Introducing A NEW WORLD Free from financial slavery – UBUNTU & Contributionism by Michael Tellinger

CORRECTION: I am aware that Wolfgang Goethe was a German – I accidentally call him Austrian in this presentation – for some reason I was contemplating the Austro-Hungarian empire while in the flow of thought – while talking about him. It is quite a job to re-edit this whole thing for that one oversight – so let’s live with it knowing Wolfgang Goethe was a German.


To all UBUNTU Supporters.

There has never been a time like the present, while most of the people of the world are quarantined in our homes, to embrace the ONE SMALL TOWN plan of action and liberate us all from economic slavery. This time has given us and unexpected opportunity to spend with our families and loved ones – to realize how our lives have been ripped apart by WORK and JOBS and CAREERS and COMMERCE. Not because we love it – but because we have to do it to survive.This situation has also highlighted that no matter how much money you have, it will not keep you alive. Many people are finally realizing that money does nothing – PEOPLE DO EVERYTHING. People grow the food, build the bridges, invent technology, write the songs, and everything else we do day to day. Money remains a constant hurdle between people and their desire to do great things, to invent, to create, and to live beautiful lives. It remains the most effective tool of enslavement and a constant hurdle to progress in most of our lives.The ONE SMALL TOWN (OST) plan has evolved since 2005 to present a simple solution for people everywhere to overcome this hurdle – to unite and to use the TOOLS OF ENSLAVEMENT as TOOLS OF LIBERATION – without any violence, opposition or conflict. The foundation of the OST plan, is the supply of electricity to unite people and a platform to launch many community owned projects or businesses.

NEW ELECTRICITY GENERATORS. For 12 years I have worked with many brilliant minds, scientists and inventors – and many models of electric generators, to arrive at this point. We now have the technology we have been looking for, for so long. From 100 KW to many Mega Watts. Our generators are ready to go to manufacture to be delivered to the first Mayor who wants to implement the One Small Town strategy. If we had the funds – we would manufacture the generators ourselves – but as always, money becomes the hurdle to progress. CALLING CONSCIOUS MILLIONAIRES

This is an unprecedented opportunity for conscious millionaires and investors to become part of this historic event to truly change the world. The investors will not only make a good secure profit – but they will help create a world of peace, abundance and prosperity for themselves, their communities and their children. The first Mayor who takes this journey with us, will create an unstoppable domino effect around the world, through all countries and across all borders. We are ready to set up manufacturing of generators anywhere necessary.We require 30 Million US Dollars for setting up the manufacturing plant and to supply the first several Mega Watt generators. Returns will be guaranteed based on PPA agreements – Power Purchase Agreements. CONTACT details: Only serious investors please: contact@ubuntuplanet.orgPlease read the Letter to the Mayor and OST Manifesto on our website here: trust that we are closer to success that ever before.

In unity Michael Tellinger

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