Tag: Tar
David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
Join David in this epic two-hour tour-de-force of highly classified insider information revealing the true multi-million-year cosmic history of our solar system. A battle rages on between the forces…
The Montauk Chronicles with Christopher Garetano
Montauk Chronicles is the story of three men who claim that between 1971 and 1983 secret experiments were conducted deep beneath the surface of the Camp Hero Air Force…
Tartaria clues PT.1 mudflood/hidden realm clues through pictures
#tartar#tartary#tartarian#mudflood#reset#tartaria#tartarclues#tartaryclues#tartarianclues#mudfloodclues#resetclues#tartariaclues#tartarHD#tartaryHD#tartarianHD#mudfloodHD#resetHD#tartariacluesHD In this followup live stream we’ll continue the discussion about Mud Floods and the Tartarian Empire with Richards Lopez and Martin Liedtke.
The Tartarian Empire, Mud Floods, & Hidden History (Pt.1)
On this podcast I’ll be joined by Richard Lopez. Richard has been heading into the research concerning the Tartarian empire, Mud Floods, and our hidden history. We will be…
GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Flood, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla
GLOBAL MANDELA EFFECT: Mud Food, Tartaria & Nikola Tesla inventions. This episode takes a close look at what the Mandela effect is, and could it be responsible for a…
End of Great Tartaria
A video about The End of Great Tartaria the beginning of western civilization. When does our timeline really begin? Who were the Tartars?
Tartaria: The Largest Country Hidden By Fake History
Tatar tribe and Tatar invasion were taught in school, but the Tartarian empire as an official country wasn’t. The largest country was hidden by fake history. The false historical…
Tartarian Empire – Covered Up By People & Mud #Mudflood
The Tartarian Empire was the biggest Empire in the history of Empires. What happen to Tartaria and why haven’t we been told about this history? Is this a massive…
The Great Tartaria on Connecting The Dots #Mudflood #Tartaria – Carrellata geniale!
Philipp and Richard discuss The Great Tartaria, & Mud Floods on Connecting The Dots.
Tartary – An Anunnaki Empire Hidden In History.
Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a historical region in Asia located between the Caspian Sea-Ural Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Tartary was a blanket…
Decimation of the Aryans. (Metaphysics of WW2)
A look into the reduction of the Aryans over the past century. Beginning with the Iranian genocide of 1917, World War 2, the Tibetan genocide and now the gearing…
Copenhagen – Tartaria, la nazione che hanno cancellato
Sapevi che Copenaghen ha migliaia di edifici antichi tartarici e fortezze stellari multiple all’interno di forti stellari? Vieni con noi in un tour magico della nostra città nell’alluvione di…
Tartarian Brick – #Tartaria #Mudflood – Carrellata geniale
Join Richard and Philipp on another episode of Connecting The Dots. Come to find out that the Tartarians was a world wide civilization and a Empire that stretched out…
Flat Earth British Talks Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria on Connecting The Dots
Join Richard Lopez, Martin Liedtke and Philipp Druzhinin on this episode of Connecting The Dots. We’ll be discussing Mud Flood, Giants & Tartaria.
US Secret Spacecraft? NASA, Alien UFO or Early Space Force? Photo Analysis
Historic photo of Secret Space Program vessel? Is this a real photo of the early Secret Space Program? we wanted to get this to the public ASAP. This image…
La luce nel cielo – Intervista a John Bradbury
Dal canale THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE https://youtu.be/CTbTagqObgAhttps://youtu.be/kAkCE1iHOWshttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?act… Musica Jonny Easton Emotional Piano Music – Royalty Free – Flow of Life https://youtu.be/dioI567ieEw
“The Video The Internet Doesn’t Want You To See!” David Wilcock and Corey Goode (2018-2019)
The Exclusive Interview, and Behind The Movie Above Majestic! David Wilcock And Corey Goode Share Mind Blowing Information On Thirdphaseofmoon In Regards To the Movie Above Majestic! Subscribe Thirdphaseofmoon https://goo.gl/Qk3g4X UFO…
Una Terra dannatamente piatta
Articolo da ExtraPedia Roberto Morini (fisico nucleare e filosofo) 15 dicembre 2018 Il titolo riprende l’esclamazione che ha chiuso l’indagine dei geografi dell’Università del Kansas, pubblicata sul Geographical Review (Rivista dell’American Geographical…
La storia è una menzogna, noi siamo stati strutturati
Dal canale di Max Igan “thecrowhouse” https://youtu.be/CxDv0_BQxSk Trovatelli e il treno degli orfani https://youtu.be/Q7EBjWYQBlo Sito russo dei caminetti per energia gratis https://tech-dancer.livejournal.com/1… Le antiche svastiche dimenticate https://youtu.be/P9kiRmv6Gvc
Il Significato Esoterico di Come Sopra Così Sotto
Dal sito https://www.disclosurenews.it/il-sign… Musica di Jonny Easton Soft Piano Music – Royalty Free – Summit https://youtu.be/ZH5B_C8r9Dk
Esposta la cospirazione gesuita
Dal canale di Jeorge Guerra https://youtu.be/qPQrJ1lHINM Link per scaricare i libri https://drive.google.com/drive/folder… Link alternativo https://hubic.com/home/pub/?ruid=aHR0…
Mineral Planet
da ExtraPedia Aristotele, il famoso filosofo e scienziato greco vissuto nel IV secolo a.C., spiegava che le rocce erano create dalla luce del Sole e delle stelle. In particolare,…
David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Emery Smith at Dimensions of Disclosure
#davidwilcock#coreygoode#emerysmith Dimensions of Disclosure talk with David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Time travel, alien races, ascension, telepathy and more. Sign in to stay in touch with David at http://dwilcock.com
Storia di Mac OS (Mac OS History)
da Storia Informatica Mac OS è stato il primo sistema operativo di successo ad incorporare un’interfaccia grafica. Ma, a differenza di quanto si è portati a credere, l’OS della…
Storia di Mac OS (Mac OS History)
da Storia Informatica MAC OS HISTORY Storia di Mac OS (Mac OS History) Mac OS è stato il… System 1 System Software Release System Version Release Date Finder… System…
Mondi solo ai Poli, non “Oltre i Poli”
Articolo da ExtraPedia Roberto Morini (fisico nucleare e filosofo)09 giugno 2018 La parte del titolo, tra virgolette, si rifà al libro di A.F. Giannini “Worlds Beyond the Poles“, di…