Tag: WHO

Libra: Facebook vuole controllare i tuoi soldi

Tony Cartalucci  Sa Defenza  Libra diventerà la valuta digitale globaleUtilizzato da Facebook (e supportato da alcune delle più grandi banche e società sulla Terra) per riaffermare il dominio occidentale sull’economia…

Our New World is the Old World

I study what is found on earth that relates to the written words of long ago. Herodotus and Hesiod and Ovid are the ones closest to the sources and…

Q&A with Drunvalo: Episode 1 and more

http://theschoolofremembering.net & http://www.humicin.com sponsor Episode 8 Live Q&A with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Originally aired on Wednesday December 11th at 8:00 am Members of the School of Remembering™ participated in a one on one…

Chi è Papa Francesco? Jorge Mario Bergoglio e la “Guerra sporca” dell’Argentina

Michel ChossudovskyGlobal ResearchSa Defenza  Dall’inizio del suo mandato vaticano nel marzo 2013 fino alle recenti rivelazioni di scandali sessuali all’inizio del 2018, Papa Francesco è stato ritratto dai media occidentali e…

David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (Pete Peterson’s Final Interview)

The US Navy has now officially declassified operable patents for anti-gravity and free-energy technology. The Air Force announced on December 6th that “Secret Space Programs” will be declassified in…

Regulations.gov  –

Please do not reply to this message. This email is from a notification only address that cannot accept incoming email. Your comment was submitted successfully! Comment Tracking Number: 1k3-9dlz-xj2o Your…

1796 Inside Russia’s Foundling Empire | UAP

Who is UAP? UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious……

The Secret of Secrets, Untold True History of Humanity

The secret of secrets, the true story of everything, all there exists from the beginning of time until now. Listen, human, you are the most supreme creation of the…

Water Vortex Experiments You can do at home | Brief follow Up

Water Vortex Experiments You can do at home | Brief follow Up In this short episode, I cover some ideas just to help those who wish to follow up…


Hypothesis is a flat Earth themed rap track off Eric Dubay and Seth Davis’ upcoming album: Lyrics: Ohhh, how’d you figure that out? Traveled there, measured it, touched it,…

The Cosmic Secret | Official Trailer

Who are we? Why are we here? What is our destiny? Best Selling Author and Renowned Researcher David Wilcock brings together a vast and eclectic knowledge base to present…

Tentata diffamazione dei media mainstream di Trump su rivelazioni dall’Ucraina che si trasforma in un enorme autorete della corruzione di Joe Biden

JD HeyesNatural News Sa Defenza  Ancora una volta, i cosiddetti “media mainstream” stanno facendo più danni al partito politico con cui si allineano e cercano   come sempre di proteggere –…

Hidden History by thecrowhouse

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will…


Moon Landing Fraud in 3 Minutes https://youtu.be/fMcpKJ18nmo Politicians are so hated, with an approval rating of only about 15% by the very people who elected them, because they do not do…

What Do You Believe? di Eric Dubay

What Do You Believe is a Hip-Hop/Rap song from Eric Dubay and Seth Davis’ upcoming album exposing belief, NASA, the globe and literalist Christianity. Lyrics: Gravitation is a theory,…

Ancient Hindu Temple Found in Colombia? San Agustin Archaeological Site

Hey guys, today I am going to show you a mysterious ancient site in a city called San Agustin in the country of Colombia, which is in South America….

Evolution and Dinosaurs Debunked. di Eric Dubay

Do you believe that your father was an ape, your grand-father was a reptile, and your great grand-father was an explosion? For those who don’t believe such pseudo-scientific non-sense…

Brainwashed Since Birth, di Eric Dubay

Lyrics Intro Skit : (Billy Running upstairs to office) Thank god I found you, there seems to be a problem with JX and ED They seem to be collaborating…

David Wilcock 24 ft Tall Beings Might Have Recently Reawakened

COAST TO COAST AM – ORIGINAL SHOW DATE – 2015/02/25 The aliens that built these rooms, along with a massive ring-like project around Saturn, were descendants of a prison…

Ancient Temple Shows Cell Phone & Wrist Watch? Built with Psychic Powers?

Hey guys, today we are going to see an ancient Hindu temple, which is truly unforgettable. Even if you try to forget it, it will be impossible for you…

The Royals: Royal Family Secrets Revealed [Full Documentary]

The Royal Family is up to more than you think. Sex-scandals, Diana-murder, hidden past and more! Where does their money come from? Who really makes the family rules? Find…

Portraits of the Caribbean ☠️ Part 1 – 1692-1867 | UAP

They’re trying to make it seem like Captain Morgan’s Port Royale was erased off the face of the Earth by divine intervention. Let the UAP Channel, me & my…

Jamaican Fake History Mon | UAP

They’re trying to make it seem like Jamaica ???????? wasn’t where Giant, civilized native Americans already existed. Maybe so we don’t ask what happened to them. Who is UAP?…

PRE-Mud Flood: Tartaria Tech Uncovered. Did Tesla know?

PRE-Mud Flood: Tartaria Tech Uncovered. Did aTesla know? As you can see by the image at the start, this upload shares some amazing images located after extensive digging on…

Secret Egypt; The Grand Canyon Discoveries, Denial and 33 Deceptions

Secret Egypt; The Grand Canyon Discoveries, Denial and 33 Deceptions In this week’s explosive episode I cover the reported discoveries made in 1909 of Egyptian artifacts, underground tunnels, and…

North Pole SECRETS and MYSTERIES Revealed; The Whirlpool Entrance To The Inner World

North Pole Secrets and Mysteries Revealed; The Whirlpool Entrance to the Inner World; Science pitched against itself In this week’s video, while many eyes are looking to the South,…