Tag: Dis
Tartaria clues PT.1 mudflood/hidden realm clues through pictures
#tartar#tartary#tartarian#mudflood#reset#tartaria#tartarclues#tartaryclues#tartarianclues#mudfloodclues#resetclues#tartariaclues#tartarHD#tartaryHD#tartarianHD#mudfloodHD#resetHD#tartariacluesHD In this followup live stream we’ll continue the discussion about Mud Floods and the Tartarian Empire with Richards Lopez and Martin Liedtke.
The Tartarian Empire, Mud Floods, & Hidden History (Pt.1)
On this podcast I’ll be joined by Richard Lopez. Richard has been heading into the research concerning the Tartarian empire, Mud Floods, and our hidden history. We will be…
The Netherlands’ Forgotten History: the Parasitic Takeover | Holland and Tartaria
Original video by Age of Disclosure (banned): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSNG… From ancient palaces in the Golden Age to the Dutch Central Bank, what exactly happened to the old architecture and why were…
Mirrored and Remixed video from Age of Disclosure channel (closed)!
The Great Tartaria on Connecting The Dots #Mudflood #Tartaria – Carrellata geniale!
Philipp and Richard discuss The Great Tartaria, & Mud Floods on Connecting The Dots.
Flat Earth British Talks Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria on Connecting The Dots
Join Richard Lopez, Martin Liedtke and Philipp Druzhinin on this episode of Connecting The Dots. We’ll be discussing Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria.
Una Terra dannatamente piatta
Articolo da ExtraPedia Roberto Morini (fisico nucleare e filosofo) 15 dicembre 2018 Il titolo riprende l’esclamazione che ha chiuso l’indagine dei geografi dell’Università del Kansas, pubblicata sul Geographical Review (Rivista dell’American Geographical…
David Wilcock with Graham Hancock: The Secret Origin of Humanity
Join David Wilcock in this classic interview with legendary scholar Graham Hancock, author of “Fingerprints of the Gods.” Our conventional model for dating the origin of human civilization assumes…
David Wilcock | Financial Tyranny on Russian TV, Pt. 1 & 2: Jan. 16 & 30, 2013
Did the Federal Reserve bankers secretly finance both sides of World War I and II — to rob central banks, and steal their gold, on a worldwide basis? Did…
TERRA PIATTA. Il vero nome del mondo
#terrapiatta Il Documentario italiano che smonta punto per punto il modello TERRA SFERICA e mostra tutti gli elementi utili a comprendere il paradigma TERRA PIATTA. Ogni legge scientifica può essere…
David Wilcock: Cabal Defeat is Looming (Russian Mainstream TV Show!)
21 million people in Russia and neighboring countries watched REN-TV reveal the imminent defeat of the New World Order in this stunning expose’ with David Wilcock. This three-hour 8PM…
Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica
Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis Maps of the World & Antarctica ☾✫☾✫☾✫☾✫ في سنة 1929 اكتشف احد المؤرخين خريطة . والتي كانت رسمت على قطعة من جلد غزال…
Il Significato Esoterico di Come Sopra Così Sotto
Dal sito https://www.disclosurenews.it/il-sign… Musica di Jonny Easton Soft Piano Music – Royalty Free – Summit https://youtu.be/ZH5B_C8r9Dk
ET & High Density Being Communications – Above Majestic – Corey Goode & Roger Richards
Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads…
Jaen Nieto Amat – As caminhadas/escolhas na vida
A universalidade do ser é uma constante nos dias que correm… A diversidade dos meios de transporte, de trabalho, estudo, lazer é/são cada vez mais uma oferta constante em…
David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Emery Smith at Dimensions of Disclosure
#davidwilcock#coreygoode#emerysmith Dimensions of Disclosure talk with David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Time travel, alien races, ascension, telepathy and more. Sign in to stay in touch with David at http://dwilcock.com
Storia di Mac OS (Mac OS History)
da Storia Informatica Mac OS è stato il primo sistema operativo di successo ad incorporare un’interfaccia grafica. Ma, a differenza di quanto si è portati a credere, l’OS della…
The Church’s Dark Secret: The Hidden Truth behind Child Abuse
A Pennsylvania grand jury revealed that a succession of hundreds of Catholic priests abused thousands of children, the abuse went on for decades. Now, thousands of Catholic’s are now…
Mondi solo ai Poli, non “Oltre i Poli”
Articolo da ExtraPedia Roberto Morini (fisico nucleare e filosofo)09 giugno 2018 La parte del titolo, tra virgolette, si rifà al libro di A.F. Giannini “Worlds Beyond the Poles“, di…
Caso Amicizia – Documentario in italiano –
Il caso Amicizia. La straordinaria esperienza di contatto alieno in Italia, Uno straordinario caso Italiano di contatto alieno con gli uomini, rimasto segreto per mezzo secolo, finalmente viene alla…
Sign up for the entire series at https://www.secretspaceprogram.com Insider and classified scientist comes forward in the movement for Disclosure. Emery talks D.U.M.B, ET’s working alongside government contractors, ET DNA…
da UnUniverso traduzione dal sito di Nick Polizzi Nel video che qui traduco, Graham Hancock spiega come ci stanno mancando delle informazioni importantissime sul nostro passato, soprattutto relative all’epoca intorno…
We Are Living In The Matrix” Elon Musk & Philip K Dick
Tesla founder Elon Musk and author Philip K Dick discuss simulated reality theory, the idea that we live in a computer generated simulation similar to the “Matrix”.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
http://www.versoilsole.it – ….è un documentario che rivela il tratto di una delle più straordinarie ed affascinanti donne dei tempi moderni, la mistica russa del diciannovesimo secolo, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky….
A Stranger’s Guide to Flat Earth | 21 Questions and Answers (Proving The Earth Is Flat) ▶️️
A Strangers Guide to the Flat Earth | A comprehensive beginners course that thoroughly explains the answers to 21 of the most frequently asked questions about Flat Earth. Journey…
Humans from the Future, Timeline Wars, Aliens, Consciousness & Ascension
Anshar, Time Travel and Inner Earth. This presentation was given October 28th 2017 Empowered Light Hollistic Expo http://www.empoweredlight.com Go to—-https://www.BlueAvians.com for free Cosmic Disclosure Episodes with Corey Goode