Categoria: Insegnamenti

Tartarian Brick – #Tartaria #Mudflood – Carrellata geniale

Join Richard and Philipp on another episode of Connecting The Dots. Come to find out that the Tartarians was a world wide civilization and a Empire that stretched out…

Flat Earth British Talks Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria on Connecting The Dots

Join Richard Lopez, Martin Liedtke and Philipp Druzhinin on this episode of Connecting The Dots. We’ll be discussing Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria.

Bush Family Secrets Exposed

From Aleister Crowley to a fetus kept in a jar and JFK’s assassination, find out the dark secrets the Bush Family doesn’t want you to know!

“The Video The Internet Doesn’t Want You To See!” David Wilcock and Corey Goode (2018-2019)

The Exclusive Interview, and Behind The Movie Above Majestic! David Wilcock And Corey Goode Share Mind Blowing Information On Thirdphaseofmoon In Regards To the Movie Above Majestic! Subscribe Thirdphaseofmoon UFO…

Why Big Oil Conquered The World

The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by…

David Wilcock: Behind Majestic

DIVINE COSMOS PRESENTS: BEHIND MAJESTIC INTERVIEW SERIES WITH DAVID WILCOCK, PART 1 of 6 In a riveting series of interviews, New York times best-selling author David Wilcock tells all…

David Wilcock with Graham Hancock: The Secret Origin of Humanity

Join David Wilcock in this classic interview with legendary scholar Graham Hancock, author of “Fingerprints of the Gods.” Our conventional model for dating the origin of human civilization assumes…

David Wilcock: Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development

David Wilcock explores the core spiritual teachings we need today… in order to be able to truly become who we already are! The 2012 prophecies now have a stunning…

TERRA PIATTA. Il vero nome del mondo

#terrapiatta Il Documentario italiano che smonta punto per punto il modello TERRA SFERICA e mostra tutti gli elementi utili a comprendere il paradigma TERRA PIATTA. Ogni legge scientifica può essere…

Rothschild, Jesuitas y Sionismo: sus conexiones – Jorge Guerra

Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica

Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica ☾✫☾✫☾✫☾✫ في سنة 1929 اكتشف احد المؤرخين خريطة . والتي كانت رسمت على قطعة من جلد غزال…

Il Significato Esoterico di Come Sopra Così Sotto

Dal sito… Musica di Jonny Easton Soft Piano Music – Royalty Free – Summit

ET & High Density Being Communications – Above Majestic – Corey Goode & Roger Richards

Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads…

Jaen Nieto Amat – As caminhadas/escolhas na vida

A universalidade do ser é uma constante nos dias que correm… A diversidade dos meios de transporte, de trabalho, estudo, lazer é/são cada vez mais uma oferta constante em…

Antiche tavolette Sumere rivelano che la terra fu governata per 241.000 anni da otto Re

La Lista Reale Sumerica è un antico testo scritto nella lingua sumera, nel quale sono elencati i regnanti di Sumer con rispettiva durata dei loro regni. Oltre a riferimenti…

Mineral Planet

da ExtraPedia Aristotele, il famoso filosofo e scienziato greco vissuto nel IV secolo a.C., spiegava che le rocce erano create dalla luce del Sole e delle stelle. In particolare,…

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Emery Smith at Dimensions of Disclosure

#davidwilcock#coreygoode#emerysmith Dimensions of Disclosure talk with David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Time travel, alien races, ascension, telepathy and more. Sign in to stay in touch with David at

La Tela del Ragno: il Secondo Impero Britannico

“La Tela del Ragno: il Secondo Impero Britannico”, è un film documentario che illustra come la Gran Bretagna si sia trasformata da potenza coloniale in potenza finanziaria globale. Con…

Aldous Huxley and Brave New World: The Dark Side of Pleasure

In this video we explore the dystopian society of Brave New World and examine which elements of it pose a threat to us today. 

You Are All Time Travelers – Highlights

We Are The Plan

This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved…

La Storia Nascosta dell’Umanità

Questo video (ideato da P. Lindsay) presenta la Storia delle origini dell’Umanità basata sull’Insegnamento esoterico portato in occidente da Blavatsky alla fine del XIX secolo.

Anthony Bourdain was exposing the Illuminati

Apicultores encontram glifosato no mel e entram na justiça contra Bayer

do site O veneno encontrado pelos apicultores é fruto do Roundup. foto: Unsplash A gigante farmacêutica Bayer está sendo processada por um grupo de apicultores franceses que dizem ter encontrado vestígios de glifosato…

6 Signs of MK-Ultra [Documentary 2018]

MK-ultra/Monarch mind-control is everywhere. From bizarre meltdowns to alter personalities and shady handlers this documentary breaks down the six signs of MK-ultra/Monarch mind-control. MK Ultra was a top secret…

Caso Amicizia – Documentario in italiano –

Il caso Amicizia. La straordinaria esperienza di contatto alieno in Italia, Uno straordinario caso Italiano di contatto alieno con gli uomini, rimasto segreto per mezzo secolo, finalmente viene alla…