29) YT Comments on last video Crater Earth and The Galactic Scam

From the video of godgevlamste – saved October 15th, 2020

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Title: 30) Crater Earth and The Galactic Scam
Comments: 1.119
Views: 15.788
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Nel nome della verità

Nel nome della verità3 giorni faAfter found you thru John Levi, I’m studying all… and now I understand why there’s the lock down, another way to keep us away… but not just this, I’m referring to all the stories of insiders talking of Blue Spheres, bird like shape, meeting on Saturn.. 20 years and back… Dendera… Sirius… Admiral Byrd… well, I could continue to mention many but many others! And this all fit in this research the demonstrate how we should reject all of the spiritual channelling… maybe some of them really come from our good side of the… life essence on plasma???? All has to be read again to comprehend the incredible connections it discloses 🙂

Fernando PartridgeAnyone else feel like they’re living in a real life version of the Truman Show? 🤔 Interesting channel…. someone is giving you some good recommendations, they are right. This is fascinating.
Show Comment| Likes: 62 | View Replies: 17| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:06:07

Anthony NgYep
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 01:48:31

Fernando Partridge@truth Bknown 😁
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 16:43:45

truth Bknown@Fernando Partridge all thinky lol, I like that!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 16:02:00

Mark PYes. The Truman Show since we were born.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 10:31:52

Fernando Partridgetruth Bknown Lol… exactly! Who knows? It’s fun anyway and has got me all thinky… not a bad thing at all.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 07:44:29

truth Bknown@Fernando Partridge well said, nobody knows the truth yet. We the people only know what we are told. Pick up a rock and you can see the truth. But my reality is I never picked up a moon rock! Only a handful can possibly know if moon rocks exist. 3 men, maybe? I truly believe this will all change soon. If everything changes how will we know what they’re telling us now is true?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:43:36

Fernando Partridgedominic muscia That’s cool if it’s not your thing. Not cool to call someone’s hard life’s work ‘shit’ though dude. This ain’t for everyone, get that….. it is far out. I don’t recall him ever saying his findings are fact either…… just a theory. For some, it’s an interesting one.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 05:51:13

dominic muscia0nly when tons of synchronicitys happen at once, but this channel is shit , its just too much speculation. i gave him the chance but im convinced hes making something out of nothing. hes reading too deep the answers are right infront of us. but we cannot say whats beyond the ice wall and we have no way we can trust nasa period.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 01:42:31

Fernando Partridge@truth Bknown😆👍
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:34:35

truth BknownAh! Yeah, but I been on the ocean. No damn door! 🤣
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:03:28


Irrepressible MeThe power parasites have a plan B, C, D, E etc. Once discovered they roll these alternative power system plans into place replacing the old one but ultimately still stay in control. Some of their resets have seen entire civilizations being erased. Research The Tartian empire. Here in the UK there have been Bill board posters appear at bus stops with the word ‘RESET’ on but nobody knows what they are or what they mean. They contain the slogan ‘Pause Today to Shape Tomorrow’. The moon map reflection is definately our true reality of land, space and the solar system all here on earth. As above so below. Thank you so much for transcending us above their plan B generic flat earth explanation with convenient ready made maps. Keep researching for us, I feel you are very close.
Show Comment| Likes: 121 | View Replies: 170| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:12:42

EoSST@Déise Dearg Doom macro vs micro I’m guessing the grain of sand represents. The reverse of the infinite plane. I like this line of thinking.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 22:20:59

Déise Dearg Doomlol, that’s why there is so many truther people online because they know deep down reality is not real, but you know what the funny thing is…. reality loves the truthers, reality makes truthers they work perfect because they are the perfect source of attention and looking and investigating into a reality that can change in an instant to make them do what they were programmed to do… reality makes truthers because it wants to, they are perfect, a perfect equilibrium to drip feed endless information into the reality
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 22:02:09

Déise Dearg Doom@EoSST That’s why you will find a conspiracy in everything, it’s because all the information exists in everything it’s just we get confused … The whole reality can change in an instant because it just wants to keep your attention and make you think reality is real and it’s the present … the screen, kinda like the matrix but i didn’t watch all them so i dunno?… but reality is not real at all, most people are not real either… reality just keeps your attention while you become what it wanted all along, reality can’t let you know what you really are because you affect the future too much… that’s why all the boomers sperg out on the equinox, knowing the answers don’t mean shlt, anyone can debunk an answer, knowing the right question is how you really see the true. Most true answers will be number 3 to start with and you would have to study that one number for about 50 years then you might get somewhere, maybe on to number 6 and you would have to study that one number for a hundred years to understand it so that means its a monster sum, we can’t live long enough to do it, so we need a computer …. people only think that, you don’t need a computer, humans can do monster equations in their mind… first thing they teach kids in school is humans can’t do monster equations because they can’t live long enough so here use a computer, .. that’s how i know reality was hi jacked by humans who know how reality really works.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 21:14:23

Déise Dearg Doom@EoSST People think they live in the present but it’s really the past of the future… we are a byproduct of the future just like this writing that you are reading is a byproduct of our reality, this is a information index that exists in the past tense now.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 20:39:13

Déise Dearg Doom@EoSST you get the green & blue & red color system off elections not white light, you use white light on Mercury it turns into electrons and you get the full color spectrum. the sodium is a byproduct of projection(burn-off?) not a device for projection … people talk about time and space being infinite but that’s low IQ thinking, big thinking is infinite information. All the information of the whole universe is inside a grain of sand in my model of the solar system never-mind you… you already know all the answers of the solar system it’s just you can’t read it, but it is there right inside your mind.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 20:22:00

Déise Dearg Doom@EoSST i get good vibe off everyone here, but not that lugas guy, he was just weird af
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 20:09:05

Déise Dearg Doom@EoSST Don’t you know your not allowed to talk to me… didn’t you see all the warnings the others left on this tread… Teresa said i was a dangerous psycho… Lugas said i was a AI worshiper that will die soon… Willy said i was a satanist and the others said i was i the Illuminati… why the heck you wanna talk to me for.. Godgey said i was a waster and the other guy said i was arrogant … can’t talk to me, you got your orders from the others here… ask Teresa, she must know all about the solar system, ask Lugas he will tell you
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 19:14:41

EoSST@Déise Dearg Doom hmmm thousands of lazers would be required to beam a projection on the miniscule layer of sodium that covers the atmosphere much like a projection screen tv works. But that’s just me.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:35:28

Déise Dearg Doom@Hans Åkesson you better not talk to me, didn’t you see Teresa’s warning that i’m a psycho, didn’t you see Lugas warn you here on this tread that i worship the AI gods, didn’t you see willy tell you i’m a satanist… didn’t you see them all tell you i’m in the cabal… they are all NPCs they got a download when they seen me…. see what that creepy guy Lugas was saying to me… he was saying i’m going to die, an i’m gonna get old fast and die… what a creepy thing to say to a person
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 15:45:12

Déise Dearg DoomOrganic natural technology and self healing is the way… that’s all we can get out of this solid present tense reality, nothing else is worth doing, that’s why i can camp out in the wild for six months easy if i want where i live. Just enjoy the wilderness and test yourself , don’t matter if die because you totally past the test of life. that’s the big secret of the west of Ireland, the ancient people the Norse and the pagans were never scared to sail west into the unknown, the solar system loved watching that … those people were at one with nature, they knew way more than us… people never study that part of the atlantic, they don’t even know something was out there for 2000 years controlling the roman empire… i can’t be debunked on that because all the evidence is still here, 180 pre-roman towers just in the west of Ireland alone, all set up to send Messages from Atlantic to Vatican city, i have the whole route mapped out it’s is 100% fact. even lord of the rings copied that, the Towers with the eyes, that’s even wrote down here on 1500BC texts, full story is called ; Balor of the evil eye…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 13:00:21


Caldon Samiseven if all you do, is open your mind as you watch this amazing detective work . you have begun to escape our prison. the prison of the mind.
Show Comment| Likes: 26 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:03:23

Tracey Windle@Joy Irvin I’m not looking for sympathy, just searching for truth, and this channel has lots of possible answers. 😀
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 21:29:01

Joy Irvin@Tracey Windle Are condolences in order?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 21:19:01

Tracey WindleCaldon Samis When my mind was truly opened just 3 yrs ago, by a phenomenal experience I had, and on that day, whatever they are, knew I was aware of them, and they showed themselves to me, and from that day, they have never left me alone, physically anyway, by either appearing or leaving their marks and scent. This is why I’m here, watching this channel.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 13:32:05


TONY KUKOCFinally, we were waiting for you!
Show Comment| Likes: 31 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:35:39

2KMEThat was intense. The concepts from your videos have completely changed the way I perceive EVERYTHING…and everything makes so much more sense. That people can travel to these other realms while the masses stay here as prisoners in the dark or ‘blind’ while the one eyed ‘kings’ go beyond our crater and ‘see’ more of everything explains so many things it is ridiculous. The analogies of our physical forms intertwined with others as you show from the existing maps and land masses is seriously deep…so much so that most people’s brains would explode or short circuit even if they are those who have the open mindedness to contemplate these ideas. There is supposedly a convergence of many systems that is occurring from now until what we call the end of December, 2020. This would explain the frantic race of the controllers to get everyone locked down permanently by then. I will find the link and post it.
Show Comment| Likes: 53 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:58:10

That’s Right@DOMDAR In this context the Youtuber and I refer to Earth is a Direct Physical Space….
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:48:38

Nelson Licouldn’t agree more, even more so my comment to uploader: <br />hi godgevlamste, thanks for the great work you have done. truly putting pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t fret, we are our own saviors this time around, I feel like I know your sentiments of being saved and having all our hopes dashed…again. There is no way to explain in words my current understanding of the totality of things, but that we have been set on a path. The true answers will always come from within, not from the reflected-light material world, although we can gather clues to the bigger puzzle from it. I come from a group that has been using the law of conservation of energy to break free from the first layer of “this” matrix. Lets just say, not many have succeeded in breaking out nor pass on a full practical method to do so, even for those fated ones, eg Christ, Buddha’s, and on. I can also not explain this q phenomenon to these fellow sincere people of which has my highest respects in critical and practical matters, that all q stems from really is: Enough Is Enough! Too many factors not in full control of the matrix controllers, for example the internet and speed of information exchange. This timeline is at a complete precipice, not only biblically, but just base on the factor that these q digital soldiers have sifted and found your material and analyzing it seriously to try and complete a bigger matrix map, and with many many other topics. The fact that global conciouness has, in part by the kabal, “risen” to this type of knowledge and others of global scale, means we are at this precipice. I can only cite the work which we have done within our group that I see this climax of sort, in this timeline. Eastern Orthodoxy Christianity which follows the Christ Conciouness patterns, Psychopathy as much as it describes a virus on the mind as it is on social and inter dynamics, Physical health with true alchemical processes and not the false/misleading matrix chemistry bs, false history….I mean basically everything right? So again, precipice! q or not, our lesson as humans this timeline around is to Not Fall for the same stupid kabal/matrix trick and give our co-creative powers away, and mainly because we don’t want to be responsible for our own actions and consequences!!😡 Buckle Up my frens. We have a whole lot of work to do as individuals for ‘our’ many “selfs”. BUT I do have hope and faith that we will collectively make the right choice ❤ 🙏
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:24:28

Glenn Adams IIDo post the link. Thank you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:02:33

DOMDAR@That’s Right Earth is a realm, not a planet. It’s all about how much we can perceive in the electromagnetic spectrum and within that only light. We perceive nothing almost.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:46:54

That’s RightWhat are you talking about other realms? There’s just other planets or even worse other craters on the bigger planet.<br /><br /> so it’s basically same planet with much more advanced technology.<br /><br />And for you to think that if the masses know this, they would lose their mind is really ignorant and disrespectful. <br /><br /> when we’ve seen the indigenous tribes drawings and legends about space travel or astral projection.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:03:15


Emmanuel P. Acuña B.I love this guy but I love he comments also. very good comunity, love y’all.
Show Comment| Likes: 17 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:15:41

TONY KUKOC👍from italy
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 14:46:53


Seven DiamondJippeeeee, another video!!! I have been watching flat earth videos for years. Although I knew it to be true in a sense, something was missing. You nailed it. I always wondered what “Extra terrestrial” means. Well, exactly that. Extra…………terrestrial. ie. not from our crater. But still terrestrial. From another crater. YOU NAILED IT. Thank you for the time you must be putting in to these videos. Appreciate 🤗 South Africa here.
Show Comment| Likes: 40 | View Replies: 8| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:38:43

Vinskikauski AmoureliusSeven Diamond, lol Trump sadly is just another puppet, true story.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:54:43

Seven DiamondNan-eQ …I appreciate Q for the knowledge. I love Trump. Wish he was my president 🥰
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:20:20

Vinskikauski AmoureliusSam Bass yes it is! I printed out a free pdf for myself bc im old school lol.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:08:27

Sam Bass@Vinskikauski Amourelius that book is mind-blowing I had to read it three times and I still need to go back and read it!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:37:43

Vinskikauski AmoureliusCheckout and read Worlds Beyond The Poles.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:02:18

Nan-eQWord parts… break each word up and define each syllable for the bigger picture. Even our grammar is all wrong. We were never meant to understand the full meaning of compound words!!! Opens up a whole new world- view! Thanks, you open up new possibilities for me. Hmm… is Q a psy-OP? Everything is a psy-OP!
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:06:03

DC GallinExtra also means more…so yes!
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:11:57

Show Comment| Likes: 5 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:05:25


BTHSBElon Musk sending his star ship on Mars doesn’t sound that complicated right now.
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:33:49

Cofe DonqeGenius.
Show Comment| Likes: 33 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:44:53

Lucas PickfordPure
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:35:01

Show Comment| Likes: 5 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:07:14


JOKER Iguys, connect this to the findings of Mudfossil university ( that the ,,earth” structures are mainly build from massiv creatures ). this make so much more sense now because a giant earth probably contains giant creatures aswell
Show Comment| Likes: 40 | View Replies: 15| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:40:00

Jenny’s JungleIt seems that nothing here is original. Built on the shoulders of giants, cough cough, is a real thing.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:29:34

ThruTheAethercheck out Jerry DeCamp and Spartan Red too
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 01:38:27

Lucas PickfordOne 4or 3dom Yes
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:28:34

Voeding 2.0@DOMDAR 👍
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:11:39

DOMDAR@Voeding 2.0 I also have a million questions. In the meantime, I can direct you to another channel which makes more sense at the moment about similar subjects and more. It is called FreaksenseTV. Without that channel I would have totally dismissed this one because I didn’t have the basic concepts.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:07:09

Voeding 2.0@DOMDAR Thanks. I just ‘discovered’ his crater earth series. <br />If the moon is a reflection of the whole world including the stars and planets, how we can we see them and the ‘moon’ seperated in the sky ?<br />And why is the sun nowadays extremely bright white and not yellow ? And why do they have sun and moon simulators ? Maybe the maker of these vidoes has also an answer on it.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:53:19

DOMDAR@Voeding 2.0 He is basically saying that there is a bigger Earth (1000 times bigger?) on which we have this little crater that we think it’s our home, but if you get to Antarctica and cross over, you get out of the crater and you can see the other places on Earth, including the other planets of our solar system, which are not separate from us and all of these things are reflected when the sun shines on them, and they reflect into this plasma belt which we think it’s out atmosphere and all of the craters we see on the moon are just reflections of the bigger Earth. Considering how many craters the moon has, there has to be more than the 9 planets they are telling us.<br />I am also new here, so maybe I am misunderstanding things, I am not even very familiar with science beyond what they lied to us in school.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:38:02

Voeding 2.0I am new on this channel. Can you please explain in very simple words what he is telling ? How our world and ‘space’looks like. I really want to know.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:57:40

D D@DOMDAR everything here has been altered, so by now the definition of “natural” should have diff. meanings. It’s crazy…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:18:28

DOMDAR@EoSST the only real verification is possible through my own experience. So it’s a bit difficult to verify everything which is when we have to go beyond our 5 senses, into intuition and telepathy. Even then it’s only my truth.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:23:23


Terry ScottI will say i admire your work, I look forward to what else turns up.
Show Comment| Likes: 23 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:45:57

trappedinroom 101It makes me think of an interview with some Masonic celebrity, where he said in a completely normal way, that he’d been to Saturn…I assumed he travelled esoterically…but maybe there are portals/stargates…or maybe a sophisticated super-fast type of regular transport. Are all these other ‘realms’ parasite-ridden like ours, and are they in on the take over of our world…I suspect the truth is so far outside the normal narrative, that they don’t have to worry too much about sheeple hearing any truth…they know that they simply couldn’t comprehend it!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 24 | View Replies: 15| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:53:57

Antonio MendozaJust like the movie They Live … (They) would teleport using a watch .. <br /><br /> It was a documentary
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 08:45:16

Elke Leonhardt@Mark P oh wuauu, great info. We know, that the true history reveals higher technology in our ancient world. So kings the way our poor indoctrinated brain pictures it, doesn’t fit.<br /><br />Hollywood might be the hidden land Holly wood, from where they script our lives
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 05:37:17

Mark P@Elke Leonhardt There is a report in old notes regarding Henry VIII that one day he travelled North by train.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:13:19

Mark P@Mikey Taylor There is also a pyramid down there somewhere.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:10:21

Elke Leonhardt@Mikey Taylor watch comments I posted above
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:46:14

Elke LeonhardtAlso, when I translated old Arab maps of the old world, the O surrounding the ancient map /world turned out to mean<br />Train Rail!!<br />Watch Godgevlamste earlier vids, the outer Foreign craters, seem to be connected by a route, that I think is<br />Train Rail super fast of course
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:45:22

Elke LeonhardtThat’s why the vedas of Perun are so mind blowing when observed from the view of a history written on a Bigger earth.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:38:59

Mark P@Autonomy4all I think you get on a train/plane and get off the other end. They are not building HS2 for nothing in UKCorpland.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 10:35:02

Mikey TaylorNative Americans say there is a portal in the Grand Canyon which itself is a giant lictenburg figure
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 00:15:19

Rebecca RinglerAutonomy4all scroll down for info on the star gates. It’s interesting. <a href=”https://ancienthebrewlearningcenter.blogspot.com/2016/09/aflat-creation-space-dome-and-flower-of.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR2jiQOg6i4PrmeHo4iAkd2p3BmIRrnzG7QAUeBbmiQRHNECh_s39lc52y4″>https://ancienthebrewlearningcenter.blogspot.com/2016/09/aflat-creation-space-dome-and-flower-of.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR2jiQOg6i4PrmeHo4iAkd2p3BmIRrnzG7QAUeBbmiQRHNECh_s39lc52y4</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:35:21


Earthling CarlNever miss an episode!
Show Comment| Likes: 27 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:34:29

Pamela jefferiesBrilliant synopsis here, I think you are spot on. I have come to a similar conclusion, about the power structure keeps repeating itself. You can see it in the past reset, Tartaria. I personally feel defeated,? I had an opportunity to break free from this prison and all hell broke loose. Mind control, agents from the matrix, dissociation when in public groups, missing time, alienation from family and friends, repeated traumatic events etc etc Everything was used to stop me from getting what I want, massive mind control here and black magic. They knew exactly what to do. An ex black magicians from the illuminati explains on utube what they are doing from an energy point of view. Will the new religion, based on light workers and star seeds, the NewAge movement be consumed ( energetically speaking) by the ones at the top, They have in fact created a world where the positive light is drawn to them for them to feed off. A system they have created using the symbols shown here on land representing the female torso for example. Everything has been overlaid to create their energetic need. That’s why they transgender at birth? So the energy within their bodily unit is balanced. Are we on the brink of another reset………the Ouroboros? Love your work, keep joining the dots, thank you.
Show Comment| Likes: 18 | View Replies: 6| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:30:54

Pamela jefferiesroechel1 yes I think so. They choose not to be connected to source energy, thus defying universal payback, karma. They have a specific set of humans to process that for them.They use vampirism. Their love is of power, lies, deceit and manipulation. Story of the fallen angels comes to mind, but who knows?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 09:38:06

Pamela jefferiesLucas Pickford yep I agree, should of said x illuminati employee. Also the more you become adept at magic the less black and white it gets.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 09:34:39

Lucas PickfordNo such thing as an “ex black magician”.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:37:20

Pamela jefferiesIridescent prism <br />I’ve met black magicians.<br />On utube Tim Rifat, x illuminati, black magician. Worked specifically with the Rothchilds.<br />Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, interview with Tim Rifait.<br />Another interview with GRIDKEEPER.<br />Why the hell would I lie?<br />See for yourself.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:19:39

Iridescent prism“black magicians from the illuminati explains on utube” lol What a load of toss
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:20:40

roechel1Transgender=Transparent?<br />Are we the generators supporting their existence?
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:41:25


Mudfossil GaiaSearles Trona IS a giant! I think it’s actually the eye of the Dragon that became the Turpan Mountains… https://youtu.be/7pL-kNNmr30 I do love your work though! You are getting people to think, and that is good!!! This Earth is so much bigger than they have led us on to believe! Have you tried to overlay the ancient Buddhist flat earth map found in Japan in 1903 with all that extra terrestrial land onto your moon map yet? I’d like to see that! 😉
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:28:43

Thursday BearA+ work. Wish i could just say it was crazy but it’s not.
Show Comment| Likes: 52 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:37:02

aggie0707the info is leaking slowly…they had a death penalty for releasing this information..
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 02:29:01

ThruTheAether@Dylan clew there is a cloaked ship behind it … part of matrix control system. towed in.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 01:37:09

Dylan clewLighter Darkness I like the idea of the crater earth and the moon being a reflection of the bigger earth. But if the moon is just a reflection then how do we explain the emotional purges on full moons for example? Because I know from my experience my emotions seem heightened on full moons and also internal parasites go crazy and lay eggs on full moons..
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:17:27

Lighter DarknessThis idea I think is close, have you considered the moon an xray image or reflection. The history of TV and the Crooks tube and the bi_product of xrays is the key to the moon. The moon we see is an xray image of where or what we are on. We are looking through not at the moon. Anyway just a thought, like your ideas thanks!!
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:15:45


Military Grade GearI have that eerie feeling something is coming. “They” are trying to keep us distracted with everything they can, genders, race, history, rich vs poor, climate change etc. They try to keep us pointing the finger at each other. Too bad people wont wake up and realize this whole “reality” is a trap and we are just the bees building and maintaining the hive.
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:06:07

Emz 3103And quarantine gave them the perfect cover to disappear! Underground with an antidote! Next the real virus after they’re sealed in! I’ll bet there’s another quarantine so all the remaining elite can make their way underground un noticed! No wonder potus said the military will give out the antidote and was discussing ventilation and generators! Makes sense now. They’re draining the swamp, the swamp is us. Remember Obama said the end of the Republic has never looked so good and you’ll never see it coming! The end is here, we didn’t see it coming. The hundred year reset is underway.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:31:55


Sebastien SapinIt’s nice you realized footage was corrupted. The dual pyramid systems always take a thing to an end by managing the two ways : “Duality” is the best name for the parasitic energy. It’s what Krishnamurty wanted to explain more emphaticaly. Propaganda and counter-propaganda are the two faces of the same piece. And they play us for a long time… Till now… They can’t win all times because nothing stay for ever… Love and Peace.
Show Comment| Likes: 8 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:30:43

Jenny’s JungleDuality is driving me crazy. 2020 has been all about balancing all my extremes, but then you have more dualities. The devil is in the details !! Dualitails.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:33:24


Magical HoofYep, they’re doing “dangle-the-carrot” and most people are following it (Q, Trump, Alex Jones, Icke, etc) while making the threat to life (vaccines, guillotines, war, poverty, starvation) extremely evident, so we’ll just be grateful none of it came true, and then WE’LL SETTLE FOR LESS! Easy peasy button for the controllers.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 22:26:17

DSASInteresting re the prison analogy, the same is true spiritually… if you manage to reach the astral plane during this lifetime, you feel free, like you’ve escaped our physical enclosure, i.e. the body. But wait, there’s something above the astral plane. The causal plane! Ooops, so if you manage (and very few do) to rise above the astral plane and reach the causal, you feel completely liberated. But wait! There’s something beyond the causal plane. There is Maha Sunn. So you venture into Maha Sunn hoping to rise further, but because of its completely dark density…… you become hopelessly trapped, unable to escape the causal plane. So you have reached the limit of the mind or Time, and what do you do? How can you escape? Well, you have to find that Being who can help you continue even further, beyond the cage of mind or Kal, which is our real enemy. But how is it possible; how do you locate that Being who can really enable us to escape Time itself? Well, there are two ways: 1) seek and ye shall find, and 2) know thyself. Both create that link with the Being who can assist us, and in the same way that a waft of perfume or an enchanting melody draws us nearer to its source, the ability to seek both within and without draws us nearer to that Being who has the authority to continue the journey (i.e. the path of liberation), at least in my experience. barbarbabaji.com twitter.com/barbarbabaji
Show Comment| Likes: 21 | View Replies: 12| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:06:22

DSAS@Felina Gronyutz both should do, the disciple is supposed to be a servant of the Lord…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 22:35:50

Felina GronyutzDSAS Is it “disciple” or “servant” ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 21:39:21

R2-D2@DSAS this old saying is dope! Thanks a lot for the replay. I feel like I’ve leveled up! Cheers!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:51:09

DSAS@R2-D2 great name btw, yes tho in this case, the ‘mind’ is referring to the mechanism of mind itself, which is essentially a machine-like entity or a covering, something we the soul inherit when we enter into these lower planes; and as the old saying goes, the mind makes a good disciple, but a poor master. But you’re making a good point, because the mind can be tricked etc by outward influences, hence the importance of know thyself.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:41:07

R2-D2The mind is the enemy has a complete new meaning to me after reading Castaneda where Don Juan said the Archons/Predators who are feeding on us gave us their mind! So our mind is literally our enemy.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:16:23

DSAS@Vinskikauski Amourelius yes, Creation is actually a mirror of the human body, all the chakras in the within of Creation are exactly the same as the chakras which exist within our bodies, albeit on a much larger scale.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 04:21:11

Reginald Madkinsnice. this resonates.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:45:52

Mariano-Petru Bellucci@Vinskikauski Amourelius I see it like a magneto-toroidal field..
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:21:45

Dawn CombsThat’s Right the negative post that literally judges and complains about someone else’s negative energy lol! 😂😂😂I’m dyin over here 😂😂😂😂 please stop. The hypocrisy is absolutely astounding
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:07:25

Vinskikauski AmoureliusDSAS, in essence, it is much like “fractal” levels of liberation
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:04:50


That’s RightThe possibility that Q team has taken all the power from the cabal and basically is another CABAL since they have the power, may be true. However, we are hoping that Trump and Q team do the right thing for humanity. You’re right, a Power Switch from 1 Dictator for Another is an old game they play. However in America/ other places that were being taken advantage, NO one KNEW HOW AND NO ONE stood up to the CABAL. No one knew how to tie connect the dots. We did NOT go out marching and protesting to change the leader. In fact the whole world knew something was wrong. And those who scripted the narrative blamed the Russians or Communist CHINA, Democrats, etc. Still it didn’t compel us to get up in arms and protest. Q woke the masses. Maybe to escape the crater it starts with The GREAT AWAKENING ? But what’s up with THE ESCAPE-schism? as if parasites don’t live or exist in other craters?😂 Maybe be the true escape is that your MIND has greater possibilities, no matter which crater you live in.🙏
Show Comment| Likes: 18 | View Replies: 9| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:49:58

abcd efghSome days I honestly wish I never got into truth seeking. I’ve seen and know too much now. I can’t go back to the glorious bliss of being asleep and worrying about utter nonsense. Now our worries and fears are real! If I reincarnate in this realm (I pray I don’t), I want to be as dumb as humanly possible ha
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:18:18

EoSST@That’s Right yes I actually do because I am not brainwashed into beLIEving anything after you actually do some of your own research you will realize. When you realize that planes do not disappear when they hit two towers
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:59:58

That’s Right@ThruTheAether So you know the difference when Presidents lie and when they tell truth? lol
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:43:30

That’s Right@EoSST You KNOW what’s going on??? lol Enlighten us. lol
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:42:53

That’s Right@Prema Das Baul You are not making any logical sense…in regard to the topic. Hope you are Living and Not just coping
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:42:09

ThruTheAether@EoSST noticed trump looking at the rally goers laughing that they bought it. I can see through bs
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:10:25

EoSSTFool. Q is the kabal but hey you don’t know about what is really going on.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 13:18:23

Prema Das BaulHope is the dope helping you to cope ..
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:53:54

Matt Johnsonwhether it’s a power switch or for the good of humanity I don’t think they will ever release the whole truth
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:41:22


Desert FireThe Lord’s prayer, ….on earth as it is in heaven.
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:08:04

Magdalenathe end… you made a very good point which not many people can see as they dont look at bigger picture 👌🏻💪🏼
Show Comment| Likes: 26 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:00:45

Donald Odom“I hope that they don”t refer to themselves” lol
Show Comment| Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:48:15

George In S.C. 4Who knows and promotes the deception? ALL government leader, Presidents, Pope’s and Princes? Stay prayerful with us do not fear and love one another ❤️
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:53:07

Entro PeaVery nicely done. Must take you some time to do each video. The part with the revolutionaries was excellent. The second cage / wall idea is so spot on. The third wall is often our selves. The refusal to see the exit and remain in society and be a partaker in it.
Show Comment| Likes: 17 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:03:49

That’s RightNO ONE IS REFUSING TO SEE AN EXIT. Some choose to enjoy this life and live to the fullest. Others blame governments, genes, race, etc, or <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23parasite”>#parasite</a> for their poor judgements.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:52:28

That’s Right@Rufus Payne Poor snowflake you, can’t understand grownups having a logical conversation.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:50:36

ThruTheAethermeans 3rd eye blind….like the band
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:29:05

That’s RightWhat do you mean the refusal to see an exit you mean you want to go suicide yourself? = EXIT? <br /><br />What’s wrong with knowing that there’s other worlds and planets but yet still fully partaking and enjoying this life?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:06:09


We’ll all be judged12:22 – who’s filming the aircraft?
Show Comment| Likes: 16 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:03:19

We’ll all be judged@Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth Reality – yes, we’re under the Firmament, Amen, this is the truth. <br />There are waters above us. <br />There are no satellites.<br />Stars are not what they tell us, they’re luminaries, heavenly bodies, Amen.<br />Our history too, is all lies. <br />It’s good to know we’re on the same page 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 20:19:27

Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth Reality@We’ll all be judged Cern is something like they want to play Gods. At all its just an experimental station. The earth is flat we live inside an Terrarium. there is a Glass Dome above our Heads. All stars are above the Dome circle patterns. some of them are lights changing unknown structures. the moon& sun is kinda projection. i´m pretty sure. ( high class laser tech) sometimes at night you can watch the stars they flying from a to b and so on.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 20:12:50

We’ll all be judged@Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth Reality – this suddenly was in the background???? Playing on my phone?<br />Haven’t watched it yet, but looks pretty interesting. <br /><a href=”https://youtu.be/xvhVYrp9hqQ”>https://youtu.be/xvhVYrp9hqQ</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 18:37:42

We’ll all be judged@Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth Reality – oh yes, you’re smart.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 18:35:21

Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth Realityits all Fake
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 18:33:45


Kenneth LaphamHoly s*** I watched that show.they have been teaching us all the truth through harmless entertainment. They want us to know but only ones smart enough to get it.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 18:24:28

Rosco P. CoaltrainIf your correct then man did walk on the moon. Lol. Thats a trip to think about
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:25:56

Joshua LovelessProblem, Reaction, Solution, hat’s how they maintain control. They create the problem we react accordingly and they present their solution that fits their agenda.
Show Comment| Likes: 24 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:37:00

Teresa PisanoThe puzzle pieces fit more every time I watch a video from you. So glad to see you upload. Genius work my friend. The explanation of Q was spot on as well. I feel you are closing in on much of the nonsense we’ve been given. Excellent presentation!
Show Comment| Likes: 11 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:38:32

Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:39:02


Ori. HadadHi look at this: WERNHER VON BRAUN the Nazi who headed NASA asked that the writings on his tombstone will be… His gravestone reads: WERNHER VON BRAUN 1912-1977 Psalms 19:1. That scripture is: “The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. exactly like you say it’s a reflection… and he knew all about it ….
Show Comment| Likes: 18 | View Replies: 11| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:29:57

Maester Willy of the House of BoinkHis name used to be written as Werner before the extra “h” got added, thanks to the “Mandela effect”…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 02:37:11

Elke Leonhardt@Mike Holloway thank you for that answer. It allowed me to see, how far your journey has been going.<br />Yes I’m aware of all of this and probably we have been choosing same channels.<br />I started noticing the installed errors in the their system just for us to be noticed. <br />It’s the only way how the “good God” gets our attention.<br />It turned out to become a focused mirror and I was very submerged in the Torus based on Dan Winters lectures that explain everything. They still do, but the scale has gotten enlarged, just a little bit 😂.<br /><br />Knowing about the resets I studied them from the very beginning, at that time there were only 2 guys pointing that out beside mudfossil whom I watched, but disliking some of his vids. That channels were the Russian, GlobalVision in his very beginnings, when he still had to look every word on a Google translator to make himself understand. Today he holds theories I don’t include in my vision, but in his start he showed me the way.<br />Than Phillip Druzhinin, made my walk through the cities with eyes wide open. Everywhere mudflood. Got connected with others on YouTube, there was so much info to gather together.<br />After passing 1 year at Andreas Xirtus beginning at Discord, also as Admin, I opened up in Discord my own, to put everything together.<br /><a href=”https://discord.gg/584PMz”>https://discord.gg/584PMz</a><br />I’m inviting you to join and contribute adding your stuff.<br />Right now we are not chatting as we did before, but there’s tons of goooood research.<br />Ah and Godgevlamste got my attention almost as soon as he started, because my studies at that time were the ancient world maps which I was translating and found out that there was that half part missing. So I knew from the very beginning, that Godgevlamste was on the right way.<br />Amazing brains all of them, but Godgevlamste stands out!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 05:27:09

Mike Holloway@Elke Leonhardt thanks for the reply it is so nice to have like minded friends on the similar journey. <br />I have done a ton of research on Giants, and until I saw Roger with mud fossils on YouTube a few years ago and started taking his work seriously, and had the opportunity to read some very secretive manuscripts and diary/journal entries from the Admiral Byrd adventures, I could not believe what evidence without a doubt shows. There were creatures that were over two thousand feet tall walking around all over our crater. Evidence shows wildlife that is many times larger than now. The dna evidence for the humanoid giants is same as ours. Did these things simply walk into our world and found it to be plentiful with food? Roger found mud fossils evidence of flying dragons the size of Africa decaying around the Morocco area, and others in other places. I come from Ohio when giants over 15 feet tall were everywhere buried in serpent and Indian mounds. My scientific brain can only believe that these creatures are roaming the world outside and wandered into our crater. Some were the progeny of the fallen demons with human interbreeding. Byrds manuscripts detailed large creatures moving through the trees below his low flying biplane as he headed from Antarctica to the Straights of Gibraltar and out into the higher portion of our crater that he said was larger the the US combined land mass with huge fresh water lakes and vast coal and mineral deposits. As a pilot I know they are lying about the geographic layout of our visible area. So my guess is that they are using our money for exploration of this new area to rape it just like they have always done. Enslaving the masses to be like the good little slaves we have always been. Well we are waking up an old intelligence that allows those seeking with serious intent the Akashi records from the aether are being shown the secrets that the demonized angels brought to Gia when they were forced to leave Gods kingdom. We were never intended to have this info or use it for personal betterment. Have you ever noticed that you thrive on the next new idea and or music piece until you listen to it too many times or something new and cool is announced? This is a basic problem with the human condition at this time. We have been brainwashed to believe that we need to study to learn and work to be happy. Tibetan monks have proven that they can be left for months unattended in deep meditation. All of the answers and needs are provided by believing that it will happen. They train their minds for years before able to do this. I know that the secret to understanding all this lies in the way things are petrified via Mother Nature. All the clues and visible evidence is out there for those with eyes to see. Open mind insert ideas👍
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 16:50:14

Ori. Hadad@Mike Holloway you’re welcome!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:36:33

Elke Leonhardt@Mike Holloway, well Disney Land debunked means This New Land. So Disney World holds the shape of the closer Outer Foreign Lands.<br />But Blizzard World and World of Warcraft also are based on what history was & what to be expected out there.<br />Someone said atmosphere on a bigger scaled circumference would require more massive Skeleton,<br />So I think they are Titans.<br />Nevertheless we see that we are able to survive out there, with the right Nasa pictures bering answers.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:36:23

Mike HollowayOri thanks for sending the link that is an awesome presentation
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 03:07:31

Ori. Hadad@Lisa Shorty yes it is like saying “the heavens reflect the handi works of god” and it is strange that he used a scripture with the word firmament after all if the firmament is firm how the hell he got his rockets into space? 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:38:49

Lisa ShortyI remember learning about this some years back, when I read that verse from his stone I remember it saying “and the heavens declared the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy work”.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:26:08

Ori. Hadad@Mike Holloway and the missing parts the real history – mud flud and aether -<br /><a href=”https://youtu.be/vI8FIpDpNg8″>https://youtu.be/vI8FIpDpNg8</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:00:43

Ori. Hadad@Mike Holloway indeed – try this a 1000 years of false history by the illuminati – <br /><a href=”https://youtu.be/VVH8eyfToR4″>https://youtu.be/VVH8eyfToR4</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:55:55


Hu ArweNo wonder the stars look like light reflected off of water
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:10:52

Unsere schöne flache Erde / Flat Earth RealityStars are Lights. we have enough prove. godgevlamste is a shill.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 18:35:01


Dream Of MirrorsIt is said that the Human Experiment began on Tiamat on a large scale. Those were the days of the giants. After Tiamat was destroyed th experiment continued on a much smaller scale on Earth. Now, what if Tiamat wasn’t really destroyed and it is in fact the Bigger Earth?
Show Comment| Likes: 21 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:40:50

Mike Holloway@Tracey Windle if you follow this path Godgevlamste, mud fossils University, Dan Winters, David Hudson and the white power gold presentations, and the Bible and Original Koran, you will go to the head of the class. Remember we have all lost friends in our learning curve. You can forget about discussing this with those souls who are not ready and still watch TV fake news. This is a journey and your intellect will guide u. I have made embarrassing mistakes and discussed it with those that just were not ready. I don’t do that anymore. I left the world of Christianity for the new age movement many years ago. I was taken back my this movement and the more future telling crystal wearing phonies I came in contact were getting obviously weirder. Going back only took one book from Zen Garcia about Enoch’s time with God and the explanation of the way the sun and moon transverse our domed enclosure, and why the ancients built so many time keeping structures in Europe. Follow your heart and not the phony self absorbed souls who just parrot what they read without research. I don’t believe 1/2 of what I read and research that half only. Good luck on your adventure 🚀
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 17:39:21

Maester Willy of the House of Boink@Thursday Bear Picard was half Belgian, half Swiss. Belgium has always played a dirty role in discovering things and then hide the discovery. How come that such a small country has so much to say if it comes down to Antarctica? “We” even have “our own base” over there! And that weird story that one of the two guys that crossed the North pole allegedly got into a fight with others on Antarctica and he took of with a bunch of equipment he took with him… I’d have to look up his name as it escapes my mind, but on this tablet it’s a bit of a fuzz. But you can look it up for yourselves and decide what to make of it. Feedback is more than welcome!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:01:35

Thursday BearMike Holloway interesting that the first man to reach the stratosphere was “picard” -then they named the captain of star trek captain picard.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:26:52

Tracey WindleMike Holloway Thank you for that information, I will be investigating! I too am on a journey seeking what I believe to be close to truth, I’ve been down quite a few rabbit holes, and I’ve took a few wrong turns, but I believe, this might be the best idea for me, as it makes so much sense.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:42:25

Mike HollowayDream Of Mirrors please read/research Wes Bateman and his books on Tiamat. Wes was the man that gave Gene Roddenberry all his ideas for Star Trek and is in all the original credits near the end. I know someone that was very good friends with Wes and his scientist father. Mud fossil university is a great place to research the real giants and huge dragons that walked /flew into our crater. What a journey, feeding through the lies and coverups, what else is there to do that could possibly be more interesting
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:15:27


PETRUSHKA POLIAKOVEverything changes, but everything stays the same… ‘and the beat goes on’
Show Comment| Likes: 27 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:46:30

Anthony NgDifferent day, same shyt.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 01:56:31

forest gumpThe day that never comes 👽
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:42:43


Aard Mancheers, a maze ing… when you showed the head on the disney map… a silhouette of a skull clearly appeared… And also i guess we now know why they call it mother earth. Fantastisch werk Godgevlamste.
Show Comment| Likes: 15 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:24:51

godgevlamstebedankt ! het hoofd van een reuzin ?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:40:49


tzetzoThis gives new meaning to the saying that “We all come from the stars” or craters.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:58:31

Timmy AusKiwiHi from Aussie. Great work mate. I really appreciate the openminded viewpoint and the detailed way you put everything together in your vids. Keep digging bro ! Cheers.
Show Comment| Likes: 11 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:42:26

godgevlamstei will , cheers
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:08:46


luciano cenerohello, forgive me, I’ve been following you for some time because what you put on is enlightening, but unfortunately I don’t know English, and the only way I know is the possibility of translating the language with yuotube option, I ask you if you can insert it as you have done before THANKS a hug luciano italia
Show Comment| Likes: 11 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:51:57

luciano cenero@Eduardo Do Nizza ciao Eduardo, ho utilizzato il traduttore, tu sai de c’e un altro modo per tradurre i video in inglese grazie
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:53:24

Eduardo Do NizzaNon sai l’inglese ma scrivi abbastanza bene mi sembra
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:45:12


Maybe this timeStarting to become calm about people’s ignorance. Used to get really grumpy. Thanks I think it’s a good thing.
Show Comment| Likes: 17 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:35:53

Maybe this timeThanks!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:28:29

Zaryal AceThe sheeps and goats are being separated for the Age of Aquarius. One of the Pisces fish will be taken from the water jug of Aquarius and brought to a new dimension. Hence the painful process for all, it is like separating twins. Luke <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz61TubJKJU&t=14m26s”>14:26</a> “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” The issues will cause disruptions and separation amongst friends and family, and this is the necessary cost if one seeks the path of enlightenment.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:36:06


Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:49:05

Kevin TuckerI used to watch “man from Atlantis” back in the 70s as well. You’re telling your age!😁
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:28:12

Lucas PickfordKevin Tucker So did I! Lol
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:45:01


Nick TThis time I did see some compelling constellation similarities between the shuttle and moon videos. But I don’t see the Disney maps in the moon. If we do live on a bigger earth, and the stars are reflections of craters, that may explain why they usually tell us that space looks black. Cheers.
Show Comment| Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:25:13

Divine Algorithm“Who am I? I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix.” “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. The dog did nothing in the night-time.” “That was the curious incident,You have a grand gift for silence, Watson. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion.” remarked Sherlock Holmes. “Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last. Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill.” You have a keen mind for discovery brother. Well done. Love. https://youtu.be/x-Bg0jjJhgQ
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 22:35:45

Tim Mungovan“Relativity” is the Key to understanding the often lack of perfect optical continuity in this Model. First internalize that Earth Prime One Crater [Mankind’s Perceived Environmental Reality] is an Illusion and due to each Individuals Soul Conscious Perspective. there will therefore often not be identical physical features but only relatively comparable or starkly similarities as gaged from one person to another. This world is a “Grossly Imperfect Living Digital LIe ” which is further negatively influenced by Genetically Engineered numbed down socially and corrected / filtered awareness to the fact that each individuals moment by moment working reality is systemically controlled by a Operational Overlay at the setting of the Black Sun and subsequent rising of the Daily Time keeping Sun.., The Morning Sun is a physiological template based on a cyclically fixed time constant of both the succession and procession of previous “Yesterday’s” of stored memory experiences. Therefore the Large Earth [Moon Mirror] topical features from the point of perspective by individual persons who resided within the Earth Prime One Hive Matrix are as Einstein postulated in both his General and Special Theory of Relativity…. are prone to a moment to moment narrow band incidental variation error correction program from slightly differing nonidentical personal experiences. This is the reason that when comparing Moon Mirror with Earth Prime One Features they will never be identical but rather comparable, which h is caused by the Matrix Refresh Rate but dithered with Digital Error Correction which maintains normal unity in the Hive. The grasp of this offset driving the inaccuracy of the Person Relativity Daily Overspreading Template should solve the lack of Accurate Continuity Tracking conundrum witnessed in the Moon Mirror / EPO comparisons as illustrated. In closing: Great Series & Most Stimulating. Personally I believe You have Nailed the Big Picture however please stay on this because as you know there remains quite a few loose ends. Your Subscribers are looking for Substantive Closure on the in the end. Thanks Very Much..!!
Show Comment| Likes: 12 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:24:06

Tim Mungovan@L Farrar Yes I’m quite familiar with the Crow 777 Refresh Scan Line. The Moon is a projection or more accurately a reflection of this much Larger Earth. ​ As you may or may not know… this reality is a construct it is only perceived as real. The overall assessment is confirmed by Einstein when he stated this Reality is an Illusion however a very persistent one. The Moon is a reflection of the Earth. The earth is enormous perhaps as much as 400,000 mile in diameter and what we have been told by the cultural liars at NASA is that the solar system and galaxy being in space is another mega scope lie . What we consider are these planets and other celestial bodies are actually here on the enormous earth however nesting in what appears in various moon craters. Yes very difficult to get your head around that..!! It was for me as well. Until I began really digging to it. However after putting in over a 100 hours on this … I am now convinced that it is true. Everything celestial is right here on the Larger Planet Earth . Earth Prime One, what we perceive is our earth is also nesting a crater which is covered by a translucent dome I.e. the Firmament. <br />The Larger Earth is also encased in an even larger dome. These links are the source of a small portion of my research which although not completely quantified for a number of technical reasons is nonetheless accurate. The moon as we observe it is a Reflection of the Greater Earth I.e. a Mirror from the macro perspective by mankind. The moon image is a reflection off the 5 Layer Atmospheric Containment Dome. Check out these videos and get back to me with your questions. This is gonna blow your mind once internalized. <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0&t=641s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0&t=641s</a> <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0&t=641s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0&t=641s</a> There are over 20 Tubes on this.. so click the page icon for the balance of this research Its is not mine I am a private sector satellite engineer and this completely harmonizes with space related questions which have developed over my 20 year career since leaving the military Thanks and good hunting The Truth is truly much stranger than fiction.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:33:43

L FarrarMan, my brain glazed over this something fierce – I’m not smart enough to comprehend, or perhaps not patient enough. Anyway, you mentioned something about the Moon and EPO being comparable but not the same immediately brought me to the “moon wave” footage recorded by crrow777. Maybe this can have meaning to you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 04:37:51


hongry lifeI too think that the stars are on/in/under earth’s surface or at least there are features on earth connected with what we see in the sky. I’d like to see an overlay of an old celestial map with the animals and drawn figures (to form the constellations) over an old map of earth, possibly a circular map could fit best. There must have been a reason to divide the stars in ‘constellations’ and draw specific lines around them. It seems random but it is not as I think. The shapes are also recognizable on earth’s surface, on google earth. One can search for Hercules with his club and for the Milky Way/Mariana Trench, also for Giza/Orion. @godgevlamste What you did with the shuttle footage comparing with the constellations is very interesting.
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:40:13

Nicholas HeiSo world beyond the poles Is true and says the same thing
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 23:05:59

Mikey TaylorDavid Gilmore “we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year covering the same old ground what we found? The same old fears wish you were here”
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 00:24:15

Rainbow warriorI searched for the meaning for ‘as above so below’ for years now but ur presentation is revolutionary .
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:33:17

BEYOND THE MATRIXErgo the rhyme “I see the moon and the moon sees me” yea as eye am looking at me the one I long to see…….is me …..AS ABOVE (THE MOON) SO BELOW…. that “brain” atthe park also loooks like a uterus with fallopian tubes and the head eating the baby or changing it to something else =Bill Hates’-women vaxxx…….nice work and THANXXX!
Show Comment| Likes: 10 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:16:03

Dawn CombsAllll conclusions I also connected to immediately. Fascinating! Scary but fascinating
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:18:29


LOGOS3:22 OMG! I did this exact tracing! It’s beyond coincidence. Good work brother! And I also refer to the moon as, “moon map”. Somewhere through the last 5 years or so we must have been reading each-others comments and connecting the dots my friend! It’s wonderful to see this. I think that each crater (habitat) has a unique perspective to the sky/ceiling/reflection. And the star-patterns are of the ground just like you think. Perhaps each crater is a habitat even if abandoned or frozen, but also has it’s own sun (light source); or perhaps a unique perspective of light? Light source?
Show Comment| Likes: 5 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:51:05

Elke LeonhardtRead the vedas of Perun and watch it as history of the bigger earth. You must translate some of the Russian words in that vedas into Chinese and find out the true meaning. I did, it’s amazing, just don’t have the way to put it in a video
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:07:24


Cofe DonqeToday I downloaded Google moon pro, sulpicius Gallus M is all faded. My intention was to map the Moon that we see and compare it with night sky by the hour as it moves and to pinpoint the craters with moving sky/stars. Unfortunately our Crater has been faded. Anyways that’s what I am thinking.
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 08:22:34

Liquidcadmusyou need to contact amateur astronomers with high definition telescopes to do this
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:51:19


Marcine PMissed you! You’re evidence is just compelling enough to convince me that your theory is absolutely true!
Show Comment| Likes: 5 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:24:18

Tim KleingarnDear Wim, again you „knock“ us off our feet. The magic carpet ride is getting weirder with every video you release. I am absolutely with you regarding the patterns you see. For me you have given an enormous amount of brain 🧠 extension and reconnection to our real roots to humanity. Even when they are not yet fully known. Good stuff, brother to regain our former abilities and reconnect to the so called junk DNA 🧬 . Feels like quantum leaps is near.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:54:20

godgevlamstethanks Tim
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:43:12


Mike BorgThe stars are right on research just like FPV ANGEL has been telling us. Projections as above so below. Thank you my friend.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:15:55

EdgE WyzELook the oceans on Google earth…you might notice star constellations on the topography of the ocean floor. Excellent work. F E has become a fustercluck lately. This is real. A little too real. Yikes
Show Comment| Likes: 5 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:09:26

ThruTheAetherCheck out Spartan Red and Jerry DeCamp re ocean floor
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:37:15


Vagyok Aki VagyokWow, impressive! Like they say: “as above, so below”. You also explain the Q stuff very good, it’s exactly what I also suspected, although I still want to “trust the plan” 🙂 “Let’s see what happens”. As for the “Galactic Federation”, I have always felt it in my bones that it’s a scam.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 3| Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:35:01

ThruTheAether@Vagyok Aki Vagyok on utube
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:09:19

Vagyok Aki Vagyok@ThruTheAether Can you post the link?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:36:43

ThruTheAetherCheck out Steven D Kelly and the Akashic Librarian vid from 9/1
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 18:01:41


LOGOS6:02 nice shot. look at the left edge of this shot. I call this the “Milky Way Galaxy”. A hard cluster that looks like this: https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/2794471/size/sk-2017_04_article_main_mobile.jpg
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:54:39

TyrYou need to rewatch some of the Transformers movies, they show everything in such plain sight. The new movie even shows the parasite and the 12 angels and links it all to king Arthur and merlin. It’s wild, I recommend anyone with their eyes opened to rewatch those movies.
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:57:13

Carrie BrysonYou”ve done it. You’ve explained very well what is going to BLOW the rest of peoples minds very soon. Great work. Wow we live in a crater and the stars are water systems. WOW. and Q? OMG.
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:36:15

Elke Leonhardt@my2sonznme no, the Q is the silhouette of our crater. They do reveal it aswell as PIZZA GATE, see the O & A, a pizza with a missing piece, it’s the way out, the tunnel for those who see.<br /><br />But the moguls, us, will be catched in the intent. <br />Seems Q is an illusionary way out.<br /><br />But on the other side, why would it be revealed to us?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:01:44

Mark P@my2sonznme If as suggested Q is controlled opposition then we are in deep dodo.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 10:46:24

my2sonznmeForgive my ignorance, but the reference to Q, was he saying The Plan and Q are worse? Or was there something there saying it is for the better? It sounded like he was making fun of Q and The Plan, but I’m new to the channel and don’t know how to take it. Thank you 🙂 Great video btw!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:59:39


Watery WateryMore dolphins! I am experiencing a personal synchronicity. I’m certain it’s just me.
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:50:03

Watery Watery@Elke Leonhardt Bingo! His recent videos are fantastic!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 11:40:10

Elke LeonhardtThey are putting this info out, if you have been watching Andreas Xirtus recent videos
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:02:56


Tracey WindleThank you Godgevamste, thanks to Jon Levi I came across your channel not to long ago. I find it fascinating and it just makes so much sense! I always try to recommend your channel to others on other channels and have had a surge of very negative comments, so you must be very close to the truth! 😀
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:59:06

godgevlamstethanks for the effort !!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:51:33


Scott FSeriously one of the best researchers out there at the moment, keep it up!
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:03:22

Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:23:58


CONSWAYLA52Your attention to details is overwhelming, your thought process is insightful, and you have totally bent my brain, keep moving forward with this investigation because you are definitely on to this scam ” the truth is OUT there” 😉👍🏻👏🏼
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 2| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:20:46

ThruTheAether@godgevlamste don’t hold back 😉
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:41:21

godgevlamstethanks , i will
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:40:28


Alejandra Nunez22:15 …. ): to think you hit the threshold of freedom, just to hit the patio of enslavement x2 makes my body ache. waking up in a dream where your exile hero wins, going back to sleep there thinking you’ve beat the Mysteriously Real bad guy— but you never actually woke up in a world where the bad guy does not exist in the first place. yet you’re made to believe you do…lmao terrifying. thank you. honestly don’t care how you got all this research going, but 98% unconditional thank you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 07:04:19

Nel nome della veritàAfter found you thru John Levi, I’m studying all… and now I understand why there’s the lock down, another way to keep us away… but not just this, I’m referring to all the stories of insiders talking of Blue Spheres, bird like shape, meeting on Saturn.. 20 years and back… Dendera… Sirius… Admiral Byrd… well, I could continue to mention many but many others! And this all fit in this research the demonstrate how we should reject all of the spiritual channelling… maybe some of them really come from our good side of the… life essence on plasma???? All has to be read again to comprehend the incredible connections it discloses 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:19:24

Anna DrFascinating – possibility of inteligent life on Mars made my day!
Show Comment| Likes: 11 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:15:43

NEKO 3D ARCHERY CHANNELWalk aside, there is nothing to see there.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:15:42


MzfrMost of them are CGI. Who’s filming the craft when it flies further?
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:41:02

Prema Das BaulHi… Yesterday i looked into a cup of ice tea… The light reflected on it made it appear like a ball upon a lake… I thought of the moon ..a reflection of Earth… Are you thinking the Earth is a ball because the moon appears to be a ball .. because that appearance could well be optical illusion…. Before you were showing the sun and reflection of sun creating seasonal differences… Now you are playing with two tiny suns in the crater. The late videos are great. You should do an overall again…maybe you would delete some stuff.. But we liked Mr X. I love the explanation of the star movements. Everything is fitting together quite well…brilluantly in fact. In the Vedas we have the universe as an egg… Reflective layers will create all sorts of lighting possibilities…and a moon that circles.above us…. Looking like a ball….. So…we do you keep saying ball? Bigger Earth globe? Because the moon looks like a ball… I reckon that could be optics. Peace
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 13:29:04

N.W.A /IceCubethe part of exiles makes sense. would like to see more on that subject ‘the kabala and alliance’
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:19:12

Josh Taylor“Know thy self.” Israel, or the holy land, is said to be a representation of the human body, starting with Golgotha, aka Skull Mt. This may be an actual giant. Great video!
Show Comment| Likes: 8 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:55:53

ThruTheAetherIt just gets better and better 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 02:03:09

Iridescent prismGolgotha, aka Skull Mt. is in our skull.
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:17:23


Dawn CombsI had to stop this video several times while my brain short circuited and imploded lol. Pieces of puzzles from my own rabbit hole research plopped into place with such ease my brain couldn’t handle it. Fascinating video!! ❤️❤️
Show Comment| Likes: 5 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:03:47

ThruTheAethersame here. my brain is on fire in a good way. synapses wondering what happened.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:38:34

Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:12:32


Anna DrI must add – the way you deconstructed for us the pattern and explained the reason for Q movement is brilliant. Thank you!
Show Comment| Likes: 14 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:54:45

Edwin SanchezI love your work I can’t stop watching everything makes sense the way you brake it down the more I watch the more I beleive
Show Comment| Likes: 13 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:09:17

Willem De KlerkOoo and my wife loves your voice, says it’s very calming, I lie in bed and watch your vidios over and over and she listens to you speak and recognize who’s channel I’m on just from your voice. Well done on content, stil think you correct about crater earth.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 15:53:56

Goo Goo BabyAs soon as I got your notification I clicked I’ve been an avid Moon watcher for years and I can see the correlation of the stars too the map of the moon .Impeccable work my friend.
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:05:44

godgevlamstethanks goo goo 😉
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:12:23


keyfinder257You might be interested in taking a look at Blue Origin’s coat of arms. After watching a few of your videos, I see this symbolic work of art in a whole new light. I actually like the coat of arms much more now. Instead of seeming kind of lame and eccentric, it seems cutting edge and even brilliant.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 06:14:08

The Devil’s Playground ChannelUp until quite recently (maybe 5 years or so), the arrivals counter at Hong Kong airport was labeled ‘Aliens’. It’s now been changed to ‘Foreigners’.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:48:10

ThruTheAetherslave in etymology
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:05:37


I am lovecould also be relativity, these things were all formed in the same way, energy is energy, if it relates like this, its probably because it is like this. Not necessarily because the moon is a map/reflection of a bigger ball they are not telling us about. Relativity, subconsciousness and consciousness?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 04:57:41

Tim Cameron619The absolute best videos regarding this subject matter.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 03:34:37

Willem De KlerkYes I was wondering what happened to your last vidio where you said you caught them. Thanks for updating us and telling us what happened. I’ve been following you for a few years I think. Crater earth is definitely one of my favorite tropics. I stay in a crater . Look at Google maps and go to Vredefort Dome in South Africa. I stay in Welkom in Vr2defort Crater and we didn’t even know it was a grater I til it was declared a world heritage site and a crater from a meteor that hit earth 2biljion years ago. I also thi k you right about a lot of stuff about the moon. And Mars Thrump say we found to the moon and Mars soon like in a year or two. Let see what happens. Time is space, space can bend, distance is space and time so if you go straight for long enough it might bend, so the earth is flat and round. Lol
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 15:50:13

GIG ECONOMIAGreetings from Trona, CA! This is absolutely blowing my mind!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 03:00:25

Brad truckenbrodNo bigger earth. It’s locked in because we have all gone a thousand miles and that is a hour time zone and 24 hours a day. No curvature.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:20:46

Jesse SaltzmanYou are so on it….a long time ago a friend and I came to the conclusion that the right answer would be the least popular…and you have it. Thank you so much for all your hard work and please keep putting out what you find out.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:55:11

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:04:47


riottyyIt looks like they apply extra fisheye effect on all these footages so great plane looks more round to fit smaller planet narrative.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:37:15

Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 03:34:38

Jam 21Would love to know if you have one or working on a model for this theory. Getting a better idea of scale of everything I feel would be super helpful and even more interesting to see. Your videos are super fascinating and can’t wait to see more.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 09:50:24

future sightThe end of this video is spot on..Somehow humanity has to break the chains of this recurring disaster known as government or dictatorship…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:35:46

Section 7I love your work my friend – one Nazi to indoctrinate the children through cartoons, one Nazi to indoctrinate the adults with rockets. I think you may want to see this, if you haven’t already: The Lunar terminator image that was released by Andrew McCarthy – https://www.firstpost.com/tech/science/doing-the-impossible-astrophotographer-releases-super-detailed-image-of-the-moons-terminator-8346861.html Keep up the awesome work, may Jesus bless you with wisdom!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 05:46:44

moon mavenGenius as usual, bravo. Very much appreciated the ending 😉 it’s time we free our minds from all controllers ✨
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:29:55

Zaryal AceSimpsons’s episode Treehouse of Horror XI has a story about the dolphins going to war against humans, and they are depicted as very violent.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:22:49

ReMember Healthlooking more convincing every day. thanks again! any ideas on the December 21st conjunction as per martin kenny’s universal disclosure?
Show Comment| Likes: 5 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:37:27

ReMember Healthhow does it feel to be at the forefront of this all haha! thanks again
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:45:01


That ManThere is an episode of the six million dollar man called burning brite with William Shatner that is about dolphins and esp and nasa.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 22:11:33

Minarchist 412Excellent and thought provoking.
Show Comment| Likes: 10 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:23:14

Dylan clewMan, I’m sure you don’t take requests but could you dedicate a whole video to the q anon movement taking place and your perspective of the real truth of it.. It’s hot topic would be awesome
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 2| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:00:47

ThruTheAetherI think the tail on the q means their exit out
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 22:06:50

ThruTheAetherSteven D Kelly explains it. Channel TruthCatRadio edit and the Akashic Librarian vid from 9/4 $ something
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:07:05


Joshua LovelessThere are so many rings to break through just discovering the lies is only a baby step. What we need are groups of explorers to set out and try to scale over our crater. They’ve basically been hiding land and uncharted territory. Resources other civilizations living in the other “Biocraters”. And I don’t doubt that the controllers know about them and have nade contact with them. I just wonder what they did to piss them off. Having he ice wall militarized keeps us from getting out and the others outside from invading.
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:44:43

Mark P@Irrepressible Me The Falklands never belonged to Argentina and they did not colonise it. The seas around the Falklands are a major resource. Yes the Antarctic connection is a major issue, and a Maglev railway has recently been knocked out that went via Falklands I hear.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:07:20

Rebecca RinglerThe problem is we still have icewall and it’s guarded. We are still supposed to think we are on a globe.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:56:55

Jenny’s JungleYes. Ive been thinking the very same thing.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:27:04

Irrepressible MeWhatever else is out there, if they can slaughter and conquer they will or already have. When you think about it in hindsight, the amount of troops and resources sent out for the British to take back the Falkland Islands was totally disproportionate for such a tiny island that should really obviously belong to Argentina.<br />When you realise how close the Falkland islands are to Antarctica it makes a lot more sense.
Show Comment| Likes: 7 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:57:02


LASER LIGHT SHOWS Rai Hill.If one were to map the Transient Lunar Phenomenon with various craters and positions on the moon map and compare them we might be able to detect others living on this plane Claims of short-lived lunar phenomena go back at least 1,000 years, with some having been observed independently by multiple witnesses or reputable scientists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_lunar_phenomenon These lights etc. will indicate where other civilizations were in the past and now on the map, and how close they are to our position In the book Somebody Else Is On the Moon by George H. Leonard https://archive.org/details/SomebodyElseIsOnTheMoon/page/n49/mode/2up He indicates ongoing changes and constructions and other phenomena Scientist George H. Leonard demonstrates the existence of artificial structures on the moon using NASA photographs of the lunar surface. These would be the so called aliens from outside our crater CHEERS
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 08:03:18

fashfam1As one trusting the plan….I feel defeated now. You are clearly saying that there is NO escape from our “captors”.
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 14| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:59:11

That’s Right@DC Gallin I C you are still using internet lol…. contradicting your <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23disconnect”>#disconnect</a> propaganda
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:39:59

DC Gallin@That’s Right you make assumptions…enjoy
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 10:26:48

Lucas PickfordI don’t even trust my own plans much less anyone else’s.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:50:06

DC Gallin@Irrepressible Me sorry I meant to say: save your money from Amazon and spend it consciously where you want to see the world to grow…ie small family businesses.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:49:27

Irrepressible Me@DC Gallin<br />I don’t think that I would want to be opening a small business at the moment.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:07:06

DC GallinPeople watch tv voluntarily, they use their phone out of convenience…that is the real trap….it’s time to take resposibility.<br />Amazon is only growing because it’s convenient…they could save their money for small businesses for example.<br />The observer becomes the creator as he influences the outcome through observing by watching tv for example…a sort of manifestation of quantum physics in 3 D…;)
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:51:18

D T@Matt Johnson I really ‘get’ the crator Earth thing….. But yes exactly, that’s how I felt after watching. 😕
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:30:04

That’s RightDC Gallin So you’re asking people to disconnect yet, you yourself are using 5G that’s probably right next to your house.<br /><br />yeah you preach about living simply healthier less materialistic life. You’re full of walking contradiction’s. <br /><br />if there was a different crater to move to, I don’t want your IQ in it.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:14:33

That’s RightMatt Johnson Hey Matt would you please read my reply I just replied on the main comment section.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:12:23

That’s RightDC Gallin you don’t make any sense.<br /><br />The observer becomes the creator?<br /><br />We are watching big brother?<br /><br />How can people become free with their vote if the system is rigged? And you just contradicted yourself by saying that money or where we shop an example Amazon that’s how we make a difference.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:11:41


Master J. MuhammadGreat Observations: The Sign of A Great Teacher? Learning And Looking For New Information As It Makes Itself Known And Then Up->Date The Information To The Class!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:29:23

Andy FranklinAt 20:43 you see the human brain, and to the right of it, to me it looks like the elongated skulls they found in S. America, maybe another hominid from a neighboring crater whispering in our ear. You are onto something. It may not be 100% true, but I can feel you are getting close.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 10:49:08

Daniel HumanYou destroyed modern astronomy in this video. The stars and planets are reflections of the Earth’s surface in the firmament. The firmament is a reflective layer of plasma, like a mirror image in a lake, which also explains the Youtube videos, which show the moon rippling.
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 3| Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:43:57

Lucas Pickford@Daniel Human I guess so.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:25:16

Daniel Human@Lucas Pickford Many intellectuals find it inconceivable that society could be misled. The Star Wars fantasy is a potent opiate!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:21:52

Lucas PickfordDaniel Human Exactly. It makes me wonder what percentage of professional astronomers know about this and if they’re just devoted to keeping up the lie. All the tenured ones for sure.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:25:26


Mundo LegítimoI like the analogy of the big giant being the “creator” Id say that this giant was GOD, and he is “dead”\”asleep”\”coma” now, so we are the little parasites feeding of and living in his “craters” of the “creator”…. The craters that we live in are the “Chakras” we are the EARTH \ HEART chakra, we live in the middle. (Middle earth) That’s why everything here is GREEN…. the color of the heart chakra. The blue beings portrayed by them are from the higher chakra, the throat chakra. There are higher beings who are living at the Crown chakra, these ones are the most powerful…. They are the PURPLE beings, the higher purpose of EL (God) There are lower chakras “realms” as well. Hell red fired ones… Demons. After all, we are all living inside craters of the old dead GOD CREATOR of the toroidal BULL energy that is command frequency around here. Maybe when the “fall” (fall of god) happened, some of these beings (cellular beings which are US) turned themselves into real parasites \ virus ‘bacteriological parasites and started controlling other beings who used to be living in harmony at the golden age. The fall of men was not of “Men”, but of GOD…. The father is dead or sick and now his “sons” are fighting over power against each other…. That’s why they lied about everything because its the best way to put the inheritance of the WORLD away from you by erasing your memory and blocking your GOD power… We are literally fighting against brothers and sisters for the inheritance of the old dead BULL GOD, which is our original father\mother\creator. Well… so much fo learn and unlearn… Thanks Id ike to reinforce that when a body dies, its cells start a process of autophagy…. We are the GODs cell in autophagic mode…. That’s why we call “them” parasites because its a natural process when a BODY dies and we lose control from losing our “consciousness”. =)
Show Comment| Likes: 16 | View Replies: 33| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:18:09

ThruTheAether@D D they parasite off us. your state of consciousness is at one with the multiverse in the realm.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:58:46

Rufus PayneD D rufusjp@gmail
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:20:58

LT LeGreat analogies, mundo! We must ‘override’ and ‘delete’ all their mind control programs/plans. ‘Raise your Consciosness and stay in control!’ Be the driver, not passenger:)!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:11:08

Mundo Legítimo@D D Maybe yes… life is about suffering, its a brief experience.<br /><br />I think that are not so many souls around here, maybe just us who pursue the truth are real deals, the rest of the people are just NPCs fulfilling some goals and positions.<br /><br />Steve jobs… look at his name… JOBS… he created APPLE, which created millions of JOBS haha….<br /><br />Bill GATES… he is literally the gates of hell, the gates of BILLS, which we have to pay every month.<br /><br />Its all a joke, if you look into tru etymology and start to decoding the matrix, you gonna see how stupid life is =)<br /><br />This can free yourself or cause you more suffering as i experience within myself… but right now i more inclined to not face life too seriously… after all is all a rigged scam.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:02:35

D D@Rain your probably talking about the toroidal earth. I know about that. Thanks
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:43:37

Mundo Legítimo@Rufus Payne You are totally right..<br /><br />Everything we see outside is what we are not… Its the inversed of what we have inside of us….<br /><br />We live in an inverted system made for this purpose…<br /><br />I used to want to make many things around here…. i noticed that every force that i applied, the matrix punished me twice as hard haha…<br /><br />Now I see… Life isn’t real, this is a test, a game… To test our inner force.<br /><br />As above so below, but it’s NOT as within so without.<br /><br />As within NOT without.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:39:35

Rufus PayneD D I noticed that you spoke of us being “controlled by a parasitic race”… which, may be true, to some…it was certainly true for me in the past. But I’ve moved on from that paradigm. Instead of us being controlled, try seeing it from a different angle: these parasites are like an exercise program that pave the way for spiritual growth. They are a reminder of what we truly are (creator beings) by showing us what we are not. These days I don’t take this life too seriously! It’s just gotten too ridiculous. <br /><br />I meant no offense to you, and actually you seem like someone who I’d enjoy talking to. I just try to offer this kinda perspective when I get the chance.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:15:29

D D@Rufus Payne do you sense that from me and how? Ive gotten better but can you tell me how you can tell..thanks
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:59:29

Rufus PayneD D you gotta shake that victim mentality
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:55:55

RainThe definition of parallax if you look it up says that the phenomenon I present in my video is just a trick of perspective. Hence why I call it the Torus effect and not ‘parallax’.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:46:30


Joel VanAbsolutely amazing research! Thank you so much for opening my mind to these possibilities
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 16:08:03

Naughty SheepYou’ve been working hard!…well done. But now I think you are going to get a lot of help from your followers. 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:27:29

MyrkskogSo provocative, but I struggle to integrate this into my existing cosmology. I have so many questions…
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:27:44

Robin GentryYour breaking my brain..
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:27:41

PocketsAlso to continue I am not sure how the reflection of the star locations wouls be so bright on the dome
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:08:46

Elias KomninosIntersting enough that we might see similarities on the “first” asteroid ever found in 1561 supposelly
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:04:02

Just Greengood job for thinking out of the box for sure, but imo, it seems like you have tunnel-vision and are zoned-in the idea that the disney world map must represent the truth someway, somehow, but not nearly enough evidence has been presented to make a strong case. be well
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:07:04

LASER LIGHT SHOWS Rai Hill.“The shot is purposely framed so that the light /(star SIRIUS) is between the two pillars” “the stairway to sirius between two pillars” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YCm8MWr4xw&t=3s Sirius is a star system and the brightest star in the Earth’s night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The system has the Bayer designation Alpha Canis Majoris.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 12:07:11

LASER LIGHT SHOWS Rai Hill.@Elke Leonhardt Yes I have viewed them, and agree , However The video is from another one. Corroborating evidence (showing the 2 pillars with Sirius between them)<br />an interesting synchronicity
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 07:06:26

Elke LeonhardtYes & Sirius is the heart! Godgevlamste showed that up in earlier videos
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:11:55


Kenneth LaphamI’m 50 sci fi always been a favorite because its disclosure now I have to go back and remember my theorys from before I made nasa and other info completley fake no I return with new discernment
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 18:28:34

Billy Dakidthe dogon/dolphin thing just blew my mind
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 06:01:01

Ellen cThe (shuttle images) are very gelatinous looking so far.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:19:13

mudflooder yoRodger from mud fossil University pointed out the MASSIVE fish . You can find it on google earth Western sahara . If thats a real fish and im thinking it is …. this little pond isnt big enough … it must of washed in when the crater flooded .
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:56:49

ThruTheAetherCheck out Jerry DeCamp and Spartan Red for more insight
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:07:42


Colorado Forest BeingsQ said moon landing was real and 911 was no inside job. Enough said about that bs
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 00:31:26

Jackie JackWhy do we have to pick sides, why can’t we just be free, I look forward to all your videos…..
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:26:53

the_knuckle_dragger DaveThank you for enlarging my world. It’s so big it almost appears to be flat.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:08:41

slippery joinesIs it possible that the masses are being primed for alien invasion..this is good heads up for the next bit
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:37:34

NVR SMRSorry for my English. I saw opening ceremony Olympic Games 2012 in London. Pay attention to the scene 13:40
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 15:13:17

Justin BraccialeI think we’re finally dumb and cute enough to be kept as pets in our current form. At least for another cycle or two. Smell you later reset, you can’t re-create Human Being version Q again.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:04:55

David EickstaedtBRAVO brother! I’ve been feeling this too……you are brilliant beyond compare. thank you so much for your tremendous work.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:15:16

borisAmazing staff, thank you! Now, we need to figure out how to liberate ourselves from the parasites, AI and whatever?!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:22:54

Dan&Dees DaughterFits so neatly it’s hard to believe it’s all just a huge coincidence. I have to admit I was glad to not see McKinnon in amongst the Q crowd.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:13:45

Nelson Lihi godgevlamste, thanks for the great work you have done. truly putting pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t fret, we are our own saviors this time around, I feel like I know your sentiments of being saved and having all our hopes dashed…again. There is no way to explain in words my current understanding of the totality of things, but that we have been set on a path. The true answers will always come from within, not from the reflected-light material world, although we can gather clues to the bigger puzzle from it. I come from a group that has been using the law of conservation of energy to break free from the first layer of “this” matrix. Lets just say, not many have succeeded in breaking out nor pass on a full practical method to do so, even for those fated ones, eg Christ, Buddha’s, and on. I can also not explain this q phenomenon to these fellow sincere people of which has my highest respects in critical and practical matters, that all q stems from really is: Enough Is Enough! Too many factors not in full control of the matrix controllers, for example the internet and speed of information exchange. This timeline is at a complete precipice, not only biblically, but just base on the factor that these q digital soldiers have sifted and found your material and analyzing it seriously to try and complete a bigger matrix map, and with many many other topics. The fact that global conciouness has, in part by the kabal, “risen” to this type of knowledge and others of global scale, means we are at this precipice. I can only cite the work which we have done within our group that I see this climax of sort, in this timeline. Eastern Orthodoxy Christianity which follows the Christ Conciouness patterns, Psychopathy as much as it describes a virus on the mind as it is on social and inter dynamics, Physical health with true alchemical processes and not the false/misleading matrix chemistry bs, false history….I mean basically everything right? So again, precipice! q or not, our lesson as humans this timeline around is to Not Fall for the same stupid kabal/matrix trick and give our co-creative powers away, and mainly because we don’t want to be responsible for our own actions and consequences!!😡 Buckle Up my frens. We have a whole lot of work to do as individuals for ‘our’ many “selfs”. BUT I do have hope and faith that we will collectively make the right choice ❤ 🙏
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:20:40

Mike HollowayAnother great presentation thank you for sharing. This is all very sensible when you consider the burning man idea, where you construct the man than destroy it to be reborn, and Roger @FMU and his ideas and proofs of the ancient giants that were at least large enough to fit the diagram of your vetruvian man visual in relation to overlaying it on Uncle Walts ouija board😳.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:27:39

Emilio DPUnderstandable folly I thought Branson was saving the day at first as well this js some intense research man
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:57:39

Queen ElceneMan, oh man, I was hoping for a happy ending. I’m still stuck on NYC, the copper doomed building, at ground zero, the torus field vs Metatron, and the ‘a mageda’ battle, that ends the AC. Maybe it WILL BE a beautiful, parasite-free, crater-no-more, Eden-like RESET. When we awaken in the Glorious Future Past Present… Meh 🙃🤤🤔🤗😎 what do I know? I know, I know 😍🖐️👏🙋🤗I LOVE you, and your brilliant mind, and your thought-provoking videos! Peace and Love, ALWAYS
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Thu Oct 15 2020, 01:58:24

Vagyok Aki VagyokNothing will happen “by itself”. YOU have to shape your own reality. Now that you know the REAL rules, it’s time to play be those, instead of the fake rules 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:04:28


Jenny’s JungleAwesome. Thankyou for the last part. Its all just a series of fish bowls. Right when you think your out, theres another and another. Accepting your limitation and no longer playing the games is best for me. idk. Thx for the great vid.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:24:11

Henry MATAgain a A tier vid with lots of secrets unlocked and things that make sence I like the exsiles you expose I folow then too but I always think they are the key masters that’s all they are. Groot goeie werk.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 10:18:12

Master J. MuhammadFrom: “KING OSIRUS”
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:30:03

saremy127great work, it reminds me of Daniel chapter 2, the interpretation of the dream of the statue of a man made of iron and clay. each crater would be the 4 pieces of the man in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:26:34

JMacLoved the ending most of all. More of this would be excellent.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:27:40

moonsaballoon1Disneyland comes to U.K. ‘The new theme park will open by 2024…Set over 535 acres, it will be a gargantuan attraction, three times larger than any other UK theme park and the size of 136 Wembley Stadiums. The site will include a 2,000 seat theatre and over 50 rides arranged into ‘zones’: The Isles, The Kingdom, The Jungle, The Woods, The Studio, Starport and High Street. It will boast Europe’s largest water park (all indoor, to insure against the Great British weather) and an on-site hotel with 3,500 rooms.’ …and there’s a map…. https://www.culturewhisper.com/r/things_to_do/kent_disneyland_uk_opening/8935
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:50:51

Billy Dakidbasically: fractals
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 05:03:36

Carina AgrellI just noticed something that could be interpret as hidden information. Take a look at the logos of Apple, Tesla and Amazon. Do they depict craters? Could be! This is also a question of perception – if you have never heard of the crater theory or don’t see the pattern that cannot be a coincidence, you couldn’t notice the craters in the logos, but if you know and consider it a plausible explanation, your perception opens up for that interpretation. I guess there are a lot of logos depicting “pits”!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 07:37:38

Lucas PickfordCarina Agrell Exactly
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:26:27


DC GallinHeeeey helloooo I have been waiting!…so how to avoid the second ring?
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:35:51

lee mEvery video I say the same lame thing – WOW!
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:03:28

Lucas Pickfordlee m So do I.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:33:20


James MorelandPentagon – Hexagon – OCTAGON!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:47:31

Peach NagI really appreciate you sharing your view. There is a lot to be seen and many never look at the bigger picture. Thank you.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:51:58

dominic musciathose virgin galactic flights look so fake to me idk how nobody else can see how utterly graphical it looks at times.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 01:51:38

Lisa OotenYour videos have opened my eyes to the truth. Thank you! Why are they hiding something in the sky? I have seen some strange things. Can’t wait for your next video
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:21:19

Franz MIve been with you thru this journey for a while now its good to hear from you. Watched your subs jump to 20k you are revolutionary and inspiring. Keep up the great work but yet dont obsess and lose yourself. I support you. And love to have a conversation some day
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:52:46

ThruTheAetherIs because Jon Levi referred his followers to him 2 weeks ago. Jon also told us to check out Jerry Decamp When the Buildings Cried…though
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:03:26


xenxungPlease watch Episode 84 of Rurouni Kenshin dubbed in English, its an Anime where it also shows the map you talk about and it have so many subliminal messages of the truth about the illuminati
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 15:47:37

Mr. DarkI told you our crater is brain part for months ago … I know much mich more now, but nice work I, woukd be never able to make such a comparsions and analysis as you.. good job.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:52:09

ValienteThe most amazing journey will begin when we realize that god is in control and he has a plan for each one of us. We are all the A team, we are the best, gold medalist athletes selected by god himself. When we realized how important we all are we will realize our true strength. The rest of what we see and hear from fake rulers and gods are just there to distract us from god’s plan for each and one of us!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 02:42:39

Zaryal AceThat is the true God’s intention, but many will fail this round. The parable of the master and servant says that we will be imprisoned if we do not follow the our own rules towards others. Jesus says do not judge others or you too will be judged. Those who are still blind to the system and want to mass vaccinate all will be left behind in a lower dimension for this current life unless they repent.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:40:31


PocketsHi love your work, open minded and so feasable, i do have a question re the stars being reflected, I get the moon showing earth but i suspect that the stars are signs, a guide to places on the earth and the moon is the map, what do you think? I mentioned your channel to one of the spacebusters duo and he said he had seen all your videos but dismissed it because and I quote “saw all godl’s vids, he claims mars is a crater on the moon but the wandering star planets move against the other stars in different “orbits” and retrograde, so can’t be a fixed crater?? ” cant wait untill your next video, awesome work
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:07:17

ThruTheAetherThe moon is a luminary not an object. Is an illusion. Mars is ‘beside us’ not ‘up there’ like the false nasa orrery narrative.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 18:57:37

godgevlamstethanks , if he saw all my videos he surely didn’t see this one <br /><a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:13:51


bfyan69I really appreciate your insight 😀 much love everyone ❤
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:32:49

Cole OsselI think these images are made underwater in their water tank simulation and the earth image we see is a projection they made on a wall. At 8:53 we can see the camera panning or the point of observation is panning releasing air bubbles that were trapped under the contraption in the first segment. Panning the camera underwater for the first time release air bubbles. Realise the fragments are always going up at the same rate. Although, some of the fragments look like pieces of ice as they say or it could be the effect of light refraction inside the air bubble reflecting back to us the bubble partially acting as a lense depending on the angle of the light source. I can’t shake the “studio feeling” when I see these images , the virgin ship moving and folding, the light on the ship while it’s ascending… particules (whatever it is) coming out (can’t be legit). The spaceship would have traveled all this distance at ludicrous speed but not released all these debris before ? That doesn’t hold the road. So my best take is they took images from a probe and they’re projecting legit imagery on the wall of the studio pooltank while this prop-spaceship manoeuver underwater. So the virgin ship thing is faked but the images can still be legit.
Show Comment| Likes: 13 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:18:38

Lucas PickfordExactly
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:42:11

grimbleahoyThe release from the mothership is obviously CGI, but you’re right that it might be to persuade us it’s all fake.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:55:16


Dick RileyAccepted truths form the basis of individual reality.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:27:05

Joshua DimentSo good. I’m building a sculpture/beacon. For the last five years I was using the pyramid 3-6-9 numerical system and I used to tell people I felt almost possessed when I was making things, now I understand what was happening. Now I am using the 1-2-4-8-7-5-1 system and the work is so much harder to get done but it feels so much more rewarding.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:18:55

Holger Enghardtthats interesting…i am an artist too…can you explain it 2 me how you do it? That would be great my email adress is holger.enghardt@<a href=”http://googlemail.com/”>googlemail.com</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 10:12:59


Orphan RedOrion on the moon is shocking and the ramifications leave me intrigued and delighted to find out more.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:08:03

Leonard FredrikksonYo man I’ve been waiting for another video… I just wanted you to know that I’ve been doing well, but it’s gotten real hard for me lately. It’s great that you can reveal these universal mysteries, but if I’m not mistaken, you have yet went over the obstacles that occur to those who are likeminded.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:37:00

Jan Buchmeier6:50 min, i dont see similaritys??
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:09:54

V. Z.I was thinking the same thing. But look at Q1 and Q4. Look at the inside shape. The thing about these “photos” is that they are at different times and there are different shadows. Look at the outline in Q4 compared to Q1. Very interesting similarity. And they you have to remember different lenses produce different properties entirely. AND! All of the moon photos are B&W, which is nonsense. The moon is totally colorful. But you have to look at the photos taken during the day and nothing from NAS(t)A (Santa, Satan).
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:21:33


david boydmetaphysical =empirical=research focusing on reflection . United States of America, The American Metaphysical Circus….. A musical Acid Trip
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:25:13

Cult of the Living GodWell done. There’s the Chakras…5 no? Wow. Brother…this really changes everything… thank you!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:41:14

Sharne CaudwellDo not like the ending.. what’s the point. Thats so depressing 😞
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:46:12

ThruTheAether@Sharne Caudwell Check out what Steven D Kelly has to say about it on TruthCatRadio u boob chan
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 11:06:18

Sharne Caudwell@Jeff Schlotz na Q is harmless
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:12:12

Jeff SchlotzI think he’s saying don’t trust q
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:46:29


Jake unitedThe size of everything is what I’m wondering. The structures you show, Epcot and the landing strip etc etc. Are all bigger than our crater. How can that be? The Pleidies has to be bigger too. Isn’t that a place like Atlantis or our realm? From what little I know, the Atlateeans and Pleidians don’t like each other. My religions God is supposed to be from the Pleidies. Love your work bro! I’ve been a fan from the beginning, keep pushing the envelope!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 03:33:54

godgevlamstethanks jake , i remember you , thanks for your support , greets
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:26:24


Mojo DucatiThank you for giving me these expanded visions. 💛
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:46:10

Tyr22:48 or they build three rings like Linne/Saturn/Atlantis
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:02:05

Lucas PickfordTyr Exactly. I wonder if Saturn/Linné is still flooded and if they go back there. If they do I wish they would stay there and leave us alone.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:29:01


Anthony NgNow that we know it’s a scam, what do we do about it?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Thu Oct 15 2020, 02:02:08

Vagyok Aki VagyokTry removing the hack from your life, one frequency at a time. Meditation needs to be done differently, of course. Your creation is where your THOUGHTS are, so if you start with the premise that you are on a flying ball, your “projections” won’t work. However, if you project your thoughts while using the real shape of “reality”, it will start working. It’s like playing basketball and the basket is projected in front of you, when in reality it’s behind you 🙂 You will never score, unless you thrown the ball towards the REAL basket 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:02:54


SuselThanks for the shoutout to Cuba! I’m from there and you’re correct to add us to the list because Fidel was worse than the man he replaced! It’s all a staged event!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:19:20

James HuckvaleBelieve nothing. Know or nothing. Belief is a box,a cube,once the the belief or hook is set wham. The box closes around the mind and spirit and one becomes a man or woman in a box. All religion, all science, education, medical etc… BOXES. Q one big box. Me I consider everything but unless I know I will not jump in the cube. Mecca,Borg,Hellraiser hmmm ,not coincidence. Great insights my friend. I have seen the entities, they are serpentine, hivemind,shapeshifters. The Apep has been captured. You might me right. There is no privacy for anyone ever. Privacy is a lie. These entities are in the trillions. Castaneda was right about the fliers.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:47:11

James Huckvale@ThruTheAether They Live but they’re not all evil. There are many different levels and kinds. However there is one kind that feeds on our energy. Everything has to eat and food comes in many different forms.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 03:05:30

ThruTheAetherI see aetheric beings. They pop out of portals and are from 4D I hear. They look straight at me then fade out.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:22:04


LiquidcadmusAlways fascinating research. I hope you are wrong about your conclusions that we are stuck in the same cycle. I believe humanity as a whole is entering a new level of awareness and we will break free from this
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:49:22

Lucas PickfordIn regard to the Pleiades, do you think they are possibly snow capped mountains which is why they look so bright white from above? Fantastic video as always Wim. Absolutely fascinating.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:22:59

Vegas FlatoutWhat ever you have uncovered is job well done.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 14:24:03

Cole ClevelandThis is Jesuit theatre at its finest, bravo Arturo!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:03:00

maui mixer@G, have you had a chance to see the video of the “1st City” on the smithionan site ,jam 10-12th? I KNOW i seen the map they used ,on 1 of ur videos! Cant remember if it was earth or mars. Think u will find it interesting and maybe connect it,if anyone can.there a snake river running along the city”s(crater)edge! ive been to busy to go back and cross ref. their video is only 5min. and came up on the ai algor. You Always have Interesting great info! Mind expanding is what we all need more of. God still wins,RIGHT?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:27:21

Matt GeamesAs I previously commented on one of your previous videos….Pac-Man was made to mock us & our the true model of “Earth” or our Crater Earth, so I love the Pac-Man reference at the beginning. The elites have placed things all through our lives that appear to be one thing but they are actually revealing the truth of our reality but being that it’s just an Arcade game they know we won’t see it for the mockery it really is. Power to the people!! Great research and awesome Presentation 💯👍🏻👍🏻
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:17:08

Antonio MendozaI can’t I just can’t
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 08:34:14

Martin ValtIf you consider all the lies, distortions, cover-ups and destroying of evidence then you know in what a situation we are living in. Don’t you think that if there was “Space” that all nations would work together to achieve something great for humanity? But we don’t, why?…because there is nothing at all… we are all prisoners. I wonder what really is going on and it can’t be good that is for sure.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 09:14:45

EdgE WyzEYes, we live on a cross section of the creator
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:22:11

JMacEver since you’ve shared this concept it always sits in the back of my head as a very real possibility. Something rings true about it.
Show Comment| Likes: 22 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:55:10

Lucas PickfordIt certainly does
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:32:12

JOKER I@D D that we live in a crater on the giant earth
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:57:12

D D@JOKER I Hi, what are you calling the truth? Thanks…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:53:56

ItisfinishedYep. Me too
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:12:15

JOKER Isame for me, i dont know why but from all theories i looked up or thought about myself this said truth from the beginning to this day
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:08:21


Yolanta SylvesterI hope your next episode is going to be, how to brake the second ring? The great escape?😜❤️
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:15:58

Goo Goo BabyAt 17:00min it look’s a Sim card for a phone. 🤔
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:25:54

Astarte RapWowwwww yes the Dagon!!!!!!! My friend thank you for all❤️✨💡
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:48:33

Mimi AthenaI cant wait for your new videos im about to do more research myslef too… I just don’t know what im looking for.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 19:54:18

Beata KlosowskiWelcome back 🙂thank you for everything you do for us 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:40:26

energysnakeAmazing job 👀 Take care of yourself man 💪🏼 We are waiting for the next film 👏🏼 You are amazing, you open our eyes that we had closed all our lives 😔 Greetings from Poland brother 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:38:00

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:54:58


myllah83👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 love your work, your videos. But in What you are talking about in the end of q and dictatorship and so forth. where do you place Trump/his administration and their work/q in on all this?? I know we might as well can be fooled by them also, but the alternative (dems) are no better alternative so to say. I get confused.
Show Comment| Likes: 8 | View Replies: 22| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:48:32

grimbleahoy@mark mac Good find. Only a little way in, but a powerful vid 👍
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:07:18

mark mac@leschatsmusicale Trump kisses the wall and you watch to much MSN
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:46:50

leschatsmusicaleTrump is good…Q is not. Trump is not behind Q.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:47:03

Astrolabe SageI’ve been sharing the M.Tsarion stuff for quite a while now, very interesting..great insights.. hmmm Jupiter and Pluto you say..all good info!<br />Thanks
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:35:36

mark mac@trappedinroom 101 oh yeh static in the attic haven’t heard for a while check my subs out on my page got loads of good stuff and bad just to keep check on the crafty bast**d’s
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:25:07

mark mac@trappedinroom 101 I’m in Liverpool getting ready soon for a lockdown party hehe, I’ve got a video for you and it tells you about everything it’s on for 8hours but yeh got some really important stuff in it hey I’ve been researching for years hahaha this video sums it all up give it a go <a href=”https://www.bitchute.com/video/fL7Ag8dLglbl/”>https://www.bitchute.com/video/fL7Ag8dLglbl/</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:10:38

trappedinroom 101mark mac <br />Lol…an Englishman and his cup of tea! I’m in Staffordshire…and currently getting blasted by whatever tech they’re deploying against us! I suspect they’ll be picking off people…a week or two of radiation, and bingo…COVID symptoms!!! Or just outright strokes and heart attacks…they’ll all be put down as COVID anyway!<br /><br />Something a bit interesting…There’s a channel called Static in the Attic, and he did a video a while back where he researched the pandemics (real and fake) going back a few hundred years…and what they have in common…the elite run their ‘virus’ programs, when Jupiter and Pluto are in conjunction!!!<br /><br />And this year…unusually there are/were three…March (what a surprise lol!), June…and the last one is in November, the 15th I think. So watch them ramp it up between now and then. We all know they’re obsessed by the occult…but it’s interesting that they’re using the energies of the skies/heavens to help energetically tip the scales of success! Nothing surprises me any more lol! <br /><br />Anyways, lol, I just thought I’d mention it…l’m fascinated by some of the more peculiar and occult sides of what they get up to! <br /><br />I’ll leave you to have your cuppa in peace. 🤗💕👍🏻
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:57:46

mark mac@trappedinroom 101 everyone is at different stages of awakening, I have a feeling there keeping people on a string, some false flag is going to happen soon on a big scale or god help us if this 5g shit is what I researched it is that will wipe millions of are planet Sweden is getting radiated 4600 and at 2000 it can change your dna, anyway I’m getting a nice cuppa Yorkshire tea and putting my feet up.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:29:38

mark mac@myllah83 give it time I promise you you’ll enjoy and it’s good for a beginner or intermediate.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:14:54

Astrolabe SageVery interesting thank you!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:56:37


Hu ArweAlways having an enemy keeps us in ego.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:09:53

Diiaannee Plove this! 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:42:51


Mark PIf Agenda 21 is successful the people backing the bad guys will make themselves as obsolete as the rest of us. So whilst many cabal militaries may back them. Ultimately they are toast. There will be no Nirvana for them once their job is done, and they are ‘useless eaters’. Meanwhile ‘reset’ = financial reset imo.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 10:23:20

RyumaKenThanks for the research man, keep it up. And can you try to find venus and big dipper in your next video and thanks
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:50:44

Greg McGunigalDoes this guy sound like ‘JTOLAN’?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:06:53

Greg McGunigalStarts the video with an equation (PAC-MAN) connecting the dots… but leaves the viewer without PAC-MAN analysis… he just hops-skips-jumps in the end?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:40:57


HempearthAbsolutely Mind Blowing! I dont know about you guys but I was born to help humanity discover we are in a cage and controlled zone, not allowed to go to all the infinite experiences we can have as human beings, but your right, the awakening is here, soon we shall look at this circus and be glad we never gave up. You are all safe in the Universe and all life loves and supports you! Keep going!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:57:44

BobbyBanks77Have you seen that 1953 tv show with admiral Byrd? He stated a landmass bigger than north america on the other side of Antarctica, that got me believing there is way more land out there than we are told about or allowed to go too. How would anyone know, planes and ships always follow their assigned path and nobody really travels to explore on their own anymore and even if they did how would they get the message out, the masses only believe what’s on msm……
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:20:24

iheartfairies82WOW this is amazing, thank you. 😳😳😳
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:27:20

truth questI get it. But i still don’t get it. Your work reminds me of my perspectives. Very thought invoking indeed. Love it, keep it up my friend.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:32:10

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:19:19


Chicken WingWorlds within Worlds. The Stars point the way. Namaste
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:54:34

Elias KomninosI see similar Info on other asteroids. Hmmmmm
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:12:48

Smash AdamsYou lost me on this one. Very thin proof here, you were reaching big time. Put that meth pipe down
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3| Tue Oct 13 2020, 04:24:33

godgevlamste@MaskedRawR what exactly don’t you understand ? are these videos to complicated for you ? maybe watch the disneychannel for kids
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 16:44:09

MaskedRawR@godgevlamste Looking at your videos, the troll is you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 16:17:27

godgevlamsteSeems like a lot of trolls are on drugs
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:36:03


Cogumelo RakAnother nice video. It got me thinking. There is this experiment where people shoot radio waves at the moon,it bounce back and gets picked up. I guess shooting these waves not directly into moon but nearby in to empty space should create the same effect? Thoughts…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:24:19

snoo333love your work as always. the part of the video could be its own larger video is the second part of your video. the part talking about the alliance. extremely important. the movie snowpiercer points to this.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:33:24

Teofilo CorderoYou are amazing, exelente work… keep going, good job…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:17:53

Patrick PhamEach awakening have an apocalypse 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:29:30

Den WiessimoIk had twee vragen: Wat zijn die belletjes die je steeds ziet bij dat ruimtevaartuig, en was de qibla (gebedsrichting) eeder niet Petra in Jordanië?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:25:11

Emz 3103M I N D B L O W N!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:39:44

eyona1…ALL RIGHTS RESERVED… Thank You again, The Truth Shall Free us! Shalum
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 03:45:43

Minatou NamikazeHello I just started watching your videos and am new to these crater terms and the moon map thing . I am 20 years globe beliver and 5 years flat earther and now i open my eyes to this 20 mn crater earth video . Could be please advice some videos so i can understand . Also are you an atheist ?!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:13:50

godgevlamste<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szLjqD2uykQ&t=39s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szLjqD2uykQ&t=39s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:42:42


Mr. Teadamn, you ruined it at the end.. .lol. totally clueless.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:24:48

harley davidsonTwo giants inlove falling together……
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:31:41

Katy HopefulWow! Don’t think i’m smart enough to be in the comment section, you guys all bicker too much. Isn’t freedom awesome though, even if its just to argue???
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 21:44:28

Billy DakidOrion’s belt always point to the Pleiades🙏
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:15:25

Tatjana MExcellent presentation, love your ew perspective on how things are run.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:52:38

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:43:31


And Quinthis is a random comment but with you mentioning the dolphins it ‘reminds me of a old simpsons episode i saw where the dolphins took over and killed everybody..
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:57:35

Holger Enghardt@Autonomy4all there is a dolphin on the german bluray cover
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 10:04:18

Autonomy4all@grimbleahoy YES! That was it. I go down a lot of rabbit holes and one thing I notice is a similar theme. The other thing I notice is this is too vast for humans to pull off. It’s everywhere. If this is a simulation I would believe it. This is why I believe God and Jesus is the way. No matter how they try to deceive us, they have to tell us. That is how we find the path to walk. Unfortunately a lot of people will blow it off and miss the signs. Crazy world we live in for sure.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:46:39

grimbleahoy@Autonomy4all Yeah, no-one understood their warnings so left before the Earth was flattened, with :’ So long fellas, and thanks for all the fish!’ How appropriate.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:22:50

Autonomy4allSupposedly Dolphins are the only reason we are alive. They give off some frequency that speaks to higher beings. Rumor. Wasn’t there something about Dolphins in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? It’s been awhile since I saw it but I think I remember dolphins.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:37:05


Danny21 to 23 dec. one of them its the shortest day of the years and 24 dec its the beginning of a new cycle so its a good time to reset… just saying….
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:26:36

:Hans – Beimler.ok. this time reasonable. thank you lots.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:06:05

FEARMANGLERWhat is flying through the clouds, just above the presumed plyaidies ???
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:08:44

AK47damn this is deep 😲😱
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:25:56

ThruTheAetherI go through them 2 or 3 times and check his comm replies
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:32:37


Capricious BWhow! This is a Great Video along with the information and makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 04:24:44

Jabroniuspowerful stuff again. especially at the end!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:53:47

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:43:26


Intelligentsia101You can be made to see anything because thought loves to play games.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:47:38

Jay Pavhmmm quite the ending there… or is it?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 11:01:08

Curtis TisbergerAlways a joy when your videos come out watch them all twice🤗
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:16:16

Tony RizzoAs above So Below absolutely amazing I have so many questions
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:08:46

IRS MEDIAHey buddy, love the video.I hitchhiked through Belgium when i was 19, stayed in Bruges twice, I can help you with your moon imagery. I think you’re on to something but as I’ve learned, you gotta talk on 1 subject, nail it, move on. Can I help you with that? I’m good visually, catching patterns etc. I wouldn’t know where to start unless you point me in a direction.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:40:31

LOGOSI have something for you to work on. Search, “HD photos moon amateur Polish”. There you will get the BEST images to start looking at the “moon map”. I too have been theorizing about the moon as a map for a few years now. I’m glad I stumbled upon this page.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:25:30

godgevlamstemaybe start looking at images from space ( shuttle , virgin galactic whatever ) and look for images that might resemble our crater
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:07:26

IRS MEDIAI could see working independently as being a benefit but i never ever studied the moon or the stars, I always considered it a waste of time.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:42:43


We’ll all be judged19:20 – it looks like the inner ear?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:14:49

We’ll all be judgedWe were thinking the same thing brother… 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:15:40


RaffZamAny way you look at it, we´re fkd…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:34:33

Sebi think parasites r vulnerable to cvd19 virus they afraid to die 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:50:38

GIG ECONOMIAI know Seerles Valley/Trona area very well. There are various massive large military bases all around the trona area. Very secret places.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 03:04:34

godgevlamstethat doesn’t surprise me . And the ” landing strip area ” ? seems also very suspicious , looks like an area where they do some mining ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:29:27


PocketsOoh idea, would you be able to trace the face on mars, even though they say that it was destroyed? that would be a clincher 🙂 also love the video you linked I am a subscriber and wont miss a video
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 20:31:35

godgevlamstethen i would need high resolution maps of mars
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:46:28


Darth PlagueisAre there any other “large moon earths” or whatever it’s called?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Tue Oct 13 2020, 16:48:09

ThruTheAether@Darth Plagueis We don’t live on the moon… is a luminary, an illumination, an illusion….research luminary. reflection, mirror
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 18:00:01

Darth Plagueis@godgevlamste ok…. now next question… if we allegedly live on the “moon”, what are your explanation on aliens? Are they real? Do they occupy other “crater earths”?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 17:03:40

godgevlamstepossible , but i haven’t got a clue
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 16:51:15


Mojo DucatiExactly what we all feared but don’t have the ba⚾️🏈s to acknowledge.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:06:41

Elias KomninosYou are amazing brother. People pay attention!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 9 | View Replies: 18| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:53:01

Elias KomninosHey brothers maybe we should check why this place Felicity in california is called the Center of the Earth (for real?) maybe it matches the maps we see here from Our friends
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:41:33

Panagiotis RogakosLucas Pickford what do you mean ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 16:10:24

Lucas PickfordPanagiotis Rogakos What?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 16:08:54

Panagiotis RogakosLucas Pickford and that means????
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:36:11

Lucas PickfordI’m paying attention!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:34:39

Panagiotis Rogakosgodgevlamste same side but in a different scale… that’s a huge difference
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:40:35

godgevlamste@Panagiotis Rogakos i’m not going to “debunk” people who are on the same side . Think for yourself and look at the differences
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 11:49:36

Panagiotis Rogakosgodgevlamste I don’t know to be honest. Can you debunk it? A video would be great. To be honest I enjoy your videos and the way you think. I believe guys like you and stergios are intelligent.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 11:18:26

godgevlamste@Panagiotis Rogakos do you really think i don’t know his theory ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 11:11:28

Panagiotis RogakosThruTheAether what do you mean?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:33:31


Jared HanoiWOW//
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Thu Oct 15 2020, 13:37:18

Scott GiuffridaWhat we gonna call our creator of ponds volcano realm?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:50:43

Staring at the Black Sun Trying to SEE THE LIGHTAt 22:00 you talk about the prison. The Prisoner was a tv series I never watched, but, in the final episode the main guy called Number 6 escapes fromThe Village (the prison) only to be … in another Village (the next ring of the prison). Seems like that was another xposure but that was also in the 70s I think.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:40:55

Tracey WindleStaring at the Black Sun Trying to SEE THE LIGHT ‘The Village’ is another one!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 14:56:27


Jordan BerlingeriYour videos are amazing, albeit, a bit on the Doom & Gloom side of things. Okay. So we’re trapped. Yeah. And??? Do you have a solution? I’ve been through Math Powerland’s Flat Earth to Lord Steve’s Concave Earth and everywhere in between. Your information TRULY is awe inspiring and most of us already know that “They” have us cornered and controlled. We get it. You don’t think Donald Trump is the answer for the US. Maybe he isn’t… But if he isn’t, then what? Must Power exist without Benevolence? Are there no “Friends in High Places?” All machinations and mechanisms of control, abuse, and malevolence.? Great. And??? Whats the point? Is this a peek beyond the veil prior to some Realm Reset where we are all collectively baptized in the holy fire of forgetfulness, all except the nefarious chosen elect that retain memory to what? Great us wayward souls with yet an eternity more rape, pillage, war and conquest? Fantastic. We can’t win. There is no hope. Okay. Now what?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 22:15:52

Jordan Berlingeri@godgevlamste Perhaps… So again I ask, what is your solution? Don’t Vote? The election is less than a month a way. The polls say Biden but the streets say Trump. Are all so called ‘dictators’ nefarious? Evil? Is it possible that we plebs down here in the lower income/power brackets have ‘friends in high places?” Even you yourself are receiving messages with videos from someone… So yeah, I like to keep a positive outlook on the future by maintaining HOPE that people like you and others will continue providing content and perspective to the rest of us in this realm of infinite possibility. Some call it Faith, but I guess that would be too much like Trusting in the Plan, eh?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 14:38:44

godgevlamstedid i say we cannot win ? on the contrary , knowledge is power .The only thing i’m warning about is that when we hope someone else will drain the swamp we will end up with a new dictator .We’ll have to drain the swamp ourselves
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:44:40


Elke LeonhardtGodgevlamste your mind holds treasures! That brain comparison is impressive. So I think we have to go for the Nagas. The Nagas were night elves before the flood and went into a treat with an evil God in prison under the waters, in order to survive. I think Atlantis was meant here, but maybe only the Atlantis you showed us. Their only concern is to leave the waters and rise an own EMPIRE outside the waters. Their New subterranean space, was Earth, our crater. The story of the dolphin language could maybe provide hints, that they want us to see now. Andreas Xirtus was recently pointing subliminal info on this matter. Mars the biggest Vulcan
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:41:45

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 14:13:59


Mauricio OsorioSe ve coherencia en su investigación, gracias, From Colombia!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:11:08

Ken HomesteadThe fractalverse.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:40:43

Carina AgrellAbsolutely genius!
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:15:05

godgevlamstethanks Carina
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:24:03


Thea GEncore, encore!👏👏👏💥
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:00:18

Jama Barker@25:43 min marker… check out the marble in the background…our crater?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 06:42:22

some iotaSo it seems that the stars we see in our night sky, are made from a reflection of light on water that is sitting in the craters? Am I understanding that? So if this is true, then if water levels generally rise down in the plane, the night sky will show more reflections and be brighter? A massive flood, which fills the craters completely would be brighter still?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:57:16

some iota@godgevlamste What is it about craters then, that makes them reflect light into the night sky, if not water?<br /><br />Perhaps some particular rock or smooth surface in that region? Hmmm ..<br /><br />When I see footage of a P900 camera of s star, say, Sirius for example, (Rebel without a pause: <a href=”https://youtu.be/1BCqzmiFc18)”>https://youtu.be/1BCqzmiFc18)</a> or any other star, it looks like light in water.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:08:08

godgevlamstei don’t think there has to be water in it to reflect
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:18:31


Daniel Brad MacBolen IIIMan is the Dream of the Dolphin
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 10:04:13

Implant DetectedWow. Your ability to stretch nothing is astounding.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:47:15

Glenn Adams IIWhat the frick did I just watch?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:54:59

Mark PExcellent video. What about this Nubaru/Planetx that is supposed to be heading this way?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 17:37:42

Barbara AldenIm totally confused…🤯
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:36:01

leschatsmusicale@sun ray me too. I keep wondering about the lunar wave.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:50:26

sun rayWondering about the images of the lunar wave that crrow777 captured
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:44:17


DAZ Lightw what are we looking at Epcot in the crater or Epcot above
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 03:03:14

Dylan clewI have no Idea how I found your channel but I’m truly grateful
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:31:07

J KFantastic work again! I’m not sure if you know but they’ve found pyramids in China built by blue eyed people. Also they’ve found pyramids 800m under the sea off of Cuba so either they were built pre ice age or were lost in this great flood you’ve mentioned 1259
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:28:56

J Kgodgevlamste, I’ve watched all your videos and I’m following a lot of others and putting together the pieces of the puzzle. There’s also a city underwater just outside Alexandria which I’m sure was submerged during this flood as even though it was discovered around the 2nd world war there’s never been an official investigation into as I’m sure it will prove the 1259 flood.<br />Also with your Viking theory, check out the Phoenicians as we know they were they came from the Canaanites and they had identical boats to Vikings, so I think Vikings = Phoenicians and they were definitely the ones to bring the Illuminati/ mason traditions to Europe. <br />Would love to chat more as we’re also looking into time adaptations in connection with the energy fields you’ve discussed and also the 2 suns which are being spotted.<br />Anyway can’t wait for your next video, keep up the fantastic work!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:35:24

godgevlamstethanks , 1259… i’m talking with an expert here 😉
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:03:57


Linda SandersI was a firm believer in God, Heaven when we die, and now I am so confused, who created the giant earth, where did it come from, where did we come from, where did animals come from, is there no option but reincarnation, why do we have a soul that reincarnates, I don’t want to ever come back, wth are we supposed to do with the rest of our lives, what is our purpose, does anything matter??????
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Wed Oct 14 2020, 23:42:53

Vagyok Aki VagyokI think the souls are “trapped” in this fake reality. Some of us are sent here to “save” the trapped ones, some forget about it and get trapped themselves. Maybe it was some experiment and something went wrong, that’s when everyone got trapped… who knows. I think those of us who want to “get out” are actually the ones who were sent here to save the others. The trapped ones are of course, those who cannot think beyond matter at all. I think what we can do is now shape our own reality based on the “real data”. Every single soul matters, that’s why these “parasites” are trying to hang on to most of them. But if we bypass the hack, they will have one soul less to “feed” on, and our reality will influence the reality of those around us. Think of it as a wave in the ocean… if you have a wave which flows opposite to the “majority” of the waves, it can only influence the majority of the waves if it’s BIGGER and has more inertia (energy). If it has the same size, it will just be “swallowed” by the majority and will become one of them 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:14:31

Raiza B.I still believe in God/good but I’m confused on things as well. All these years searching for answers and down rabbit holes has left me with more questions. I don’t think we will ever understand some things because of being 3D or at least that’s how it appears to me. I think we come here to have a human experience but can get lost along the way due to this being a 3D dense plane of existence. Earth (maybe crater earth) is sort of a school of hard knocks. I do think something is trying hard to keep us from something but what that is I haven’t quite figured out. Supposedly we are all powerful creators….
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 00:32:47


Frityof JenssenReally cant grasp what your saying?? Are the constellations reflected on the moon? Are they below the space station? Please give an overview of the theory you are promoting if possible
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:34:30

Mundo Legítimo@The Lone Prepper maybe our firmament is some sort of water glass
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:01:44

The Lone PrepperHow do lights on other craters reflect on the firmament as stars?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:43:51

Sister Mary ClementsIf you watch his earlier videos, he explains it. Start from the beginning. You won’t be able to stop lol
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:40:36


Lenon NNazis new from Vatican, what is Earth and that Earth is crater and place where human can go out of crater Church Catholic was cooperate with Americas England french and German nazis of Rothschild management Hitler was sone of Rothschild and Baku Khan is Vatican it is the same business at all the world. Stop fulling people at all the world and truth can united as as human.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:27:29

Jesse JacobsI knew the Q stuff would come.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:14:29

Tracey WindleJesse Jacobs yes same here, there maybe layers upon layers of part truths and lies!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 14:41:05


some iotaIf you do a Google image search on a young David Icke and a young Richard Branson, you can see it appears to be the same man. Also Google “Richard Branson wellaware1” to find a poster someone made verifying this idea.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:00:32

godgevlamstei saw it , they look similar indeed
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:24:46


Kevin Harkins1:22 top right of screen those look like runways. Far to wide and lots of them side by side, to wide and different color to all the other rivers and riverbeds
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:21:58

ThruTheAether@Kevin Harkins right on. he does an amazing live grid melt demo too. jon levi turned his followers on to those 2 and godge
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 03:11:18

Kevin Harkins@ThruTheAether seems like a cool guy, thanks for the recommendation
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:02:53

ThruTheAetherCheck out Jerry DeCamps, ‘when the buildings cried’ and, Spartan Red for more info
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:21:29

Kevin Harkinsappear on both sides of the mountain
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:22:41


E FogghbI’m confused. Crater earth ? Flat earth /spaceship earth? Someone break it down please
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:37:33

lookgooddoingitwatch all his videos from the beginning if you haven’t
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:03:55


luciano cenerothank you godgevlamste for entering the language option a hug
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 21:19:12

luciano cenero@godgevlamste <br />yes perfectly thanks
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 07:27:02

godgevlamstedid it work ?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:45:46


Amazing AuditsOmg what a great video. New info now im bingeing your channel
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 14:04:51

truth BknownOk! Here we go again. Great video please bear with me. I just found your vids weeks ago. Now I believe in synchronicity not coincidence. So I need to show you this and you tell me what you see. [ Boston album cover of corporate America “2002”. 1- I see a globe reflection as blue dot. 2- I see to the left of that blue dot a white dot which if you were on it you now see a reflection on the sphere. 3- let me just point out the CRATERS below the ship.] I’m done!!! Let me know once again I am not crazy. I never new this album existed till 15 minutes after watching your last video. Have fun my brother. I really think you’re on to something here. We must all keep an open mind and think outside the box. We are just learning the truth now. Much to discover, much to revealed, much will change but nobody knows the WHOLE truth yet. All will be revealed.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 6| Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:25:27

truth Bknown@Holger Enghardt thank you. I don’t do social media I don’t even have a cell phone. But my wife does. I will go through hers if that’s ok. Some covers you mentioned I can see from memory in my head. I would love to see the folder! This world ain’t never gonna be the same. Just writing you and the auto spelling practically know what your thinking. Kinda creepy. Not being on media much I see a world of puppets and zombies. U.S.A. might be lost if they don’t wake up. Nice to social media with ya. Lmfao
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:42:33

Holger Enghardt@truth Bknown there are so many 🙂 ok a few samples: look for example covers from Amon Düül II, Eloy, ELO, Boston, Journey, YES, Genesis, Blue Öyster Cult, Earth Wind and Fire and on and on and on…and you see in much Rockband Logos the KA and the BA…Steve Vai for example…if you give me your email I send you the whole folder if you like
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:15:49

truth Bknown@Holger Enghardt very interesting. I just noticed due to the new obvious, that ya just never knew but see all over. Can you give a couple examples please? This stuff fascinates me. If I’m awake why so many freaking nightmares. Ha ha! Peace brother.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:00:32

Holger Enghardti am collecting album covers over a year now and most of them are telling the same story 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:47:54

truth Bknown@godgevlamste cool, your welcome.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:10:12

godgevlamsteand the guitar is the crater with the dome , thanks for the tips
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:02:24


2KMEhttps://youtu.be/jH44AfehEdY The ideas presented in the above video are not an alternative way of looking at things but I think complimentary to the ideas expressed on this channel. One can combine them…they do not exclude each other, but in many ways work together to present a broader view. This also explains why the ‘Great Reset’ is being pushed all of a sudden in an aggressive way that must happen by the end of the year, ie; the push for a vaccine by then.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:01:03

Chema AcuarioThank you, great work !
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:16:17

Joshua DimentGreat job. Excellent work. Keep it up for all of us
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:39:36

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:44:28

elizajaynAwesome. God bless you!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:42:19

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:43:36


The Devil’s Playground ChannelAwesome, bro. Thank you!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:46:10

Rachel HHow would we see all the constellations perfectly around our crater skies?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3| Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:18:55

ThruTheAether​@Rachel H Hi Rachel, everything under the Firmament (dome) is reflected by the central sun (located outside of the dome) as an image back onto the inside of the firmament proving we are a tiny crater (when viewed close up) on a large sphere. The extra land on the moon proves its beside our crater not up there. There is also a cloaked titanium ship behind it they say lol!!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:53:13

Rachel HThanks for the reply 😊 reflection from what? The moon? Sorry I watched ur other videos a while ago…. 😅
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:52:31

godgevlamstereflection in the dome
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 07:22:16


Jason O’Doherty@godgevlamste interesting theories, do you have an explanation on the movement of the planets in the sky if they are reflections of craters on the greater earth globe?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:43:03

godgevlamste@Mariano-Petru Bellucci probably , it’s like a skyclock .So it’s not because the skyclock is a reflection it cannot be used
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:42:04

Mariano-Petru Bellucci@godgevlamste So, is there any truth in astrology, though? Horoscope and all?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:02:49

godgevlamste@Jason O’Doherty a millionth of a second insight in the universe
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:15:01

Jason O’Doherty@godgevlamste Thanks for your reply, what made you first suspect that we were living in a crater earth?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:10:21

godgevlamste<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:00:41


Jose PerezAs above, so below. As within, so without.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:10:07

R3As far out as some of your ideas are sir.. i have to say you make a lot of sense..
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:38:58

VIPFlightMorning, thanks as usual 😁
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:17:07

EarthMan ComethI like your work, and usually understand what you’re saying…however, when you started comparing the “images” from Mars you lost me. Why do you think that those images of Mars are real??? Mars is just another light source above us…not some land mass that Nasa claims to exist. There are no “rovers” or future manned “missions” to that imaginary “planet.” In fact, any “real” images of “land” on Mars come from Earth. And there’s NO possibility of Life outside of Earth…since Earth is a ‘closed system.’ All that said, peace to you, brother, for continuing to push the envelope.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:27:19

ThruTheAetherIt’s beside us not above us 😉 <br />Research on you tube nasa ‘Orrery’ cgi projection models relating to their spinning marble with upside down continents.'<br />Welcome to the Grand Illusion.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 03:33:08

leschatsmusicaleIf he’s right, Mars is on Earth (the bigger Earth.) I remember hearing about people who had been in something like MK Ultra or Montauk saying that they had been taken to Mars.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:43:21

godgevlamstethanks , but i have to disagree .Time will tell
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:20:33


AGUA 93Explanation for different races ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:57:02

Lil CricketSearles Trona Anatron 😉 with a huge Apep tite.
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:10:20

ThruTheAetherfetus feed us
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:33:45

ThruTheAetheromg eh? just wow
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 04:33:15


Maester Willy of the House of BoinkEén dezer zou ik toch héél graag es een klapke doen als ge tijd en goesting hebt, zolang we nog kunnen in de medisch-fascistische terreurstaat waarin we leven tenminste! Dat België altijd al een vieze, smerige rol heeft gespeeld op wereldvlak, daar hoeven we niet eens zover terug in de tijd te gaan, toen Congo nog het privébezit was van onze brave Leopold II, die zó verzot was op slavenhanden dat hij er duizenden en duizenden heeft laten afhakken van “zijn slaven” die niet akkoord gingen met hun onmenselijke lot! Bij velen werden zelfs beide handen afgehakt, kwestie van de boodschap duidelijk over te brengen… I could’ve written this in English, but I find Flemish (kinda Dutch, but with much less spelling mistakes 😄 😎 💙) a lesser curse spelling language than English, hence why I’ve put my comment in both our “mother’s tongue”… 🤓 We’re both Gent-le-man if it comes to cultural heritage going back to childhood, so before we are forbidden to use our language because of that C-19 tale, I’m being a bit nostalgic about it, realizing that our (grand)children will be indoctrinated so severely and scared and scarred for the rest of their slave existence, that it even might mean the end of humanity as we’ve known it if we don’t act real soon!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 02:06:19

godgevlamsteBelgium always has been the center of arms , drugs , diamonds and what else .That’s why we have a failing justice and a new prime minister who has zero authority
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 11:09:09


John Lemon & The SourtonesFascinating… cheers
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 01:18:52

M LEnjoy your videos/work a lot, thanks, enjoying this one so far, as usual… very interesting. Greetings from California/ KaliFornia 🙋‍♂️🌚
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:46:44

M L@godgevlamste many years ago I visited your country and enjoyed my time. Antwerp and Ghent, mostly, if I recall. The Kulminator was a treat and getting a personal tour of the Van Steenberge brewery / monastery is something I’ll never forget, haha (thanks Pete, if memory serves me)… I swear I did more there than enjoy beers but those highlights came to mind in this late hour, far away – thanks for your videos and for the reply – until next time! 🍻
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:49:26

godgevlamstegreets from Belgium
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:07:32


Rasiek Rasiek@godgevlamste how to enable 3d view in google earth moon? You have 3d view, I see crater mars in 2d :/
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 7| Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:50:05

Rasiek Rasiek@godgevlamste look at this <a href=”https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/image-analysis-of-unusual-structures-on-the-far-side-of-the-moon-in-the-crater-paracelsus-c.pdf”>https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/image-analysis-of-unusual-structures-on-the-far-side-of-the-moon-in-the-crater-paracelsus-c.pdf</a> i found Paracelsus C but maybe they blurred it
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:54:09

Rasiek Rasiek​@godgevlamste Thanks! now I have found, I will be looking for more similarities for You
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:06:24

godgevlamste@Rasiek Rasiek no , just use google maps
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:47:21

Rasiek Rasiek@godgevlamste You mean google. com/moon/? there is no option to “put on satelite”. In “Google Earth Pro” also I don’t see this option
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:35:06

godgevlamste@Rasiek Rasiek i use the moon on google maps , put on satelite , zoom out till you see “planet earth ” and then you will see on the left a toolbar with all the planets
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:05:39

Rasiek Rasiek​@godgevlamste its changing only angle of view, not 3d view, there is still 2d in other angle of view, I do not see hills etc, image is flat
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:17:33

godgevlamstepress ctrl and move mouse
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:56:06


C PYour amazing!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:00:30

abcd efghI like the reflection and giant earth theory but if the stars are reflections of sunlight off the water in other craters wouldn’t they be all hugely different in size by the law of averages and so present varying size reflections in the plasma belt? Also how do we explain the wandering stars (planets)? They are moving their position so they cannot be stationary terra firma craters on the earth. They would have to be something else right?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:22:43

godgevlamstei explain that in my video<br /><a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=7s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=7s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:27:22


C BI’m sorry to say that I am somewhat disappointed in this latest video because I was hoping for more details on the actual crater theory. Instead, you included the socio-political angle, which, should be separated from the theory and the facts. The truth is, you know very little about President Trump and your continued referencing of him as part of the cabal is inaccurate to say the least. Furthermore, because of this inaccuracy, including your political opinion along with the crater facts could tend to discredit the theory in the minds of some newbies – something to consider. So, what I was hoping for was perhaps a more *in-depth* review of the crater theory because as I mentioned in an earlier comment, it was difficult to wrap my head around some concepts of the whole picture such as the plasma ball and the black sun. Also, I think you might want to consider discussing how comets come into play. These are like holes in the theory that need to be filled eventually. In conclusion, I like what you’ve started and it is a logical explanation for traditional narratives we’ve been told for decades, and I wish you would continue on that vein. I’m not criticizing your political opinions which are, for the most part, on point (albeit your being off-base regarding Trump). I highly recommend you produce videos that separate the political opinion from the crater/bigger-earth reality…check out the X-22 report on YouTube – he produces two nightly reports – one Political/Geopolitical and the other Financial, keeping them separate — although for a different reason because there is just so much information to cover and it makes sense to differentiate between the two presentations. I think doing something similar would work well for you. Keep up the good work – I’m eager to see more validation of the crater theory from other sources as well.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:01:28

godgevlamsteThanks , but there will always be people who will say : don’t do this , don’t do that , better do this , better do that .I’m a painter and if someone would say to me : don’t use blue , don’t paint vertically with green , don’t paint white dots , well the fun is over and i will stop painting
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 07:48:02


DrStanley567Thank you!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 00:05:34

Daughter Of The One MusicThe Rise To Get her
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:27:57

Bret ZUnfortunately I don’t believe in coincidences
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 15:02:05

Mark ShireCan’t have a firmament with a spherical earth.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:25:06

ThruTheAethercorrect. you can’t on nasa’s cgi marble
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:50:24


Amazing AuditsHi subd from brian stavely
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:35:36

trappedinroom 101Excellent! 🙂💕👍🏻
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:43:49

Just JeanetteExcellence as usual!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 02:35:15

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:29:42


Tracey WindleGodgevlamste, would it be possible for you to explain the lunar wave, which confuses me?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Sun Oct 11 2020, 14:15:16

godgevlamsteThe way i see it : if the moon is a reflection of earth it is projected on something .When you move a projection over a distorted surface the reflection will also be <a href=”http://distorted.so/”>distorted.So</a> i think the lunar wave is the projection moving over a distortion in the surface
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:23:23

hongry lifeWhat is ‘the lunar wave’?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:42:00


DAZ LightThis video was not anywhere near as good as your last 29 but do you explain black hole
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 03:24:16

Mark RomoGodge! Maybe all the Sulpicius Gallus craters are Earth like craters! A, B, G, H, M what do you think the letters could mean?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 18:32:10

Mark RomoMaybe to the constellation they belong to or are part of like Andromeda and the V? Andromeda is a “V” shaped constellation best viewed in the fall if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Andromeda lies close to the north pole, so only a few in the Southern Hemisphere can see this strangely shaped constellation in the spring.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 19:01:30


Raa JewelerAll Eyes WIDE OPEN…………. PLAN ZZZZ
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:22:04

riottyyThe only channel I have notifications on 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:09:47

riottyy@R2-D2 this is very weird…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 17:13:53

R2-D2@riottyy I follow this chan since 6 months maybe more. Can’t get a bell since.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:26:23

riottyyR2-D2 I was able to click it but it was like 3-4 weeks ago. Did you try from other videos?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:57:03

R2-D2How do u get notifications? It doen’t allow me to click the bell because it says kids content.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:37:40


Andres SantiagoAs above so below?!…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:54:42

Cristian Daniel Rita NuñezMuy buen video. Saludos desde Argentina.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:13:59

Mark RomoEverything clear but why David Icke also an exile ex(isle) ex(ally)?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:23:28

godgevlamstei don’t know , just a hunch
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:40:50


MaskedRawRI bet this guy cuts puzzle pieces to make them fit.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Wed Oct 14 2020, 16:15:53

godgevlamsteyou wish
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 16:35:44


ThebigrootfamilyPlease explain the pole shift???
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:50:45

Spirit WarriorIts all the same patterns.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:06:16

aa88iThamk you
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 20:39:16

EoSSTTruth is stranger than fiction. Can you please explain djew to me I’m finding all kinds of crazy connections when looking at that word and symbols.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 5| Sun Oct 11 2020, 13:11:20

ThruTheAether@EoSST I know what they are thank you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:13:19

EoSST@ThruTheAether funny that you mention grey’s. Black and white make grey. My man has a really good vid that will explain it if you don’t have cognitive dissonance. I’ll fetch the link for you.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 16:26:03

ThruTheAether@EoSST love it. I heard they were/are the grEys or phOneciaNs. And ya, cannot reproduce. Thanks for the reply.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 10:22:41

EoSST@ThruTheAether thats the masonic translation what the real translation. I think it stands for balls or testicles. There are 2. I think Djews is humans. That’s why the fake ones claim to be one. They are made in a lab therefore they have no testicles for procreation. Just a thought.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 20:56:18

ThruTheAetherhere you go re Djew image <a href=”https://symbolikon.com/downloads/djew-egyptian/”>https://symbolikon.com/downloads/djew-egyptian/</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:02:49


Arthur Rbeen waiting for a new video!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:04:38

Thomas EngelYou give me a new light
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:13:06

Marquan1988Kind of random but makes me think maybe the dinosaurs and such never died off but had to relocate beyond our crater?? Whoa my guy you have opened up yet another channel in my brain.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 16:20:53

Marquan1988Liquidcadmus even more interesting
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:36:33

Liquidcadmusdinosaurs never existed. they were made up by fake archeologists because it made them fortunes.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:48:17


Joseph RomeroYour videos are amazing!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:15:34

the6thside oftheplanetYES! you are my favorite !
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:48:23

Jon J.so.. what is the moon that we see in the sky?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sun Oct 11 2020, 11:23:26

Holger Enghardtif you have looked all his videos you knew 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:45:21

ThruTheAetherresearch the moon is a luminary, illusion…..not an object
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:03:56

hongry lifeIt can’t be a bright shining though dull dusty rock, that’s a fact. So yeah, what would it be in reality?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:48:45


Monika ProcnerThank you ❤️
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:30:11

iheartfairies82Comment talk… Friends where, and who is the giant lady of which we live in? Where is she in myth. EGYPTIAN, Greek, Roman..VIKING, BIBLE.??? Lillith? Was ADAM BIIIIIIIG? Boggles the MIND. Is this where the phrase “PICKING YOUR BRAIN” is from?.. Pandora? ALICE? DOROTHY? Yikes!
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2| Mon Oct 12 2020, 20:13:01

iheartfairies82Sister Rust?<br />Sister Rust, where are you now?<br />I met you over rocky mountain.<br />Feeling blue, waiting for a last frame to walk through, all together.<br />But when you closed your eyes, it was then I realized.<br />You were so far away.<br />There was nothing I could do, to stop you feeling blue. Anyway. Sister Rust, I need you now.<br />Cause I’ve got a feeling.<br />It’s you and me again, waiting for the credits to end.<br />Now and forever. With something in our hearts, that if we were to stop, would pull us away.<br />There’s nothing we can do, to stop feeling this blue. Anyway.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 14:38:38

ThruTheAetherEve – The Mother of all Mothers. The Mother of Homo Sapiens
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 08:09:42


Daniel Brad MacBolen IIICan you determine the diameter of bigger earth?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 09:39:47

Liquidcadmususing the moon as a reference, it should be possible. the size of it must be absolutely gargantuan.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:50:41


Nancy SimardWEIRD PICTURE OF THE TRIAL at 25 min 43 sec. where did you get that picture?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:42:30

ThruTheAether@godgevlamste In grade 12 History we had to chose a topic for year end essay. I picked this topic and got an A. What a joke! Now that I know the truth about WW 1 and 2. Waste of precious life school was. Taught wrong in Geography 11 too.<br />Pick a subject. Mostly BS except PE was fun.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:14:18

Nancy Simardgodgevlamste thank you so much
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:48:45

godgevlamste<a href=”https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-nuremberg-trials”>https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-nuremberg-trials</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:46:27


Tony Tyour backround noise is, noise
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:12:52

godgevlamstethanks for the info
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:17:54


MrMonjetEr is tijd, maar er is ook mindcontrol, controlled opposition, en meer van hetzelfde: Het blijkt dat alle regeringen hetzelfde zijn: Onderdrukkers, gekocht, of gechanteerd, maar voor de gek gehouden in ieder geval, want zij horen er niet echt bij, zij worden ook gewoon gebruikt, zolang dat mogelijk is. Het gaat om de marktwerking. Wat levert het meest op? Babybloed?, baby vlees?, levende babies?, tieners om te verkrachten en te martelen?, adrenachrome?, organen?, kinderen? Leveren ze allemaal genoeg op? Dan wordt alles verhandeld. Wij, de ‘Djews’, zijn toch alleen maar slachtvee, dus wat maakt het uit? Voor de onderdrukkers niks, maar voor ons alles!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Wed Oct 14 2020, 17:47:07

raggedy manRight on
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Mon Oct 12 2020, 17:04:17

aggie0707NASA moon map 1979 https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/NASALunarChart.jpg
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:57:12

aggie0707everything is carefully named ..it is a map of giant earth guys..
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:59:09


Terry LucasLove to you and yours❤️👍😎
Show Comment| Likes: 4 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:16:35

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:08:39


Michael Mc DonaghNo shuttle nothing can get through the van Allan belt it’s electro magnetic
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:45:44

godgevlamstei’m not old school
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:51:00


Nico LasI hate to ask for this but when the next video
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:49:14

D AIs outer space just empty space ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:59:40

ThruTheAetherOuter space “region beyond the earth’s atmosphere” is attested from 1845.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:10:41

godgevlamstei have no idea
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:35:28


Craig WardHow can people downvote this… It’s outstanding. Thinking Outside the box for pros.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:07:53

ThruTheAetherThey are the nasa you tubers that were made privy to this site. lol!!!! (This is per a comment I read here just now)
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:35:03


Charlee LaneGod created us with free will. He will NOT cross that will. For people whom think that God would never send people to such a horrid place as hell. 1st God doesn’t send anyone anywhere. 2nd Believing on and in Jesus or not, is our choice…… Our will. 3rd We send ourselves , to our own destination. 4th God has restrained his power to our will. 5th God is not a cheater…. And he most defiantly wouldn’t cheat himself ,his own rules or His Glory! 6th God mourns each soul lost….. Lost….. While found was FREE.*”* Run to Jesus, time is short!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:03:02

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:16:24

Dylan clewI like the idea of the crater earth and the moon being a reflection of the bigger earth. But if the moon is just a reflection then how do we explain the emotional purges on full moons for example? Because I know from my experience my emotions seem heightened on full moons and also internal parasites go crazy and lay eggs on full moons..
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:17:46

Dylan clewgodgevlamste have you seen Martin kennys perspective? Check it out its here on YouTube search for Martin Kenny – universal disclosure (I can link it here also
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 14:50:31

ThruTheAetherthere is a titanium ship cloaked behind the luminary. It was towed in but not sure when. It spies on us and records everything!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:15:08

godgevlamstethe moon is part of the solomon energetic system that has terraformed our crater
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:49:45


keyfinder257Why are pictures of the moon without an atmosphere? Is that because it is reflected? How would being reflected get rid of the clouds?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Thu Oct 15 2020, 07:47:40

keyfinder257@Vagyok Aki Vagyok good point but an atmosphere would also tend to erode the craters a bit more than what we see in the moon photos. Why do the other planets look sort of round if they are craters? I really like the novelty of the crater theory, I just see some unanswered/unaddressed things about it that also intrigue me. The stars are more believable as reflections from a huge planet that is thought of as a moon. But couldn’t there also be planets in the solar system in addition to our planet? I mean, this theory works fine with just the moon being reflected. If we don’t see the earth reflected then why would we see the planets reflected really big if they are merely craters? That discrepancy makes less sense. I mean, if mars is a crater why does it look so big? Why don’t we see our crater reflected bigger? Is mars a way bigger crater? I know the narrator has said that Sirius is our crater reflected but that is so small. I guess the mars crater is way way bigger than ours in this theory. I also find it interesting that the narrator says NASA is purposefully being conspicuously obfuscational to work up controlled opposition in the public. I’m talking about such things as making no attempt to put in background stars in most footage outerspace footage (especially around earth in orbit) until the last say ten or fifteen years in space as CGI got more advanced. To me, it is ludicrous for NASA commenters to say, “oh no stars due to the sunshine,” but what about when astronauts allegedly go around the dark side of the earth and there were still no stars in the background or very few? Just idiotic and inconsistent. Also, the “hems” in the backdrops of moon footage that is supposed to be outer space, as in the rest of the galaxy and beyond. I swear such hems are visible now with better imaging on personal computers. It seems that NASA hasn’t always been going to the “main planet” as this narrator indicates and showing the footage of the main planet. Why? Because there are some fraudulent aspects to the footage, such as fake stars behind the astronauts on fabric or whatever was used in the movie studio. It makes sense that they would not reveal footage of the “big planet” outside of the crater even while traveling there since the technology wasn’t good enough then to cover certain aspects up, as are done now, if this crater theory is true. In other words, NASA hoaxes do not necessarily go against this earth crater theory. There could still have been fake (movie studio) moon missions in the past even if earth is really in a crater. Also, if NASA showed footage of astronauts going to the main planet outside of our crater, there should maybe be more of an atmosphere. Also, if our reality is virtual then maybe this theory is interchangable with the other false theories in the sense that none of it is real. We are all being held perhaps out of body as spirits in a kind of limbo while being forced to believe we have fleshly bodies. I was raised as a Christian Scientist and that kind of goes with what I was taught as a kid. That is why the original Matrix film appealed so much to Christian Scientists. They just loved it. The sequels, well, we all know they were designed to kind of backtrack and cover up some of the deep profound points raised in the original film. You might also be interested to see the film Dark City. That one was made like a year before the first Matrix film. It’s also very good and kind of an art film somewhat. The acting is very good and the set design is creative on a lower budget than The Matrix. It also works in the idea of MIB’s which is cool
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:28:22

Vagyok Aki VagyokMaybe the pictures were taken when it wasn’t cloudy? It’s not like they took a picture of the WHOLE “moon”, they did it by sectors.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:41:11


leadartistExcellent Discourse. I Beleive Jesus Christ Is The Son Of God The Creator And Able To Send The Holy Spirit. And I Will Die Like Any Other Man Except I Have Faith In Jesus Christ And That God Does Love His Son And His Son May Justify Not Only Myself But With Hope Many Others.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:31:43

Real NameThank you 🤗
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:27:04

gerolamo violaWow! So, when Branson sends ppl to “space” does he realise that ppl won’t recognize thenlandscape?
Show Comment| Likes: 8 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:12:12

gerolamo violagodgevlamste Why don’t we put up a go fund me thing and choose one of us to go?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 15:21:29

Sharne CaudwellBranston won’t be taking us anywhere. He is gone! He was feeding royals children for hunting parties. Think Virgin
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:41:06

Mariano-Petru BellucciThey sell the trips but they also sale the power of ”knowing” the truth and laughing about ”poor”ignorant people…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:18:24

Aard ManI guess if you have a few million in your pocket or join +ultra (basically the same?) there might be an opportunity as the optimist would say… maybe they are still recruiting.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:34:12

godgevlamsteof course , only people who know it are allowed to take the trip
Show Comment| Likes: 15 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:32:20


maritimedragonSome people just don’t want to win
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:20:50

Lisa WilliamsWhere is the firmament in this model?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6| Mon Oct 12 2020, 12:27:45

Lisa Williamsgodgevlamste ok thank you 🙂
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 08:51:55

godgevlamste@Lisa Williams the firmament is probably a layer of some gas or ozon or compressed air , whatever .So you can get through it
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 06:49:23

Lisa WilliamsMatthew Parenteau : so you can get through the firmament?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 23:53:52

Matthew ParenteauFollow the yellow brick road to the exit
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 23:07:56

Lisa Williamsgodgevlamste hi! Thanks for getting back to me. Just trying to understand this very interesting subject. So, if the firmament is inside our crater, how are people getting out of it? For eg. Moving between craters, getting to the Disney airport which is outside the crater. And getting “space” images of larger Earth? How are they passing through the firmament?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 21:27:57

godgevlamstein the crater
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 16:32:59


Going HomeNew age Nazca lines
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:39:18

V : VSo Orange man bad?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:38:28

Lily LinCould it be that the parasites are obsessed by our body?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:25:11

Lily Lin@godgevlamste another brilliant and informative piece. The sad part is that his-story is so repetitive. It´s so obvious how it is going to play out once again
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:05:36

ThruTheAetherand mind….it is an organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:55:59

godgevlamsteit must be something
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:34:47


Chicken Soup SasquatchAs above so below.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:15:54

Heiko CalliesThanks nice work
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:22:25

Tony RizzoI must hope that you are wrong about Q
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:19:38

NivenHe is right, tptb are continually in control, even of the resistance.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:44:48


Petra WeultjesWow! Gisteren via een app-groep van waarheidszoekers hier terecht gekomen en net afgesloten met dit filmpje! Zo fijn om weer eens diep diep diep the rabbit hole in te duiken op deze regenachtige zaterdag! Ik heb me altijd al afgevraagd: Als ik hier soms de maan overdag kan zien… Wat zien de mensen in Azië dan waar het 6-7 uur later is? Superblij je account gevonden te hebben. Awesome stuff! En dan ook nog mijn zuiderbuur! It’s a small world after all 😉 Bedankt en een fijne dag! 👌✌️🌍
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:54:28

godgevlamstebedankt , graag gedaan
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:00:05


GojenieSo .. do you think we live in a huge ball ? Or do you think it is a plane that is domed over a crater ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Thu Oct 15 2020, 03:06:50

godgevlamste@Vagyok Aki Vagyok depends on if they are being terraformed .i think the real sun is like in my third video .Fixed position
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 18:02:21

Vagyok Aki Vagyok@godgevlamste now the question is… does every crater have its own sun(s)?! Also, I suppose the huge ball is not rotating?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 17:57:37

godgevlamstehuge ball
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Thu Oct 15 2020, 05:58:48


Philip DavidGreat research. Do you believe the bigger earth is a sphere or flat and round? I’m inclined to believe that bigger earth is flat and they are just using the same fish-eye tricks to make it look like it’s smaller sphere-earth on those NASA and Virgin Galactic videos. It would also make sense why there is only one side of the moon that ever faces us. Thanks again
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:59:21

ThruTheAetherI thought the same but no one ever says what that flat base is sitting on or floating on. People like Rob Skibba says that the flat earth is propped up on 2 posts and a rectangular slab. Made zero sense to me. Never talks about any land beyond the dome which I know exists. Never talks about what that slab is on or whether floating in space. Then I found godge via Jon levi. Then I did more research on my own. Came back here. Never been happier. Been researching the fake marble since grade 2 when I suspected the ball presented in the classroom and on loony toons.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:33:29

godgevlamstei think it’s a ball .I explain that in my third video why we see one side of the moon <br /><a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0″>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5swdNuWCA0</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:51:36


Tiffany Sells💯🌬🤗
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:11:42

Charlee LaneI love your work!!!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:36:35

Boxcar WilliePlus Ultra..
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:46:37

NivenGreat work as usual
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:39:30

godgevlamstethanks Niven !!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:17:14


DAZ Light?????????????????
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 02:55:58

bobby steelzI feel as if people are so truth hungry they’ll accept any new information presented to them as long as it looks half valid lol
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:46:58

godgevlamste@bobby steelz there is no 100 % , there is always the 1 percent that you might be wrong after all .But i keep finding evidence it’s true .The moment i’ll find out it’s not true i’ll inform everybody !
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:28:28

bobby steelzgodgevlamste do you feel confident that this model you’re presenting in this video is 100% correct?i can’t prove you wrong , I like what you do , I like your personality, I feel like your heart is in the right place,
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:21:25

ThruTheAetherMany of us in here already debunked peoples theories out there. Most of us use discernment before accepting new info.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:17:06

godgevlamsteluckely you are not like that
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:05:28


Thomas CibulaAre you saying that Q is evil ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:12:53

Emz 3103@Thomas Cibula no no!! To have a left and a right there must be a Central body. both wings of the same bird. The election is a spell of illusion. The illusion of choice and freedom but either way it’s the central body that wins. By “casting” your vote you consent to the central body and the rules they impose. Don’t vote. Then you haven’t given them consent over your life, break the spell. The less they know about you and how you feel the better I think
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 17:30:53

Thomas Cibula@Emz 3103 so you’re saying the democratic left is the way to go? Just asking….btw no disrespect but I don’t think that the recently installation of 5G network was put in place solely to accommodate the 1% left over after your theory of draining the swamp “us” …unless the network is designed to fry us all from our devices
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 15:47:07

godgevlamsteYou may be right, you may be wrong .Let’s see if we are still running around in a few months .And if we are dead, we will be released from this hell-hole .Unless we reincarnate…. maybe as a child of the NWOsurvivors .That may be even worse than what we are living now
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 13:18:15

Emz 3103Q is not good Q is the NWO. Remember they told you exactly what they were doing. To trust the plan. Gave you free will, choice to know is yours. Told you the storm is here. Future proves past meaning your future was decided long ago. WWG1WGA describes exactly what sheep do. One world for all! Question authority, fight authority said Satan to his angels! Q subdued the patriots so the chaos could be created now comes order. They have all gone underground, elite have gotten sick and disappeared, resigned from their extremely lucrative jobs and shows are cancelled. Potus talking about ventilation and generators? The vax talk is all about the antidote for them which is why he told them that the military will give it to them all quickly. Listen again it’s clear they’re talking about the evacuation and antidote. Live exercise getting the elite and their families underground. So they locked us in, off the roads and away from prying eyes! Now they will drain the swamp and drop a real virus on us. The swamp is us. Obama said the end of the Republic has never looked so good and you’ll never see it coming. We didn’t and the hundred year reset is underway. I’ll bet the guide stones say the same amount as there are underground and after the swamp is drained they will start over with a world government. Trump is the last president he knew this!! we were fooled!!!! Nothing can stop what is coming, Q was right it’s too late
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 11:51:26


OG-Ghost BlinkyHoly mackerel 🤔
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:30:46

daniel borowskimiłego dnia wszystkim
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:35:15

soL•33•∆NASA footage looks like Africa.. You can see the huge run off of sand into the Atlantic… It looks just like that on google maps… I enjoy your work but im not to sure about this… this as in this video.. I believe there is something to the crater theory.. All so have you ever looked into the “Mud Fossil Theory” of giant creatures like dragons and fish that you can see from google earth that have died and now make up our mountains and cliffs… Check out the youtube channel called Mud Fossil University. He has DNA proof that at one point what we consider as granite or rock were once living breathing creatures and giants… There are 1000s of craters on the moon in all shapes sizes and patterns… It wouldnt be to difficult to find a group of craters that match up but never to the tee.. something is always off or completely not even there.. Thats when up start with drawing the lines and everything to show us and i appreciate that but even then when it looks to be a match something is always off or the lines and pattern dont connect like they do on the moon and etc… Idk.. keep it up.. but dont put all your eggs in one basket…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:57:17

ThruTheAetherCheck out Spartan Red and Jerry DeCamp on utube
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:25:29


Dominika Wójcik-Mirskathanks
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:17:27

ron dekkerGreat work..let them see the truth ……its time now….no more games ore bla blablabla. You are warm now verry verry warm…👍👍👍ik heb de videos op geslagen goed voor een dvd….goed werk geleverd petje af voor het veele werk wat je er in steekt……..en ik geloof je 1000.procent……. als je het onlogische uit schakeld hou je de logica over…….supper🙂🙂🙂👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:40:02

godgevlamstebedankt Ron
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:18:57


Stranger than Fiction0406You the scam for not explaining about the inner realms. Why avoid what is so obvious
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 23:00:59

ThruTheAetherearth’s a holographic realm. he gets that like most on here. edit: I mean the domed crater earth part.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:18:24

godgevlamstedon’t think everybody has the same view as yourself and be polite please
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:50:06


Nicholas Del Giudice?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:26:24

William KempThis is why they are pushing or at least telling us more about “space force ” they are forming which no doubtably already exists to either protect our land or stop us from getting out…I have been watching you for years from day 1….I knew flat earth was wrong and right and you showed exactly why that is…your research is fascinating and proofs keep piling up….I’m doin mine as well as I am sure many other are too…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:30:40

Hellspray JanuszThe bubbles around the “space craft” are disturbing, don’t you think?
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | View Replies: 4| Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:22:57

Lucas Pickford@Liquidcadmus I completely agree.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 12:25:52

Liquidcadmusmost researchers believe “space” is actually some sort of liquid. the videos on this channel actually support that theory. it could be that our realm is like a cell floating in some sort of liquid, probably there are more cells. maybe we are part of a larger organism, which in turn is part of another, and so on ad infinitum. <br />whatever it may be, the idea of a vacuum is complete idiocy and goes against nature itself. there are no vacuums in nature.
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Tue Oct 13 2020, 02:55:00

ThruTheAethercondensation flinging off or lens issue.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 03:45:13

Lucas PickfordHellspray Janusz The aircraft isn’t important because it’s just CGI bullshit. I think the footage is shot with something we never see and they just CGI in whatever “ship” (shuttle, Virgin Galactic etc) they want you to think it’s being shot from. The footage of the earth is the main thing to pay attention to.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 23:41:06


C ReMore please !
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:48:40

Elias KomninosIts called Gaia 1561
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:04:49

beautiful earthAmazing bro
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:31:22

h.thomas ackermannin your earth crater where Siberia appears on the opposite side of the Americas – how do you explain Sarah Palin’s claim that she could see Russia from her side of the Alaskan land mass?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:30:34

ThruTheAetherThis might help. <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo8knaMH914″>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo8knaMH914</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:24:43

godgevlamste@h.thomas ackermann <a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2H_2AiGkm0&t=1064s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2H_2AiGkm0&t=1064s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:36:35

h.thomas ackermann@godgevlamste <br />I’m very curious if i have understood your speculations on the nature of our realm. How does the Alaska / Siberia proximity work on your earth crater map?<br />best
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:29:37

godgevlamsteif you had told me it was your neighbour i would have been in serious problems
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:39:45


RealityBeneathVeilsWell…. Thank you sir for revealing your hand at the end..sometimes hard to pin the agenda of streamers that are on YouTube. What a positive message at the end for people to manifest. Please don’t put negative shit like that out into the aether, there’s enough of that as it is.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Tue Oct 13 2020, 23:53:06

godgevlamstetrump fan ?
Show Comment| Likes: 3 | Wed Oct 14 2020, 06:31:11


Cineva SpuneaThen ,what are stars ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:29:41

Holger Enghardtlook the videos and u will know
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:27:50

godgevlamsteyou mean the “rocks in space” ?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:03:19


Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 09:17:16

Nate FarsowU da best bruh
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:27:12

godgevlamstethanks Nate
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 06:37:13


Russ YorkI feel if there was any truth to this u could not post this on utube. Love the channel an if u are correct omg. But honestly if u was even close to correct there is no way u would be able to upload it. Or for two seconds an u would be banned.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:18:00

Holger Enghardt“the truth will be hidden so near in your face that you are unable to focus it”
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 18:34:40

Russ Yorkgodgevlamste good point lol. Again I do dig the videos. A new way to look at the big picture. I have seen every video u put out. Keep up the grand work my friend. Blessings.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:27:17

godgevlamsteremoving is admitting
Show Comment| Likes: 6 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 21:21:14


Gerald TurnerQ = Quantum
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Mon Oct 12 2020, 07:07:45

Chris PiermanQ = Qtarded
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 21:40:13


Truth MattersMay not be flat …but those videos are cgi
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 20:20:09

Joakim BThis guy has a clear case of Pareidolia
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 3| Sun Oct 11 2020, 13:57:44

ThruTheAether@godgevlamste projection 😉
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 22:18:53

hongry life“(…), Pareidolia is now seen as a normal human tendency.<br />Pareidolia is not confined to humans. Scientists have for years taught computers to use visual clues to “see” faces and other images.” (wikipedia)
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:57:44

godgevlamsteyou sure have
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:50:41


K.U.SEnjoy not being able to answer any of these questions.. Why can’t you see Polaris from the Southern hemisphere or Sigma Octanis from the northern? Why do stars appear to rotate counter clockwise around the northern celestial pole and clockwise around the southern? Why do people in South America and people in Australia see the same constellations, except mirrored? If the Earth was flat, they’d be looking in almost completely opposite sections of sky. How does Qatar airlines provide direct flights from Australia to South Africa? The earth is EASILY PROVABLE to be round. Enjoy retardardia.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 5| Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:13:18

DC Gallin@K.U.S do you feel somehow superior to others?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:41:03

DC Gallin@K.U.S. funny just when I thought here is someone who asks interesting questions…turns out he doesn’t want or can’t answer them in his own words? While calling people who are having fun investigating their minds as living in retardia?<br /> Well, well, well…what can we say?
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:40:05

K.U.S@DC Gallin I’ll give you a head start actually. YouTube channel wolfie6020
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:25:06

K.U.S@DC Gallin you try to debunk them yourself and you’ll find the answers you seek. Have fun.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:24:24

DC GallinCan you please answer these questions and make the effort to debunk what isn’t true in your opinon? Thanks!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 11:22:28


The WayYou are a scammer. We do not live in a crater. There is no so-called evidence. You are obviously a Jesuit trained hypnotizer.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sun Oct 11 2020, 12:08:32

godgevlamstelook who’s talking
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:52:17

hongry lifeMaybe we DO live in a holy grail so to say. What is your found evidence that we do not? @The Way.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:50:27

hongry lifeThere is nothing mainstream/hypnotizing about the thoughts in this vid. It actually makes you think.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:46:28

Autonomy4allWhat makes you think this? They are a sneaky bunch but what makes you think this is a trick too?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:13:33


Starfort MudfloodBrings new meaning to the people convinced they are in touch with ‘pleiadians’ or whatever galactic alliance… If a star is a reflection of some sort, is there a way to explain a shooting star?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6| Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:16:25

Starfort Mudflood@hongry life thanks. Yes hundreds if not thousands of shooting stars per year yet the constellations never lose any ✌️
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 00:23:40

Starfort Mudflood@godgevlamste thanks, I watched. The layers of reflection makes sense to me. My only contention is that perhaps the bigger earth or ‘moon’ is the closest reflection, based on how close it appears to the naked eye… Just a thought
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Mon Oct 12 2020, 00:20:52

Starfort Mudflood@FB Silva seems plausible, thanks…. Sometimes ‘meteorites’ do crash to earth.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:45:42

FB SilvaIt is possible that beings from other craters are shooting at ours (meteors, shooting stars, etc …). Someone ago commented.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 19:08:07

godgevlamste<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpUQ7I98D0&t=6s</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:48:50

hongry lifeI would think that it is not a star like the others, not in a loop like predictable path. I think it could be an explosion, a chemical reaction in the (upper) atmosphere and falling down.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 16:40:37


Systems PlanetNo
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:21:05

Caesar BestThis is all fascinating, but if the moon is a reflection of bigger earth, why does it look so shitty, any ideas on that?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 4| Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:15:55

godgevlamste@Caesar Best Well , i think best not to think of it like a reflection in a mirror but somekind of photographic reflection .Some of my viewers call it X-ray
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:13:24

Caesar Best@godgevlamste Well, without colour or significant details.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:06:55

ThruTheAetherBecause of all the stratospherIc eng’g
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:55:43

godgevlamstewhat do you call shitty ?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:21:27


K.U.SThank you. I love fiction stories. Would be a good film.
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 13:09:31

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:19:59

kaaaIf you think Trump/Q thing is a setup, the second barrier, how do you envision ‘genuine’ disclosure and change happening? They do need the right moment, a lot of dirty behind the scenes work, setting the stage and gathering as much public support and attention as possible is needed. Trump has to play his role at least for now, there is no alternative, what would you suggest?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:01:50

godgevlamstewhen there is a reset , don’t accept new leaders would be my advice
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:04:34


Die ScheinweltNice Animation
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 22:01:21

Voeding 2.0The Russians weren’t fed up with the Romanovs. The Romanovs opposed the congress of Vienna. They saw it as an illuminati takeover, so the Rothschilds removed them and sl..ghtered ten of millions of Christian Russians. The communist bolsheviks were jays from the the top down. From the French revolution all wars are…schilds wars.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 6| Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:10:13

Voeding 2.0@godgevlamste Verboden toegang en onbespreekbaar, vooral in Nederland en België (?). Ook in de zogenaamde truth community aldaar. De zelfcensuur propaganda is een succes blijkbaar.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:59:16

godgevlamste@Voeding 2.0 blijkbaar goed op de hoogte van geschiedenis
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:48:05

Voeding 2.0@godgevlamste Het is geen erg. Salukes.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:32:24

godgevlamste@Voeding 2.0 sorry , i thought you were someone else because you used the word ” jays “
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:24:22

Voeding 2.0@godgevlamste Huh ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:19:38

godgevlamstesean ?
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 18:16:29


darrell darrell@godgevlamste hey man have you seen Enslaved By No Media’s vids about how when traveling south (in America) you are actually going consistently up in elevation? Seems to mesh with the crater earth evidence since traveling ‘south’ in America would mean going up the side of the crater. I hope I explained this well enough for you to look into it. Thank you for your work
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 0| Sun Oct 11 2020, 21:12:04

WorkingClass ClassicalGuitarThe tesla valve, a valve without moving parts, reroutes opposite flow back to mainflow. This is the only tesla invention i can comprehend. Eventually i realized this is a model for controlling dissent: assigning actors to dissent and then steering back into mainstream (in USA: left/right paradigm, profit) (actor: trump is adept at returning dissent to left/right paradigm). well sir you have described the revolutionary cycle the same way… love your work sir thank you. https://www.google.com/search?q=tesla+valve&rlz=1CAPPDO_enUS846&sxsrf=ALeKk03IT-9hXmCtgZAVZ-uLmr3ARA3jXg:1602340112169&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAwMeJnqrsAhVPgp4KHcdyD4gQ_AUoAnoECBMQBA&biw=1242&bih=590
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 14:28:51

ThruTheAetherAnd, weather control. Nicola Tesla, in his latter days bitter and betrayed, focused his genius attention to more sinister technology. Crushed and defeated by the American society and press, he offered his findings to the Russians. Some 30 of his 80 boxes of research material disappeared after his death, including research on the death ray machine. Have there been any significant natural disasters in Russia recently?
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:46:41

Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:01:26


patris lemairThis might all very well be a reality but it’s not the truth. the truth was hidden by GOD inside of eachOne. The cleverest plan of them all! Sin = without… happy day truthers
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | View Replies: 0| Sat Oct 10 2020, 12:41:09

R2-D2I wonder what do you think about CERN and how can you connect it to all this. I’m not demanding anything but I really wanna listen to more of your thoughts on the creatures who enslaved us. Why are we enslaved? I think those “gods” abandoned us and humans took control of the prison and that’s why they r building stuff outside of the crater.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 1| Sun Oct 11 2020, 05:36:50

Wake the *** UPCern will be or is already used as a portal<br /><a href=”https://youtu.be/YzYtCIoLJJQ”>https://youtu.be/YzYtCIoLJJQ</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 08:15:11


AwarenessLol… nothing but blurry images and cgi used to ‘prove’ theories. Kinda sounds like the exact same techniques are used to distract the people as NASA use. There is nothing definitive here except someone trying to cut and paste cgi graphics on top other cgi graphics and claiming a match, even though they are just blurry images lol… I’m surprised you haven’t called yourself Jesus, but then i just realised your channel name has ‘god’ in it… pretty obvious now…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | View Replies: 2| Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:40:56

AwarenessPlenty of awareness… I’ve watched all your videos (wouldn’t be fair to call someone out by only watching one video), as well as thousands of others over the years and most follow a similar format lol. I’ve also read many many books and have researched many other topics, not just one. I’m quite humble in understanding that I don’t know it all and the more i learn the more i realise, the less i truely know. I’m also not heavily invested in creating or defending my video content. I’m not promoting anything either, just calling it out from my perspective…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 19:21:48

godgevlamstenot much awareness on the other side
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 18:02:01


soL•33•∆my dude.. towards the end your using random architecture to say to compare dolphin brains parasiting off a human brain brain… Your all over the place my man… You were so certain about finding our crater and connected all these other ideas and used the video of “our crater” to validate them all… But it turned out to be just come mountains… Im not trying to shit on your ideas, i respect you for what you do but your using a Disney map as ur base.. And serval videos worth of research turned out to be just mountains… And now you took another of those NASA videos and are using that to find constellations even though almost none of them fit the overall pattern… I think it might be time to expand your idea to have more then a Disney map as the foundation of your research… God bless… Btw I watched all most all your videos especially the ones about religion and i can tell you dont have much knowledge about the topics you speak of.. Have you ever read or studied the religions you so easily and arrogantly shit on…? Do you even understand what the 5 point or 8 pointed stars represent outside of the Abrahamic Religions? Before you try to crack what we all live on i suggest you start with the basics… You will never find the truth if you so arrogantly dismiss schools of thought that have been with humanity since our first breath.. But somehow you think you are the only one who is smart enough to see past what we started with and associate it all to parasites… instead of trying to understand that for example Christianity of today is not true Christianity.. Its has been manipulated and merged with paganism… for example. Easter and Christmas has nothing to do with Christ.. Those are pagan holidays Easter being for ISHTAR and christmas being a Solstice Ritual of sun worship… All you did was pull up some pictures or old art and ask questions instead of doing your do diligence and researching those religions to understand them then help others understand them… Instead you shit on Christianity and drive ppl further away… Seems like your back at point Zero again since your last video of finding our crater turned out to be some mountains.. All those hours wasted… Maybe you dont have a good foundations you build your ideas on.. Since you dont want to spend the time to study religion and the deeper meaning of what Christ said… I was like you before i did my part to understand what u disliked… But found that I disliked it because I was told lies about it all. Even the Churches dont realize the most simple part that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ… the bible says the night Jesus was born the shepherds where out with there flock… Jesus couldnt be born in december, since it would have been winter in December and freezing and in no way would the shepherds be outside with there flock. You see its simple stuff like that that the bible is full of but no one actually takes the time to read it themselves.. they just believe what other tell them…
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 9| Sat Oct 10 2020, 15:40:19

Peter P@godgevlamste if they scream like that you’re definitely on the right path!
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:34:16

soL•33•∆@godgevlamste Like I said. You have 0 interest in work together.. Its ok ill still throw you a bone.. Research Gematria… Or check out the yt channel called Gematria Effect News for an easy understanding.. Its the ancient study of Letter and Numbers and there meaning in this reality.. Your Welcome… ..<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-Af2Dw5kFWvcfD_cLWwHw”>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-Af2Dw5kFWvcfD_cLWwHw</a>
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:53:38

godgevlamste@soL•33•∆ ok
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:42:33

soL•33•∆@godgevlamste Ya constructive criticism… I criticized your work and provided some constructive ideas which would provide you with a broader understanding of the topic you cover.. I didnt just shit on your work… I provided ideas and reasons for it… And instead of nit picking numbers or words from my comments and repeating them back to me you could provide the reasons for your comments and actions like I am… Im the one moving this conversation forward and making it some what productive where as you are doing nothing but repeating things back still as if im your enemy and your keeping your distance… Your ego is preventing you from moving forward… Your trying to find flaw in my words as to boost your ego instead of humbling yourself, that way we can help each other. But It seems like that wont happen with your assuming and vague replies that do me nor you any good.. Try replying with something that maybe provides something constructive for this conversation..
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 17:16:17

godgevlamste@soL•33•∆ well we seem to have another understanding of the word constructive criticism !
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:50:37

soL•33•∆​@godgevlamste Whats with the vague replies… I never said i know it all… We leave this realm with more questions then answers… Im not saying i know everything… No one does. But to dismiss someone who watched all your videos, found then interesting and typed out a long ass comment over 2 numbers in there youtube username tells me you are missing a large part of research and information that goes hand in hand with your research… If you cant take constructive criticism on your own work and have to act all arrogant with anyone who questions or disagrees with your work then your not ganna get far… Im not your enemy…. We on the same team… smh… well never find the answers with your attitude…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:46:03

godgevlamste@soL•33•∆ true , just like you , but you don’t seem to know it
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:29:10

soL•33•∆@godgevlamste says what? lol.. Just cause i have 33 in my name means what im saying is false or i some other agenda? Now i see why you havent gotten anywhere with your research… dismissing my entire comment that i took time to type because i respect your work and ambition… all cause of 2 numbers… I can see you dont understand the true nature of numbers and get spooked by 33 because youve only heard of freemasons using it.. If you didnt know freemasons didnt come up with these numbers, they have taken them and hidden the true nature of them and have attached false idea of evil to them so ppl like you will see them and automatically think they are evil and never look into it further… you have a long way to go and alot to learn my friend…
Show Comment| Likes: 1 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:25:15

godgevlamstethat 33 in your name says enough
Show Comment| Likes: 2 | Sat Oct 10 2020, 16:16:55


Michael MannYou are seriously not well.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | View Replies: 35| Sat Oct 10 2020, 10:11:07

Michael Mann@DC Gallin No need to thank me…it wasn’t very adept play on your part. More akin to a schizophrenic beating itself in the head with a bat, but if that’s the sort of thing that makes you feel good about yourself, you do you. It only underscores how mentally deficient people who believe this conspiracy theory tripe are.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 20:58:14

DC Gallin@Michael Mannthanks for calling it play 😉 Love
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 14:23:39

Barbro@Michael Mann Sweden is the name of the country and you are seriously dumb. We have one half assed measure consisting of less audiences in public events but that is all for show. People are doing everything here now as they did a year ago. Noone is dying of covaids. You live in a country same as me where reports of malpractice in elderly homes comes out in droves. Dr: s and geriatrics admitting people are being overdosed with morphine rather than getting oxygen and/or other treatments. Your cdc same as ours admit that people are not dying of some mysterious disease but rather from 1-3 other serious underlying issues. 99% 75+ year olds. Everything is hidden in a game of statistics. Yell tin foil hat all you want. Facts dont care about your feelings. <br /><br />Ohhh im defending a creator who dares to think outside of the box. Spooky.<br /><br />I know you will most likely wake up sooner or later regarding the cerveza bug and when you do i wont hold any grudges. But until then i suggest not accepting any antidepresants for your autism. Its an extremely bad combo and will most likely further your anger issues and sense of megalovania. And that is a friendly suggestion. Take care and cheers
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:31:34

Michael Mann@DC Gallin There is no “imaginative content” on this channel, which is not “brilliant,” either. I’m also not a troll, not lonely, and have plenty of time to do all the things I want to do. Thanks for playing!
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:15:48

DC Gallin@Michael Mann not sure wether you are a Troll and/ or a very lonely person with far too much time on their own…anyhow, your judgemental comments have nothing to do with the imaginative content of this brilliant channel..<br />So byyeeee ‘MM’
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:11:49

Michael Mann@Barbro SCROTUS isn’t creating any vaccine. So I don’t have to worry about “Orange mans [sic]” vaccine. Bill Gates is also NOT creating a vaccine. You sound very much like a hypocrite. If you weren’t a hypocrite, you’d be the kind of person who has never taken any prescription or OTC medication, since you obviously have a problem with pharmaceutical companies. But I know you are a hypocrite, which makes your comment here even more ridiculous.<br /><br />But honestly, what do you care? You aren’t taking any vaccine regardless of who makes it. And that is perfectly fine with me. But should you become sick, you need to keep your stupid ass AT HOME and not go searching for help from the medical community. You don’t have the right to put their lives or anyone else’s life at risk because YOU were too stupid to do what needed to be done to minimize the chance of contracting a deadly virus. Since you wish to take that risk, you go home and ride that illness out wherever it takes you. Don’t expect sympathy from anyone–if you don’t give a fuck about yourself and people around you, don’t expect anyone else to give a fuck about you. Resources will be better spent on people who understand they live in a society with others.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:11:27

DC Gallin@Barbro WORD
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:00:59

Michael Mann@Barbro Moron, you are here defending this nonsense. Don’t give me some crap about “i never gave my opinion on this subject.”<br /><br />What you call “insults” I call “calling out stupidity.” It’s not my problem if you believe in something stupid, support it, and defend it.<br /><br />Meaningless facts? It’s “meaningless” that the same stuff you claim people are HUFFING when they have a mask on is EXACTLY THE SAME STUFF THAT THEY ARE BREATHING IN? You think air doesn’t mix with what you exhale when you are wearing a goddamn mask? You’re an idiot. That isn’t ad hominem. You don’t understand what the fuck you are talking about.<br /><br />And now you demonstrate you don’t understand autism.<br /><br />”Huffing your own fumes in this case has nothing to do with the mechanical or chemical aspects behind ones breath. I was refering to the fact that thin cloth masks are pointless if there is no real pandemic.”<br /><br />That is complete bullshit and it doesn’t even make any sense. Perhaps you should have looked up the word “huffing” before you started using it. And as for “no real pandemic,” you better come up with some explanation for what these 7+ million people in this country have contracted and what 200+ thousand people have died from. I dare you to walk up to someone who has lost a loved one to this disease and tell them that there is no real pandemic. If you get the balls to do it, make sure you videotape that shit and post it on Youtube, because it will be fantastic seeing you get a much needed attitude correction on this issue.<br /><br />”It is merely a tool used to enforce draconic laws upon a population.”<br /><br />WHAT DRACONIC LAWS? More conspiracy theorizing! It’s a tool to limit the travel of small droplets produced when speaking sneezing, coughing, etc. THAT’S IT! That’s all cloth masks have ever been stated to do, and that’s why they have never been made out to be a singular approach at addressing the epidemic. It’s only you morons who want to believe conspiracy theories who try to argue that they can’t do more as if anyone even claimed they could, and you do that only to prop up your asinine conspiracy theories.<br /><br />”You wearing one willingly only proves you possess no critical thinking nor understand the meaning behind those words.”<br /><br />No, me wearing one willingly proves that I have a concern about the lives of other people around me, and respect them such that I don’t want to put their lives in jeopardy in the case that I become infected and am asymptomatic. You make it clear that you have no respect for the lives of people around you, and you are proud to let the world know. Congratulations on letting us know you are a psychopath!<br /><br />”I live in a country where 0,001% wear masks(im being generous) and yet i havent even heard of anyone getting sick. Much less dying. Same goes for my friends and family. We have no social distancing what so ever. But if you were to believe the media in my country there still is an ongoing pandemic.”<br /><br />And what country, pray tell, is this? Give me the name of this country so I can check the information myself, because I don’t believe ONE WORD of what you are saying. It doesn’t matter that YOU personally don’t know anyone that has died, but the fact that none of this appears to matter to you UNLESS someone you know dies underscores how socially maladjusted you are. It’s pretty fucking selfish. So I shouldn’t be surprised that you would be perfectly fine spouting irrational and false information about the physical world on social media with no concern for who might consume it.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 10:00:11

Barbro@Michael Mann btw Orange mans vaccine bad-Bill Gates/merck/pfizer/who good. Bugga bugga
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:34:58

Barbro@Michael Mann You degrade yourself even further with every reply you give. I have never given my opinion on this subject (meaning the videos released by this creator) yet you continue to project more and more. With every sentence your anger increases. Again its beyond pathetic. <br /><br />You are at that so obviously clueless about the state of this world that you havent even noticed Googles strict censorship regarding comments. And you try to tell people what is what? All you do is spew out insults. Insults which i might add are pretty terrible. Ad hominems mixed with completely meaningless facts about what exhaled air consists of(why?) <br /><br />Ill cut you some slack however since you obviously are autistic. Huffing your own fumes in this case has nothing to do with the mechanical or chemical aspects behind ones breath. I was refering to the fact that thin cloth masks are pointless if there is no real pandemic. It is merely a tool used to enforce draconic laws upon a population. You wearing one willingly only proves you possess no critical thinking nor understand the meaning behind those words. I live in a country where 0,001% wear masks(im being generous) and yet i havent even heard of anyone getting sick. Much less dying. Same goes for my friends and family. We have no social distancing what so ever. But if you were to believe the media in my country there still is an ongoing pandemic.<br /><br />You are the very definition of someone who cant think for himself.
Show Comment| Likes: 0 | Sun Oct 11 2020, 09:30:00


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