the first AND THE LAST ADAM/ATOM. Hydrogen in German is called "Wasserstof", the stuf WATER IS MADE OF. When Adam embraces the ALL (OXYGEN), the UNION becomes WATER, the SOURCE OF ALL LIFE.<br /><br />BTW. My Home town of COPENHAGEN, has a mideval inner City surrounded by a "City wall", or in other words a giant STAR FORT with almost an uncountable number of points. I believe the Star Forts were originally constructed to HOLD THE LIGHT, for as long as they could. When the People became strong enough, this "tech" was decommisioned. Now We have to fight for our own LIBERTY. The Ground has been prepared.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 05 2018, 15:18:08

hongry life
Yes, as long as we keep sharing the wealth and take care of our earth and everything in it, it is good.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 15:04:26

Soren Johannesen

hongry life
Interesting that uman gives 'peace' in translation from Urdu (our ur/primal language of (Indo) European languages as I think) and guman gives 'thought' (like homo sapiens?). <br />H changed in G and vice versa over time in some languages, like very soft throat sound (H, breath) to G and almost hard K sound.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 05 2018, 14:08:22

hongry life
Namu seems to mean growth in Urdu, while (h)uman seems to to diminish in height/length. Some believe that giants lived here, like humans of 3 meters and before that taller ones. We can see that with buildings of a century ago (3 meter high ceilings and higher doorways than now) and ancient temples have huge doors and entrances. I find the mud flood evidences very interesting. Last world wide mud flood was in first half of the 1800s. Many evidences, like half buried older buildings in every city, buildings on top of others, roads reaching to halfway the windows of buried first floors, not excavated areas, archeologists always have to dig below ground level. etc. Search mud flood 19th century here on YT and on the internet. It seems that giants and taller people became extinct and that the flood(s) are not in our history books.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 14:02:06

your way of thinking reminds me of Jordan Maxwell , some interesting thoughts !!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat May 05 2018, 08:01:14

Soren Johannesen
The number ONE glyf of the 260 count Mayan calendar is DEER, or Hand (Manu). It is decribed as follows.: <br />DEER offers us the opportunity to learn how to respond appropriately to life; to know when to hold on and when to let go.<br />Deer or Hand is elusive and graceful, yet deceptively strong. So begins 13 days to awaken your spiritual power and nobility. <br /><br />Sound pretty good to me, maybe thats why it has been inverted, perverted and destorted. To mean al kinds of Bull crapShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Sat May 05 2018, 00:46:17

hongry life
Interesting is the name Anu (in Anu-nagi) and Human seems backwards written: <br />Nanuh, makes me think of nano (technology).<br />Anu means anus in some languages, while in Portugese it has to do with bird and in another language 'hand'. <br />(Manu = hand in latin) <a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri May 04 2018, 21:53:09

Nye Konto
This world is a terrarium, a growthhouse, a stationary greenhouse, not a planet freely in a space. Meteorites does not exist.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Mon Jun 03 2019, 00:04:10

Atlantis people became our demon's god ? I thougth they were reptilians Anunaki. Maybe atlanteans are the reptilians rulling this world ? Atlantis= Saturn= Reptilians. Make sense !Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 01:05:30

I think that’s the direction we have to look , everything is possible !! That could be the reason we are made to believe we”re living on a little ball , to hide their presence .Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Jun 14 2018, 06:21:47

In all respect... NO WAY. You take symbols as history and reality, and then miss the points.Noah... was not a "person". When you talk about "boats", you believe it is physical boats... In its "core" from the beginning, Atlantis was not meant to be seen as a place in our physical realm. Paradise... Shangrila, Shamballa, Mount Meru, Sumeru, Yggdrasil... etc etc - its a realm higher up, which we have fallen from.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed Mar 27 2019, 21:41:36

I am a hologram, a figment of your imagintion, and dominate you.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 01:46:22

the problem of education is that they are putting dogmas in your head ! Difficult to get rid of .I'm trying to put holes into itShow Comment | Likes: 1 | Thu Mar 28 2019, 07:12:59

I have a telescope. I can turn it to Saturn and see it through my telescope. Saturn is not on "the bigger earth." Sorry.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 18:39:20

I can see Jupiter too but it’s mostly bright light . Can’t define the image as nasa present it. This guy is on to somethingShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 13 2019, 18:36:09

Mundo Legítimo
So, we live in ponds, thats how water maintain level? and outside of it, how water stick to a ball earth? We have a dome?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Thu Apr 09 2020, 02:31:39

Geemustno2 yeaH
so if the moon tilts or rocks , or becomes uneven the water will run out like your round ball test . so are we digging tunnels to a new flat earth crater , and other ares on bigger earth to fine a more stable crater SO WE CAN start all over again with a new GOD and followers .. because today most people have gotten to the point ITS SAFER NOT TO believe anything .. is that why ??? NO MORE TRUST this creates a big problem for the future 7.5 billion people how can we even believe that number is true ,, this search needs to be proof-en by SEEING OUR SELFs through a reflection as you say we have going ON . ok 4 uShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 19:05:06

That's close , They will be building new civilizations on the bigger earth .I don't know how this can be proven : you know a way ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 19:41:35

Wow, just wow. I have known for the last year or so that neither flat Earth nor globe earth was an accurate depiction of our realm. I also took some information from the cosmic egg theory and I think this is much more possible. The rings in the cosmic egg theory are just different craters and the layout is much different. I've also followed tons of the work from crrow777 and he stated that he has seen evidence of a second sun during the thousands of hours of footage he has looking at the sky and "space". He also was there first to film the lunar wave, and that makes perfect sense with your theory. The wave is because it's just a reflection! Anyway, I'll be watching all your videos and I subbed. I wish I would have took the time to really learn blender years ago. You got some skills, especially in your new video Thank you for your amazing ability to think outside of the box.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Fri Sep 04 2020, 06:04:24

Joshua Loveless
If the waters outside our crater are leaking in why have elites not tried to build a dam around it to prevent it from happening?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2 | Sun Nov 29 2020, 06:52:30

Holger Enghardt
very much things would make sense...what I dont get is ..the reflections of the stonehenge and the hole other things you explain are on our earth why are the reflections outside the crater reflection of our earth not IN the earth crater? I hope you understand what I mean :-))) my english is not so good sorry for that :-)Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 11:24:24

@godgevlamste Hello again friend. I was trying to find the comment thread that we had going the last time along my creative thinking presentation; but to no avail. Nevertheless, I want to send this screenshot file that I came upon. I think that it's give a good picture of my thinking concerning the theory you have in one of your videos about us living on the brain of a gigantic female. This picture just blew me away. I think that it is a dead giveaway. No pun intended. Also, it is showing the right side of the face, i.e., the right hemisphere of the brain on which we live. (So our true hemispheres are left and right instead of North and South). The baby carriage is representing us on that side of the brain stationed on the dead brain matter preserved in salt water. That's my thinking. Have a great day!<br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Dec 15 2020, 19:47:06

@Holger Enghardt look at the first three minutes of my video <br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Apr 28 2019, 07:17:38

Holger Enghardt
@godgevlamste another question: when we have fullmoon I understand but what shadow comes on the moon in the other phases..I mean the shadow what supposed to be the shadow of our planet when the sun is behind us?? Understand?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sat Apr 27 2019, 22:09:12

wow , that's a difficult one .In short : the moon is the reflection of earth , not a small earth , but a bigger one .One of these craters is crater earth .The monuments are making a scalemodel of the craters ouside our crater, like a minimap of bigger earth .hope that explains it ?Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Mon Apr 01 2019, 12:09:24

i have the real map you dontShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Oct 17 2018, 05:37:26

Real Eyes -Realize-Real lies
We are Atlantis! Atlanta is the city of Atlantis, is 33 degrees! The new world orders America’s Stonehenge is the Georgia Guidestones! The Last Supper Bowl- Holy Grail was played under a dome in Atlanta! Babylon is New York City! America’s land is rich with all resources!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 16:02:11

FB Windsurfing
@godgevlamste Think you also see the docu "The venus project" so yes i also think they are going to rebuild atlantis from the ground up !! your vids gave me some answersShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 18:54:23

Real Eyes -Realize-Real lies
@godgevlamste true! Please sir, come look at my videos about the Holy Grail 1-3! God BlessShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 18:48:44

that might be the descendants ot Atlantis rebuilding their homelandShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Fri Feb 22 2019, 16:20:11

No way... lol. Atlantis was not a place in the outher realm, but is a metaphor, with the meaning that we have fallen down to this plane, or realm - from "higher state" above - with thousand names - paradise, garden of Eden, Agartha, Mount Meru, Mount Sumeru, Avalon, Mount Sinai, Kunlun, Mount Olympus, etc. Or they talked about a kingdom higher up, above our plane of existence, Midgård, in the tree of Yggd-RA-sil, instead of a mountain - a world tree. Or a pillar, Axis Mundi.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 18:32:20

godgevlamste - the law. ALL sagas, Bible, spiritual texts, etc say so. That's why they exists.<br /><br />The study of the evidence that our world's ancient myths, including the accounts in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, rest upon a foundation of celestial metaphor is frequently termed astrotheology.<br /><br />...<br /><br />Syncretism shows how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc, all have one simple common origin. In all of these wonderful ancient classics, the Personae are always the same, under different names.<br /><br />E.g. The Sun, Hercules, Jesus, Krishna, Little Red Ridding Hood, Prince Charming etc., are all one and the same Person/ Entity. All the characters have the same roles, the same adventures and the same trials and labours.<br /><br />The Seven visible planets and luminaries (The Active Creator God’s) in our Solar System considered to be a Macrocosmic Atom, the Twelve Constellations of The Zodiac, all play a very important role in this.<br /><br />The numbers Three and Four are also important. Four is the number of the elements, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, which correspond to Light/ Heat, Gas, Liquid and Solid. They are the building blocks of the Universe.<br /><br />It is possible to explain every verse in the Bible with Science and Astronomy and Physics etc.<br /><br />The underlying message of all the legendary books of Mythology (Including the Bible) is one and the same.<br /><br />Nature (The only book of God), in all her naked glory, is revealed to the ones that have ‘eyes to see’. The recurring cycles of nature are the basis of all the stories. In particular the Day, the Year, and the Great Year, or the Platonic year (Scientific name: Precession of the equinoxes)<br /><br />This cycle lasts around 24,000 years. This latter cycle is the cause of the Zodiacal ages. The age of Pisces is giving way to the age of Aquarius and we have just crossed over a great galactic alignment that takes place only once every 24,000 years.<br /><br />This Science of ‘as above so below’ is the most ancient universal system of harmonizing man with his natural surrounds!<br /><br />The stars above and the stars below, i.e. our own bodies.<br /><br />Mankind is in harmony with Nature only when he realizes that he is the microcosm of the Universe and a Galaxy unto himself.<br /><br />Man has lost this profound knowledge over the past few thousand years due to the Precession of the Equinoxes.<br /><br />The ancients foretold the dark history of the recent past. Hesiod, Hermes and many others foretold a time when the understanding of the sacred truths would become obscure and the knowledge would have to go underground to be preserved for a future time. That time has now arrived.<br /><br />The ancient wisdom traditions always depict “man” (male and female) as a composite being and frequently as the microcosmic reflection of the conscious living universe: as above, so below.<br /><br />Plato, for example, describes in allegory the kingdom outside (the ideal State) and within (ourselves) as a Republic composed of many citizens. He describes it as a diverse yet interdependent polity ideally ruled by the philosopher, the wisdom-loving hero who has struggled up the steep and rugged ascent from the prison of ignorance to the luminous realm of truth.<br /><br />Self-discovery is a process of self-transformation: progressively taming and refining the disorderly elements of the soul, and “solarizing” one’s inner nature by identifying with the author of one’s being and its radiant ideals of Justice, Beauty, and the Good.<br /><br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 21:17:02

@kronblomqqq who decides if something is exoteric or esoteric ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 20:17:05

@godgevlamste - sagas, metaphors, Bible, etc - they exist to be understood, and never to be read as history books. If someone take the text literally, then they miss the inner true meaning. The exoteric is not the esoteric... <br /><br />To take it literally will make a fool of the believer. If you take Bible literally and "believe in jesus", than you are a pseudo christian, a satanist.<br /><br />About Noah and Bible, here is some education:<br /><a href=""></a>Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 19:43:30

@godgevlamste - you don't understand myths or metaphorsShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Sun Jan 06 2019, 19:15:14

jim james
Maybe the other area near the crater is a sea of oil or a lake of fire? That oil working its way through to us. When I was a kid I theorized the only rational explanation for the moon was a reflection or even an xray once I saw one. Stars have pretty much got no way of being explained. But if that large lake of fire was real and had tides there goes an explanation for the sun. Refracted light from a rising and lowering tide. But I dunno, just thinking out loud.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2 | Tue May 01 2018, 14:25:50

Soren Johannesen
For some reason Midnight Oil - Beds are burning (band/song) popped into my mind. A passage goes "how Can We sleep while our Earth is turning" and another goes "lets give it back", "time has come to say fair's fair". It this song about Greater Earth and not Racisim in Australia?<br />Yin and Yang keeps knocking too, is It really a "map" of Greater Earth?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Tue May 01 2018, 20:19:06

I am love
Awesome man. So what if the space between is oil and not water? oil is pretty combustable would make sense. That is kinda how cells look too under a microscope like suns/oil, so the theory of evolution fits in well. I really do think oil pits if followed correctly might be paths to other realms. I wouldn't wanna go in one that is fiery though.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue May 01 2018, 15:52:14

Justin Bennett
Friend you revealed a deeply hidden knowledge. You are one of the best discoverers I've found. I informed you on another video that I was running your theories against electroplasmic theory. I noticed a few synchronicities in my research and turned to some of my old alchemy texts. You have allowed me to understand MANY occult concepts and symbols that were unknowable previously. I thank you.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Wed Mar 11 2020, 23:15:23

Justin Bennett
@godgevlamste If not a God then I will certainly never be less than a man...Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 12 2020, 11:35:22

You’re welcome .i hope you use your insights for the benefit of mankind and not yourself , like the slavemasters do !!Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Mar 12 2020, 07:59:40

Jeannine Godwin
I believe in what is written in the Catholic Douay-Reims Bible. This story here is not compatable with the truth in the Bible. The Book of Enoch is a Gnostic fraud.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3 | Thu Dec 17 2020, 06:52:02

@Jeannine Godwin what about your truth ?Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 17 2020, 07:42:57

Jeannine Godwin
@godgevlamste The Bible is my truth.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 17 2020, 07:24:36

i'm not interested in believe systems , i want to know the truthShow Comment | Likes: 0 | Thu Dec 17 2020, 07:10:30

Michael Mc Donagh
It’s not a ball it’s flat and immovable God said so no space if there was a rocket could not move as there is no air for thrustShow Comment | Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Sep 12 2020, 22:07:55

George Dimakopoulos
I also want to add... The Earth is today 4.55 billion Years Old. Life appeared Proper, about 475 billion Years ago. Then we have the Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals. From Mammals one type the Mummy's came the Apes and then Humans, due to Mutations of at least 7 Apes in Ethiopia and Tanzania in Africa. But that happened 35 - 5 Million Years Ago. Many Other Intelligent Civilization with Spece ships that can travel at Light Speed and Work Speed, must of visited the Earth from 35 million... Or 475 million... Or 3.5 Billion years ago BC, up to 1 BC Our Planet. They either came here to explore, or Colonize. We're they made a New Civilization here and could of mixed with the Ape like Humans. We're they gave us knowledge. So as you can see all here, Human History doesn't start at 9500 BC. But more back.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Tue Apr 02 2019, 04:19:18

Brian M
I know that the earth is bigger than what they tell us, if you look at a flat map you can see where the point of entry for all the different race migrations, at the tip of south america and the southern tip of Africa and when australia was also connected to the ice wall.Show Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Wed Sep 09 2020, 11:28:45

Alberto Marrufo
U need to take ur meds bro.Show Comment | Likes: 3 | View Replies: 4 | Tue May 01 2018, 16:59:25

Big Nasty
Alberto Marrufo <br />It must be depressing to have such a little mind.Show Comment | Likes: 1 | Tue Jan 22 2019, 00:40:34

Jayk Roach
Alberto Marrufo You need to stick to pewdiepie videosShow Comment | Likes: 5 | Tue Jun 05 2018, 06:07:21

filipe beat
we neva needed no meds bro, keep it too urselfShow Comment | Likes: 2 | Sun May 06 2018, 21:26:55

marcus Vass
Alberto Marrufo <br />You have been awarded the most original comment award. Congratulations!Show Comment | Likes: 6 | Tue May 01 2018, 21:33:36

Tanner G
All of you are stuck in group think. Your ignorance brings you blissShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1 | Wed Oct 21 2020, 23:24:26

Gmpo Darkou
come on ball doesnot make senseShow Comment | Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0 | Sat Nov 28 2020, 12:24:50
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