Categoria: Ambiente
Drifting to the fire
Tartaria clues PT.1 mudflood/hidden realm clues through pictures
#tartar#tartary#tartarian#mudflood#reset#tartaria#tartarclues#tartaryclues#tartarianclues#mudfloodclues#resetclues#tartariaclues#tartarHD#tartaryHD#tartarianHD#mudfloodHD#resetHD#tartariacluesHD In this followup live stream we’ll continue the discussion about Mud Floods and the Tartarian Empire with Richards Lopez and Martin Liedtke.
The Tartarian Empire, Mud Floods, & Hidden History (Pt.1)
On this podcast I’ll be joined by Richard Lopez. Richard has been heading into the research concerning the Tartarian empire, Mud Floods, and our hidden history. We will be…
Tartaria The Oldest Language Thracians on Flat Earth
5000 BC Bulgaria pre-dates Ancient Egypt Hieroglyphs The Cradle of Civilization Thracian Scripts Decoded Ancient Astrological Charts Non ci sono i sottotitoli in inglese a questo link, se siete…
GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Flood, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla
GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Food, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla inventions. This episode takes a close look at what the Mandela effect is, and could it be responsible for a…
End of Great Tartaria
A video about The End of Great Tartaria the beginning of western civilization. When does our timeline really begin? Who were the Tartars?
Mirrored and Remixed video from Age of Disclosure channel (closed)!
History Revised Xirtus Tartaria Documentary
Tartaria: The Largest Country Hidden By Fake History
Tatar tribe and Tatar invasion were taught in school, but the Tartarian empire as an official country wasn’t. The largest country was hidden by fake history. The false historical…
Why Big Oil Conquered The World
The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by…
Programming of Life
Il Significato Esoterico di Come Sopra Così Sotto
Dal sito… Musica di Jonny Easton Soft Piano Music – Royalty Free – Summit
Jaen Nieto Amat – As caminhadas/escolhas na vida
A universalidade do ser é uma constante nos dias que correm… A diversidade dos meios de transporte, de trabalho, estudo, lazer é/são cada vez mais uma oferta constante em…
“LASER CUT” Iceberg In Antarctica DOESN’T Look Natural
Apicultores encontram glifosato no mel e entram na justiça contra Bayer
do site O veneno encontrado pelos apicultores é fruto do Roundup. foto: Unsplash A gigante farmacêutica Bayer está sendo processada por um grupo de apicultores franceses que dizem ter encontrado vestígios de glifosato…
da UnUniverso traduzione dal sito di Nick Polizzi Nel video che qui traduco, Graham Hancock spiega come ci stanno mancando delle informazioni importantissime sul nostro passato, soprattutto relative all’epoca intorno…
Superior Being
Song writer: Jaen ( Arrangements: Esteban Reyes & Gabo González Acoustic Guitar: Esteban Reyes Electric Bass: Gabo González Production: Gabo González & Esteban Reyes Editing & Mix: Gabo González
Storia di un golpe in Venezuela (doppiato in ITA)
OVERCAST esperimenti climatici in cielo
Overcast es un documental revolucionario sobre un fenómeno que la mayoría de nosotros consideraría normal: las estelas de condensación que se propagan por las nubes, cubriendo el cielo y…
Le mappe Azimutali della terra piatta: Gleason, Seconda Guerra Mondiale e del 1.587
Nuovo Canale Youtube… Dal canale Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil l’originale qui Alla fine del video una appendice. Questo il link per scaricare la mappa…
SCIE CHIMICHE – La guerra segreta
Il primo Documentario italiano sul fenomeno Geoingegneria, alias SCIE CHIMICHE. Autori: Antonio e Rosario Marcianò
SCIE CHIMICHE. Leggi il cielo !
Le scie chimiche sono una spaventosa quanto evidente realtà, ma tu non ne hai idea? Questo video è una GUIDA BREVE per chiunque voglia aiutare se stesso, parenti o…