Categoria: Medicina e Salute
We cover the recent deforestation of Ireland and Britain and the effect that this had on magic. The trees inspired us in many ways through spirit, music, and wisdom….
Ora è dimostrato il virus di Wuhan è stato creato dall’uomo perché ha inseriti 4 geni del virus dell’AIDS
Gordon DuffSa Defenza Architetti e ingegneri affermano che gli aerei non abbattono i grattacieli. I fisici nucleari affermano che solo le bombe atomiche possono provocare questo tipo di calore…
Just like the title says! There will be brief update on the channel and then an interview recorded this week with Sean from SGTReport. Enjoy!
Our New World is the Old World
I study what is found on earth that relates to the written words of long ago. Herodotus and Hesiod and Ovid are the ones closest to the sources and…
Helical Hearts – Petrified Organs – Synchronicities
In this video I share some exciting new discoveries regarding the petrified heart stones, with connections to the discoveries of Viktor Shauberger and Francisco Torrent Guasp. Synchronicities abound!
The Helical Heart
Una piccola estratto del documentario vincitore degli “International Health and Medical Media Awards” come miglior film dell’anno. Questo video rafforza la tesi di Francisco Torrent-Guasp sull’anatomia del cuore.
Prevedono la diminuzione di 18 milioni di Italiani entro 7 anni
Dal sito
The Truth about Coffee
Do You Want to Eat Some Pesticide?
The propaganda shills of the corporate GMO frankenfood pushers are finally putting their mouth where their mouths are. How? By eating pesticide, of course! Get the skinny on this…
A Little Girl With Epilepsy Tries Cannabis Oil
His little girl with epilepsy was having 40-50 seizures a day. Her father decided to take matters into his own hands and try cannabis oil.
Cannabis Heals Skin Cancer in 3 Weeks
Ancient Art of Levitation | Cymatics, Fluid and Acoustic Frequencies
Ancient Art of Levitation | Cymatics, Fluid, and Acoustic Frequencies I am aware this subject has been covered by many before but I think I may be able to…
Bashar “First Contact” Documentary Now Available! +Here more of his speeches
Zia Films and Bashar Communications are happy to announce the completion of our unique, groundbreaking Bashar documentary, First Contact. First Contact, narrated by Golden Globe-winning actor James Woods, is…
Conclusione finale dell’Avatar Umano
Siamo Wes Penre et Ariel Glad, questo canale sta sollevando argomenti metafisici che riteniamo cruciali per le persone che desiderano conoscere l’immediato futuro dell’umanità.
La FarMafia II La manipulación de la industria del Cáncer – Jorge Guerra
Dal canale di Jorge Guerra
La Mafia Farmaceutica II La manipolazione dell’industria del cancro di Jorge Guerra
Dal canale di Jorge Guerra
Bone conduction: System that allows you to feel music
Mud Flood Advanced Research – Three years of mud flood
Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…
Mud Flood Advanced Research – Dust storms are mud flood post effects
Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…
Origine antropica del riscaldamento globale non è dimostrata
Risonanza vibratoria a frequenza battente binaurale per pazienti affetti da cancro
La carcinosi, o carcinomatosi, è una forma di cancro disseminata che si manifesta nel tessuto epiteliale della pelle o nel rivestimento degli organi interni. Le vibrazioni sono state usate…
Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology
Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…
The Possible Link between Autism and Glyphosate Acting as Glycine Mimetic – A Review of Evidence from the Literature with Analysis
Introduction Since 1980, the number of children known to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically. However this increase is thought to be at least partly due to…