Categoria: VideoDoc

Arthur Firstenberg – 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity

The hidden dangers of wireless & cell phone radiation.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the Coronavirus – Electromagnetic fields create something inside us…

Legendado en Portugues but also with English subtitles of YT Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Shot at the…

Intervista al dottor Francesco Oliviero – Conoscere un po di verità su questa falsa pandemia

Stupenda intervista in diretta radio di Marcello Pamio al dottor Francesco Oliviero, medico con specializzato in psichiatria e pneumologia, sul tema: “Cosa sono i virus?”

La Matrix Europea

Per la prima volta in Tv si parla del Cartello finanziario che ha preso in mano le sorti del Governo italiano dall’entrata nell’euro fino al 4 Marzo 2018. I…

Deja Vu: The Swine Flu Vaccination Fraud of 1976

CBS ” 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Watch this video…

Cosa si nasconde dietro il misterioso Sator Arepo?

Che cos’è il Sator Arepo? Dove venne scoperto? Esiste una correlazione tra il Quadrato Sator Arepo e il Quadrato Magico a 5 colonne? Tutto questo e non solo nel…

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology

Static Cymatics and Tartarian Technology Hidden in Plain sight is the best way to hide the truth. In this episode, we take a look at static cymatics, frozen frequencies…

What the Heck is This

Intorno a noi molti cominciano a vedere con altro occhio alle nostre montagne e rocce e pietre, sembra che siamo pieni di organi pietrificati sia piccoli che giganteschi.

L’influenza cinese in un filmato dell’Istituto Luce

In due minuti un film in bianco e nero del 1970 ci fa vedere le nostre stesse paure di oggi con il Coronavirus

IL RE DEI VELENI (coronavirus)


Intorno a noi molti cominciano a vedere con altro occhio alle nostre montagne e rocce e pietre, a come si sono formate e cosa rappresentano.



Climbing the highest peak in Portugal! SV Delos Ep.254

Faial is really starting to stand up to the beauty we experienced in Flores! In this episode we learn a bit about how the Azores were formed from volcanic…


We cover the recent deforestation of Ireland and Britain and the effect that this had on magic. The trees inspired us in many ways through spirit, music, and wisdom….


Just like the title says! There will be brief update on the channel and then an interview recorded this week with Sean from SGTReport. Enjoy!

Our New World is the Old World

I study what is found on earth that relates to the written words of long ago. Herodotus and Hesiod and Ovid are the ones closest to the sources and…

Giants in Stone Exactly as Ovid Said

Ovid was a great historian around Ceasars time…he wrote the true recorded histories we call “Myth” and it is an Epic. Ovid said not even God could overturn his…

Q&A with Drunvalo: Episode 1 and more & sponsor Episode 8 Live Q&A with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Originally aired on Wednesday December 11th at 8:00 am Members of the School of Remembering™ participated in a one on one…

David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (Pete Peterson’s Final Interview)

The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology. The Air Force announced on December 6th that “Secret Space Programs” will be declassified in…

ISS Hair Spray

Narration by Mark Sargent from his book “Flat Earth Clues – End of the World,” Chapter 5. You can listen to the entire book here – Original NASA Videos…

ASCOLTATE!! l’intervento di Godfrey Bloom al parlamento europeo

Articolo AGGIORNAMENTO: E’ di nuovo in linea su un altro canale! Link di YT non più disponibile causa chiusura del canale. Disponibile nella sezione privata. Parlamento Europeo, Strasburgo, 21…

Helical Hearts – Petrified Organs – Synchronicities

In this video I share some exciting new discoveries regarding the petrified heart stones, with connections to the discoveries of Viktor Shauberger and Francisco Torrent Guasp. Synchronicities abound!

The Helical Heart

Una piccola estratto del documentario vincitore degli “International Health and Medical Media Awards” come miglior film dell’anno. Questo video rafforza la tesi di Francisco Torrent-Guasp sull’anatomia del cuore.

Magnetic Field of Earth

Useful for CBSE, ICSE, NCERT & International Students Grade : 10 Subject :Physics Lesson :Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Topic: Magnetic Field of Earth Definition of Earth’s Magnetic Field….

The Truth about Coffee