Categoria: Esoterismo

Giganti e Razze non Umane 2019 – Segreti esoterici rivelati

Versione originale del 14 ott 2019 di Mind Unveiled: GIANTS and NON-HUMAN RACES 2019 / ESOTERIC SECRETS REVEALED con sottotitoli italiano corretti e le varie altre lingue tutte generate…

Vi siete persi qualcosa in questi 10 giorni? Did you miss something in these last 10 days?

in basso link dei documenti di YouTube Bill Gates, HR 6666, remdesivir, morti in Italia The Economist: Trump sta minacciando di distruggere il “Nuovo Ordine Mondiale” La soluzione al…


PAOLO FERRARO ci svela, Falcone, Borsellino, Organi Militari Deviati e tante rivelazioni inedite, Da ascoltare assolutamente!

UnUniverso ci propone un ripassino che condivido pienamente

Maria Orsic Infatti qualcosa è nell’aria… Credo sia arrivato il momento di rileggere questi articoli, conoscere queste cose potrebbe risultare molto utile nelle prossime settimane, e se volete provare…


Veramente chiaro come sempre Alejandroatonresearch, un maestro!

Papa Francesco mostra il simbolo pedofilo alla Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù

di UnUniverso I paramenti usati da papa Francesco nella Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù di Francis sembrano avere il simbolo dei pedofili La Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù è stata convocata…

Giants and non human races 2019 / Esoteric secrets revealed

This is our second video on Giants where we go more in-depth on the entire subject. Our objective was to help establish a spiritual perspective when it comes to…

Conclusione finale dell’Avatar Umano

Siamo Wes Penre et Ariel Glad, questo canale sta sollevando argomenti metafisici che riteniamo cruciali per le persone che desiderano conoscere l’immediato futuro dell’umanità.

I Libri di Enoch – di Marco Enrico de Graya

Introduzione al testo “I libri di Enoch”. Il Libro del Rev. Marco Lupi Speranza e con la collaborazione di Marco Enrico de Graya.

The Book of Enoch Complete

This Ethiopic version of the Book of Enoch is deemed by scholars to be older by several centuries than the Slavonic one, and portions of that older version are…

Ghosts of Hyperborea: – The Real Ghosts in 432hz

“Ghosts of Hyperborea” is a mini-series which explores the various connections between the North Pole, the shadow of the subconscious, the war between angels and demons, and how it…

Le carte degli illuminati (Era tutto progettato) – Illuminati cards

“Illuminati game” è un gioco di carte creato da Steve Jackson ed ispirato all’”Illuminatus! trilogy” di Robert Anton Wilson e Robert Shea, un ciclo narrativo pubblicato nel 1975. Con…

American Gods | All Roads Lead to Rome ▶️

1. Notre Dame 2019 2. Ohio giants 1846 3. Tartaria 1846

Did The Simpsons Predict What Happened In France ?

Did the Simpsons predict the future with France’s Notre Dame ? Plus Top15 times the simpsons predicted the future

Mud flood chat – Victor Bugge – Giant people

This is our second video on Giants where we go more in-depth on the entire subject. Our objective was to help establish a spiritual perspective when it comes to…

Illuminati ● Il gioco che aveva previsto il futuro

Il gioco di carte chiamato Illuminati, la cui prima versione risale al 1982, descrive al suo interno una serie di disastri ed eventi che si sono rivelati profetici. Scoprite…

Sistema solare – Matrix sta collassando

Most people who consider themselves spiritual are contradicting themselves by believing in modern cosmology. People want to believe in forms of Magick such as Astral Projection, Law of Attraction,…

MAGICK : Lost Ancient Science

This is my attempt to explain the most sacred art and science in a more modern way. Magick is such a vast subject and it can be hard to…

Mud Flood Chat – Stellium7 – Gigantic creatures of the past

The Androgynous Race

I go over the Androgynous race. A secret that has been preserved through Allegory and Myth.

Do We ‘Exist’ Before We Are Born? Susan Manewich Shares What She Recalls + Extraterrestrial Contactee Explains What ‘They’ Did & Looked Like

Does life exist before birth? This is a question that’s been contemplated for thousands of years. Susan Manewich describes her story in an interview series with did with her…

Introduction to Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays

Based upon the essay, “Introduction to Esoteric Astrology”, by Phillip Lindsay, with commentary by Michael Robbins and others. (Video editor – Justin Wilkinson.)

Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Moon & Stars. Solomon’s Gold Series 13E

The elusive prophecies of Revelation have been an enigma to most for several centuries at least. It seems the more we get closer to modern times, the more information…

The Seven Chakras – Meditation Videos

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine or coccyx. This Chakra is related to survival, our body and identity as an individual. Our health, constitution…

The Great Tartaria on Connecting The Dots #Mudflood #Tartaria – Carrellata geniale!

Philipp and Richard discuss The Great Tartaria, & Mud Floods on Connecting The Dots.

Tartarian Brick – #Tartaria #Mudflood – Carrellata geniale

Join Richard and Philipp on another episode of Connecting The Dots. Come to find out that the Tartarians was a world wide civilization and a Empire that stretched out…